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Guest Hatchet

If you had a player arrested on thursday who did not get out till lunch on friday, would you play him?

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Guest WeedBegone

While i agree with CChange-- i have learned as i have aged to never say never.  If he was with the wrong crowd or hanging in an area that invited trouble---Yes-he's gone and perhaps for good.  Dont even need to wait to see if he is guilty.

But if the incident has lots of unanswered questions, and the player seems to have been implicated falsely and the shoe does not seem to fit---then it would be fair to wait for things to settle down and unravel. 


When I was in school, we had a athletic code of conduct that addressed these issues. I can't remember what ours said about being arrested, but I can promise you we knew that if we were arrested, we would be done with not only football, but all athletics in general for at least a year. We knew that we had given the team and school a black eye if we were arrested. If someone were arrested, they don't deserve to play(at least until the case is resolved). 


Whatever happened to being innocent until proven guilty? Our society tends to believe that someone is always in the wrong if they are arrested, but I have seen many cases where the one charged was not a fault.

Guest Orangeboy

Whatever happened to being innocent until proven guilty? Our society tends to believe that someone is always in the wrong if they are arrested, but I have seen many cases where the one charged was not a fault.

You gotta be smart enough not to put yourself in certain situations. Believe it or not in can be done.


I agree that one should not be where illegal activity is occuring and most people who get arrested are in the wrong place (some by choice, others by stupidity). But lets say you are driving mom's car down the road. Some idiot is driving out of control and hits your car. Not your fault. Right? However, when the police get there you don't have insurance because mom didn't pay the bill, they find dads empty beer can under the seat (or whatever) and you go to jail. Should I be kicked off the football team?


i agree stay out of bad places and bad things stay away. my dad used to say nothing but trouble can be found after midnite so be home before then

Marty is that you! ;D  That's exactly what I would tell my kids.


Yep, he'd be done.  Young folks need to learn not to put themselves in the situation.  If he's not guilty then he's stupid both carry the same penility.

Don't think so. Being stupid is not an offense. By the way what is a "penility"?


Wow!  You guys are harsh.  I was thinking that maybe we should know a little more about the arrest.   You guys want to kick a kid off the team for anything?   Even an MIP?  How exactly does that help the kid?   Kids drink; sorry.   Is it ok if they don't get caught or should we kick every kid out of athletics if we suspect them of underage drinking?  I would vote to see how the legal thing comes out first, and then to find an appropriate punishment to the crime if the kid is really guilty of something.  And not every infraction would get them kicked off the team. JMO


Don't think so. Being stupid is not an offense. By the way what is a "penility"?

I guess I have higher standards for my kids.  And if you think you don't pay a price for being stupid. I rest my case.  You can "what if" till the cows come home. If you are where you are supposed to be and not breaking the law you will be okay and not be spending the night in jail!


This is a tough one.  I feel that a player should not be allowed to play until the issue is resolved.  Now, if it a blatant, criminal offense...ZERO TOLERANCE.  If is something not so blatant...it's just a touchy situation.

I've told my boys from the time that they started school 'til present...don't let me get a call from the school, a teacher, someone in the community, a family member, the police, etc. about something that you have done because I don't need to hear their side.  I know that this is harsh, but so is life.  If they are doing what they are supposed to be doing, where they are supposed to be doing it at, when they are supposed to be doing it...95% of the time...then people are not going to bother falsely accusing you of something the other time.  So many times in life, young people "happen" to be at the wrong place at the wrong time, but in the eyes of the law...that means absolutely nothing.  I would rather them grow up and learn to IDENTIFY and REALIZE possible bad situations than to learn it the really, really, really hard way.

I believe that the coaches at WO-S frown on players being arrested...I would almost think that they would not be playing.


There was a player arrested at WOS.  The police came during football practice and made him undress on the field.  They had the news crew there, everything.  It was a blatant attempt to discredit the player and the entire football team.  They had "proof" (a video) of the kid on the street corner (I think supposedly buying drugs or something).  Anyway, the date they had on the video.....WRONG.....the kid was on the bus with the team going on an out of town trip.  Someone tried to "doctor" a tape with a particular date and it back-fired. 

I'm not saying the kid wasn't guilty of doing something wrong at one time or another, he just wasn't guilty on THAT date!


If it's one of those wrong place at the wrong time deals, then he wouldn't be benched or not alowed to start some games.  If he was guilty of something like selling drugs or dwi or something like that, then he's done, bottom line.  You have to look at each individual situation.


Let's not minimize MIP or any other offense.  Minimize it now and it can lead to more serious offenses late.  There has to be consequences for actions.  When you choose to represent a school, you should be held to a higher standard.  If a player doesn't want that responsibility then he shouldn't put on the uniform. 


You may be right BDOG, but I guarantee there are good kids on your favorite team that drink a beer every now and again.  Doesnt mean they are bad, just means they are normal teens.  You think it's worth ruining their whole year over?  You are entitled to your opinion, and I respect it, I just disagree on the proper punishment.


There was a player on the baseball team several years back.  Was in a vehicle ON campus with another player.  One player was caught drinking.  Other was guilty by association.  Coach told them if they really wanted to play---500 laps around the baseball field.  One made it, the other didn't.  I personally know the one who made it is a fine young man with a good, steady job today.  I do not know anything about the other.  I do not know if the punishment made a difference in the young man's life, but I know that he paid for his mistake and I respect his perserverance and determination to make up amends.  However, he missed out on practices that the other guys had.  He could not participate until he ran his laps.  The coach did not want to allow him into practice in case he didn't make it (then he wouldn't have taken up someone else's spot).  I was proud of him for making it up.


Let's not minimize MIP or any other offense.  Minimize it now and it can lead to more serious offenses late.  There has to be consequences for actions.  When you choose to represent a school, you should be held to a higher standard.  If a player doesn't want that responsibility then he shouldn't put on the uniform.   

My sentiments exactly.  I used to work for a woman who taught MANY local kids the MIP course and I will tell you that I have read about many of these kids getting into further trouble or even worse...being dead.  MIP is a VERY serious offense...the only difference being a number (as in the person's age).  It should NOT be downplayed.


I believe stang I worked with you at one time and I believe we were taught drinking is the gateway to other things a few drinks then a few drugs.  We as parents should not allow the drinking.  Young adults and even older adults dont always know their limits thats why we have people killing people behind the wheel of a car. 

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