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12 minutes ago, Englebert said:

I really don't have a side either.

If you think that human life begins at conception, then any abortion is murder.

If you think that human life begins at birth, then any pre-birth abortion would be acceptable.

I don't see how anyone can factor rape into the equation. It is either murder or not.

Another scenario. A child (10, 11, 12, 13 years old) is raped and becomes pregnant and it is very evident that she is not able to carry the baby full term without a high high risk of both losing their lives. How should that be handled?

6 minutes ago, AggiesAreWe said:

Another scenario. A child (10, 11, 12, 13 years old) is raped and becomes pregnant and it is very evident that she is not able to carry the baby full term without a high high risk of both losing their lives. How should that be handled?

That is a conundrum...although the rape part of the equation shouldn't be factored in. 

In any situation in which the mother and/or baby is in jeopardy, the decision should be made between the mother and doctor (and possibly the father, her family, the father's family...scenarios will differ). There are too many scenarios to list out in a written law. Morality should rule the decision, but morality is inheritably indefinable. A case-by-case decision is the best we can hope for.

I started to bring up the situation in which the mother and/or child's life was in danger, but I hate this topic with a passion and decided to drop it. I think I will now partake in a drink or two.

58 minutes ago, AggiesAreWe said:

What should a woman do if she becomes pregnant from a rape?

I really don't have a side with this issue but just wanting to hear some thoughts on that particular situation.

Honestly, that’s a sticking point for some. I get it. But I can tell you that if my wife was raped and became pregnant, she would have the baby and either put it up for adoption or possibly even keep it. She would have my support either way. It’s a fair question though. 

40 minutes ago, AggiesAreWe said:

Another scenario. A child (10, 11, 12, 13 years old) is raped and becomes pregnant and it is very evident that she is not able to carry the baby full term without a high high risk of both losing their lives. How should that be handled?

I just don't think that occurrence happens enough to not consider the millions of abortions that happen as a method of birth control. I’m sure we could come up with all kinds of scenarios that are minuscule to the number of children killed for convenience. 

1 hour ago, AggiesAreWe said:

What should a woman do if she becomes pregnant from a rape?

I really don't have a side with this issue but just wanting to hear some thoughts on that particular situation.

Let the woman make her choice in this situation.  It’s not right in God’s eyes but I wouldn’t ask a woman to go through that against her will.

28 minutes ago, LumRaiderFan said:

Let the woman make her choice in this situation.  It’s not right in God’s eyes but I wouldn’t ask a woman to go through that against her will.

.. got some news for you champ. That’s exactly what you support when it comes to abortion. 

Besides, who are you to ask women what to do or what not to do? Bunch of weird old men in here debating what rights women should or shouldn’t have 🤢🤢

5 minutes ago, InMAGAWeTrust said:

.. got some news for you champ. That’s exactly what you support when it comes to abortion. 

Besides, who are you to ask women what to do or what not to do? Bunch of weird old men in here debating what rights women should or shouldn’t have 🤢🤢

Consider yourself all of the weird old men. Your arrogance is just hilarious...and frightening. It's hard to believe that a "friend" hasn't explained to you yet as to why we all laugh at you.

8 minutes ago, InMAGAWeTrust said:

.. got some news for you champ. That’s exactly what you support when it comes to abortion. 

Besides, who are you to ask women what to do or what not to do? Bunch of weird old men in here debating what rights women should or shouldn’t have 🤢🤢


8 minutes ago, InMAGAWeTrust said:

.. got some news for you champ. That’s exactly what you support when it comes to abortion. 

Besides, who are you to ask women what to do or what not to do? Bunch of weird old men in here debating what rights women should or shouldn’t have 🤢🤢

Big difference in the situation AAW described and one of simply convenience.  You should move on if you can’t debate like an adult.

8 minutes ago, InMAGAWeTrust said:

.. got some news for you champ. That’s exactly what you support when it comes to abortion. 

Besides, who are you to ask women what to do or what not to do? Bunch of weird old men in here debating what rights women should or shouldn’t have 🤢🤢

Actually we’re debating for the rights of the unborn child.  The woman can make her choice prior to participating in sexual relations, but the unborn child has no one supporting his/her rights, nor any choice in the matter.  Others decide if the unborn child will live or be slaughtered.  Their bodies torn apart and parts sold like a piece of cattle.

1 hour ago, InMAGAWeTrust said:

.. got some news for you champ. That’s exactly what you support when it comes to abortion. 

Besides, who are you to ask women what to do or what not to do? Bunch of weird old men in here debating what rights women should or shouldn’t have 🤢🤢

The New Right is the pro-family party. Mothers, fathers, and children.

“I’ve noticed that everyone who is for abortion has already born.”

Ronald Reagan 

11 hours ago, CardinalBacker said:

Long story short, we've got way bigger fish to fry than imposing our religious views on everybody else. 

So then how do we REALLY know what's right and wrong? The vast majority of our American laws were indeed based on Christianity: 

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Otherwise, you could have 300,000,000 personal views in the USA, and everyone would argue about whos view is "right". Our American Christian heritage is very real, whether the Godless left can deal with this truth, or not. 



17 hours ago, InMAGAWeTrust said:

Your comrades here just don’t get it man.. they had 2022 and 2024 all but guaranteed but somehow out dumb themselves, again.  

I voted Romney, skipped, 3rd party, then voted in the republican primary most recently. (All RINOs and libs I’m sure). The issues most important to me are 1) gun rights and 2) womens rights. #2 is clearly at siege, so will be voting accordingly until the crazies lay off the crack. #1 isn’t going anywhere, especially in Texas, despite what they screech nonstop about. 

Of course, the natural rebuttal for the crazies is “what about the economy?!”. Yeah, team R Isn’t on the right side of history either. GFC bailouts, QE, hammering fed for easier monetary policy, Covid bailouts, trump bucks, etc..

#FJB, but F the anti-women crazies even more.  

I’m not anti-woman (nice spin) but what does the “F” stand for? Leave it to someone like you to mix food stamps with abortion threads.  Really? 
Funny how the ones who want to kill babies refer to the ones who want to save them as fanatics……unbelievable. 

14 hours ago, AggiesAreWe said:

What should a woman do if she becomes pregnant from a rape?

I really don't have a side with this issue but just wanting to hear some thoughts on that particular situation.

It's very distasteful, no doubt.  I can't imagine what I'd do if faced with that situation.  God bless anybody who has been there.  


But if I'm willing to agree that abortion should be allowed in cases of rape or incest, are you willing to agree that abortion on demand is immoral and should be punished by law in any instances other than rape/incest/health of mom?  

The left uses the "rape/incest/health" argument to justify the democratic party plank that calls for "abortion on demand, regardless of a woman's ability to pay."  No offense, but that argument is grasping at specific horrible situations to get a pass for abortion for all.  

Personally I find abortion to be immoral for me.  But it has been the law of the land (at least via Roe vs. Wade) since 1973 and I've accepted that.  If the Supreme Court does overturn Roe and allow the States to decide on their own, I'm good with that, too.  If you want abortion restricted or allowed, select representatives that will vote based on your wishes.  But one side (pro life or pro abortion) is going to take an "L" in every single location. 

What annoys me is that things are lined up for a big R rout in November based on economics and instead the focus is being switched to abortion instead and other social issues like gay marriage... and the ultra conservatives are too stupid to see that they're doing it to themselves. 

15 hours ago, Englebert said:

Are you suggesting that the Right orchestrated this? The leaked opinion from a Supreme Court Justice was a "move" by the Right? Any proof and motivational rationale?

Are you suggesting that the Supreme Court should not render decisions that will likely upset one political party, or the other, or both in an election year?

Are you suggesting the majority of moderate voters are pro-choice versus pro-life? Any evidence to support that? I have no idea on this. I have never heard anything suggesting one way or the other.

No, i'm quite sure the left orchestrated this.  The motivation is they're trying to rally the voting base, and this is going to do it.

I'm suggesting the supreme court should not render decisions that will appease a small portion of one party, election year or not.  But if you are going to commit political suicide, at least do it AFTER the elections so your party can get some stuff done before everyone gets voted out.

Yes.  The majority of everyone is pro-choice at this point, minus the religious right.  Obviously that's a blanket statement, but it's true.  

17 hours ago, 5GallonBucket said:

I’m all for inter racial marriages. I dated numerous races before I got married

assault is assault no matter the persons make up

I’m against gay marriage and all that other shenanigans but I’m not saying beat or kill them either

Yeah I do stand up against those that want to murder babies.  The fact that your trying to defend baby killing shows who you are.  You say don’t beat up gays but you ll allow the killing of a baby🤦‍♂️

sure thing.  when fine folks such as yourself start stepping up and taking care of these unwanted kids after they're born I'll reconsider.   the right's lack of support of poor children and children in the system shows who THEY are.  I've adopted two of those kids into my house.  What have YOU done to help, apart from advocating that they be born?

17 hours ago, thetragichippy said:

I don't think this is going to effect either side much. I think more people are concerned about inflation and gas prices more than having the government set rules on abortion. All the ruling will do is give it back to the states.......PLUS.....this was the SC, not Republican or Democrats.....Does this really make someone vote for the opposite party because of a SC ruling? Is it a big secret majority of republicans are against abortion?

I hope the SC makes a statement the leak will be investigated and the ruling is being chambered indefinitely  until further notice. 

My humble take

My humble opinion is that our state is getting closer and closer to a swing state, and the right isn't going to get away with doing extreme conservative right things for very long, even if the SC is (for the moment) stacked with conservative justices.  It's also true that all the guys on here backslapping over this would be losing their mind if the roles were reversed and a bunch of liberal justices were setting liberal precedents that weren't representative of the country's beliefs as a whole.  

18 hours ago, Unwoke said:

So if a woman is allowed to kill her baby should the man be allowed to abandon the child an not financially support it? 

It happens all the time.  She should be able to kill it if she knows he's not going to support it?  Should she be able to kill it when it's the size of a bean and knows that she won't be able to support it?  What about if her dad raped her?  What about if she finds out that the baby is going to die during the pregnancy or shortly after?  What if having the baby puts her at risk of dying?  Etc. Etc. Etc.  Why is it okay for women to kill living eggs, and men to kill sperm by wiping it into a paper towel?  Who decides where it starts?


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From the article:

More than 63 million abortions are estimated to have taken place in the U.S. since the Supreme Court's 1973 Roe v. Wade ruling that granted federal protections to women seeking to terminate their pregnancies, according to one analysis.

The National Right to Life Committee (NRLC), the nation's oldest pro-life organization, estimates that 63,459,781 abortions have taken place since 1973. That estimate was gathered by tracking data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Guttmacher Institute, which previously served as a research arm of the nation's preeminent abortion provider, Planned Parenthood.


Over 63,000,000 innocents...think about that number!

Lord, help us.

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