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1 hour ago, CardinalBacker said:

I think this is the point that I keep coming back to… The gun rights people refuse to take any ownership of the problem, but it’s getting to the point where reasonable people have had enough and will find themselves siding with the lefties. 

Instead of being a LEO, imagine yourself as a gun dealer. Do you sell to this kid? He comes into your shop and wants two ARs and a thousand rounds. Of course you do, because somebody’s got to feed the bulldog. Or if you’re capable of manufacturing bumpstocks, do you? I mean, they obviously serve no useful purpose except indiscriminate fire. But you build them anyways, because “freedom.”

At some point the gun rights guys steadfast refusal to do ANYTHING to combat the wave of these shootings has become a huge problem. 

I’ve asked a dozen times “what can be done” and the answer from the people who actually own guns is always “well, first off, I’m not doing anything.”

And for the people who think arming teachers is the answer, how well would a 4th Reading teacher with a pink .380 have done against this kid?

Guns are not the problem. Your only solution is, you gun rights refuse anything.

What is your plan that would have stopped this? Limiting gun purchases to once a month? A national computer system that tracks individual purchases of bullets?

1 hour ago, Ty Cobb said:

Better than a teacher without a .380

For about 30 years when people talk about or laugh about people who might be caring a .32 or  .22 for self-defense, it sure a beats pointing your finger and going  Bang!!

4 hours ago, tvc184 said:

Yes it could have, a teacher could have (probably) followed school policy and not propped a door open for the shooter to make entry.

But I get what you’re talking about, gun laws. 

Yep, that’s what I can’t seem to get out of these guys.  What new gun laws would have prevented this.


18 minutes ago, tvc184 said:

For about 30 years when people talk about or laugh about people who might be caring a .32 or  .22 for self-defense, it sure a beats pointing your finger and going  Bang!!

I don’t laugh at all. Ruger SP101 .327 Federal Mag. Sweet and it is very deadly.

40 minutes ago, CardinalBacker said:

Beto’s stunt will energize his base. I think it rings hollow with the moderates and they’re the only ones who matter. 

If Beto came up with a solid proposal or two (not “we’re coming after your ARs”) Abbott would be in trouble. 

Wait… I thought Beto was Biden’s Gun Czar? He needs to look in the mirror


I agree with this

2 hours ago, CardinalBacker said:

I think this is the point that I keep coming back to… The gun rights people refuse to take any ownership of the problem, but it’s getting to the point where reasonable people have had enough and will find themselves siding with the lefties. 

Instead of being a LEO, imagine yourself as a gun dealer. Do you sell to this kid? He comes into your shop and wants two ARs and a thousand rounds. Of course you do, because somebody’s got to feed the bulldog. Or if you’re capable of manufacturing bumpstocks, do you? I mean, they obviously serve no useful purpose except indiscriminate fire. But you build them anyways, because “freedom.”

At some point the gun rights guys steadfast refusal to do ANYTHING to combat the wave of these shootings has become a huge problem. 

I’ve asked a dozen times “what can be done” and the answer from the people who actually own guns is always “well, first off, I’m not doing anything.”

And for the people who think arming teachers is the answer, how well would a 4th Reading teacher with a pink .380 have done against this kid?

Very well, since she would have been trained with it to even have it in school.  I guess you would have her hiding with 30 kids and no means of protection…smh.


34 minutes ago, tvc184 said:

Guns are not the problem. Your only solution is, you gun rights refuse anything.

What is your plan that would have stopped this? Limiting gun purchases to once a month? A national computer system that tracks individual purchases of bullets?

You have to pass a test to drive, get a degree, enlist, get a job, and so on and on.. make these lunatics (anyone who wants a firearm) Pass a test to purchase the weapon and harder for ppl to get! That's not taking away your rights that's being responsible, and if they fail the test and have to borrow it from a relative or friend to commit these crimes, charge the individual who loaned them the weapon also! It'll make ppl think twice about loaning out their weapons

2 hours ago, CardinalBacker said:

I think this is the point that I keep coming back to… The gun rights people refuse to take any ownership of the problem, but it’s getting to the point where reasonable people have had enough and will find themselves siding with the lefties. 

Instead of being a LEO, imagine yourself as a gun dealer. Do you sell to this kid? He comes into your shop and wants two ARs and a thousand rounds. Of course you do, because somebody’s got to feed the bulldog. Or if you’re capable of manufacturing bumpstocks, do you? I mean, they obviously serve no useful purpose except indiscriminate fire. But you build them anyways, because “freedom.”

At some point the gun rights guys steadfast refusal to do ANYTHING to combat the wave of these shootings has become a huge problem. 

I’ve asked a dozen times “what can be done” and the answer from the people who actually own guns is always “well, first off, I’m not doing anything.”

And for the people who think arming teachers is the answer, how well would a 4th Reading teacher with a pink .380 have done against this kid?

Very well since she was trained to even have it.  


Again imo this is not a gun problem.  It’s a people problem initiated by idiots like Dr. Spock in the 50’s.  And over the years - the steady move away from Christianity, and thus morals.  Cheapening of life via abortion.  Decline of the family, and on and on and on.  Everyone wants an instant fix.  I’ve read through all the post and don’t see one.  See some that may/should help somewhat, but not a fix.  Why?  It took 30 to 40 years to dig this hole we’ve found ourselves in.  A real fix will probably take an equally long time, and would require societal changes that aren’t going to happen.

So what’s my point?  Point is, we get on here and we want to blame each other for opposing stances, which divides us even more.  Big win for the Great Divider in Chief and his parties agenda.  And speaking of him/them, I wonder how many unanswered questions will be left out there after this investigation?  We still have unanswered questions about the Las Vegas shooter.  The recent Buffalo shooter had allegedly been in contact with a retired FBI agent (wow, if that isn’t a Conspiracy Theorist dream).  And I’ll repeat my question I ask right after the shooting, “Where does an 18 year old, from a broken home, get the money to buy High Dollar Weapons and enough Ammunition to last most people a lifetime?  I originally ask it simply out of curiosity.  Now I’m looking at it from a Conspiracy Theory angle.  How convenient for Biden & the Democrats, with everything going in the toilet, to have these two shootings to take the focal point away from them?  All just a coincidence?  I wonder.

2 minutes ago, Hagar said:

Again imo this is not a gun problem.  It’s a people problem initiated by idiots like Dr. Spock in the 50’s.  And over the years - the steady move away from Christianity, and thus morals.  Cheapening of life via abortion.  Decline of the family, and on and on and on.  Everyone wants an instant fix.  I’ve read through all the post and don’t see one.  See some that may/should help somewhat, but not a fix.  Why?  It took 30 to 40 years to dig this hole we’ve found ourselves in.  A real fix will probably take an equally long time, and would require societal changes that aren’t going to happen.

So what’s my point?  Point is, we get on here and we want to blame each other for opposing stances, which divides us even more.  Big win for the Great Divider in Chief and his parties agenda.  And speaking of him/them, I wonder how many unanswered questions will be left out there after this investigation?  We still have unanswered questions about the Las Vegas shooter.  The recent Buffalo shooter had allegedly been in contact with a retired FBI agent (wow, if that isn’t a Conspiracy Theorist dream).  And I’ll repeat my question I ask right after the shooting, “Where does an 18 year old, from a broken home, get the money to buy High Dollar Weapons and enough Ammunition to last most people a lifetime?  I originally ask it simply out of curiosity.  Now I’m looking at it from a Conspiracy Theory angle.  How convenient for Biden & the Democrats, with everything going in the toilet, to have these two shootings to take the focal point away from them?  All just a coincidence?  I wonder.

Talk about going off the deep end! Wow

If this is what you buy into I'm not even sure how to go bout this

Just now, 45thSucks said:

Talk about going off the deep end! Wow

After reading your post you think I’m going off the deep end?  That’s funny. Tell me while you wade around the shallow end - point out one fallacy in my post.  I stated facts and freely admitted the other parts are simply theories/possibilities.  Is it your opinion that we should simply disregard the possibility that there’s more here than meets the eye, simply because it sounds absurd?  How about 3-4 years of having Trump/Russian Collusion stuck in our faces?  Has to be true because Hillary says so - the intelligence community says so - the Media says so - can’t possibly be made up - it’s absurd - you’ve gone off the deep end.

12 minutes ago, 45thSucks said:

You have to pass a test to drive, get a degree, enlist, get a job, and so on and on.. make these lunatics (anyone who wants a firearm) Pass a test to purchase the weapon and harder for ppl to get! That's not taking away your rights that's being responsible, and if they fail the test and have to borrow it from a relative or friend to commit these crimes, charge the individual who loaned them the weapon also! It'll make ppl think twice about loaning out their weapons

And exactly what kind of test do you propose that would stop a person from having a gun?

How do you charge someone with a crime for something another person does without proving they knew what law the borrower was going to break? 

1 hour ago, tvc184 said:

Guns are not the problem. Your only solution is, you gun rights refuse anything.

What is your plan that would have stopped this? Limiting gun purchases to once a month? A national computer system that tracks individual purchases of bullets?

You keep missing exactly what I’m saying…but you’re agreeing partially without even realizing it. 

New gun laws aren’t the answer. Gun owners, dealers, and lobbyists need to take the lead in policing themselves or whatever you want to call it. 

That’s what I’ve been trying to say all along. 

Lock up your guns. Yes, your little is Johnny is no different than Ramos…. I don’t care if you have taught him all about firearm safety. Don’t sell your personal guns to anyone you don’t already trust with your life. Dealers and manufacturers need to be responsible. 

The problem is that whenever you try to talk common sense with a gun nut, all he can say is some regurgitated mess about the second amendment and those darned democrats. 

This weekend we’re remembering those brave service men/women that gave their lives protecting our freedom. We should also be remembering all of the kids who’ve died (and will continue to die) so we can keep sticking our head in the sand and pretending that this isn’t a gun issue. 

The liberals all argue that we don’t have a drug problem in America… we have an addiction/mental health problem. In fact, drugs should be readily available to anyone that wants them. You know, even open stores where you can buy them without an ID. 

And we all agree that those politicians are stupid and cause the issues that we have in major cities… homelessness, crime, etc.

What happens if you mix up that narrative a little bit?


The gun guys all argue that we don’t have a gun problem in America… we have an addiction/mental health problem. In fact, guns should be readily available to anyone that wants them. You know, even open stores where you can buy them without even registering them.  

It sounds trite, but guns ARE a huge part of the problem.  Could this have happened with one man and a musket? One man with a sword? 21 people murdered with a pocketknife? The fact that it’s so easy for a whacko to get his hands on a weapon that is capable of doing this much damage should cause concern for even the most die-hard gun enthusiast.  


47 minutes ago, tvc184 said:

And exactly what kind of test do you propose that would stop a person from having a gun?

How do you charge someone with a crime for something another person does without proving they knew what law the borrower was going to break? 

The same way you indict a drug dealer for murder who sells smack to a kid that overdoses. 

12 hours ago, CardinalBacker said:

How do you feel about criminally charging gun dealers after they sell to a mass shooter? It’s no different than charging a bartender who overserves. 

Bad idea. 

Do you think a car dealer that sells a car to a person who runs over someone should be charged?

1 hour ago, tvc184 said:

And exactly what kind of test do you propose that would stop a person from having a gun?

How do you charge someone with a crime for something another person does without proving they knew what law the borrower was going to break? 

Not sure exactly what questions should be asked, but I'm sure we can figure it out.. majority of these young kids doing these things don't know anything about America and that alone should be a concern

We charge ppl for murder for being at the wrong place at the wrong time,hanging with the wrong crowd and something went wrong unexpectedly! What's the difference 

1 hour ago, 45thSucks said:

You have to pass a test to drive, get a degree, enlist, get a job, and so on and on.. make these lunatics (anyone who wants a firearm) Pass a test to purchase the weapon and harder for ppl to get! That's not taking away your rights that's being responsible, and if they fail the test and have to borrow it from a relative or friend to commit these crimes, charge the individual who loaned them the weapon also! It'll make ppl think twice about loaning out their weapons

That would do nothing. Literally. Not saying I’m against it. I just thinks it’s useless. 

25 minutes ago, SmashMouth said:

That would do nothing. Literally. Not saying I’m against it. I just thinks it’s useless. 

You'd probably be surprised at how many folks wouldn't pass a simple test! Until recently you had to have a class to carry a weapon on you... there is laws that should be in place that does nothing to one's rights.... just brain storming here

42 minutes ago, SmashMouth said:

Bad idea. 

Do you think a car dealer that sells a car to a person who runs over someone should be charged?

There’s a little difference between a car and an AR. 

BUT… if someone comes into a motorcycle dealer and says “I’d like to buy a motorcycle. I’ve always wanted one. How about that ZX14?” You’re probably gonna get sued if you sell it to him knowing that he’s way too inexperienced for a rig like that and he kills himself on it. Gun dealers and manufacturers have enjoyed immunity for selling guns that ended up being used criminally, but I’ve got a feeling that era is coming to a close in light of the settlement with the Sandy Hook parents. 

I made a similar argument about a bartender over serving and was told by TVC that the difference is that it’s illegal to sell to someone who’s inebriated. The easy work around is to pass a law that it’s illegal to sell to a mass shooter, right? 

i believe that there is/was a window for gun rights advocates to clean up their own house but that window is closing. 

Gun nuts are literally yelling “don’t blame the fentanyl… it’s not the drug’s fault so many people are overdosing.”

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