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2 minutes ago, 45thSucks said:

Man I've posted many things law abiding gun owners can do! Don't confuse me with others, I've said many things on the subject that can be done, if it's my child's life or your rights your rights can go to hell for all I'm concerned! I'll say it again, I have 16 guns in total ak's ar's etc... I carry in my vehicle, so yes I believe in guns but I also believe not everyone should own a weapon

And I'll say it again for the kids in the back who are on here struggling to comprehend! The individual deserves blame, at the same time this sick individual shouldn't have been able to get this weapon and carry out this attack.. from all things being brought out about this case if there was any test to pass to purchase this weapon he would've failed, ok so he gets it from a family member or friend even these ppl are saying they would've never guessed he would've bought these weapons so if he were to ask them they would've been curious as to why he needed it and why so much ammo..

Thus brings me back to Stephen paddock, so many signs yet nothing but casualties 

So absolutely nothing that would have prevented this.

21 minutes ago, LumRaiderFan said:

So no ideas?  I can’t get an answer from Bobcat, CB or you on what law abiding gun owners can give up to stop maniacs from doing this, even though I’m told we should compromise.


I think I’ve give four suggestions. 

2 minutes ago, 45thSucks said:

Just a matter of time til it happens again, schools out so alot of parents will be debating sending their kids and I'm one of them

Make the schools safer and more dangerous for the bad guy, they won’t stop going to easy targets.

Why don’t guys like this go to the local diner in these carry times?  Because they know there will be folks that shoot back.

2 minutes ago, LumRaiderFan said:

Make the schools safer and more dangerous for the bad guy, they won’t stop going to easy targets.

Why don’t guys like this go to the local diner in these carry times?  Because they know there will be folks that shoot back.

I'm pretty sure me and many others have said this!

22 minutes ago, LumRaiderFan said:

So no ideas?  I can’t get an answer from Bobcat, CB or you on what law abiding gun owners can give up to stop maniacs from doing this, even though I’m told we should compromise.


How do you feel about criminally charging gun dealers after they sell to a mass shooter? It’s no different than charging a bartender who overserves. 

I’ve also mentioned outlawing bumpstocks. 

I’ve mentioned criminally charging parents whose kids commit these crimes. 


4 minutes ago, CardinalBacker said:

How do you feel about criminally charging gun dealers after they sell to a mass shooter? It’s no different than charging a bartender who overserves. 

I’ve also mentioned outlawing bumpstocks. 

I’ve mentioned criminally charging parents whose kids commit these crimes. 


These are after the fact AND it has nothing to do with stopping the crime. It also isn’t a compromise from gun owners you keep whining about.  If someone buys a gun legally from a dealer, why is it their fault?  You can tell if someone is drunk, not intent with a gun.

Makes as much sense as charging a car dealer if someone kills someone in an accident.


4 hours ago, 45thSucks said:

Man I've posted many things law abiding gun owners can do! Don't confuse me with others, I've said many things on the subject that can be done, if it's my child's life or your rights your rights can go to hell for all I'm concerned! I'll say it again, I have 16 guns in total ak's ar's etc... I carry in my vehicle, so yes I believe in guns but I also believe not everyone should own a weapon

And I'll say it again for the kids in the back who are on here struggling to comprehend! The individual deserves blame, at the same time this sick individual shouldn't have been able to get this weapon and carry out this attack.. from all things being brought out about this case if there was any test to pass to purchase this weapon he would've failed, ok so he gets it from a family member or friend even these ppl are saying they would've never guessed he would've bought these weapons so if he were to ask them they would've been curious as to why he needed it and why so much ammo..

Thus brings me back to Stephen paddock, so many signs yet nothing but casualties 

This is exactly what makes this the issue it has become. No one can tread on other’s rights for any reason. If you truly feel that way, then there can be no compromise. You claim to be center, but you bark from the left. All of your so-called compromise is aimed at the right. Not really center now are you?

6 hours ago, LumRaiderFan said:

So absolutely nothing that would have prevented this.

Yes it could have, a teacher could have (probably) followed school policy and not propped a door open for the shooter to make entry.

But I get what you’re talking about, gun laws. 

10 hours ago, BEARCPA said:

Thanks for this info, I was wondering what the process for clearing teachers to carry was like.

I’m guessing the school district doesn’t pay for the firearm or the training, since most school districts make teachers pay for almost everything else job-related out of pocket?

But they don’t have to go through extensive training. That is to be part of a specific state program to give certain teachers police like authority only on campus and only during critical incidents. Unless something has changed fairly recently, the school principal can give someone written permission to carry on campus. I have read about some school districts in Texas where teachers are armed and not in the School Marshal  program.

Kind of like the old days, Texas law in three or four situations allows a police officer to deputize a citizen on the spot. They don’t swear them in like in the cowboy movies but the law says a police officer can call any number of citizens of his county to his aid and they must by law come to the officer’s  aid.

The Texas school marshal program is basically the same thing but the request for aid is given beforehand. If an incident happens, the teachers have already been given lawful authority to act as a peace officer.  A teacher/person not in that program, has the authority to use deadly force in defense of another person and to make arrests.

So the marshal program in a way doesn’t really do much legally EXCEPT… it mandates training including the best way to respond and is way better than simply telling some teachers, you have my permission to carry. So training is not mandated but why wouldn’t a district want to?

I do not know the answer to this but the school marshal program might also give qualified immunity to a teacher acting during such an incident the same way as it generally protects officers individually. As long as the teacher acted within policy and within the law, he/she cannot be sued individually. The school district can be sued for failing to train or having a bad policy but the teacher who complied with everything, just like police officers in the same situation, might be covered against individual lawsuits.


6 hours ago, LumRaiderFan said:

Make the schools safer and more dangerous for the bad guy, they won’t stop going to easy targets.

Why don’t guys like this go to the local diner in these carry times?  Because they know there will be folks that shoot back.

Yes, schools are not only soft targets but they are filled with hundreds of helpless individuals. While 800 adults (or even 10 in a diner) might eventually attack and overcome a shooter, small children will not. 

6 hours ago, CardinalBacker said:

How do you feel about criminally charging gun dealers after they sell to a mass shooter? It’s no different than charging a bartender who overserves. 

I’ve also mentioned outlawing bumpstocks. 

I’ve mentioned criminally charging parents whose kids commit these crimes. 


A bartender breaks the law when he sells to intoxicated person. A licensed  dealer such as this case, broke no law unless he knew the purchaser’s  intent. 

Talk about a slippery slope. Sorry sir, you complied with all of the laws that we gave you but we’re going to have to charge you with a crime anyway. What crime? Well, you should have been a pre-cog and know that the guy intended to kill children at a school. If you can’t read a mind, you are a criminal. 

20 hours ago, 45thSucks said:

Nice research, facts usually get ignored or brushed to the side... 

Yes facts are stubborn, so is twisting the truth. All Democrat control cities….an the list goes on for Democrats.

According to 

This is the hidden content, please
, the cities with the highest gun homicide rates in 2020 were all in states with lax gun laws:


  • Jackson, Mississippi -- 69 gun homicides per 100,000 people.
  • Gary, Indiana -- 64.
  • St. Louis -- 50.
  • New Orleans -- 48.
  • Memphis, Tennessee -- 47.


Baltimore, where the gun laws are relatively strict, was next.

21 hours ago, Bobcat1 said:

States with the most gun related homicides 

Louisiana - R

Mississippi - R 

Alabama - R 

Missouri - R 

Maryland - R

South Carolina - R 

Tennessee - R 

Illinois - D 


This is the hidden content, please


All Democrat controlled cites like I said. My post was not a blanket statement. However you did twist truth in yours.

According to Everytown's analysis of FBI data, the cities with the highest gun homicide rates in 2020 were all in states with lax gun laws:

Jackson, Mississippi -- 69 gun homicides per 100,000 people.

Gary, Indiana -- 64.

St. Louis -- 50.

New Orleans -- 48.

Memphis, Tennessee -- 47.

Baltimore, where the gun laws are relatively strict, was next.

1 hour ago, tvc184 said:

A bartender breaks the law when he sells to intoxicated person. A licensed  dealer such as this case, broke no law unless he knew the purchaser’s  intent. 

Talk about a slippery slope. Sorry sir, you complied with all of the laws that we gave you but we’re going to have to charge you with a crime anyway. What crime? Well, you should have been a pre-cog and know that the guy intended to kill children at a school. If you can’t read a mind, you are a criminal. 

I think this is the point that I keep coming back to… The gun rights people refuse to take any ownership of the problem, but it’s getting to the point where reasonable people have had enough and will find themselves siding with the lefties. 

Instead of being a LEO, imagine yourself as a gun dealer. Do you sell to this kid? He comes into your shop and wants two ARs and a thousand rounds. Of course you do, because somebody’s got to feed the bulldog. Or if you’re capable of manufacturing bumpstocks, do you? I mean, they obviously serve no useful purpose except indiscriminate fire. But you build them anyways, because “freedom.”

At some point the gun rights guys steadfast refusal to do ANYTHING to combat the wave of these shootings has become a huge problem. 

I’ve asked a dozen times “what can be done” and the answer from the people who actually own guns is always “well, first off, I’m not doing anything.”

And for the people who think arming teachers is the answer, how well would a 4th Reading teacher with a pink .380 have done against this kid?

4 hours ago, baddog said:

This is exactly what makes this the issue it has become. No one can tread on other’s rights for any reason. If you truly feel that way, then there can be no compromise. You claim to be center, but you bark from the left. All of your so-called compromise is aimed at the right. Not really center now are you?

On this particular subject the left does a better job at attempting to look like they care... the stunt Beto pulled IMO was a dumb one but his base will love him for it... the other side will be speaking at a NRA event soon

46 minutes ago, Ty Cobb said:

Better than a teacher without a .380

That’s kinda my deal with campus cops. Typically they’re guys who are just hanging around waiting for their pension. The ISD cop there in Florida wouldn’t engage and now it’s looking like the campus police chief there in Uvalde was in charge of the operation and had the boys waiting for tactical units. 

Don’t get me wrong, these guys might deter some of the events by being there, but those aren’t quantifiable. I think it’s becoming obvious that campus cops are useless when one of these actually kicks off. Don’t even get me started on what Ms Britney is gonna do if she’s the armed teacher when the poo hits the fan. 

2 minutes ago, 45thSucks said:

On this particular subject the left does a better job at attempting to look like they care... the stunt Beto pulled IMO was a dumb one but his base will love him for it... the other side will be speaking at a NRA event soon

Beto’s stunt will energize his base. I think it rings hollow with the moderates and they’re the only ones who matter. 

If Beto came up with a solid proposal or two (not “we’re coming after your ARs”) Abbott would be in trouble. 

Wait… I thought Beto was Biden’s Gun Czar? He needs to look in the mirror


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