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Lumberton Visits the Reservation

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COOP I knew what team I was joking at him because he is from SILSBEE  but has adopted the SVille team as his own because he wanted a winner to call his own!


You do not even know who you are talking about.

I am from Silsbee haven"t lived their in over 12 yrs

Yes Sville is my adopted team since my son plays for them now.

Stevieray played for Sville and he was the person you were referring to.

Catch a clue ;D

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Guest maverick24

Yellow jacket I was right! You are from Silsbee and now you pull for SVille I did not make anything up I knew who I was talking about. Its ok if you adopt a team other than the one you went too. I know the story remember we have had this talk. I was not bad mouthing you I have said nothing too you and on a Lumberton Thread you come on and ask if I knew your team SVille was #1. I do and dont care if I did I would be on a SVille thread chatting. No hard feelings but if you want to comment on a Lumberton thread could you make the Comment about Lumberton or the team they are playing!

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Actually...the more time I have to consider things about this game tonight....the more I tend to believe PNG will easly walk away with a victory.

Lumbertons win record and season stats are pretty out of proportion if you ask me. Theyre opponents to this point have combined for a total of what ???? 8 (eight) wins???? Thats 6 teams they have played have (if im not mistaken) 8 total wins between 'em.???? Give me a break!!! PNG's opponents to this point have combined for what???? 23-24 wins???? If im not mistaken 3 of Lumbertons opponents are 1-5??? Central and Dayton are a far far cry from the teams of last year and ALL of the big hoopla surrounding Lumberton is centered around beating a bunch of good for nothing teams and 2 questionable at best teams in Dayton and Central. If you ask me it's like watching a 22 year old beat up on some 3rd graders and saying.." Man...he whipped those kids good....he must be the toughest man in the world." Line him up against Mike Tyson and then talk to me about how "tough" he is.

Well guess what???? Lumberton is playing a real team tonight. No more hiding behind 1-5 records and weak defenses. PNG rolls with ease tonight...im sticking with my original call....PNG 35- Lumberton-14.

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