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2 hours ago, Big girl said:

My good friend died 3 hours ago due to Covid-19.  She couldn't get the vaccination because of numerous health issues. I asked her if there came a time, would she want to be placed on a vent, she said yes, she wanted to fight. She suffered immensely, she had COVID-19  pneumonia; as well as, bacterial pneumonia. She started to hallucinate. She was constantly making a gagging noise, because the tube was irritated her throat. At one point they had to temporarily paralyze her so she wouldn't pull the tube out. Her lungs were filled with fluid. Her FiO2 was at 100%, the PEEP setting was at 12, which is horrible, because her 0xygen sats dropped to 82%, (90-100 is normal) even through her fi02 was at 100%. Because her PEEP was so high, she had a pneumothorax which was the cause of her death. I am so heartbroken, because she went through hell. So miss me with that anti vaxxer mindset. If you have to watch a family member go through what my friend with through, you might change your mind. Her husband died in 2014. She was despondent, but was ready to live again, and she was going to remarry, now her life has been cut short.


I hate to hear that...

7 hours ago, Big girl said:

My good friend died 3 hours ago due to Covid-19.  She couldn't get the vaccination because of numerous health issues. I asked her if there came a time, would she want to be placed on a vent, she said yes, she wanted to fight. She suffered immensely, she had COVID-19  pneumonia; as well as, bacterial pneumonia. She started to hallucinate. She was constantly making a gagging noise, because the tube was irritated her throat. At one point they had to temporarily paralyze her so she wouldn't pull the tube out. Her lungs were filled with fluid. Her FiO2 was at 100%, the PEEP setting was at 12, which is horrible, because her 0xygen sats dropped to 82%, (90-100 is normal) even through her fi02 was at 100%. Because her PEEP was so high, she had a pneumothorax which was the cause of her death. I am so heartbroken, because she went through hell. So miss me with that anti vaxxer mindset. If you have to watch a family member go through what my friend with through, you might change your mind. Her husband died in 2014. She was despondent, but was ready to live again, and she was going to remarry, now her life has been cut short.


I am very sorry for the loss of your good friend. I have lost several friends and a couple more are now critical.  I never had to suffer with them though.  That compounds the pain way more than simply hearing about it. It is heartbreaking just to read your comments.

God Bless you both and may you cherish her friendship until you see her again. 

1 hour ago, tvc184 said:

I am very sorry for the loss of your good friend. I have lost several friends and a couple more are now critical.  I never had to suffer with them though.  That compounds the pain way more than simply hearing about it. It is heartbreaking just to read your comments.

God Bless you both and may you cherish her friendship until you see her again. 

I will, thank you.

10 hours ago, Big girl said:

My good friend died 3 hours ago due to Covid-19.  She couldn't get the vaccination because of numerous health issues. I asked her if there came a time, would she want to be placed on a vent, she said yes, she wanted to fight. She suffered immensely, she had COVID-19  pneumonia; as well as, bacterial pneumonia. She started to hallucinate. She was constantly making a gagging noise, because the tube was irritated her throat. At one point they had to temporarily paralyze her so she wouldn't pull the tube out. Her lungs were filled with fluid. Her FiO2 was at 100%, the PEEP setting was at 12, which is horrible, because her 0xygen sats dropped to 82%, (90-100 is normal) even through her fi02 was at 100%. Because her PEEP was so high, she had a pneumothorax which was the cause of her death. I am so heartbroken, because she went through hell. So miss me with that anti vaxxer mindset. If you have to watch a family member go through what my friend with through, you might change your mind. Her husband died in 2014. She was despondent, but was ready to live again, and she was going to remarry, now her life has been cut short.


Very sorry for your loss of a good friend.

1 hour ago, mat said:

I know this is controversial 

but I am 100% in support 

of mandatory vacations

for everyone and booster vacations

every four months.

Sorry if this offends anyone. 

Can’t catch me I’m the gingerbread man.

3 hours ago, mat said:

I know this is controversial 

but I am 100% in support 

of mandatory vacations

for everyone and booster vacations

every four months.

Sorry if this offends anyone. 

Me too.

I'm also for mandating a strict, healthy food regime for everyone. Have you noticed all of those fat slobs in the doctors office. I have to wait for hours to see the doctor because of these idiots. Let's force them to eat healthy. Ban meat. Ban dairy. Ban everything unhealthy in the name of protecting me, my family, my loved ones, and of course, our fearless political leaders. We need an "Operation Warp Speed" diet commission to produce a pill that those idiots must take so they will be healthy and will not fill up the hospitals. I hate looking at those disgusting people. They need to be forced into submission.

I'm also in favor of mandatory exercise for these disgusting slobs. If you cannot show a body/fat ratio test that falls within a government mandated acceptable range, you cannot enter a restaurant. You cannot enter any public workplace. You cannot board a plane. I don't want to be forced to pay extra fuel costs trickled down into the cost of my plane ticket due to these fatties.

Let's also mandate masks, year round, in all public and private places. I can't stand when these people cough or sneeze within 50 feet of me while not wearing a mask. Some of these disgusting people have the nerve to enter a grocery store during flu season...while I'm there. Don't these idiots realize they are spreading their disgusting germs in my presence. Mandatory masks will solve this problem. Of course we will need a federal commission to study how many masks these filthies must wear. I'm guessing 2 for first offense, 5 for second offense. The third offense should result in stapling the masks to their face.

We must also control procreation. We, and every fellow enlightened one can agree, surely don't want these disgusting people spitting out more vile copies of themselves. Our leaders must mandate who can reproduce, and with who. This will greatly improve my future, as well as everyone I care about. I voted these political leaders into office. Their job is to protect me from those who make bad health choices in life.

Luckily I, and our leaders are "sophisticated" and do not need to follow these rules. But those disgusting people must conform. So yes, I'm on board. Let's mandate the unwashed masses until they conform or die. The Earth will be a much better place once we get rid of the people that won't obey. Once we get rid of the unintelligent degenerates, then we can have a more scientific debate on what is healthy for the rest of us. 

4 hours ago, Englebert said:

Me too.

I'm also for mandating a strict, healthy food regime for everyone. Have you noticed all of those fat slobs in the doctors office. I have to wait for hours to see the doctor because of these idiots. Let's force them to eat healthy. Ban meat. Ban dairy. Ban everything unhealthy in the name of protecting me, my family, my loved ones, and of course, our fearless political leaders. We need an "Operation Warp Speed" diet commission to produce a pill that those idiots must take so they will be healthy and will not fill up the hospitals. I hate looking at those disgusting people. They need to be forced into submission.

I'm also in favor of mandatory exercise for these disgusting slobs. If you cannot show a body/fat ratio test that falls within a government mandated acceptable range, you cannot enter a restaurant. You cannot enter any public workplace. You cannot board a plane. I don't want to be forced to pay extra fuel costs trickled down into the cost of my plane ticket due to these fatties.

Let's also mandate masks, year round, in all public and private places. I can't stand when these people cough or sneeze within 50 feet of me while not wearing a mask. Some of these disgusting people have the nerve to enter a grocery store during flu season...while I'm there. Don't these idiots realize they are spreading their disgusting germs in my presence. Mandatory masks will solve this problem. Of course we will need a federal commission to study how many masks these filthies must wear. I'm guessing 2 for first offense, 5 for second offense. The third offense should result in stapling the masks to their face.

We must also control procreation. We, and every fellow enlightened one can agree, surely don't want these disgusting people spitting out more vile copies of themselves. Our leaders must mandate who can reproduce, and with who. This will greatly improve my future, as well as everyone I care about. I voted these political leaders into office. Their job is to protect me from those who make bad health choices in life.

Luckily I, and our leaders are "sophisticated" and do not need to follow these rules. But those disgusting people must conform. So yes, I'm on board. Let's mandate the unwashed masses until they conform or die. The Earth will be a much better place once we get rid of the people that won't obey. Once we get rid of the unintelligent degenerates, then we can have a more scientific debate on what is healthy for the rest of us. 

Got ‘eeem 😂🤣

11 hours ago, mat said:

I know this is controversial 

but I am 100% in support 

of mandatory vacations

for everyone and booster vacations

every four months.

Sorry if this offends anyone. 

Please reread my post very slowly

12 hours ago, LumRaiderFan said:

Very sorry for your loss of a good friend.

Thank you. It was hard to watch. Because I am a RN, I knew how much she was suffering. I received daily reports from the hospital nurses.

11 hours ago, Englebert said:

Me too.

I'm also for mandating a strict, healthy food regime for everyone. Have you noticed all of those fat slobs in the doctors office. I have to wait for hours to see the doctor because of these idiots. Let's force them to eat healthy. Ban meat. Ban dairy. Ban everything unhealthy in the name of protecting me, my family, my loved ones, and of course, our fearless political leaders. We need an "Operation Warp Speed" diet commission to produce a pill that those idiots must take so they will be healthy and will not fill up the hospitals. I hate looking at those disgusting people. They need to be forced into submission.

I'm also in favor of mandatory exercise for these disgusting slobs. If you cannot show a body/fat ratio test that falls within a government mandated acceptable range, you cannot enter a restaurant. You cannot enter any public workplace. You cannot board a plane. I don't want to be forced to pay extra fuel costs trickled down into the cost of my plane ticket due to these fatties.

Let's also mandate masks, year round, in all public and private places. I can't stand when these people cough or sneeze within 50 feet of me while not wearing a mask. Some of these disgusting people have the nerve to enter a grocery store during flu season...while I'm there. Don't these idiots realize they are spreading their disgusting germs in my presence. Mandatory masks will solve this problem. Of course we will need a federal commission to study how many masks these filthies must wear. I'm guessing 2 for first offense, 5 for second offense. The third offense should result in stapling the masks to their face.

We must also control procreation. We, and every fellow enlightened one can agree, surely don't want these disgusting people spitting out more vile copies of themselves. Our leaders must mandate who can reproduce, and with who. This will greatly improve my future, as well as everyone I care about. I voted these political leaders into office. Their job is to protect me from those who make bad health choices in life.

Luckily I, and our leaders are "sophisticated" and do not need to follow these rules. But those disgusting people must conform. So yes, I'm on board. Let's mandate the unwashed masses until they conform or die. The Earth will be a much better place once we get rid of the people that won't obey. Once we get rid of the unintelligent degenerates, then we can have a more scientific debate on what is healthy for the rest of us. 

Reminds me of Demolition Man starting Wesley Snipes and Sylvester Stallone.  


All of this because 83M snowflakes didn’t like tweets.  You voters should have really studied what these Dims are all about.  Those of you that vote Dim because your parents and grandparents did, need to lose that mentality.  Our country is going down the toilet thanks to your uninformed vote.  God help us make it to the election cycle in 2022, maybe we can rid ourselves of a few of these demons.  Then maybe we can unseat the head demon in 2023!!

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