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Roe versus Wade draft seems to overturn

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39 minutes ago, bullets13 said:

It's been 50 years.  Our country is infinitely more liberal than it was 50 years ago, including moderate and republican voters.  This move is likely going to amount to political disaster for the right.  right when the republican party is poised to take back power in a big way you're galvanizing the left, and once again pushing those "stupid moderate" voters back to the left.  

So let’s just keep giving in a lil more each time….and guess where that will lead.???

some people know how to stand up straight no matter the times and some(most) give in and that’s what happens to nations.  Read history much.


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"We hold that Roe v. Wade must be overruled. The Constitution makes no reference to abortion, and no such right is implicitly protected by any constitutional provision, including the one on which the defenders of Roe and Casey now chiefly rely—the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. That provision has been held to guarantee some rights that are not mentioned in the Constitution, but any such right must be deeply rooted in this Nation’s history and tradition, and implicit in the concept of ordered liberty." 

The right to abortion does not fall into this category."


~Justice Alito, writing for at least five Justices.

FYI Alito: "Roe’s defenders characterize the abortion right as similar to the rights recognized in past decisions involving matters such as intimate sexual relations, contraception, and marriage, but abortion is fundamentally different, as both Roe and Casey acknowledged, because it destroys what those decisions called “fetal life” and what the law now before us describes as an “unborn human being.” "



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33 minutes ago, 5GallonBucket said:

Do you like we’re we are right now with how how liberal society is?

50 years is actually a short time compared to the beginning of the human race.

for the most part, I'm very good with it. The left does a ton of insane stuff these days, and I don't like the direction they're going, but that doesn't change how I feel about many topics.  There's a lot of stuff that used to be considered liberal that is now considered reasonable by anyone who isn't an ultra-conservative Christian.  The woke ultra-left has taken things too far, but i have zero issue with homosexuals getting married, people being treated fairly despite their race/ethnicity, men not being able to tune up their wives without repercussion when they "get out of line", adults being able to decide who they want to be, and women being able to make decisions in regards to their body, which are all things that weren't happening 50 years ago.  Look at how bad things had to get on the left before people were willing to swing their votes back to the right.  Immediately pushing legislation that'll take us back to the 70s on social issues is not a winning plan.  

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16 minutes ago, 5GallonBucket said:

So let’s just keep giving in a lil more each time….and guess where that will lead.???

some people know how to stand up straight no matter the times and some(most) give in and that’s what happens to nations.  Read history much.


I'm familiar with history.  What line should we have stopped at?  When black guys were allowed to marry white women?  When we couldn't beat up people for being gay anymore?  Our history is littered with conservatives badly treating whole groups of people for personal gain, or due to religious beliefs, so don't give me a bunch of "standing up for what is right" nonsense.  Both sides of the aisle have some very undesirable traits and unflattering history.  It's always funny when the right claims to have the backbone to "stand up straight" and "do what's right" while actively trying to take politics back to a time when the right treated people very badly.  Both sides are a bunch of hypocrites.  

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38 minutes ago, 5GallonBucket said:

Some have a moral conscience….

The fact that moderates and fence riding liberals will use this to sway their vote speaks volume.

”I d rather be able to kill a baby than help the economy, protect the border, fight crime, etc etc etc….  “

You said it “stupid moderate”

Amazes me that some folks would give up a great opportunity to save lives because they think it may cost some votes, which it won’t.

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52 minutes ago, bullets13 said:

I'm familiar with history.  What line should we have stopped at?  When black guys were allowed to marry white women?  When we couldn't beat up people for being gay anymore?  Our history is littered with conservatives badly treating whole groups of people for personal gain, or due to religious beliefs, so don't give me a bunch of "standing up for what is right" nonsense.  Both sides of the aisle have some very undesirable traits and unflattering history.  It's always funny when the right claims to have the backbone to "stand up straight" and "do what's right" while actively trying to take politics back to a time when the right treated people very badly.  Both sides are a bunch of hypocrites.  

So if a woman is allowed to kill her baby should the man be allowed to abandon the child an not financially support it? 

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2 hours ago, bullets13 said:

It's been 50 years.  Our country is infinitely more liberal than it was 50 years ago, including moderate and republican voters.  This move is likely going to amount to political disaster for the right.  right when the republican party is poised to take back power in a big way you're galvanizing the left, and once again pushing those "stupid moderate" voters back to the left.  

Your comrades here just don’t get it man.. they had 2022 and 2024 all but guaranteed but somehow out dumb themselves, again.  

I voted Romney, skipped, 3rd party, then voted in the republican primary most recently. (All RINOs and libs I’m sure). The issues most important to me are 1) gun rights and 2) womens rights. #2 is clearly at siege, so will be voting accordingly until the crazies lay off the crack. #1 isn’t going anywhere, especially in Texas, despite what they screech nonstop about. 

Of course, the natural rebuttal for the crazies is “what about the economy?!”. Yeah, team R Isn’t on the right side of history either. GFC bailouts, QE, hammering fed for easier monetary policy, Covid bailouts, trump bucks, etc..

#FJB, but F the anti-women crazies even more.  

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Why does this zap us back to the 70s? This reverses nothing else but this decision. The world has changed a lot, over time, why not zap back further? Truth is, we should not make this a political issue…….Dem vs. Rep…….Liberal vs. Conservative. This is entirely a moral issue. Notice I did not say religious, although some religious beliefs will affect people’s decision. It is still a moral issue….Right vs. Wrong. We all have a sense of morality. No one should be able to legislate the murder of an innocent fetus in the name of women’s “rights”. She has the right to say “no”.

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1 hour ago, InMAGAWeTrust said:

Your comrades here just don’t get it man.. they had 2022 and 2024 all but guaranteed but somehow out dumb themselves, again.  

I voted Romney, skipped, 3rd party, then voted in the republican primary most recently. (All RINOs and libs I’m sure). The issues most important to me are 1) gun rights and 2) womens rights. #2 is clearly at siege, so will be voting accordingly until the crazies lay off the crack. #1 isn’t going anywhere, especially in Texas, despite what they screech nonstop about. 

Of course, the natural rebuttal for the crazies is “what about the economy?!”. Yeah, team R Isn’t on the right side of history either. GFC bailouts, QE, hammering fed for easier monetary policy, Covid bailouts, trump bucks, etc..

#FJB, but F the anti-women crazies even more.  

I guess I ask you the same question.

So if a woman is allowed to kill her baby should the man be allowed to abandon the child an not financially support it? 

“Life begins at conception.”

Joe Biden 2012

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I don't think this is going to effect either side much. I think more people are concerned about inflation and gas prices more than having the government set rules on abortion. All the ruling will do is give it back to the states.......PLUS.....this was the SC, not Republican or Democrats.....Does this really make someone vote for the opposite party because of a SC ruling? Is it a big secret majority of republicans are against abortion?

I hope the SC makes a statement the leak will be investigated and the ruling is being chambered indefinitely  until further notice. 

My humble take

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2 hours ago, bullets13 said:

I'm familiar with history.  What line should we have stopped at?  When black guys were allowed to marry white women?  When we couldn't beat up people for being gay anymore?  Our history is littered with conservatives badly treating whole groups of people for personal gain, or due to religious beliefs, so don't give me a bunch of "standing up for what is right" nonsense.  Both sides of the aisle have some very undesirable traits and unflattering history.  It's always funny when the right claims to have the backbone to "stand up straight" and "do what's right" while actively trying to take politics back to a time when the right treated people very badly.  Both sides are a bunch of hypocrites.  

I’m all for inter racial marriages. I dated numerous races before I got married

assault is assault no matter the persons make up

I’m against gay marriage and all that other shenanigans but I’m not saying beat or kill them either

Yeah I do stand up against those that want to murder babies.  The fact that your trying to defend baby killing shows who you are.  You say don’t beat up gays but you ll allow the killing of a baby🤦‍♂️

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22 minutes ago, baddog said:

When I think of all the babies that have been aborted, I am overwhelmed with the “what ifs”. It’s really mind boggling. 

You’re full of it.


Youd undoubtedly be shaming, demonizing and belittling the unfortunate kids being born into crappy families with no support  systems for being welfare drains.


“Pro-life” crowd tries their absolute hardest to make sure we don’t teach sex Ed in schools, make it hard to get birth control and contraceptives, try to shut down planned parenthood, try to reduce food stamps, etc.. etc.. nothing “pro-life” about that.


It’s pro-birth, and that’s it. After you’re born, you’re own your own according to the religious fanatics. 

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4 hours ago, bullets13 said:

It's been 50 years.  Our country is infinitely more liberal than it was 50 years ago, including moderate and republican voters.  This move is likely going to amount to political disaster for the right.  right when the republican party is poised to take back power in a big way you're galvanizing the left, and once again pushing those "stupid moderate" voters back to the left.  

Are you suggesting that the Right orchestrated this? The leaked opinion from a Supreme Court Justice was a "move" by the Right? Any proof and motivational rationale?

Are you suggesting that the Supreme Court should not render decisions that will likely upset one political party, or the other, or both in an election year?

Are you suggesting the majority of moderate voters are pro-choice versus pro-life? Any evidence to support that? I have no idea on this. I have never heard anything suggesting one way or the other.

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8 minutes ago, InMAGAWeTrust said:

You’re full of it.


Youd undoubtedly be shaming, demonizing and belittling the unfortunate kids being born into crappy families with no support  systems for being welfare drains.


“Pro-life” crowd tries their absolute hardest to make sure we don’t teach sex Ed in schools, make it hard to get birth control and contraceptives, try to shut down planned parenthood, try to reduce food stamps, etc.. etc.. nothing “pro-life” about that.


It’s pro-birth, and that’s it. After you’re born, you’re own your own according to the religious fanatics. 


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Just watched a liberal lady whining about women should have a choice.  Pardon me lady, but you can make the choice prior to conception.  If a woman doesn’t wish to have a baby she can take a pill to prevent pregnancy, similar to people having to get a vaccine to keep their job.  They can get their tubes tied.  Force their partner to wear a rubber.  And gasp, abstinence.  

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40 minutes ago, InMAGAWeTrust said:

You’re full of it.


Youd undoubtedly be shaming, demonizing and belittling the unfortunate kids being born into crappy families with no support  systems for being welfare drains.


“Pro-life” crowd tries their absolute hardest to make sure we don’t teach sex Ed in schools, make it hard to get birth control and contraceptives, try to shut down planned parenthood, try to reduce food stamps, etc.. etc.. nothing “pro-life” about that.


It’s pro-birth, and that’s it. After you’re born, you’re own your own according to the religious fanatics. 

I’m full of it???? Do you possess a mirror?

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7 minutes ago, InMAGAWeTrust said:

You’re full of it.


Youd undoubtedly be shaming, demonizing and belittling the unfortunate kids being born into crappy families with no support  systems for being welfare drains.


“Pro-life” crowd tries their absolute hardest to make sure we don’t teach sex Ed in schools, make it hard to get birth control and contraceptives, try to shut down planned parenthood, try to reduce food stamps, etc.. etc.. nothing “pro-life” about that.


It’s pro-birth, and that’s it. After you’re born, you’re own your own according to the religious fanatics. 

We definitely know who is "full of it". "It be you", and everyone knows it.

The pro-life crowd, along with many others, agree that sex education is the domain of the parents, not the school. Only Liberal nutcases think they own your children.

The pro-life crowd, along with many, many others, agree that abortion procedures or abortion pills should not be a form of birth control. Once conception has been achieved, abortion should be outlawed. I don't know anyone that is against contraceptives pre-conception, and I don't know of anyone or any group trying to make it hard to get these.

The pro-life crowd, along with many, many, many others, agree that Planned Parenthood sites are for abortions and should be shut down. If you believe life begins at conception, why would you want Planned Parenthood sites operational. I must assume this concept is too complex for you to comprehend.

The pro-life crowd, along with many, many, many, many others, agree that SNAP (food stamps program) is corrupt and rife with fraudulent and/or ineligible recipients. The program should be overhauled. Only Liberal nutcases believe the worn-out false stereotype that non-Liberals want to eliminate food stamps for those who really need them. Looks like you outed yourself. Well, not really, we already knew.

Only Liberal nutcases think fellow Libs should be free to live life with zero accountability for their actions. Everyone else should support and pay for their mistakes. I guess you are one of those fanatics. But of course, we already knew that.

Maybe we should apply your philosophy to other situations.

Let's say I get drunk, drive my car, get in a wreck, and seriously injure another person. Instead of society having to pay for that persons future medical needs, I can just finish him off. Problem solved.

Let's say I get drunk, make a stupid wager and lose, and owe a guy a lot of money. I guess I can just abort him. Problem solved.

Let's say I get drunk, meet a girl, and marry her. After sobriety kicks in, I realize that was a mistake. I guess I can just abort her. Problem solved.

What other examples can we detail using your philosophy of life in which consequences of life choices can be resolved with termination?


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3 minutes ago, AggiesAreWe said:

What should a woman do if she becomes pregnant from a rape?

I really don't have a side with this issue but just wanting to hear some thoughts on that particular situation.

I really don't have a side either.

If you think that human life begins at conception, then any abortion is murder.

If you think that human life begins at birth, then any pre-birth abortion would be acceptable.

I don't see how anyone can factor rape into the equation. It is either murder or not.

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56 minutes ago, Hagar said:

Just watched a liberal lady whining about women should have a choice.  Pardon me lady, but you can make the choice prior to conception.  If a woman doesn’t wish to have a baby she can take a pill to prevent pregnancy, similar to people having to get a vaccine to keep their job.  They can get their tubes tied.  Force their partner to wear a rubber.  And gasp, abstinence.  


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