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WO-S fails to take advantage of talent..OL Article


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You are right 77, or maybe make a career change and do it yourself.  Tell me this, What should they run this week.  It is easy to sit back and say what should have been done.  If it was that easy, There would have been alot more state championships in Orange county than 2.  What should he run.  Not just throw the ball deep.  Give me the routes.  Give me the run plays.  Not just run outside.  Like I have said before, I do not know the ins and outs of the game.  It seems to me that Donovan McNabb is not Donovan McNabb without TO.  Funny how Daunte Culpepper became a terrible QB when Randy Moss left.  I have seen them hand the ball to Gholston (#9)  sorry about the spelling.  He does look fast.  I wonder if he has a hard time catching the ball.  Franks?  I wish I could see his brothers in the 10th grade?  Were they superstars then, or were they surrounded by stars and overshadowed.  #6? what star talent do you see in him.  I saw him catch the ball in LCM.  Great.  I have also seen him drop more balls than he has caught in the 2 weeks that I have seen him. #18 catches everything in sight.  He seems to be their go to guy.  He is not Earl or Franks or Beasley though.  I saw him playing defense alot.  I wonder if he is tired or is not really that fast.  Short passes to the sideline?  I had a coach when I was in high school up in teh metroplex to say, to take what they give you.  I think that is what they were trying to do.  Yes I am saying that #24 is not as good without that surrounding cast.  If a great running back can carry a team, why did Walter Payton need that great defense.  Why did Emmitt need Troy and Michael.  Why did Earl Campbell never win a title?  If a great running back can do it on his own.  Yes he is good,  But defenses know what is out there and I think they key on the best player.  My college OC did not throwing across the middle with a young qb because they get excited and let the ball fly high.  A high ball across the middle normally means bad things.I wonder if this is what they are thinking by not letting the qb utilize the middle of the field.  I am not defending him.  I just know that Mistakes are made.  It seems if WOS does not win the whole thing then the year is a failure.  You are telling me that there have been failing years dating all the way back to 1988?

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Nobody is saying that Dpg is the whole team...of course not. He is their most dangerous player though so all I'm saying is move him around a little to keep the defense guessing. Line him up at wide out and have his little brother in the backfield sometimes. You have to be unpredictable and we have become very predictable. No... not getting a state championship isn't a failure, but losing games that you shouldn't because your afraid that you don't have the personell and playing overly conservative will only spell failure for your team. Go all out in the pre-district and let your guys make their mistakes so they don't make them in district and so that they are use to running several different plays. It's really bad when people in the stands are calling out what play is about to be ran just from seeing how the players are lining up. If we can do that, most who don't even know plays, but know what is about to happen and it happens, then how easy is it for the opposing teams and coaches? predictable...you can't be that.

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Are you kidding me cardfan?  We complain about the oc daily, weekly, yearly, and especially when we scored only six points against lcm.  I was at the game, and the only thing that was working, the full backfield, we stopped running once we got in the red zone.  It is almost like we try not to score points when we get into the red zone.  For example on the one yard line RUN THE QB SNEAK!!!  As for the people that are posting against the facts that are being pointed out, why are you so defensive?  Fact is we ran 70 plays against bay city, and had 12 points.  Fact is we had first and goal on the one yard line against ozen in 02 and never ran a sneak(6'5" QB) and came away with no points.  Fact is in 06 we had first and goal AGAIN on the one yard and never ran the sneak, and we AGAIN came away with nothing.  Fact is we were getting five and six yards a play in the full house backfield against lcm, and changed formations.  Fact is maybe not the majority, but definately a large number of the true mustang fans are tired of the same mistakes by the same oc year in and year out.  I have definately never put the blame solely on one guy.  My point is always been that compared to the oc's we have had in the past, he does not measure up.  Especially in the playoffs, or that is when we have even made the playoffs since he has been calling plays.  ANOTHER FACT!!!  Don't get mad at the truth!!!

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I wasnt aware that this was a WOS message board tam2121! and you are right people have a right to voice their opinions. Starks problems are from enrollment not coaching.

Yes enrollment is right and if you look at the school down the street, you'll see where they went. I know a few personally and they made it clear why they left.

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The WO-S so-called "faithful" make me sick.  You sit here and hammer a man on a public forum and hide behind a screen name.  Or you go home after a game and think about something that "may" have worked and then a couple of days after the fact you decide to write something up and publish it in the local paper.  I can't believe the OL would publish this garbage.  This is HIGH SCHOOL football where 15-18 year kids are playing, not College or Pro.  You hammer a man that has devoted everything he has to that program.  A man that truely cares for the kids at WO-S.  Since he has been there, WO-S has won 80% of the games he has coached and you say that is not good enough.  Like other people have said, go get your degree and become a coach and take his position.  Now consider that you must leave your house around 6:30 every morning, teach class all day and then coach football and not get home until around 9:30 every night 7 days a week, all for not alot of money.  It is really easy for you to sit there in the bleachers and watch a game and call plays after the fact.  You want to blame a man for "destroying" a program, I think it is YOU that is destroying a program!  The players get on these boards and read this stuff, and what do you think that does for their confidence in their coach when all you "adults" do is bang on this guy?  The one thing I hope the WO-S players don't do is let outside forces tear down what they have worked so hard for!

I coached at WO-S from 1998-2005 with Coach Hooks, Coach T, both Coach Foremans, Coach Crouch, Coach Dyer, Coach Ragsdale and several others and they are ALL dedicated to doing what is best for the students at WO-S.  I've seen first hand the extra things these coaches do to make sure the kids at WO-S have every opportunity to succeed not only in athletics but in life in general and I think WO-S is extremely fortunate to have all these men representing them.

Stephen Westbrook

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Bottom line you make the choice

#24 is the biggest threat on this team.

Who would you take #24 or Earl

Who would you take #24 or Franks @ A&M

Who would you take #24 or Franks @ Texas Tech

Who would you take #24 or Beasley

Let's see, Will Texas Tech, Texas, LSU, or A&M be beating the door down for #24?  If he is the best that they have, then what does that say about the rest of the team.  He is good but he is not what you guys are used to.  Instead of trying to reinvent the wheel, why not just get good at what you do.  besides one run. he would have averaged about 2 yds a carry

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Very simple solution to a crappy OC....fire Hooks.   Doubt the community would be very happy about it though.

As Long as Coach Thompson is there...I think most fans would be okay. Everybody knows that he is the backbone of our team and has always been. Look at what we looked like when he was gone.

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My only problem has always been our predictability on offense. I was never going to call for somebodies job. I don't think people are so upset about losiing cause anybody would have to be crazy to think you will go every year and not lose a game...that's unrealistic. I think most of the frustration comes from how we keep losing, it seems it has become repetative, with the same questionable calls. Your right, it's over, our offense will get better and we will light up the scoreboard in district.

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My only problem has always been our predictability on offense. I was never going to call for somebodies job. I don't think people are so upset about losiing cause anybody would have to be crazy to think you will go every year and not lose a game...that's unrealistic. I think most of the frustration comes from how we keep losing, it seems it has become repetative, with the same questionable calls. Your right, it's over, our offense will get better and we will light up the scoreboard in district.

I think you go into a game with a plan.  The plan consists of certain plays.  It is funny how the nfl and college coaches have a sheet in their hands to call plays from.  I saw WOS coaches have a sheet in their hands also.  I know you can not go into a game with every play in the world and expect to be good at anything.  You people want them to run the option, spread, I, Wishbone,  wing T.  When the option does not work go to the I. When the I does not work go to the spread.  What next?  LOL

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