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which would you say is more fun and challenging? duck to me just mostly depends on accuracy. but deer your in their home territory that the live in for years and you have to out smart them in their home. but wut do you say? ???


For a challenge it is definitely deer hunting. While just killing a doe for meat is not that hard, killing a nice buck can be very difficult.

There is not a lot of challenge to killing ducks although the conditions now can be a bit tougher than 20 years ago. There are no real trophy ducks to be had. Sure you can mount them and one might be a bit prettier than another but it is hard to tell one greenhead/pintail from another once they are mounted.

Which is more fun depends on what you like to do. If you like to pull the trigger and retrieve your game, then you had better bird hunt. If sitting for many hours alone for a single shot is your pleasure, then obviously it is deer hunting.

I have done both many times and had fun on most occasions. At one time I spent way more time duck hunting. Now I only hunt deer. When I was younger I loved going into the marsh and setting up. Now, even if I was offered a hunt, I am not sure that I would go. It just doesn't have the appeal that it once did. I have had many more successful duck hunts, killing hundreds of ducks and geese. Maybe I just got burned out on it and it doesn't hold the challenge that it once did.

Both are great sports and have appeal for different reasons. My youth was filled with duck hunts and now middle age is filled with deer trips. I think that I have changed from having the need to pull the trigger many times and go out to get the game to enjoying the quiet of the woods and waiting for that one chance at a shot.


tvc - are you gonna be able to get in that trip down south this year?

Still on standby. The guy that had the spot at First Point was supposed to get that south Texas lease. He was going to hold his confirmation until he was sure that he got that lease. He still hasn't gotten back with us to say if he got the lease or not. According to him, it was a done deal, just waiting to sign on the dotted line. And I wait, and I wait.......

I already have my vacation set on those dates.


For a challenge it is definitely deer hunting. While just killing a doe for meat is not that hard, killing a nice buck can be very difficult.

There is not a lot of challenge to killing ducks although the conditions now can be a bit tougher than 20 years ago. There are no real trophy ducks to be had. Sure you can mount them and one might be a bit prettier than another but it is hard to tell one greenhead/pintail from another once they are mounted.

Which is more fun depends on what you like to do. If you like to pull the trigger and retrieve your game, then you had better bird hunt. If sitting for many hours alone for a single shot is your pleasure, then obviously it is deer hunting.

I have done both many times and had fun on most occasions. At one time I spent way more time duck hunting. Now I only hunt deer. When I was younger I loved going into the marsh and setting up. Now, even if I was offered a hunt, I am not sure that I would go. It just doesn't have the appeal that it once did. I have had many more successful duck hunts, killing hundreds of ducks and geese. Maybe I just got burned out on it and it doesn't hold the challenge that it once did.

Both are great sports and have appeal for different reasons. My youth was filled with duck hunts and now middle age is filled with deer trips. I think that I have changed from having the need to pull the trigger many times and go out to get the game to enjoying the quiet of the woods and waiting for that one chance at a shot.

TVC you need to hook me up with those old duck hunting spots if ya'll killed hundreds. I want to get burnt out.  ;D


I really like both. But it's hard to beat a good duck hunt with the comradarie of a couple of buddies in the blind. The perfect day would be watching the sun come up from the duck blind, a couple of hours of fishing around noon and a evening sitting in the deer stand thinking about what a great day its been. Man, I'm gonna have to do that soon.


TVC you need to hook me up with those old duck hunting spots if ya'll killed hundreds. I want to get burnt out.  ;D

If you would have been hunting with me from the mid 70's to the early 80's you might have been burned out.  ;D

Back in the days of the 10 bird limit, two other guys and I used to bring back 30 birds quite often.


IF we had the birds the liberal limits AND the weather we had in the late 70-80s and IF I had the endurance I had then, for me it would be the ducks without question. I too remember the days of full straps of Pintails or N Mallards depending on what you wanted that day, to me there is nothing that compares to a Greenhead dropping them orange feet, or a flock of Pintails making one last pass and then doing the 'falling leaf' into your block of deeks. I was blessed with a dad that loved to hunt and as a kid he hunted as a way of life. I have deer hunted since the age of 7 and took my first (4) off the YO @ 8y/o and I'm 54 now. I have no idea how many deer I have taken but have kept track of deer taken with a bow and hoping to break 40 this yr. I guess I'm burnt out on deer but I still enjoy  hanging on the side of a tree in my Summit waiting on a big n. In todays world all you need to have to get you a big deer IS deep pockets and IMO in the near future you'll have to have deep pockets to hunt anything. 


well i didnt think people would awnser this string but i apologize for making it seem like i ragged on duck huntin it is fun some day you just gotta shoot at somethin else than clay skeet but nothin is better for a good sized buck to walk right in to those cross hairs of mine and with the buck fever settin in its a blast so i would say buck more for me cuz of my family deer camp settin round the fire talkin bout the hunt and wakin up with everybody goin to the stand with a thermus of coffee and then recline in the old wooden rockin chair. southern heritage its a lovely blessing aint it



    It largely depends on what your passion is at the time.  For me it's ducks......Yeah it was better hunting 20 years ago prolly to the point it was too easy and spoiled people.  Now days people think that you just can't shoot a limit as often.  Which is crap........the challenge is in shooting a limit or having enough birds to fill a limit. This can be accomplished if you keep scouting and move with the birds, ditching the blinds and blending in with surrounding.  My best hunts are usually in the open bay with no blind and huddled against a log in the water. If you think it's not hard to stay on birds that decoy especiallly late in the season you don't hunt enough.  The birds aren't stupid and they learn pretty quickly every year what that big boxy thing is...........The trophies arent just a green head or a pin tail........it's a pin tail with the elusive 10" sprig and perfect black and white layover feathers.  It's a red head with a large crown of maroon and a full chest of black wirh sharp edges in color,  it's a banded mottle duck, sure they look the same as another but to shoot one in  perfect plumage is usually a chance in a lifetime.  And i love to deer hunt with the best of them........ducking has more action and harder physical work and later nights and longer days........but the challenge is the same for both in my opinion. 


  No need for appologies......it is only a matter of opinion.  There is no one right viewpoint.  WHich ever is your passion for certain reasons, and they are what drive you to excel in that area. Just stick true to them. That is what builds a respect for the different areas and will lead to the conservation efforts to preserve them.  It's good we can have a debate like this, just hope the debate can still be had 10 years from now. Look how much has changed just in the last 20. 


I hope to be in Maverick County the day after Christmas.

Should be perfect timing - strong rut between Dec 17th - 31st - I'll be down there for a couple weeks bout that time!


Fellas, I have bad attitude about work today, as I am headed for South Texas tonight.  I will be scouting Friday morning through Sunday.  I will try to take pictures of deer and other wildlife.  Look at www.loscuernos.com... they have already killed three HUGE deer.  I'll be at the Chupadera.  Have a great weekend! I'll get back with ya'll on Monday.


Fellas, I have bad attitude about work today, as I am headed for South Texas tonight.  I will be scouting Friday morning through Sunday.  I will try to take pictures of deer and other wildlife.  Look at www.loscuernos.com... they have already killed three HUGE deer.  I'll be at the Chupadera.  Have a great weekend! I'll get back with ya'll on Monday.

Well, how'd it go down there.  My guys are getting some real good deer on the game cams - including one legit 170!

  • 5 months later...

well i have hunted deer my whole life and this past year i just got into duck hunting pretty heavy...and i would say duck huntin is way more fun and enjoyable with all your friends in the duck blind....cant do that in a deer blind


well i have hunted deer my whole life and this past year i just got into duck hunting pretty heavy...and i would say duck huntin is   way more fun and enjoyable with all your friends in the duck blind....cant do that in a deer blind  

Unless that is the part you like about being in a deer blind. They are totally different kinds of hunting. One is more like fishing with a few guys in a boat, almost party time. You can talk, laugh and cut up a bit. Like fishing, there is usually a lot more action. The other is mostly peace and quiet, especially in the east Texas woods (except opening day). It's all according to what you want. When I was younger, I loved duck and goose hunting. I sure didn't want to sit still and probably not get that one shot I was looking for. I wanted to go out for a couple of hours and blast a box of shells. The fact that it could be done at live targets instead of clay pigeons was just a bonus. Been there, done that and killed hundreds of ducks and geese. A few years ago, if I didn't pull the trigger at least 20 times a hunt, I was disappointed. Now I enjoy being able to go out alone and sit in the stand and watch nature. I have a good lease so I will get my shooting in and still enjoy the sport.  Both are great sports. It just depends on what you want out of hunting.

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