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50 minutes ago, UT alum said:

By their own people? What does that even mean? It was enshrined in our own Constitution, written by OUR people, and perpetuated for over 150 years after abolishment by Jim Crow laws passed and enforced by OUR people.  Your bias shines brighter than a thousand suns.

Like baddog said, the slave trade started in Africa.  They sold their own into slavery.  My bias, you are fool.

1 hour ago, UT alum said:

I think education will fix it. Free college or post-high school technical training for African American descendants of slavery.  

No, that won't fix it because there is no systemic racism in America.  This is nothing more than a money grab where some will receive money but the handlers that disperse it will get rich/richer.

You are a UT alum and slavery has not held you back as it hasn't held anyone else back, that's nothing but a cop out.

We've become a nation of folks that make bad choices and look for someone to blame.

4 hours ago, UT alum said:

By their own people? What does that even mean? It was enshrined in our own Constitution, written by OUR people, and perpetuated for over 150 years after abolishment by Jim Crow laws passed and enforced by OUR people.  Your bias shines brighter than a thousand suns.

My great-great grandfather was forced off of his native land in North Carolina, the Trail of Tears, and marched by force to Oklahoma.  This was done by OUR government.  Should I be entitled to reparations?

6 hours ago, UT alum said:

By their own people? What does that even mean? It was enshrined in our own Constitution, written by OUR people, and perpetuated for over 150 years after abolishment by Jim Crow laws passed and enforced by OUR people.  Your bias shines brighter than a thousand suns.

Just curious…where in the US Constitution is Slavery enshrined?

I do see in the U.S. Constitution that it says: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. 

If anything I believe this portion of the Constitution helped abolish slavery. There is no arguing that ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL. PERIOD.

19 hours ago, UT alum said:

All I hear are White Christian Nationalist dog whistles.  These folk are incapable of even imagining what 350 years of repression can do to a culture. This kind of stuff happens even today. 

This is the hidden content, please
  Systemic racism is very real. 

Yes it is

29 minutes ago, Big girl said:

Why were reparations not given to slaves after they were freed? What about the Tulsa Massacre, which happened on "Black Wall street".? The survivors were not given anything.

Always with the hand out. Is giving you money gonna make you feel any differently about me? Thought so. Back to square one. 

2 hours ago, Big girl said:

Why were reparations not given to slaves after they were freed? What about the Tulsa Massacre, which happened on "Black Wall street".? The survivors were not given anything.

They started it!  Heck, the black people won the first battle that day.  The media/education system always leave that part out.  

"The most widely reported and corroborated inciting incident occurred as the group of black men left, when an elderly white man approached O. B. Mann, a black man, and demanded that he hand over his pistol. Mann refused, and the old man attempted to disarm him. A gunshot went off, and then, according to the sheriff's reports, "all hell broke loose."

This is the hidden content, please
 At the end of the exchange of gunfire, 12 people were dead, 10 white and 2 black."



This is the hidden content, please

Long story short, they started, got smoked, then people cry about the outcome 100 years later.  It's the exact same thing as the Palestinians complaining about land lost to the Israelis when the Palestinians and their allies started the freaking war.  

I mean, tell the story.... it's history.  But tell the truth.  And FWIW, there was no "black wall street."  That's another myth that's been perpetuated to keep us at each others' throats.  

3 hours ago, Unwoke said:

Just curious…where in the US Constitution is Slavery enshrined?

I do see in the U.S. Constitution that it says: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. 

If anything I believe this portion of the Constitution helped abolish slavery. There is no arguing that ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL. PERIOD.

Don't kid yourself....  a large chunk of the Founding Fathers were huge supporters of slavery and were slaveowners themselves.  They didn't see slaves as men, so the "all men are created equal" part didn't apply to slaves.  They certainly weren't afforded liberty, lol. 

50 minutes ago, CardinalBacker said:

Don't kid yourself....  a large chunk of the Founding Fathers were huge supporters of slavery and were slaveowners themselves.  They didn't see slaves as men, so the "all men are created equal" part didn't apply to slaves.  They certainly weren't afforded liberty, lol. 

It doesn’t matter if they didn’t see slaves as men. The fact is the US Constitution says ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL. It didn’t say ALL Men but Not Black Men, It says ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL. Period. Believe it or not back when the Constitution was written they knew what the definition of a man and woman was as opposed of today. Good Grief.

Just like John 3:16 says: For God so Loved the WORLD that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in should not perish, but have everlasting life.

No doubt slavery was a stain in American History but America did not invent slavery. It’s been around for thousands of years. I am glad it was abolished in America.

It’s a wound that a lot race hustlers like to keep picking at for financial gain instead of just letting it heal. 

2 minutes ago, Unwoke said:

It doesn’t matter if they didn’t see slaves as men. The fact is the US Constitution says ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL. It didn’t say ALL Men but Not Black Men, It says ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL. Period. 

Just like John 3:16 says: For God so Loved the WORLD that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in should not perish, but have everlasting life.

No doubt slavery was a stain in American History but America did not invent slavery. It’s been around for thousands of years. I am glad it was abolished in America.

You have to admit that a document that claims that all men are created equal while simultaneously allowing for the enslavement of others is kind of..... crappy?  But we agree... It's over and I'm glad for that.  

The problem is that in America we're never more than one generation from poverty... going either direction.  It doesn't matter how good your parents had it, you CAN mess up badly enough that you end up penniless.  Also, your folks can be broke but you can surpass them without trying too hard.  That's the beauty of it.  But to claim that your life is bad because 150+ years ago, someone was a slave is preposterous.  

I'll tell you a story about a young man.  He dropped out of high school and he smokes a little grass.  He's got two baby mamas (three kids total and pays zero child support) and has a criminal record.   He's done a little time and usually won't work because that's for suckers.  Neck tattoos... the whole nine yards.  That's obviously oppression and systemic racism that's keeping him down, right?  No... this kid is white... he's just a screwup.  That's the problem with false claims of racism.... it allows people to escape the accountability that would encourage changes that would improve their life.... Or you can sit around and wait on your "reparations."

Systemic racism does exist... but it didn't just happen because people are mean.  How many times does a firm have to get sued for racial discrimination before they start considering race in the hiring process? People complain about home values being lower based on the race of the seller.... but nobody wants to admit that factually speaking, values in areas inhabited by black people are lower... that's a fact.  Best case scenario you buy into a black neighborhood and are suddenly accused of trying to "gentrify" the place.  

But to be honest, the plight of black americans rests almost entirely upon bad decisions made by that community... then gets passed off as racism.  We went to the PNG/SOC game this last Friday.  They kept showing the crowd from both sides and it was obvious that SOC's crowd had a TON of obese people.  Everybody from the dance team to O-Line and at least 2/3 of the crowd were obese.  PNG's crowd?  Relatively height/weight proportionate.  "It costs more to eat healthy than to eat junk food... Racism!" they all cry.  Except you can walk into walmart and without fail tell who is using SNAP/EBT to buy their groceries... they're riding a scooter and have a basked heaped to overflowing with junk food that people who pay with real dollars can't afford.  Is the argument that giving those fatties MORE money for food would fix their chronic obesity?  Because only a fool would argue that.  Cut those stipends and watch the weight fall off of them.   

3 hours ago, baddog said:

Always with the hand out. Is giving you money gonna make you feel any differently about me? Thought so. Back to square one. 

I asked a question. Can you answer it. I am sure I make more money than you so my hand is not out. This does not mean that systemic racism doesn't exist.

1 hour ago, CardinalBacker said:

They started it!  Heck, the black people won the first battle that day.  The media/education system always leave that part out.  

"The most widely reported and corroborated inciting incident occurred as the group of black men left, when an elderly white man approached O. B. Mann, a black man, and demanded that he hand over his pistol. Mann refused, and the old man attempted to disarm him. A gunshot went off, and then, according to the sheriff's reports, "all hell broke loose."

This is the hidden content, please
 At the end of the exchange of gunfire, 12 people were dead, 10 white and 2 black."



This is the hidden content, please

Long story short, they started, got smoked, then people cry about the outcome 100 years later.  It's the exact same thing as the Palestinians complaining about land lost to the Israelis when the Palestinians and their allies started the freaking war.  

I mean, tell the story.... it's history.  But tell the truth.  And FWIW, there was no "black wall street."  That's another myth that's been perpetuated to keep us at each others' throats.  

Who started it? A black guy stepped on a white girl's shoe in an elevator, subsequently, he was arrested. That is what started it.

3 minutes ago, Big girl said:

I asked a question. Can you answer it. I am sure I make more money than you so my hand is not out. This does not mean that systemic racism doesn't exist.

If systemic racism exists, how did you accomplish that?

On 12/17/2022 at 1:48 PM, Big girl said:

There are more white people on welfare than black people.

Big girl, there is no way that you are anyone else can infer that the statement I made was a "specific" statement.  It was a blanket statement.  Trust me -- I'm an equal opportunity buster of the lazy!!

10 minutes ago, CardinalBacker said:

You have to admit that a document that claims that all men are created equal while simultaneously allowing for the enslavement of others is kind of..... crappy?  But we agree... It's over and I'm glad for that.  

The problem is that in America we're never more than one generation from poverty... going either direction.  It doesn't matter how good your parents had it, you CAN mess up badly enough that you end up penniless.  Also, your folks can be broke but you can surpass them without trying too hard.  That's the beauty of it.  But to claim that your life is bad because 150+ years ago, someone was a slave is preposterous.  

I'll tell you a story about a young man.  He dropped out of high school and he smokes a little grass.  He's got two baby mamas (three kids total and pays zero child support) and has a criminal record.   He's done a little time and usually won't work because that's for suckers.  Neck tattoos... the whole nine yards.  That's obviously oppression and systemic racism that's keeping him down, right?  No... this kid is white... he's just a screwup.  That's the problem with false claims of racism.... it allows people to escape the accountability that would encourage changes that would improve their life.... Or you can sit around and wait on your "reparations."

Systemic racism does exist... but it didn't just happen because people are mean.  How many times does a firm have to get sued for racial discrimination before they start considering race in the hiring process? People complain about home values being lower based on the race of the seller.... but nobody wants to admit that factually speaking, values in areas inhabited by black people are lower... that's a fact.  Best case scenario you buy into a black neighborhood and are suddenly accused of trying to "gentrify" the place.  

But to be honest, the plight of black americans rests almost entirely upon bad decisions made by that community... then gets passed off as racism.  We went to the PNG/SOC game this last Friday.  They kept showing the crowd from both sides and it was obvious that SOC's crowd had a TON of obese people.  Everybody from the dance team to O-Line and at least 2/3 of the crowd were obese.  PNG's crowd?  Relatively height/weight proportionate.  "It costs more to eat healthy than to eat junk food... Racism!" they all cry.  Except you can walk into walmart and without fail tell who is using SNAP/EBT to buy their groceries... they're riding a scooter and have a basked heaped to overflowing with junk food that people who pay with real dollars can't afford.  Is the argument that giving those fatties MORE money for food would fix their chronic obesity?  Because only a fool would argue that.  Cut those stipends and watch the weight fall off of them.   

Who gave him the authority to attempt to take someone's gun?

12 minutes ago, Big girl said:

I asked a question. Can you answer it. I am sure I make more money than you so my hand is not out. This does not mean that systemic racism doesn't exist.

OK, I'll bite:  Can you define for us what "systemic racism" is?  I know it's a convenient buzz word from the left.  So, help us out!

BTW -- can you give us examples of systemic racism!  

5 hours ago, Unwoke said:

Just curious…where in the US Constitution is Slavery enshrined?

I do see in the U.S. Constitution that it says: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. 

If anything I believe this portion of the Constitution helped abolish slavery. There is no arguing that ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL. PERIOD.

Ever hear of the three fifths compromise?

1 hour ago, Big girl said:

Who gave him the authority to attempt to take someone's gun?

You missed the point... on day one the score was 10 dead whites, 2 dead blacks.  So the whole "massacre" thing is a lie.  It was fight.... which apparently the blacks were initially winning, but ultimately lost big.  

It was a mess, it shouldn't have happened, hopefully it never happens again.  But to pretend that it was just a bunch of white people killing blacks unprovoked is a fairy tale.  In fact, you could argue that the blacks instigated the whole thing.  Long story short, it's not a massacre if both sides are to blame.  That's just a battle that one side won.  

It's funny how we're all so alienated.  The "official" death toll from tulsa is 10 whites and 26 blacks.  Some people say that number could be as high as 300... but nobody knows.  On the other hand, we can definitively say that 63 people were killed in the LA Race Riots in 1992.  Notice how those are riots, not "massacres."  

1 hour ago, Reagan said:

OK, I'll bite:  Can you define for us what "systemic racism" is?  I know it's a convenient buzz word from the left.  So, help us out!

BTW -- can you give us examples of systemic racism!  

Sure... you can lose your job and be charged with a hate crime for saying certain words... unless you're black.  Black people can use it any time they like. 

You can also be given preference in college admissions and hiring because of your skin color... but only if you're black.  If you lose your job, you can file a lawsuit against your employer based solely on your race and get paid.... but not if you're white.  You can set up charities to exclusively support your own race...but only if you're black.  Want to use federal funds to build and institution of higher learning that caters to just one race?  Better not try that if you're white.  Want admitted to a prestigious university for which you're not academically qualified?  Better check that box marked "African American."

We've catered and catered to that population in the name of "progress" and it's done nothing but set them further behind.  



5 hours ago, Big girl said:

Why were reparations not given to slaves after they were freed? What about the Tulsa Massacre, which happened on "Black Wall street".? The survivors were not given anything.

40 acres and a mule were promised in General Sherman’s Special Field Order No. 15 issued Jan.15, 1865. It encompassed some 400,000 coastal acres from So. Carolina to Florida. President Johnson overruled it, and it never happened. An attempt was made for some sort of reparations in that case, but the white man did as he always had as respects treatises or or promises made with parties possessing inferior bargaining power.


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