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President Trumps Mar-a-lago home is being raided by the FBI


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32 minutes ago, CardinalBacker said:

Last week y’all were all clamoring that this raid was the work of the 1/6 committee before it came obvious that this was ANOTHER completely different legal predicament that Trump had created for himself. 

Let’s see… right now it’s the 1/6 committee, this foolish episode where he made off with top secrets documents, the election tampering results in Georgia, the investigation of his business practices in NYC, plus the mountain of civil lawsuits filed against him over orchestrating the riots on 1/6… plus who knows what else I’m forgetting.

And y’all still think people will vote for four more years of the clown show, lol. 

Democrat Lawfare ….using your taxpayer dollars to keep continuing non factual lawsuits going to politically bludgeon Trump is not going to work. 

As to the title of this thread you can screen shot this. 

The DOJ affidavit is based on that NY
Times article Maggie H wrote a while
back, mixed in with hearsay and
innuendo. That's why they won't release

Watch an see. Just another Russia Hoax. Our FBI and DOJ is corrupt.


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2 hours ago, baddog said:

Just like your call over the fraudulent election. I need proof. Frivolous lawsuits do not proof make. What a clown. 

You got a search warrant released yesterday, plus the inventory of the top secret docs that the FBI removed from his home. You have have phone calls made to the GA AG to “find the votes.” I think you’ve seen hours and hours of video of the events that happened on 1/6. 

but you know what you haven’t seen? The mountains of evidence of fraud that Rudolph, the Pillow Man, abs Trump himself promised to deliver back in November of 2020. Not even a single grainy cellphone picture of any wrongdoing, lol. 

The mayor of Beaumont couldn’t get her nails done during the lockdown without there being photos of it all over the internet… but the 2020 election was stolen without anybody snapping a single photo with a smart phone like we all carry. 

But y’all still believe it like you believe the words of St John the Revelator.


THATS deranged. 

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46 minutes ago, LumRaiderFan said:

The biden administration is adding 87,000 agents to the IRS, $80 billion in funding with $45 billion marked  for "enforcement" in plain view and the TDS fools are still crying about Trump.


That’s because they are Trump supporters first… not Americans, not conservatives, not Republicans.  In Trump they trust. 

They still believe that he’s “America First.” That’s just a slogan he used to earn their votes. He’s Trump first, and it’s catching up with him now. It started with getting hammered in the election and it’s going to end with him broke and in jail if he lives that long. I’m sure that there were some Marcos supporters in the phillipines, some Saddam supporters in Iraq, and some qhadaffi (sp) supporters in Libya that believed their dear leader would return to power, too. Heck, Hitler had supporters in that bunker when he offed himself. False hope in a failed leader is a shameful thing. 

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3 minutes ago, CardinalBacker said:

That’s because they are Trump supporters first… not Americans, not conservatives, not Republicans.  In Trump they trust. 

They still believe that he’s “America First.” That’s just a slogan he used to earn their votes. He’s Trump first, and it’s catching up with him now. It started with getting hammered in the election and it’s going to end with him broke and in jail if he lives that long. I’m sure that there were some Marcos supporters in the phillipines, some Saddam supporters in Iraq, and some qhadaffi (sp) supporters in Libya that believed their dear leader would return to power, too. Heck, Hitler had supporters in that bunker when he offed himself. False hope in a failed leader is a shameful thing. 

The only folks that look at slogan are folks like yourself, I look at results.

As for the rest of your post, that's the most ridiculous load of crap I have read on here and you don't even believe it, I hope not anyway.

Your posts are becoming more and more comical, with no value added to the forum, you're the new 45/46 guy.

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11 minutes ago, CardinalBacker said:

That’s because they are Trump supporters first… not Americans, not conservatives, not Republicans.  In Trump they trust. 

They still believe that he’s “America First.” That’s just a slogan he used to earn their votes. He’s Trump first, and it’s catching up with him now. It started with getting hammered in the election and it’s going to end with him broke and in jail if he lives that long. I’m sure that there were some Marcos supporters in the phillipines, some Saddam supporters in Iraq, and some qhadaffi (sp) supporters in Libya that believed their dear leader would return to power, too. Heck, Hitler had supporters in that bunker when he offed himself. False hope in a failed leader is a shameful thing. 

We’re not Pro - Trump, We’re Anti - Stupid

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1 hour ago, CardinalBacker said:

You got a search warrant released yesterday, plus the inventory of the top secret docs that the FBI removed from his home. You have have phone calls made to the GA AG to “find the votes.” I think you’ve seen hours and hours of video of the events that happened on 1/6. 

but you know what you haven’t seen? The mountains of evidence of fraud that Rudolph, the Pillow Man, abs Trump himself promised to deliver back in November of 2020. Not even a single grainy cellphone picture of any wrongdoing, lol. 

The mayor of Beaumont couldn’t get her nails done during the lockdown without there being photos of it all over the internet… but the 2020 election was stolen without anybody snapping a single photo with a smart phone like we all carry. 

But y’all still believe it like you believe the words of St John the Revelator.


THATS deranged. 

You’re as deranged as they come. All these things you list and still no charges. Where’s the proof? You got zilch, nada, a big fat zero!

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1 hour ago, Reagan said:

DOJ Admits It Acted Outside Scope ‘Authorized’ By Court When Seizing Trump Passports!  

Lock um up, Lock um up!

This is the hidden content, please

😂😂😂 Where you at Big Girl? 😂😂 Just like the Nuclear Documents😂😂 What are your inside sources telling you? …that they actually found a nuclear warhead in Trumps bathroom.😂😂😂

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3 minutes ago, Unwoke said:

😂😂😂 Where you at Big Girl? 😂😂 Just like the Nuclear Documents😂😂 What are your inside sources telling you? …that they actually found a nuclear warhead in Trumps bathroom.😂😂😂

Unwoke, I bet BigGirl doesn't even realize that the Justice Dept. violated the 4th Amendment!  This is the reason the Justice Dept doesn't want the "affidavit" released for the public to see how many times the 4th Amendment was actually violated.  

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3 minutes ago, Reagan said:

Unwoke, I bet BigGirl doesn't even realize that the Justice Dept. violated the 4th Amendment!  This is the reason the Justice Dept doesn't want the "affidavit" released for the public to see how many times the 4th Amendment was actually violated.  

Lol, there’s a lot she doesn’t realize. 

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2 hours ago, CardinalBacker said:

That’s because they are Trump supporters first… not Americans, not conservatives, not Republicans.  In Trump they trust. 

They still believe that he’s “America First.” That’s just a slogan he used to earn their votes. He’s Trump first, and it’s catching up with him now. It started with getting hammered in the election and it’s going to end with him broke and in jail if he lives that long. I’m sure that there were some Marcos supporters in the phillipines, some Saddam supporters in Iraq, and some qhadaffi (sp) supporters in Libya that believed their dear leader would return to power, too. Heck, Hitler had supporters in that bunker when he offed himself. False hope in a failed leader is a shameful thing. 

Again, how about a friendly wager on that jail comment.

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33 minutes ago, Unwoke said:

Meanwhile while the country is being DESTROYED we have some on here that continue to carry water for a CORRUPT DOJ AND FBI. Smh



That is the shame of what is going on, frogs in a boiling pot.

Sad thing is, it affects those of us that actually know what's going on but can't override their ignorant voting.

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