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7 minutes ago, BMTSoulja1 said:

I don’t want to hijack this thread and I really don’t have the energy.  However, we’ll bookmark this particular discussion for a future date.

IMO, Doc was wrong as they come and many feels his post was pretty racist.  

BTW, I do respect your opinion…

I respect yours as well, and I agree with you that his post seemed pretty racist.

1 hour ago, SmashMouth said:

I guess I just couldn’t read it. 

The thing about it is this… if he said “young people blah blah blah” it’s not a problem for me. When you say “young BLACK people blah blah blah” it’s just wrong. There are plenty of young people of all colors that feel as he describes, yet he’s only chastising the black ones. There are also plenty of industrious young black people who haven’t bought into the “victim” narrative and are working hard and making the most of every opportunity presented to them… yet they are lumped into his stereotype. 

What’s more disturbing is that in his profession he is sworn to care for us… and it sounds like he has a genuine dislike (if not a thinly disguised hatred) for a lot of people that he doesn’t know predominantly based on their skin color. Not to mention that he’s being rewarded with our tax dollars. It just rings wrong with me, and you know that I’m not an apologist on racial issues by any means. 
I don’t have a problem with him singling out bad politicians of any color, unless it’s because of their color… then it’s wrong. 
But I also feel the same way when politicians/pundits get away with demonizing white people as well. 

We should all be better. 

23 minutes ago, CardinalBacker said:

The thing about it is this… if he said “young people blah blah blah” it’s not a problem for me. When you say “young BLACK people blah blah blah” it’s just wrong. There are plenty of young people of all colors that feel as he describes, yet he’s only chastising the black ones. There are also plenty of industrious young black people who haven’t bought into the “victim” narrative and are working hard and making the most of every opportunity presented to them… yet they are lumped into his stereotype. 

What’s more disturbing is that in his profession he is sworn to care for us… and it sounds like he has a genuine dislike (if not a thinly disguised hatred) for a lot of people that he doesn’t know predominantly based on their skin color. Not to mention that he’s being rewarded with our tax dollars. It just rings wrong with me, and you know that I’m not an apologist on racial issues by any means. 
I don’t have a problem with him singling out bad politicians of any color, unless it’s because of their color… then it’s wrong. 
But I also feel the same way when politicians/pundits get away with demonizing white people as well. 

We should all be better. 

This is not a racist issue, it is a culture issue. For over 20 years I did business with the EurAsian community, India, Pakistan, Viet Nam, Laos, Korean, Iranians, Syrians. 

Many of these countries peoples have much disdain for the American black. When they finally feel they can trust you, you find out the true reason. It's not skin color, it's work ethic and family values. I do not know the doctors heritage, but by the use of words he chose, I would assume India, Pakistan, Afghanistan but just a guess 

Your statement "lumped into this stereotype" is actually what used to work in combating crime. But then you had cops busting heads instead of moving in the other direction. 

So you see, there will always be those "white people" who think every dark skinned person is either a drug dealer or a pimp or has 5 baby mommas. And there will always be those "black people" who think the white man is the devil. You will never change either of those groups, but the saddest part, they are the smallest group with the biggest voices.

Everyone should try this for one week, when you are describing an interaction with another human. And you're tell the story to a third party, don't use color to describe the person. It doesn't matter if the person you talked to is the same or different color than you. Don't have your first comment be I was talking to this black/white guy, I was talking to this nice guy...


7 hours ago, Derf Nosneb said:

Many of these countries peoples have much disdain for the American black. When they finally feel they can trust you, you find out the true reason. It's not skin color, it's work ethic and family values. 

Buddy, that’s the problem.. racism isn’t about the shade of skin and it never has been. It’s about believing that one group of people is superior to another because of reasons like work ethic and family values. It’s my old family members saying “that’s the problem with black people… every one of them will lie to your face” not about the amount of pigmentation in their skin. Skin color has never been the problem. 

1 hour ago, CardinalBacker said:

Buddy, that’s the problem.. racism isn’t about the shade of skin and it never has been. It’s about believing that one group of people is superior to another because of reasons like work ethic and family values. It’s my old family members saying “that’s the problem with black people… every one of them will lie to your face” not about the amount of pigmentation in their skin. Skin color has never been the problem. 

That would be the definition of 'supremacist'.  Add that all common adjective in front of that word and you know what you get.  But you say that it racism isn't about the shade of your skin.  You've just contradicted yourself here...  

12 minutes ago, BMTSoulja1 said:

That would be the definition of 'supremacist'.  Add that all common adjective in front of that word and you know what you get.  But you say that it racism isn't about the shade of your skin.  You've just contradicted yourself here...  

No, sir...

Racism defined: the belief that different races possess distinct characteristics, abilities, or qualities, especially so as to distinguish them as inferior or superior to one another.

It's the "superior or inferior to one another" part that encapsulates everything.  The problem is that we've all twisted the meaning of racism to fit whatever we want.   We all think of a racist as a guy in a white hood with a Southern Accent that hates black people just because his family has for 100 years.  While that definitely fits the definition of racism, racism is also believing that one race has the ability to use a word when another group should be punished for doing so.  Racism isn't "I'm better than him because I'm white."  It's more like "i just can't stand them because they all ........" when discussing a different race. 

Where I get in trouble is that I believe that we should all still celebrate our defining characteristics and even notice the characteristics typical of others as long as we keep in mind that those differences make us no better or worse than one another. 

1 hour ago, CardinalBacker said:

No, sir...

Racism defined: the belief that different races possess distinct characteristics, abilities, or qualities, especially so as to distinguish them as inferior or superior to one another.

It's the "superior or inferior to one another" part that encapsulates everything.  The problem is that we've all twisted the meaning of racism to fit whatever we want.   We all think of a racist as a guy in a white hood with a Southern Accent that hates black people just because his family has for 100 years.  While that definitely fits the definition of racism, racism is also believing that one race has the ability to use a word when another group should be punished for doing so.  Racism isn't "I'm better than him because I'm white."  It's more like "i just can't stand them because they all ........" when discussing a different race. 

Where I get in trouble is that I believe that we should all still celebrate our defining characteristics and even notice the characteristics typical of others as long as we keep in mind that those differences make us no better or worse than one another. 

You've just miss my point and even your own point.  I pointed out that above, you CLEARLY defined 'supremacy'.   See there?  You baited me into a discussion that I've previously stated that I don't have the energy for.  😑

4 hours ago, CardinalBacker said:

Buddy, that’s the problem.. racism isn’t about the shade of skin and it never has been. It’s about believing that one group of people is superior to another because of reasons like work ethic and family values. It’s my old family members saying “that’s the problem with black people… every one of them will lie to your face” not about the amount of pigmentation in their skin. Skin color has never been the problem. 

Great response and spot on, racism is the 21st century catch all phrase ...

4 hours ago, BMTSoulja1 said:

You've just miss my point and even your own point.  I pointed out that above, you CLEARLY defined 'supremacy'.   See there?  You baited me into a discussion that I've previously stated that I don't have the energy for.  😑

No offense, my man... Supremacy is a whole different animal. A good example of that is those guys with the nazi tattoos who believe that white people are God's chosen ones and call everybody else mud people.  They're all about saving the white race and protecting Aryan bloodlines or whatever.  

Go look up the definition of racism... you'll be surprised, I promise you. 

2 hours ago, Derf Nosneb said:

Great response and spot on, racism is the 21st century catch all phrase ...

Literally.... you disagreed with President Obama on healthcare...you're a racist.  If you think our borders should be secured, you're a racist.  

It's the hand grenade that the left throws at anybody who disagrees with leftist philosophies in any way....  More black people in jail for murder?  Racism.  Black people own less real estate?   Racism.   White people score higher on a test?  Racism.  

The word has been hijacked by people who don't even have a clue what it means.  

6 hours ago, CardinalBacker said:

No offense, my man... Supremacy is a whole different animal. A good example of that is those guys with the nazi tattoos who believe that white people are God's chosen ones and call everybody else mud people.  They're all about saving the white race and protecting Aryan bloodlines or whatever.  

Go look up the definition of racism... you'll be surprised, I promise you. 

I wish to correct the example of Hitler’s pure Aryan race being strictly “white”. Although white was a requirement, they also had to be fair skinned, blonde haired, and blue eyed. As white as I am, I would not have fit the profile and would have been exterminated, had Hitler won. There would also be absolutely no black race. He hated them. 

8 hours ago, CardinalBacker said:

Literally.... you disagreed with President Obama on healthcare...you're a racist.  If you think our borders should be secured, you're a racist.  

It's the hand grenade that the left throws at anybody who disagrees with leftist philosophies in any way....  More black people in jail for murder?  Racism.  Black people own less real estate?   Racism.   White people score higher on a test?  Racism.  

The word has been hijacked by people who don't even have a clue what it means.  

Every now and then, when someone brings up the subject I just state, "Y'all know I can't be a racist, cuz I hate me some NASCAR and not sure what that open wheel racen be"...

8 hours ago, Derf Nosneb said:

Every now and then, when someone brings up the subject I just state, "Y'all know I can't be a racist, cuz I hate me some NASCAR and not sure what that open wheel racen be"...

I always say “I’m not a racist, but I’m kinda worried that my dog might be.”

4 hours ago, CardinalBacker said:

I always say “I’m not a racist, but I’m kinda worried that my dog might be.”

Lets not go down that rabbit hole. Our last home in Spring, TX we had trash pickup at the backdoor. Our sanitation workers would alway make the comment that we had the only dog in the neighborhood who would not bark or growl at them. So I think you know what I mean in a cryptic way.

On 6/21/2021 at 6:49 PM, BMTSoulja1 said:

Wow is all I can say…. You really don’t understand what these current happenings are about.  And I don’t have the energy I explain…. 🤷🏾‍♂️

Check out this guys posts over in the political sub. He was sad he couldn’t make it to the Jan 6th insurrection in DC. Dude is literally a traitor lol

5 hours ago, Derf Nosneb said:

Lets not go down that rabbit hole. Our last home in Spring, TX we had trash pickup at the backdoor. Our sanitation workers would alway make the comment that we had the only dog in the neighborhood who would not bark or growl at them. So I think you know what I mean in a cryptic way.

I don't even have a dog, but it's legit.  I've had several over the years that would just go bananas when they saw black people.  It's really embarrassing.

On 6/23/2021 at 6:27 AM, CardinalBacker said:

Buddy, that’s the problem.. racism isn’t about the shade of skin and it never has been. It’s about believing that one group of people is superior to another because of reasons like work ethic and family values. It’s my old family members saying “that’s the problem with black people… every one of them will lie to your face” not about the amount of pigmentation in their skin. Skin color has never been the problem. 

Prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against a person or people on the basis of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized. Now how the hell is that not about skin color? SMDH...

On 6/23/2021 at 8:12 AM, CardinalBacker said:

No, sir...

Racism defined: the belief that different races possess distinct characteristics, abilities, or qualities, especially so as to distinguish them as inferior or superior to one another.

It's the "superior or inferior to one another" part that encapsulates everything.  The problem is that we've all twisted the meaning of racism to fit whatever we want.   We all think of a racist as a guy in a white hood with a Southern Accent that hates black people just because his family has for 100 years.  While that definitely fits the definition of racism, racism is also believing that one race has the ability to use a word when another group should be punished for doing so.  Racism isn't "I'm better than him because I'm white."  It's more like "i just can't stand them because they all ........" when discussing a different race. 

Where I get in trouble is that I believe that we should all still celebrate our defining characteristics and even notice the characteristics typical of others as long as we keep in mind that those differences make us no better or worse than one another. 

Race is defined as a category of humankind that shares certain distinctive physical traits. Race is usually associated with biology and linked with physical characteristics, such as hair texture or skin color and covers a relatively narrow range of options. And, that's from Merriam-Webster and you expect us to believe that Racism has nothing to do with skin color? Stop with the ridiculousness!

29 minutes ago, Yeoj said:

Race is defined as a category of humankind that shares certain distinctive physical traits. Race is usually associated with biology and linked with physical characteristics, such as hair texture or skin color and covers a relatively narrow range of options. And, that's from Merriam-Webster and you expect us to believe that Racism has nothing to do with skin color? Stop with the ridiculousness!

Okay… so why didn’t you bother to quote the definition of racism?

On 6/25/2021 at 4:31 PM, CardinalBacker said:

Okay… so why didn’t you bother to quote the definition of racism?

You do realize I started with the definition of racism right? SMH...

2 hours ago, CardinalBacker said:


This is the hidden content, please

lmao... Did you even read that link or are you just a troll? You probably have a tiki torch, khaki pants, and a bad haircut. 

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