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I haven't been privy to watch either team play this year, but in the end...it will all come down to heart.  Both sets of stands will be packed, and there will be no such thing as homefield advantage in this game as both sides will be cheering on their squads full-heartedly.  H-D has usually always had the upperhand in speed in this rivalry, but has been prone to make big mistakes in turning over the ball in pressure situations.  If H-D is able to use their speed to tire the Oilers out, it will definitely be a long game for West Hardin.  If it does come down to a grind it out type football game, I would have to give the advantage to WH.  Should make for a very interesting, entertaining Friday night at Bobcat Stadium.  And if not, i'll have my own fun counting how many fans have a full set of teeth in their mouths...lol.  :o

P.S. - Those who take offense to the last statement, stop in at R.J.'s tomorrow night and get a sense of humor!!!

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Ok.. I tried staying off of here, but I did not want to give HD the pleasure of thinking that they had any part in the success of me and my brother, Thomas.... Yes, Thomas and I were raised in HD we lived there from K until I was in First grade and my brother was in the Fifth grade.... Well several factors led to us moving one was the fact that the HD Pee Wee coach turned down the two of us for little league football... they played the excuse that they had too many players and we could go find somewhere else to play... so to all those that think HD had a part in us being good you are totally wrong... and another reason why we left is because my brother had a problem with a teacher at HD elementary... so we checked out and home schooled for a year... We decided that we did not like that and transferred to WH and have been nothing less than loved and welcomed every since.... and i believe that my brother feels the same as I do about this subject... if anybody should receive credit it would be our Pee Wee coaches Bill Wright and Dale Miller... not only did they influence our style and toughness, but they instilled Respect, Character, Leadership and Heart into our lives...and for those who are bad mouthing this years team... I have not seen any drop off in this years team Tubbs has just as many yards as I did last year up to this point and Tyler looks to show the same leadership qualities as Brandon did this year.. We all had our shining moments and our glory these players this year deserve just as much credit as everyone else has received in the past so lets focus on what is now and not what used to be.


I stand corrected. I was totally wrong on HD's offensive line averaging 225lbs. It appears that after further research it's much bigger than that. Yancey McCauley is 300lbs, Garth Roth is 225lbs, Matt Dees is 200lbs,Patrick Davis is 200lbs and TE Tre Dickerson is 230lbs . I know these are starting lineman for HD. We also have Shawn Alford that is listed at 300lbs and John Luster who's listed at 265lbs. I'm not sure which of these kids are starters, not as familiar with their names.  So lets, see I'll do the math........ that's 1720 total lbs divided by 7 offensive lineman = 246lbs each. That's without Scottie Gilmore who was a 2way starter last year who's 240lbs who transferred to Kountze.

I appologize once again, and no i didnt' count anyone twice ;)

Don't forget our starting fullback Aaron Cook is 230lbs and our starting tailback Tyree Patterson is 210lbs. HD does have a ton of speed, but we're not as near as small as most folks think.

Last time I checked, Cody Cook was starting and he runs about 160.  Luster can't weigh 265.  235 maybe.  I say that, because I have walked beside them. I averaged the five offensive lineman who were starting and came up with 224.


I just hope HD plays fair after all the last time I went to a HD/ Oiler game the announcer was hollering over the loud speaker ever single direction the Oilers runner was going. How sad that the adults have to be the ones acting like little kids.. I say let the teams play their game without all the hoopla from the adults for once most all of these boys would or is friends off the field but its the adults that make it such a rival and war. I dont know who will take this if its a fair game I say Oilers but of course being on HD field well everyone knows how that goes... Good luck to both teams, play safe and have fun.


Sports_mom, take that stuff to Liberty Dispatch.  That's where it belongs.  Seems like I've read the same ol' thing at other places.  We talk football on here, we don't cry and complain and make excuses. Go Cats!!!


Im very confused...  ???Why continue talking crap? You know you cant predict the game, so why are you trying to convince yourself that you can? We will see tonight who is going to win. That is all there is to it. Daisetta is scared or you would have stopped mouthing a long time ago. All i can say is i hope you can back it up...BRING IT!! Lets go oilers!! and of coures EXPECT VICTORY! 


As we all know West Hardin is extremly pumped up for this game tonight. H-D has always been a rival since a long time. Yeah hull daisettia might have speed but they have to get threw our line first. Yes we had a great team last year but I think that our team is just as good if not better this year. So everyone that goes to H-D BRING IT. Dont talk all this smack just because you are scared we will see on the field tonight @ 7:30pm.

I love you guys and yall are the best.

Oh and --- Seeing as h-d has talked so much smack and yes we have to but honestly lets see who can back it up??

-West Hardin is the best!!-



if HD shuts down the run - HD wins.

if WH shuts down the pass - WH wins.

if both of these take place - this is going to be one #ELL of a battle.

Good Luck to both teams


Ok.. I tried staying off of here, but I did not want to give HD the pleasure of thinking that they had any part in the success of me and my brother, Thomas.... Yes, Thomas and I were raised in HD we lived there from K until I was in First grade and my brother was in the Fifth grade.... Well several factors led to us moving one was the fact that the HD Pee Wee coach turned down the two of us for little league football... they played the excuse that they had too many players and we could go find somewhere else to play... so to all those that think HD had a part in us being good you are totally wrong... and another reason why we left is because my brother had a problem with a teacher at HD elementary... so we checked out and home schooled for a year... We decided that we did not like that and transferred to WH and have been nothing less than loved and welcomed every since.... and i believe that my brother feels the same as I do about this subject... if anybody should receive credit it would be our Pee Wee coaches Bill Wright and Dale Miller... not only did they influence our style and toughness, but they instilled Respect, Character, Leadership and Heart into our lives...and for those who are bad mouthing this years team... I have not seen any drop off in this years team Tubbs has just as many yards as I did last year up to this point and Tyler looks to show the same leadership qualities as Brandon did this year.. We all had our shining moments and our glory these players this year deserve just as much credit as everyone else has received in the past so lets focus on what is now and not what used to be.

Well said.  One poster on here keeps getting called on his incorrect "facts" about hd's present team as well as hd's past teams.  I'm not down on hd, it's just one poster, and he knows who he is, makes the whole town look goofy. Thanks for chiming in simmons.  Go ahead clown, and you know who you are, call me a silly name and get it over with, makes you a football genius I guess ??? ???  Keep your head Oilers and get the crown, again!  And do it with class!

Hull-Daisetta Bobcats #1

H-D  Bobcats = Pride, Tradition and Excellence.

Practice Like A Champion

Play Like A Champion

Hit'em In The Mouth All Night

Remind Them This Is Our House

Remind Them Who We Are

The Hull-Daisetta Fighting Bobcats

Feared By Most

Respected By All

Go Cats !!!


The first hit of the game. Leaving it all on the field. Team First A battlefield. A street fight. The feeling inside when you lay someone out. The silence before the storm. Self-Discipline. 1,800 screaming fans for a school with 183 students. Football is everything. An entire year in the weight room. Working through the pain. Doing it for all the players who wore the uniform before you. Manhood. Two-A-Days in 103-degree heat.  Sacrifice. What you think about 24/7/365. The silence on the bus. The crowd so loud you can't hear yourself think. State. No excuses. Go Bobcats !!!


Hull-Daisetta Bobcats #1

H-D  Bobcats = Pride, Tradition and Excellence.

Practice Like A Champion

Play Like A Champion

Hit'em In The Mouth All Night

Remind Them This Is Our House

Remind Them Who We Are

The Hull-Daisetta Fighting Bobcats

Feared By Most

Respected By All

Go Cats !!!

Just what championship has Daisetta won since moving down to 1A?  Has Daisetta been champs of ANYTHING? 

Feared by most? BWAHAHAHAAA!  Full of yourself don't you think?  Respected?  Not anymore.


The HD Bobcats are not feared by anybody. And the line about discipline... You guys have no discipline. You show up to practice when you want to, and there is a very mild punishment. SO to clear things up a bit, there isn't much discipline at HD in sports, or in the school itself. West Hardin Oilers are entering the field with confidence, but not with the assumption that we have already won the game. And i bet the idiot mouthing about tubbs and copeland feel real smart now that zach has got on and defended them. Just like he said...tubbs has just as many yds at this point in the season that zach had last year, and Copeland can throw a perfect 45yd pass from his knees. And both guys have the leadership to keep the guys focused and pumped. So like i have said before, we need to stop mouthing and trying to predict the game because all we can do now is just show up. May the best team win...



Ok.. I tried staying off of here, but I did not want to give HD the pleasure of thinking that they had any part in the success of me and my brother, Thomas.... Yes, Thomas and I were raised in HD we lived there from K until I was in First grade and my brother was in the Fifth grade.... Well several factors led to us moving one was the fact that the HD Pee Wee coach turned down the two of us for little league football... they played the excuse that they had too many players and we could go find somewhere else to play... so to all those that think HD had a part in us being good you are totally wrong... and another reason why we left is because my brother had a problem with a teacher at HD elementary... so we checked out and home schooled for a year... We decided that we did not like that and transferred to WH and have been nothing less than loved and welcomed every since.... and i believe that my brother feels the same as I do about this subject... if anybody should receive credit it would be our Pee Wee coaches Bill Wright and Dale Miller... not only did they influence our style and toughness, but they instilled Respect, Character, Leadership and Heart into our lives...and for those who are bad mouthing this years team... I have not seen any drop off in this years team Tubbs has just as many yards as I did last year up to this point and Tyler looks to show the same leadership qualities as Brandon did this year.. We all had our shining moments and our glory these players this year deserve just as much credit as everyone else has received in the past so lets focus on what is now and not what used to be.

Had the opporttnity to coach against Zach the past couple of years.  He seemed to have it together.  I am happy to see that he is well spoken and supportive.  Those are the kids you coach for.  Thanks for the good example you set.


i dont know were ur from but i dont think that your on the right page pall

if you dont think that were good go ahead and come to the game tonight and maybe you will think twice about what you said.


if HD shuts down the run - HD wins.

if WH shuts down the pass - WH wins.

if both of these take place - this is going to be one #ELL of a battle.

Good Luck to both teams

it dosnt matter WH will win either way because we are goin to shut down the pass and run all up and down their feild so go oilers!


Ok.. I tried staying off of here, but I did not want to give HD the pleasure of thinking that they had any part in the success of me and my brother, Thomas.... Yes, Thomas and I were raised in HD we lived there from K until I was in First grade and my brother was in the Fifth grade.... Well several factors led to us moving one was the fact that the HD Pee Wee coach turned down the two of us for little league football... they played the excuse that they had too many players and we could go find somewhere else to play... so to all those that think HD had a part in us being good you are totally wrong... and another reason why we left is because my brother had a problem with a teacher at HD elementary... so we checked out and home schooled for a year... We decided that we did not like that and transferred to WH and have been nothing less than loved and welcomed every since.... and i believe that my brother feels the same as I do about this subject... if anybody should receive credit it would be our Pee Wee coaches Bill Wright and Dale Miller... not only did they influence our style and toughness, but they instilled Respect, Character, Leadership and Heart into our lives...and for those who are bad mouthing this years team... I have not seen any drop off in this years team Tubbs has just as many yards as I did last year up to this point and Tyler looks to show the same leadership qualities as Brandon did this year.. We all had our shining moments and our glory these players this year deserve just as much credit as everyone else has received in the past so lets focus on what is now and not what used to be.

Zach, it's good to hear you're side of the story. I want you to know that I was very proud of the way you and Thomas played ball. Both you guys played with heart and determination, and that's what it's all about. I would have loved to have seen you wearing a black and red jersey but I think it turned out right the way it was. Congratulations on a great highschool football career with the Oilers.

As far as the smack that's being talked, that's about all it is. The guys I played against from West Hardin are still very good friends to this day. Cory Mosley, Marty Lofton, Matt West, James Whiteside, Jason Slankard, Randall Brown and the list goes on and on. We had a unique relationship, being so competitive with each other, and yet we respected those guys and knew they would always bring it anytime they stepped on the field or court. It was funny because we always wanted those guys to transfer to HD, and they always tried to talk us into moving to WH. In the end, it was an experience that I am so glad I got to take part in, the Hull-Daisetta vs. West Hardin rivalry game. Coach Westfall has changed West Hardin into a very competitive program that will create a great matchup for this rivalry game year in and year out.

Good Luck to both teams, but I know the Cats are fired up and ready to get it on. We've got to reclaim what's our's, the district championship!!!

P.S. Zach, in case you didnt' know, this is Brandon B. ;D


Uh, no. PNG-Nederland much, much bigger.

You're probably right, it's bigger numbers wise for sure, but I don't know about overall. I've been lucky enough to see the NED/PN-G game twice, once at Ned. and once and the Reservation and it is INTENSE. Two great programs who's season is looked at as unsuccessful if they lose this game. Well it's the same thing out here in the sticks. You can bet on the fact that 80% of all the little towns that make up these school districts will be at this game. Folks from Batson, Saratoga, Thicket, Hull, Daisetta, Raywood will be packed in tight with standing room only, not to mention the people from surrounding towns of Hardin, Liberty, Moss Hill, and Devers that show up year after year to see this game as well. Just like NED/PN-G, if you're not from here, you don't know what it's about. It's our own little Mid-County Madness!!!

As far as the HD players weights go, those numbers are off of HD's official roster. Reguardless, you said it yourself, they average 224lbs. across the starting line. I think my orginal post said they average around 225...........

Let Go Cats!!!!


H-D has a record of 5-3. They did not have to forfeit the Legacy game they won 52-12. Get your facts straight musty. And yes keep bowing down. We will add to our record of 52 wins against WH friday. By the way only 9 loses to WH ever !!!

Go watch the vikings and be quiet.  And who did you get all of your football "knowledge" from?


The first hit of the game. Leaving it all on the field. Team First A battlefield. A street fight. The feeling inside when you lay someone out. The silence before the storm. Self-Discipline. 1,800 screaming fans for a school with 183 students. Football is everything. An entire year in the weight room. Working through the pain. Doing it for all the players who wore the uniform before you. Manhood. Two-A-Days in 103-degree heat.  Sacrifice. What you think about 24/7/365. The silence on the bus. The crowd so loud you can't hear yourself think. State. No excuses. Go Bobcats !!!

??? You can't count, can you?  ??? Here, try this: www.Tutoring.SylvanLearning.com      Help Your Child in Math, Writing & Reading- Sylvan Has a Tutor For You.  ;D
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