KFDM COOP Posted October 30, 2007 Report Posted October 30, 2007 UIL Realignment Process REQUIRED READING:Conference and District Assignment Policies and Procedures For 2008-09 and 2009-10 Realignment1. The League office shall obtain enrollment data on participant schools (grades 9-12).2. Students who are officially designated as having multiple disabilities may be excluded from the enrollmentfigures submitted for reclassification purposes.3. The League office shall verify (through TEA) the enrollment figures submitted by the schools.4. Conference AAAAA should consist of a minimum of 220 schools and a maximum of 245 schools participatingin football (depending on how many new schools there are next alignment period); Conferences AA throughAAAA should consist of a number of schools such that the enrollment ratio in grades 9-12 between the largestschool and the smallest school is approximately 2.0. There should be at least 200 schools each in ConferencesAA and AAAA. Conference A shall consist of all schools that are not in Conferences AA-AAAAA.5. Schools with an enrollment of 99.9 or lower may choose to participate in six-man football or may opt to playeleven-man football but remain in the smaller division for basketball and spring meet (see #7 below). Ifenrollment in grades 9-12 is greater than 99.9 and the school is currently playing six-man football, it maycontinue to participate if any one of these three conditions exists: Enrollment of 99.9 or below in Grades 7, 8, 9and 10, or grades 8, 9, 10 and 11, or grades 9 and 10 doubled.6. Any school may request to be elevated one conference for extreme travel or in multiple-high school districts ofeight or more schools, provided notification is submitted to the League office simultaneously with enrollmentfigures.7. After determining the enrollment cut-off figures, Conference A schools will be further divided by enrollmentfigures for spring meet activities and basketball. Then map pins are used to represent all schools in aconference and both divisions of Conference A. Schools are placed into districts keeping the following criteriain mind:a. Group geographically contiguous schools in groups of no more than ten and place in districts with an evennumber of schools, except when that action causes an extreme travel hardship. Schools in a district inurban areas may not always be contiguous.b. Except in Conference A, there are 32 districts to facilitate the playoff procedures (except in activities thatdo not have enough schools).c. Multiple-high school districts with more than one school in the same conference will have those schoolsassigned as follows.(1) Multiple High School Districts with 11 or More Schools in the Same Conference: A multiple highschool district with 11 or more schools in the same conference shall have its schools assigned to twoor more UIL districts. Any UIL district resulting from this division with seven or fewer schools fromthe same ISD in it may have additional schools assigned to the UIL district by the League office.(2) Multiple High School Districts with Seven or Fewer Schools in the Same Conference: A multiple highschool district with seven or fewer schools in the same conference shall have its schools assigned tothe same UIL district. Other schools may also be assigned to this UIL district by the League office.(3) Multiple High School Districts with Schools in Different Conferences: A multiple high school districtof eight or more schools may opt to have one or more of its schools elevated one conference if it wantsits schools to be assigned to the same UIL district.(4) Multiple High School Districts with schools in more than one conference, one of which is a magnetschool. A multiple high school district with schools in more than one conference, one of which is amagnet school, shall have the magnet school placed in the same conference as the high school in thatschool district with the largest enrollment. A magnet school is defined as a high school within amultiple high school district where all students participate in the magnet curriculum.(5) EXCEPTION: Exceptions to the above may be made when agreed upon by all participating schoolsand approved by the District Assignment Review Committee.d. If a school district with only one high school opens a second high school with the same attendanceboundaries as its primary high school, the enrollment of both schools will be combined to determineconference placement for the primary school.2e. Conference A Basketball: Conference A basketball schools will be divided into large schools (Division 1)and small schools (Division 2), through the state basketball tournament, with 32 districts in each division.f. Conference A Spring Meet Activities:(1) Schools in the lower half of Conference A enrollment will be placed into approximately 16 springmeet districts. Schools in the upper half of enrollment will be placed into approximately 16 springmeet districts.(2) The division of smaller and larger Conference A schools in spring meet is at the district level only.(3) Each Conference A regional spring meet will have eight districts, with approximately four districts inthe lower half of the enrollment and four districts in the upper half of enrollment. Except for one-actplay and cross-examination team debate, representatives will qualify from each district to regionalcompetition and representatives will qualify from each region to state competition.8. There shall be no attempt made to perpetuate or avoid "old rivalries." Socioeconomic and ethnicity factors arenot considered.9. A school may be placed in different districts for different activities to alleviate extreme travel situations.10. If there is a clerical error in assignment or if a school has been omitted, the staff is authorized to correct theerror or omission. Schools in both districts will be notified of the correction.11. A school may change districts with the unanimous consent of all schools in both districts. This is the first levelof appeal.12. If the first level of appeal is denied, schools may appeal their district assignment to the District AssignmentReview Committee. All schools will be notified of the deadline for this appeal.13. A school may be disqualified from district honors for up to two years in that sport for contracting games priorto finalizing the reclassification and realignment by all UIL appeal committees. Athletic schedules will not beconsidered official until approved by the superintendent of the member school district.14. Schools may play their first football game the last Thursday in August. Beginning practice dates will remainthe same for all conferences. Schools will be limited to no more than ten regular season games.15. Schools shall be assigned to football districts only in even-numbered years. Example: 2008, 2010, etc.16. A new school may be assigned on a non-honors basis in football for one two-year assignment period.17. Charter Schools.a. Charter schools will be assigned to districts in team sports only prior to even-numbered years.b. Charter schools may be reassigned to a higher conference if actual enrollment is larger than enrollmentprojections.c. Charter schools shall not be assigned to a football district unless they have provided evidence to the UILstaff that they have participated previously.18. Schools gaining or losing students by consolidation may have their conference and district assignmentschanged during the two-year alignment period.19. Schools will not be changed because of loss or gain within a district during growth or decline in membershipafter enrollment figures are certified.20. Schools may be in different regions in different activities.21. District numbering begins in the north or west with (1) and culminates in the southern part of the state with(32).22. Schools which are assigned to an athletic district and fail to participate may be suspended in a specific activityor all activities.
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