Bucster Posted September 19, 2007 Report Posted September 19, 2007 I don't want a hurricane to strike anywhere but if it's inevitable I proudly adhere to the "better ye than me" philosophy! ;D
Guest Eagle73 Posted September 19, 2007 Report Posted September 19, 2007 On 9/19/2007 at 9:08 PM, Ned11str8 said: Grammar Nazi (mockingly, grammer natzee; alternatively capitalized and uncapitalized), spelling Nazi, and language Nazi are all terms used to describe a participant in a discussion (usually online) who criticizes or habitually corrects the language usage of another participant. Such a person is often accused of flaming as a result of finding fault with minor details of other participants' messages and often only in opinions with which the accused grammar Nazi disagrees. Participants in these discussions often end up taking opposite sides in a prescription versus description debate, without realizing it.The many exceptions and intricacies of the English language can present a problem for even the most experienced user. This, combined with the frequency of typographical errors caused by the desire to post quickly on instant messengers, often makes it very easy to find an error in a message with which to find fault. In other languages, if spelling is not an issue, moods, agreement, diacritics, and tenses provide an ample supply of possibilities for misunderstanding and argument.Grammar Nazis can sometimes focus solely on the stylistic manner by which an issue comes across, which is viewed at times as an ad hominem attack, but grammar Nazis retort that grammatical and spelling errors and stylistic flaws may make an argument hard to follow, making various people (whether or not they are actually grammar Nazis) want to correct the flaws, and then, after they have sorted out what the substance of the argument in question is, dive into the debate itself.Uhhhh What? ???
Ned11str8 Posted September 19, 2007 Report Posted September 19, 2007 If you don't get it then you never will!!
adminbaberuth Posted September 19, 2007 Report Posted September 19, 2007 The area of low pressure crossing Florida today is expected to develop into a tropical depression by late Thursday. The developing storm is expected to strike the Gulf Coast anywhere between Mobile Bay and Port Lavaca, Texas, this weekend. This is the hidden content, please Sign In or Sign Up
KFDM COOP Posted September 19, 2007 Report Posted September 19, 2007 Recent Satellite loops and the Tampa Bay long range radar show that anon-tropical low pressure system (93L) appears to be reforming off thesouthwest coast of Florida. This is an important shift, since it brings thesurface low underneath the upper level low pressure system aloft--the samekind of situation one finds in ordinary non-tropical "cutoff lows". This isan unusual event in September over the Gulf of Mexico, and is good news forthose potentially living in the path of 93L. A surface low pressure systemvertically aligned with a cold-cored upper level low will usually take a dayor two to make the transition to a warm-cored tropical storm. During thiskind of transition, rapid strengthening is rare, and the chances of 93L everreaching hurricane strength now appear dim. The latest (12Z, 8am EDT)intensity forecasts from the GFDL and HWRF computer models keep keep 93Lbelow hurricane strength, as does the 18Z (2pm EDT) SHIPS intensity model.The HWRF model indicates that 93L will come ashore at tropical depressionstrength, and this is entirely possible.The forecast tracks from the latest cycle of model runs all show a landfallbetween central Louisiana and Pensacola, Florida on Saturday morning. Theexceptions are the NOGAPS and ECMWF models, which show a Sunday morninglandfall near the Texas/Louisiana border.
tvc184 Posted September 19, 2007 Report Posted September 19, 2007 On 9/19/2007 at 9:28 PM, Ned11str8 said: If you don't get it then you never will!!Hey Ned, read it again. I only changed his words from "us" to hitting "anyone". You have to read his original post to realize that. You are reading something into it that is not there. I don't play spelling Nazi. It would take up too much of my time but I have a great photo that you can copy if you want to continue to play one.
Ned11str8 Posted September 19, 2007 Report Posted September 19, 2007 On 9/19/2007 at 9:28 PM, Ned11str8 said: If you don't get it then you never will!!This wasn't directed toward you tvc. Thinks far the pikture tho, I lics it alot. ;D ;D
Guest ndn09 Posted September 20, 2007 Report Posted September 20, 2007 Hey I don't think it will hit us but u won't know until it hits the Gulf of Mexico this week.
tvc184 Posted September 20, 2007 Report Posted September 20, 2007 On 9/19/2007 at 11:38 PM, Ned11str8 said: This wasn't directed toward you tvc. Thinks far the pikture tho, I lics it alot. ;D ;DOkay, my apologies. Here is another:
Guest ndn09 Posted September 20, 2007 Report Posted September 20, 2007 Man I juss hope we don't get hit with this one again.
Guest WeedBegone Posted September 20, 2007 Report Posted September 20, 2007 On 9/19/2007 at 5:47 AM, KFDM COOP said: Lord who knows. Keeping you clowns in line i guess. Hey Coop--did you call? This thread illistrates another reason for being a member of SETX.com While eaves dropping on the football gossip, I can now ride on the elevator tomorrow and say----Well Cooper said........that is if you dont mind me dropping your name....
EAGLE07 Posted September 20, 2007 Report Posted September 20, 2007 TC184...Obviously,,I need to upgrade my computer skills... Great picture...Seriously, I'm in need of someone who can edit DVD's (4) into a highlight video. I made a stab at it....my true persona came out...IMPATIENCE.. I'll pay market rate....I think. Any takers or leads, please pm me.Thanks.
Guest FPHS 78 Posted September 20, 2007 Report Posted September 20, 2007 just out of curiosity...... ???where did NOGAPS, ECMWF, GFDL, HWRF...whoever.......where did they predict Rita going?
KFDM COOP Posted September 20, 2007 Report Posted September 20, 2007 Freeport. Then when the plane flew out and got data from surrounding environment models quickly moved up the coast.
shorttexas1 Posted September 20, 2007 Report Posted September 20, 2007 Right now it is not even a tropical depression!! SO let's stop calling it a hurricane! I don't want it here but it may not have a chance to develop into anything more that a CAT 1.
Guest FPHS 78 Posted September 20, 2007 Report Posted September 20, 2007 didnt call it anything, i was just wondering where rita was "supposed" to land
Michael_Myers Posted September 20, 2007 Report Posted September 20, 2007 And it could be worse than a Category 1. Just know the entire Gulf Coast needs to be on watch and someone is going to have to deal with "Jerry" and it's not going to be any fun.
EAGLE07 Posted September 20, 2007 Report Posted September 20, 2007 Hey, COOP.....The Heat is playing in Lufkin this weekend......Can you keep "it" out of East Texas...at least until Monday ? ;)
Michael_Myers Posted September 20, 2007 Report Posted September 20, 2007 Bring your mudders and just run the football. Case closed.
KFDM COOP Posted September 20, 2007 Report Posted September 20, 2007 On 9/20/2007 at 5:49 AM, EAGLE07 said: Hey, COOP.....The Heat is playing in Lufkin this weekend......Can you keep "it" out of East Texas...at least until Monday ? ;) I'll try.
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