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Should everyone suited up touch the Field


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I just wanted some opinions about how some kids ride the Pine.

Should they get an opportunity to play in each game?

I hear parents in the stands complaining all the time about how the coach should allow everyone to play. In my opinion Its great for Pop Warner and Flag football that each kid get playing time but I feel differently about Midlle school and High school football.

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NO!  When they stop basing the coaching on a win/loss ratio and a coach can get fired because of it, THEN everyone can play.  Until then....the best players are out on the field.  This isn't little league.  Let there be a recreation league if they want everyone to play. 

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Junior High, there should be an extreme effort to get everyone in the game.

Freshmen, same thing.

JV - a good coach will get as many of the players in as possible.

Varsity - It should be a privilege and an honor just to be suited up and on the field.  When I went to school we had over 12 seniors who really never played, but they took pride in being on the "scout team" in practice.  The Varsity Coach could be fired on losses.  He needs to play the best possible players down to the end.

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I really feel for the kids who never get to play... I was one of them for a couple of years and remember how bad it made me feel.  I agree that the best players should play.  Thats how you win ball games. I think everyone on the team plays a part whether it is running the scout team, being the water boys, or being the star qb... The important thing is to make everyone feel significant regardless of what part they play.  I

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The goal for many players is just to suit up.  If you're winning by 60, get everyone in the game.  If you're losing by 60, get your starters out.  If you're in a tight game, you want your best players on the field.  You'll find that the players also want the best players out on the field.  If you have a 2000 yard running back, his backup isn't gonna get offended if he's not touching the ball in tie game.

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Should every car be released to the public just because it was assembled or should every pound of hamburger meat (good or diseased) be sold just because an animal gave its life to make it? Of course not. You wouldn't sell a bad hamburger if you thought it might put you out of business, so why would you be expected to play a less than average player when your job is on the line. Someone has to eventually tell these kids what they are capable of. And if sitting the bench doesn't make them want to work harder then they need to find something else to do. JMO

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If playing a kid can cost you the game, how is that fair to everyone else on the team?  The team should always be bigger than the individual.......In Jr. High, play them all, but not equally.....you have to teach them to win at some point and time......In Fresh. play is limited but all still should play, playing time then becomes less sure as you get older.....that is just the way it is and the way it should be.......

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Junior High, there should be an extreme effort to get everyone in the game.

Freshmen, same thing.

JV - a good coach will get as many of the players in as possible.

Varsity - It should be a privilege and an honor just to be suited up and on the field.  When I went to school we had over 12 seniors who really never played, but they took pride in being on the "scout team" in practice.  The Varsity Coach could be fired on losses.  He needs to play the best possible players down to the end.

I agree

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I really feel for the kids who never get to play... I was one of them for a couple of years and remember how bad it made me feel.  I agree that the best players should play.  Thats how you win ball games. I think everyone on the team plays a part whether it is running the scout team, being the water boys, or being the star qb... The important thing is to make everyone feel significant regardless of what part they play.  I

You are right.  Everyone does play an important part and if the team wins a state championship, everyone gets a ring.  We can only hope that someone who does not play often realizes why he doesn't play and yet still supports the team.  My daughter played basketball her senior year.  She had played her freshman year and then changed schools but did not go back out until her senior year.  She made every practice, every game.  She played a total of about 5 minutes her entire senior year. (5 minutes of real time, not playing time). LOL.  She enjoyed being a part of the team.  She didn't seem to be embarassed that she wasn't playing.  I wasn't embarassed that she didn't play.  She was better at cheerleading (which she did during football season.)  She had fun at basketball practice and the games.  It was her choice.  I did not discourage her from being there if that was what she wanted to do. 

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Guest Orangeboy

I think once you get into school sports, nothing should be guaranteed. You don't pay to signup to play and the best kids should play. This is where kids should learn how life really is. Life is all about competition and if someone doesn't get the job done there is always someone else there to step in. If the kid doesn't like sitting the bench, they can accept their role as a role player, they can work harder and wait on their opportunity, or find something else to do. Last I heard the Chess Club is always looking for a few good men. Plus the Head Coaches job is at stake in many situations. Why should his job be in jeopardy just because he has to play a kid? Even in Junior High, the coach should do all the is within his power to get all the kids in without sacrificing a win. I don't understand why someone would say "THEY SHOULD ALL PLAY NO MATTER WHAT". These kids are building confidence in themselves and their teammates and if they know they can beat a WOS, PNG, or Nederland at that level it gives them something to look back on when it really counts.

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I really feel for the kids who never get to play... I was one of them for a couple of years and remember how bad it made me feel.  I agree that the best players should play.  Thats how you win ball games. I think everyone on the team plays a part whether it is running the scout team, being the water boys, or being the star qb... The important thing is to make everyone feel significant regardless of what part they play. 

Excellent post!

As Michael Jordan once said "Not everybody on a championship team gets publicity and recognition, but everyone can say they are champions."

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Guest beat-em_deep

Excellent post!

As Michael Jordan once said "Not everybody on a championship team gets publicity and recognition, but everyone can say they are champions."

I LIKE IT!!! 8)

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Guest whoabroncos09

i think that you need to earn your spot on the field.

if you can prove that you are better than somebody else then the coaches will play you.

if you just cant seem to be good enough, and somebody is better, then you will sit the bench.

some players play with jv on thursday nights, and suit up on friday nights, but they cant play.

it is agains UIL.-or i have heard it is.

i dont understand that.

why would they want to suit up if they know they dont even get the chance to be put in.

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Guest bleed orange

This everyone should play thing is whats wrong with society. Is that the concept in the work force. No it is not, its produce or get another job. Playing everyone is for little league. Not the junior high or freshman team's and surely not at the varsity level. I promise you the WOS and the Newton's don't play everyone and that's why they win. I know kids mature differently but the kids that want to play will stick around to prove themselves. Maybe  some kids just want to be part of a team.

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This everyone should play thing is whats wrong with society. Is that the concept in the work force. No it is not, its produce or get another job. Playing everyone is for little league. Not the junior high or freshman team's and surely not at the varsity level. I promise you the WOS and the Newton's don't play everyone and that's why they win. I know kids mature differently but the kids that want to play will stick around to prove themselves. Maybe  some kids just want to be part of a team.

This is a great point. If they want to play they will keep working hard. If they don't want to work to earn a spot then what makes you think they will work to win a game?

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i know my senior year we were 8-0 and looked ready to make a deep playoff run.  our qb, rb, and fb all got hurt in a span of 6 quarters, and we didn't win another game.  if the players that stepped in to fill their shoes had been getting time every game, we never would've started 8-0. 

on a sidenote, one of the beautiful things about HS football (at least in the smaller classifications), is that a lot of the backups and backup's backups see a lot of time on special teams, where they get a chance on every kickoff to make a big play that could change the game. 

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i have the same feeling about this topic as must of you do. If the game is tight, then use the starters. If it is a blow out then let the subs get some playing time. It will only help the team in the long run. The problem that i have is, when some of the players on the sideline are better than the starters, but because of politics, and i know all of you have seen it, then the player whose parents are friends with the coaches or relatives with the coach are the ones starting. I have given my sons the same advice that you all have mentioned here, keep practicing hard like always and to always give their best. Ok  i am now off the soap box.

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I think this goes rite along with running up the score.If your up by 30 or more points theres no reason for you to risk getting your top players hurt,put in 2nd and 3rd strings.This way we shouldnt have to worry about people complaining about running up the score.And if a players not happy about riding the bench he can just talk to the coach about going to a JV team.If hes 0already on JV,well...thats to bad, and believe me theres probly a reason ur riding the pine on JV.

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