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11 hours ago, SmashMouth said:

I’m not saying the Chauvin wasn’t guilty of a crime. I believe he was. But don’t spread lies. His toxicology report showed more than 3 times the level of a fentanyl overdose. He also had methamphetamines & marijuana in his blood. He was freakin hammered high. The truth is none of us were in the courtroom. We don’t know exactly how it went down. I think - just from the little I know - murder 3 and not murder 2 was equitable to the offense. But don’t spread your propaganda and racist lies. YOU and those who spread lies about systemic racism are worse than Chauvin, because you will continue to do harm but never receive justice - at least not here on earth. 

According to the autopsy, he only had trace amounts of Fentanyl in his system. You should've watched the trial. The defense was horrible.


He was guilty of a crime, but as others stated, murder wasn't appropriate.  I wouldn't be surprised if an appeal is effective to some degree.  I also don't at all blame the jurors for finding him guilty and getting the heck out of dodge.  There's no way the question "what will happen if we don't find him guilty on all charges"  wasn't asked in the deliberations.  

29 minutes ago, Big girl said:

According to the autopsy, he only had trace amounts of Fentanyl in his system. You should've watched the trial. The defense was horrible.

Can you define trace amounts of fentanyl? Do you know how powerful the drug fentanyl is in conjunction with amphetamines? This is what was in his system. One of the medical examiners testified in the case if they had found Floyd at home alone dead his death would have been classified as a drug overdose. Everyone talks about the 9 minutes and 29 seconds but totally ignores the previous 16 minutes and 59 seconds. Regardless of his level of guilt he did not get a fair trail. 


43 minutes ago, Realville said:

Can you define trace amounts of fentanyl? Do you know how powerful the drug fentanyl is in conjunction with amphetamines? This is what was in his system. One of the medical examiners testified in the case if they had found Floyd at home alone dead his death would have been classified as a drug overdose. Everyone talks about the 9 minutes and 29 seconds but totally ignores the previous 16 minutes and 59 seconds. Regardless of his level of guilt he did not get a fair trail. 


A doctor also testified that the amount that was in his system was less than the recommended prescribed dosage. Most of the drug had been metabolized.

18 minutes ago, Big girl said:

A doctor also testified that the amount that was in his system was less than the recommended prescribed dosage. Most of the drug had been metabolized.

So the medical examiner was wrong when he stated that his death would have been classified as a drug overdose if he’d been found home alone dead? Can’t have it both ways.


I will be equally shocked as some of you, but only if the case isn’t affirmed on appeal.  Based on what I’ve read, it seemed more of a manslaughter case but appellate courts very rarely EVER reverse a jury verdict in a criminal case, and I’ve seen way worse than this one upheld.  I hate to disagree with Dershowitz but I’d be willing to bet a large sum of money the SCOTUS will never touch this case with a 10 foot pole.  Chauvin will not the be the first or last person who will spend a long time in jail for maybe nothing more than being an idiot.  Right or wrong, that is often the end result in our judgment system, even in cases with no publicity. 

2 hours ago, Big girl said:

According to the autopsy, he only had trace amounts of Fentanyl in his system. You should've watched the trial. The defense was horrible.

I watched it. You should’ve noted that he had deadly amounts of fentanyl in his system. Don’t go through life with blinders or rose colored glasses. 


If I'm not mistaken, different states define "murder" and/or "manslaughter" differently.  IF it did go to Supreme court, would they use that States definition?

I don't think he intended to kill Floyd, and I think Floyd played as big a part of his own death as Chauvin.  In all of these cases we seem to over look personal responsibility. 

1 minute ago, thetragichippy said:

If I'm not mistaken, different states define "murder" and/or "manslaughter" differently.  IF it did go to Supreme court, would they use that States definition?

I don't think he intended to kill Floyd, and I think Floyd played as big a part of his own death as Chauvin.  In all of these cases we seem to over look personal responsibility. 

Yes they would.  And welcome back stranger.  

1 hour ago, Realville said:

So the medical examiner was wrong when he stated that his death would have been classified as a drug overdose if he’d been found home alone dead? Can’t have it both ways.

The coroner ruled that it was a homicide.

1 hour ago, SmashMouth said:

I watched it. You should’ve noted that he had deadly amounts of fentanyl in his system. Don’t go through life with blinders or rose colored glasses. 

The autopsy report stated that he had trace amounts. I don't think you watched the entire trial.

1 hour ago, Big girl said:

The autopsy report stated that he had trace amounts. I don't think you watched the entire trial.

Wrong again ma’am. 

This is a direct excerpt from the Hennepin County Medical Examiners Office Autopsy Report. The levels of fentanyl are high. (So was Floyd). Look it up.

  A.   Blood drug and novel psychoactive substances screens:
          1.   Fentanyl 11 ng/mL
          2.   Norfentanyl 5.6 ng/mL
          3.   4-ANPP 0.65 ng/mL
          4.   Methamphetamine 19 ng/mL
          5.   11-Hydroxy Delta-9 THC 1.2 ng/mL;
               Delta-9 Carboxy THC 42 ng/mL; Delta-9 THC 2.9 ng/mL
          6.   Cotinine positive
          7.   Caffeine positive
     B.   Blood volatiles: negative for ethanol, methanol,
          isopropanol, or acetone
     C.   Urine drug screen: presumptive positive for cannabinoids,
          amphetamines, and fentanyl/metabolite
     D.   Urine drug screen confirmation: morphine (free) 86 ng/mL

BigGirl...I don’t think you watched the trial...with an open mind. 

57 minutes ago, SmashMouth said:

Wrong again ma’am. 

This is a direct excerpt from the Hennepin County Medical Examiners Office Autopsy Report. The levels of fentanyl are high. (So was Floyd). Look it up.

  A.   Blood drug and novel psychoactive substances screens:
          1.   Fentanyl 11 ng/mL
          2.   Norfentanyl 5.6 ng/mL
          3.   4-ANPP 0.65 ng/mL
          4.   Methamphetamine 19 ng/mL
          5.   11-Hydroxy Delta-9 THC 1.2 ng/mL;
               Delta-9 Carboxy THC 42 ng/mL; Delta-9 THC 2.9 ng/mL
          6.   Cotinine positive
          7.   Caffeine positive
     B.   Blood volatiles: negative for ethanol, methanol,
          isopropanol, or acetone
     C.   Urine drug screen: presumptive positive for cannabinoids,
          amphetamines, and fentanyl/metabolite
     D.   Urine drug screen confirmation: morphine (free) 86 ng/mL

BigGirl...I don’t think you watched the trial...with an open mind. 

All of the medical examiners involved could have said he died of an overdose and Big Girl and her clan would have called them quacks an demanded another autopsy. It has happened before. 
Shouldn’t white people start looting and throwing molotav cocktails? I mean, we didn’t get the white guy off, so we have the right to destroy entire towns, without police interference. Surely they will stand down. I’ve had my eye on a new big screen tv. Maybe I can get one for free.

22 minutes ago, baddog said:

All of the medical examiners involved could have said he died of an overdose and Big Girl and her clan would have called them quacks an demanded another autopsy. It has happened before. 
Shouldn’t white people start looting and throwing molotav cocktails? I mean, we didn’t get the white guy off, so we have the right to destroy entire towns, without police interference. Surely they will stand down. I’ve had my eye on a new big screen tv. Maybe I can get one for free.

That's what happened this time... the ME did the autopsy, but then the private DR (who didn't even examine the body) came to his own conclusions which were supported by the prosecution.  Have you ever seen a time when the prosecutor's office tried to discredit the ME and instead rely on the opinion of an "expert" hired by the family of the victim?  His fees were paid out of that 27 million dollar settlement that was given to the family, I might add.  Hardly a conflict there, lol.  


My biggest problem with this trial, regardless of the guilt or innocence of Chauvin, is that mob violence influenced the jury’s decision, and perhaps the Judge.  This was a tactic used by the Klan & Mafia in the past.   Not a pretty part of our past, and certainly something I’d hate to see happening in our future.  For those reasons, I hope it is overturned, and a new trial convened.  Based on TxHoops comments, it’s not likely.  Sad that.

1 hour ago, Hagar said:

My biggest problem with this trial, regardless of the guilt or innocence of Chauvin, is that mob violence influenced the jury’s decision, and perhaps the Judge.  This was a tactic used by the Klan & Mafia in the past.   Not a pretty part of our past, and certainly something I’d hate to see happening in our future.  For those reasons, I hope it is overturned, and a new trial convened.  Based on TxHoops comments, it’s not likely.  Sad that.

Here's the deal.... We live in a country that's forgotten that we are all responsible for our own actions.  If you decide to jerk away from the cops and try to hop back in your car and flee (like the kid last week) and the cop accidentally pulls her pistol instead of her tazer... you asked for it.  If you get high and try to pass fake bills, fight the cops, ingest mass amounts of drugs and don't make it home.... you asked for it.  If you take a suspect down and kneel on him even though he's obviously in great distress (and ultimately died).... you asked for it.  I don't feel that bad for Chauvin.  I don't think that he actually committed murder, but I don't have a real problem with manslaughter... but when he made a conscious decision to stay there in spite of all common sense and the input from bystanders and his fellow officers, he put himself in the position to be judged by an unsympathetic jury.  He asked for it. 


I do have a problem because it seems like we've reached a point in America where the lie about "unarmed young black men being slaughtered by racist cops" is now accepted as a fact.  If you dare to point out the fact that it's a lie perpetrated by the media and those on the left for their own selfish purposes, you're a racist, too.  They are literally calling for the cop in C-bus Ohio to be prosecuted for shooting the girl that was trying to stab another girl yesterday.  "Kids have been having knife fights forever... that's no reason to kill her," etc... It's insane.  I think that the people who are trying so hard to pit us against one another aren't going to like the unavoidable eventual results that will come from their actions.  


Trumps Senior Advisor - Stephen Miller

Biden’s vilification of the US (and law enforcement) as systemically racist (“stain on our nation’s soul”) is unimaginably destructive. It’s also the pretext for the Left’s entire agenda: youth indoctrination, desecration of history, CRT, open borders, defunding police, etc.

The left’s war on law enforcement will bring only tragedy & heartbreak. While wealthy progressives retreat further into their enclaves, the rest of the nation will be forced to endure the tidal surge in crime. African-American communities will be among the very hardest hit.

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