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kvillballa, grizz, lsufan

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thanks and jasper had some good defensive skills that shocked me especially in the first of the game and the 2 quarter..great game to both teams..the REFS SUCKED!!

now cats, lets see wat will happen this fri...honestlly i really have no clue...its gonna be an awesome game...but im kinda thinkin kville in a close one!

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kvillballa, wos hasn't showed you nothing?  Isn't that the same thing that you said last year?  You do remember last year don't you?  That 46 to 14 whoopin you took.  Not much has changed in a year.  You are still talking and we are still winning, and not winning against average 3a schools.

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Looks like around 27 players for Kville and 43 for Jasper? I like when the small schools win...lol

me too, except when it is my Dogs doing the losing!  ;)  but Jasper only played 11 at a time.

Good luck KV against WOS.  But WOS is a special hurdle to overcome.  They just don't seem to know how to lose.

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