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As I morph from old man to curmudgeon, let me share some poo.  Out last night and ran into an old friend.  He made a remark, “I hate to get out because people are crazy”.  Why bring it up?  My wife & I have been complaining about that, so at least others see it.  Drive like nuts.  Zero manners.  And cell phones - good grief.  I contemplate the possible suicide rate if all the cell phones were taken away.

Now, since my 300 or so TV stations are so bad, we were watching Dr. Pimple Popper.  Lady had a large marble size cyst in her hair.  She was concerned about having a bald spot up there when the cyst was removed.  Ordinarily, I could understand her concern, but this lady had a lip ring and a nose ring.  Heck, she could be bald and I wouldn’t notice it with Bubba’s Scrap Iron hanging out of every orifice.  What is it that makes a person want to disfigure themselves?   Guess I’m just getting old(er).  


Cell phones drive me crazy. Nothing like sitting in a restaurant and having to listen to someone’s conversation or having to here whatever video they decided to watch. I don’t want to listen to your video when I’m having dinner. Turn that crap off or put in those ear piece thingy’s.

5 hours ago, Hagar said:

As I morph from old man to curmudgeon, let me share some poo.  Out last night and ran into an old friend.  He made a remark, “I hate to get out because people are crazy”.  Why bring it up?  My wife & I have been complaining about that, so at least others see it.  Drive like nuts.  Zero manners.  And cell phones - good grief.  I contemplate the possible suicide rate if all the cell phones were taken away.

Now, since my 300 or so TV stations are so bad, we were watching Dr. Pimple Popper.  Lady had a large marble size cyst in her hair.  She was concerned about having a bald spot up there when the cyst was removed.  Ordinarily, I could understand her concern, but this lady had a lip ring and a nose ring.  Heck, she could be bald and I wouldn’t notice it with Bubba’s Scrap Iron hanging out of every orifice.  What is it that makes a person want to disfigure themselves?   Guess I’m just getting old(er).  

Some of us are relics. Lol


Manners are gone.  Common decency and respect for elders is gone.  The attitude now is say whatever you want (free speech), do whatever you want (defund the police), act however you want (it’s not your fault - it’s society, the government, your parent’s fault, etc).  As people continue to turn their back on God, and as our country continues to distance itself from Him we as a country will continue rolling downhill like a snowball headed for hell.

3 minutes ago, TxHoops said:

By the way, keep this thread going my friend.  Might end up being my favorite place to visit on this board.  

I’ll relate what I’ve mentioned to you before - how fast time goes by when you get old.  I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention Andy Rooney’s quote - “Life is like a roll of toilet paper, the nearer to the end you get, the faster it goes”.  My great example is my pill containers.  I have three of them that are for 7 days each, so three weeks worth.  I have to refill them every week & a half (at least).  I hate to blink, 15 seconds go bye.  A yawn, two minutes.  I use to think my eyes were getting bad, now I realize everything is happening so fast, it’s just a blur.  

Anyway, as my feeble brain comes up with something, more rambling to follow.  😂

47 minutes ago, Chester86 said:

Manners are gone.  Common decency and respect for elders is gone.  The attitude now is say whatever you want (free speech), do whatever you want (defund the police), act however you want (it’s not your fault - it’s society, the government, your parent’s fault, etc).  As people continue to turn their back on God, and as our country continues to distance itself from Him we as a country will continue rolling downhill like a snowball headed for hell.

The Hagg!!!


Another thought from the old Viking.  We have men sucker punching old ladies on the street - We had a wing nut try to break into a Delta Airlines Pilots cabin - And a lady knock out a Flight Attendant’s teeth for asking her to put on a mask.  How many more we haven’t heard about?  I suspect the 600,000 deaths are not the only casualties of this pandemic.  I think another big casualty of this pandemic is our mental health.  Evidently many live on the edge during normal times.  This forced isolation has driven many of us over the edge.  As usual, I have no answers, only opinions and questions.


Interesting video, just less than 10 minutes long.  Evidently they got these six folks together & let them rate the groups IQ from top to bottom.  The young military man w/o a college degree, was judged last by several liberals.  And the one girl, who was extremely impressed with herself & her degree, well, I hope you watch it.



Had one of my old friends pass away.  I got out of the Army on 11/7/67 & went to work on 2/12/68 at Houston Chemical in Beaumont.  He was the guy that trained me on my job (I was replacing him, he was going to a Day job).  He was a black guy, that was also a veteran, and very smart.  He not only taught me the job, through the years, he taught me much of life.  He was 82.  I always called him on Juneteenth.  Once, after he was retired & I was then working at X/M, I forgot.  He couldn’t get hold of me & called others, afraid something was wrong.  We had a good laugh over it.  RIP my friend.

49 minutes ago, Hagar said:

Had one of my old friends pass away.  I got out of the Army on 11/7/67 & went to work on 2/12/68 at Houston Chemical in Beaumont.  He was the guy that trained me on my job (I was replacing him, he was going to a Day job).  He was a black guy, that was also a veteran, and very smart.  He not only taught me the job, through the years, he taught me much of life.  He was 82.  I always called him on Juneteenth.  Once, after he was retired & I was then working at X/M, I forgot.  He couldn’t get hold of me & called others, afraid something was wrong.  We had a good laugh over it.  RIP my friend.

Love this story my friend.  As I predicted, this has become one of my favorite threads.  Now I’m about to watch this video you posted. 

8 hours ago, Hagar said:

Interesting video, just less than 10 minutes long.  Evidently they got these six folks together & let them rate the groups IQ from top to bottom.  The young military man w/o a college degree, was judged last by several liberals.  And the one girl, who was extremely impressed with herself & her degree, well, I hope you watch it.


I now feel better about myself. Lol


Had a meme for a while.  Has an US Flag on top & a Texas Flag underneath.  And in the middle a black square with the words:


There’s more than humor there.  I wish it was true.  Listening to a radio talk show & they had an owner of a Flag store on.  She said there were more Texas Flags sold than the other 49 States combined.  Think about that.  Yes, I wish Americans loved America as much as Texans love Texas.


My postings may be erratic.  I sometimes try to think of something profound, but can’t.  Then a couple come along, like today.  Was reading an old post I kept on S. Print of a Bible quote from 2nd Timothy Ch 4 vs 3 & 4.  I’m using the St Joseph, but it’s virtually the same in King James.  

I became Catholic about 50 years ago.  Once had a Catholic Priest preach, “The main thing is to be a good Christian.  If there’s something in Catholicism that’s a barrier to you being a good Christian, you might consider becoming a Baptist or Methodist (some old parishioners dropped their teeth, lol).  Personally, I thought it the most Christian thing I’d ever heard anyone say.  At that time, “new” non-denominational Churches were almost unheard of.  Now they’re everywhere.  I’m sure some may be fine, but I wonder about others, which brings me back to this Bible quote:

3- The time is sure to come when people will not accept sound teaching, but their ears will be itching for anything new and they will collect themselves a whole series of teachers according to their own taste.

4- And then they will shut their ears to the truth and will turn to myths.

Point is, if for whatever reason your Church is blocking you from being a good Christian, be careful you don’t pick a Church that leads you astray.

6 hours ago, Hagar said:

My postings may be erratic.  I sometimes try to think of something profound, but can’t.  Then a couple come along, like today.  Was reading an old post I kept on S. Print of a Bible quote from 2nd Timothy Ch 4 vs 3 & 4.  I’m using the St Joseph, but it’s virtually the same in King James.  

I became Catholic about 50 years ago.  Once had a Catholic Priest preach, “The main thing is to be a good Christian.  If there’s something in Catholicism that’s a barrier to you being a good Christian, you might consider becoming a Baptist or Methodist (some old parishioners dropped their teeth, lol).  Personally, I thought it the most Christian thing I’d ever heard anyone say.  At that time, “new” non-denominational Churches were almost unheard of.  Now they’re everywhere.  I’m sure some may be fine, but I wonder about others, which brings me back to this Bible quote:

3- The time is sure to come when people will not accept sound teaching, but their ears will be itching for anything new and they will collect themselves a whole series of teachers according to their own taste.

4- And then they will shut their ears to the truth and will turn to myths.

Point is, if for whatever reason your Church is blocking you from being a good Christian, be careful you don’t pick a Church that leads you astray.



I want to expose y’all now to getting old.  It happens to most all of us at some time in our lives.  I’ve  already posted about the “time flies” anomaly, and here’s a few others.

It’s jokingly put on memes, but you really will walk into rooms sometimes and forget why.

Dr appt for physicals - when younger a formality.  When you’re old, you say a silent prayer, “please don’t let them find anything else wrong”.

When we’re young, we urinate like a fire hose.  As you get older, don’t be surprised if it’s more like a sprinkler system.

And of course, the dreaded memory loss.  Don’t panic and immediately think you’ve got Alzheimer’s.  Most of us get some dementia as we age.  If not for Internet search engines, I’d have to quit posting.  Spelling.  Names.  Events.  Lol, I’m probably one of the top users of searches.

You’ll spend a lot of time at Funerals, culminating with your own.  Sad to see old friends moving on, and it’s a constant reminder of your own inevitable end.

Finally, I’ve noticed folks seem to get closer to God, or, and I find this odd, some reject him towards the end.  That last part is a mystery to me. Perhaps connected to the strange things happening in the old brain?  No idea, but it doesn’t make sense.




20 hours ago, Hagar said:

I want to expose y’all now to getting old.  It happens to most all of us at some time in our lives.  I’ve  already posted about the “time flies” anomaly, and here’s a few others.

It’s jokingly put on memes, but you really will walk into rooms sometimes and forget why.

Dr appt for physicals - when younger a formality.  When you’re old, you say a silent prayer, “please don’t let them find anything else wrong”.

When we’re young, we urinate like a fire hose.  As you get older, don’t be surprised if it’s more like a sprinkler system.

And of course, the dreaded memory loss.  Don’t panic and immediately think you’ve got Alzheimer’s.  Most of us get some dementia as we age.  If not for Internet search engines, I’d have to quit posting.  Spelling.  Names.  Events.  Lol, I’m probably one of the top users of searches.

You’ll spend a lot of time at Funerals, culminating with your own.  Sad to see old friends moving on, and it’s a constant reminder of your own inevitable end.

Finally, I’ve noticed folks seem to get closer to God, or, and I find this odd, some reject him towards the end.  That last part is a mystery to me. Perhaps connected to the strange things happening in the old brain?  No idea, but it doesn’t make sense.




That reminds me of a joke…

A couple in their 70s were watching TV late one night and the old lady told her husband, why don’t you go to the kitchen and get me some ice cream, I want chocolate. The old man got up to go but she said you’d better write it down because you have such a bad memory. He got mad at her and said old woman, you are the one with the bad memory and off he went.

About 3 minutes later he yelled back at her from the kitchen, “how did you want those eggs?”.

She yelled back, “I told you, over easy!!”. 

20 hours ago, Hagar said:

I want to expose y’all now to getting old.  It happens to most all of us at some time in our lives.  I’ve  already posted about the “time flies” anomaly, and here’s a few others.

It’s jokingly put on memes, but you really will walk into rooms sometimes and forget why.

Dr appt for physicals - when younger a formality.  When you’re old, you say a silent prayer, “please don’t let them find anything else wrong”.

When we’re young, we urinate like a fire hose.  As you get older, don’t be surprised if it’s more like a sprinkler system.

And of course, the dreaded memory loss.  Don’t panic and immediately think you’ve got Alzheimer’s.  Most of us get some dementia as we age.  If not for Internet search engines, I’d have to quit posting.  Spelling.  Names.  Events.  Lol, I’m probably one of the top users of searches.

You’ll spend a lot of time at Funerals, culminating with your own.  Sad to see old friends moving on, and it’s a constant reminder of your own inevitable end.

Finally, I’ve noticed folks seem to get closer to God, or, and I find this odd, some reject him towards the end.  That last part is a mystery to me. Perhaps connected to the strange things happening in the old brain?  No idea, but it doesn’t make sense.




A prescription of Tamsulosin might help tremendously. 

20 hours ago, Hagar said:

I want to expose y’all now to getting old.  It happens to most all of us at some time in our lives.  I’ve  already posted about the “time flies” anomaly, and here’s a few others.

It’s jokingly put on memes, but you really will walk into rooms sometimes and forget why.

Dr appt for physicals - when younger a formality.  When you’re old, you say a silent prayer, “please don’t let them find anything else wrong”.

When we’re young, we urinate like a fire hose.  As you get older, don’t be surprised if it’s more like a sprinkler system.

And of course, the dreaded memory loss.  Don’t panic and immediately think you’ve got Alzheimer’s.  Most of us get some dementia as we age.  If not for Internet search engines, I’d have to quit posting.  Spelling.  Names.  Events.  Lol, I’m probably one of the top users of searches.

You’ll spend a lot of time at Funerals, culminating with your own.  Sad to see old friends moving on, and it’s a constant reminder of your own inevitable end.

Finally, I’ve noticed folks seem to get closer to God, or, and I find this odd, some reject him towards the end.  That last part is a mystery to me. Perhaps connected to the strange things happening in the old brain?  No idea, but it doesn’t make sense.




That reminds me of another joke...

A 60-year-old, 70-year-old and 80-year-old men were sitting around arguing one day on what age was worst to reach when getting old.

The 60 year old said, I get up at 6 every morning and go to the bathroom but I stand there for several minutes but and it just trickles and almost nothing comes out.

The 70 year old said, that’s nothing. I get up at 7am and have to go poop but I sit there for 20 minutes and nothing happens.

The 80-year-old man said, y’all have it easy. To which the 60-year-old said, you can’t go urinate in the morning either? The 80-year-old man said, sure, at 6am it comes like a flood.

The 70-year-old then said, oh so you can’t go poop either? The 80-year-old said, sure, at 7am it is like the gates open and you can’t stop it.

So the 60 and 70-year-old men asked, then what’s the problem?

The 80-year-old man replied, “you don’t wake up until 8”. 

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