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1 hour ago, CardinalBacker said:

No, I see right wing extremists as unfavorably as I view those on the left.  The guy whose version of 2A means than anybody can have a machine gun, no background checks.  Anybody that believes that a woman should go to prison for ending a pregnancy where the life of the child can't be medically sustained.  Anybody that believes that no one should pay any income taxes. Anyone that believes that the left "stole" the election in 2020.  All equally stupid. 

Please don’t call anyone stupid ever again. No one has ever said this but it is the liberal way to make stuff up and post it on the internet. People like your buddy Big Girl fall for this type of nonsense. 

11 minutes ago, LumRaiderFan said:

In terms of policy, the damage coming from the extreme left is much more damaging, not even close.

My life is impacted by obamacare, high inflation, higher taxes, high gas prices and an open border.  

It is not impacted by more babies being allowed to live and folks that choose to challenge the undeniably questionable election results.  I certainly won't change my stance on anything based on how the snowflake crowd may react at the polls and I wouldn't expect it out of conservative candidates.

Left wing policies destroy lives and businesses, right wing policies do not.

For now.  How damaging will it be when enough of Trump's nutters get in office and start messing with election results that they don't like?  To be honest, I'm sure most of the folks on here would think it's great, at least until the dems use the same new rules to do it to us.  Imagine a world where AOC wielded the type of power that some would like Trump to have.  Then you'll really see some damaging policy. 

7 minutes ago, baddog said:

Please don’t call anyone stupid ever again. No one has ever said this but it is the liberal way to make stuff up and post it on the internet. People like your buddy Big Girl fall for this type of nonsense. 

For real though, people say this.  maybe not you, but there are plenty of "it's murder under any circumstance" people out there.

20 minutes ago, bullets13 said:

For now.  How damaging will it be when enough of Trump's nutters get in office and start messing with election results that they don't like?  To be honest, I'm sure most of the folks on here would think it's great, at least until the dems use the same new rules to do it to us.  Imagine a world where AOC wielded the type of power that some would like Trump to have.  Then you'll really see some damaging policy. 

I wouldn't want anyone messing with election results, but the vast majority of election fraud in the past has been from democrats, not too worried about Republicans and wide scale cheating.  Remember, they actually can run on their core values, democrats cannot, they have to deceive folks about their policies. 

The election is behind us, my concern is the precedent we may set by just moving on and making folks that dare challenge the results out to be a kook.  Anyone that saw the numbers change so drastically overnight should have a right to question how that happened, of course we are dealing with democrats here, the same folks that said folks were kooks that challenged the Trump Russia collusion nonsense, when they were actually the ones colluding.

1 hour ago, bullets13 said:

Was getting on to say exactly this.  She was pretty moderate for a democrat 20 years ago, so you can only imagine how far she is from the more liberal left now.  that being said, she's also probably closer to your average Republican these days than someone like Marjorie Taylor Greene is. 

Yeah... go to a meeting of your local republican group(s)... the party at the grassroots level is run by people who are complete righty nutjobs.  Like.... You can't support from the local party to run for dogcatcher as a republican unless you're willing publicly proclaim that Trump won the 2020 election but it got stolen. 

1 minute ago, CardinalBacker said:

Yeah... go to a meeting of your local republican group(s)... the party at the grassroots level is run by people who are complete righty nutjobs.  Like.... You can't support from the local party to run for dogcatcher as a republican unless you're willing publicly proclaim that Trump won the 2020 election but it got stolen. 

valid point.  I guess I should've stated your average "new" republican.  Because the younger generations of conservatives have a whole lot different worldview from the older generations who dominate this board, and are (generally) much less conservative on social issues on a whole.  

1 hour ago, LumRaiderFan said:

In terms of policy, the damage coming from the extreme left is much more damaging, not even close.

My life is impacted by obamacare, high inflation, higher taxes, high gas prices and an open border.  

It is not impacted by more babies being allowed to live and folks that choose to challenge the undeniably questionable election results.  I certainly won't change my stance on anything based on how the snowflake crowd may react at the polls and I wouldn't expect it out of conservative candidates.

Left wing policies destroy lives and businesses, right wing policies do not.

So why didn't the Republicans do ANYTHING to work on those issues while they had a stranglehold on the presidency and both houses of Congress?  They all swore to repeal and replace Obamacare.  They printed money, then REALLY printed money when the pandemic hit.  I'll wholeheartedly agree that the Rs seem to be on the correct side of the oil vs. green energy argument, but they also did practically nothing to address the border crisis.  

FWIW, the average conservative was not as gung ho about "saving the babies" as you and Marjorie Greene are.  Common sense tells you that it's cheaper to abort an unwanted kid than to pay for his birth, food, shelter, healthcare, education, and eventual incarceration.... that procedure will save a ton of your tax dollars.  But then again, everybody is opposed to abortion until it's their daughter that's in trouble.  

2 minutes ago, bullets13 said:

valid point.  I guess I should've stated your average "new" republican.  Because the younger generations of conservatives have a whole lot different worldview from the older generations who dominate this board, and are (generally) much less conservative on social issues on a whole.  

I'm a Gen Xer who talks to tons of younger folks.  Those Boomers and Gen Xers got tons of Sunday School lessons, but then couldn't be bothered to take our kids to church and it shows up in their level of ambivalence on issues like abortion.  People like LumRaiderFan don't have any idea what to do about unwanted kids... they just know what they believe, and therefore everybody else should be held to his standard. 

99% of the people who are adamantly opposed to abortion aren't getting any, and that's what they're really angry about.  

6 hours ago, baddog said:

Good that she exposes her party for what they are, but it’s not something we didn’t already know. I still don’t trust someone who switched parties. It’s a complete turnaround. 

I don’t think she has switched parties. She was just calling out Democrats for their utter stupidity. 

36 minutes ago, LumRaiderFan said:

I wouldn't want anyone messing with election results, but the vast majority of election fraud in the past has been from democrats, not too worried about Republicans and wide scale cheating.  Remember, they actually can run on their core values, democrats cannot, they have to deceive folks about their policies. 

The election is behind us, my concern is the precedent we may set by just moving on and making folks that dare challenge the results out to be a kook.  Anyone that saw the numbers change so drastically overnight should have a right to question how that happened, of course we are dealing with democrats here, the same folks that said folks were kooks that challenged the Trump Russia collusion nonsense, when they were actually the ones colluding.

That's my problem with the whole fiasco.  I personally expected to see widespread voter irregularities.  They never appeared, so I accepted the truth.  So many people refuse to do the same thing.  

If there was credible evidence of voter fraud, you could get the diesel and I'd bring the matches.  THERE JUST WASN'T ANY PROOF.  There's no problem with having questions about the outcome. We SHOULD ask questions in a constitutional republic like ours.  But at some point you have to realize that it had been two months after the election and no evidence was found, yet the Trumpers were storming the Capitol on 1/6 based on lies perpetuated by the losing party.  

I had a drink on the night of the election and told myself that I was gonna pretend like Trump won, because I knew that the results would shift towards Biden when the absentee votes were counted.  Rs went to the polls and voted in person in defiance.... Ds mailed their ballots from home while probably wearing a mask..... Just like so many of them continue to mask up today. And they just didn't have the mechanisms in place to count the absentee ballots as quickly.  It's not rocket science.  I hoped his lead would be sustained, but it wasn't, and it wasn't a surprise to the intelligent. 

Here we are two years late and an overwhelming majority of republicans on the ballot nationwide are still claiming that the election was stolen from Trump in 2020.  THAT is dangerous.  It doesn't matter what the blue collar and white collar Republican voters think.... when the elected officials from the R party are a bunch of flat-earthers when it comes to the 2020 election, it's not a good thing. 



21 minutes ago, CardinalBacker said:

Yeah... go to a meeting of your local republican group(s)... the party at the grassroots level is run by people who are complete righty nutjobs.  Like.... You can't support from the local party to run for dogcatcher as a republican unless you're willing publicly proclaim that Trump won the 2020 election but it got stolen. 

Completely 100% untrue, try to make your points without making crap up, smh.

6 hours ago, baddog said:

Good that she exposes her party for what they are, but it’s not something we didn’t already know. I still don’t trust someone who switched parties. It’s a complete turnaround. 

And publicly at least until this point, she hasn’t recanted any of her positions that she ran on as a Democrat. I saw one tweet where c she was rethinking her stance on private gun ownership. 

I think people are assuming some things about her that has not happened or been stated by her. 

4 hours ago, baddog said:

My only question to her is what Hagar alluded to…. Why did it take her so long? The democrats have been going left towards communism for years. Mid terms around the corner?……I understand her getting her fill, but the democrats have been full of it for awhile. lol

Maybe she wanted her own October Surprise payback for the defamation the DNC has hammered her with.

Timing is sometimes everything.

Has she stated this a year ago, it would not even be news now. With less than a month coming up before the general election, it now has practically everyone, even people that truly don’t like politics, flapping their gums, 

17 minutes ago, CardinalBacker said:

So why didn't the Republicans do ANYTHING to work on those issues while they had a stranglehold on the presidency and both houses of Congress?  They all swore to repeal and replace Obamacare.  They printed money, then REALLY printed money when the pandemic hit.  I'll wholeheartedly agree that the Rs seem to be on the correct side of the oil vs. green energy argument, but they also did practically nothing to address the border crisis.  

FWIW, the average conservative was not as gung ho about "saving the babies" as you and Marjorie Greene are.  Common sense tells you that it's cheaper to abort an unwanted kid than to pay for his birth, food, shelter, healthcare, education, and eventual incarceration.... that procedure will save a ton of your tax dollars.  But then again, everybody is opposed to abortion until it's their daughter that's in trouble.  

You're asking me to defend squishy moderate Republicans, sorry, can't do it.  

Let's see, it's cheaper to just kill the kid, go for it.

There will be a day when you finally realize that argument won't hold up.

3 hours ago, CardinalBacker said:

The loons having control of the Democrat party is no different that the Trump-lovin', truth-denyin' whackjobs that are controlling the Republican Party at the moment. 

You are too eaten up with your TDS or just tossing flames for entertainment.

If Trump lovers controlled the RNC then it would not take Trump going out solo to endorse who he wants. He is hardly the darling of the GOP leadership so I don’t know who you are claim are controlling the Republicans. 

7 minutes ago, CardinalBacker said:

That's my problem with the whole fiasco.  I personally expected to see widespread voter irregularities.  They never appeared, so I accepted the truth.  So many people refuse to do the same thing.  

If there was credible evidence of voter fraud, you could get the diesel and I'd bring the matches.  THERE JUST WASN'T ANY PROOF.  There's no problem with having questions about the outcome. We SHOULD ask questions in a constitutional republic like ours.  But at some point you have to realize that it had been two months after the election and no evidence was found, yet the Trumpers were storming the Capitol on 1/6 based on lies perpetuated by the losing party.  

I had a drink on the night of the election and told myself that I was gonna pretend like Trump won, because I knew that the results would shift towards Biden when the absentee votes were counted.  Rs went to the polls and voted in person in defiance.... Ds mailed their ballots from home while probably wearing a mask..... Just like so many of them continue to mask up today. And they just didn't have the mechanisms in place to count the absentee ballots as quickly.  It's not rocket science.  I hoped his lead would be sustained, but it wasn't, and it wasn't a surprise to the intelligent. 

Here we are two years late and an overwhelming majority of republicans on the ballot nationwide are still claiming that the election was stolen from Trump in 2020.  THAT is dangerous.  It doesn't matter what the blue collar and white collar Republican voters think.... when the elected officials from the R party are a bunch of flat-earthers when it comes to the 2020 election, it's not a good thing. 



Another absolutely ridiculous point...I don't agree with same sex marriage but would never want government to intervene, is that dangerous?

Having an opinion is not dangerous.

You need to get back on the insurrection and Russia Collusion, it's all slipping away on you.

I have no idea if there was enough election fraud to sway the election, but if you can't see that there are plenty of examples where fraud occurred, you're simply ignoring facts...and no, won't post for you, it's out there, even on one of the threads on here.

Just now, LumRaiderFan said:

You're asking me to defend squishy moderate Republicans, sorry, can't do it.  

Let's see, it's cheaper to just kill the kid, go for it.

There will be a day when you finally realize that argument won't hold up.

That's my point.... the Republican Party is ran by people who believe that anything less than complete capitulation to the Trump Mafia is a sign that one is just a "squishy moderate Republican" or a "RINO," when in fact the typical conservative voter doesn't agree with the Hard Right-wing stances. Just like I'm fairly certain that your average liberal voter doesn't agree with a lot of the positions of the hard-core left wingers that run the Democrat party. 

Unfortunately, your myopic (you'll probably have to google that ) view of the world makes you useless when it comes to seeing any other points of view, the same way that the Republican Party is useless when it comes to bringing voters into the fold and actually winning elections.  


Do you like to eat shrimp and catfish from time to time?  How's about we outlaw that since some even MORE orthodox believers think that consuming those scavengers is sinful?  THAT is actually in the Bible, unlike the abortion argument.  Before you throw out the "Old Testament vs New Testament" argument, I'd like to point out that the ten commandments are in the Old Testament.  You pick and choose your own morality, but wish to deny others the same privilege. 

1 minute ago, LumRaiderFan said:

Another absolutely ridiculous point...I don't agree with same sex marriage but would never want government to intervene, is that dangerous?

Having an opinion is not dangerous.

You need to get back on the insurrection and Russia Collusion, it's all slipping away on you.

I have no idea if there was enough election fraud to sway the election, but if you can't see that there are plenty of examples where fraud occurred, you're simply ignoring facts...and no, won't post for you, it's out there, even on one of the threads on here.

No, there's not.  

You can find article after article about election fraud, but they are just reports ABOUT reports.... and nobody ever pops up with "here's the photos.... here's a video.... here's the electronic records.... here's the dead voters who voted."  It's always just some whackjob making crazed allegations without a single shred of tangible evidence.  

"oh, this blogger isn't mainstream media.... of course it's true, the media just won't report it." 

Like I said.... there are tons of threads and articles about how Earth is actually flat if you ever get bored with the election lie.

3 minutes ago, CardinalBacker said:

That's my point.... the Republican Party is ran by people who believe that anything less than complete capitulation to the Trump Mafia is a sign that one is just a "squishy moderate Republican" or a "RINO," when in fact the typical conservative voter doesn't agree with the Hard Right-wing stances. Just like I'm fairly certain that your average liberal voter doesn't agree with a lot of the positions of the hard-core left wingers that run the Democrat party. 

Unfortunately, your myopic (you'll probably have to google that ) view of the world makes you useless when it comes to seeing any other points of view, the same way that the Republican Party is useless when it comes to bringing voters into the fold and actually winning elections.  


Do you like to eat shrimp and catfish from time to time?  How's about we outlaw that since some even MORE orthodox believers think that consuming those scavengers is sinful?  THAT is actually in the Bible, unlike the abortion argument.  Before you throw out the "Old Testament vs New Testament" argument, I'd like to point out that the ten commandments are in the Old Testament.  You pick and choose your own morality, but wish to deny others the same privilege. 

Good grief, you make the most ridiculous rambling posts.

If you think the Republican party is ran by Trump lovers, we may as well end the debate because you are completely ignorant about what is going on in the Republican party.  They hate him almost as much as your pathetic snowflake crowd...main difference is Trump controls your thoughts much better than theirs.

2 minutes ago, CardinalBacker said:

No, there's not.  

You can find article after article about election fraud, but they are just reports ABOUT reports.... and nobody ever pops up with "here's the photos.... here's a video.... here's the electronic records.... here's the dead voters who voted."  It's always just some whackjob making crazed allegations without a single shred of tangible evidence.  

"oh, this blogger isn't mainstream media.... of course it's true, the media just won't report it." 

Like I said.... there are tons of threads and articles about how Earth is actually flat if you ever get bored with the election lie.

Yeah, and O. J. Simpson didn’t kill anyone. 

Just now, LumRaiderFan said:

Good grief, you make the most ridiculous rambling posts.

If you think the Republican party is ran by Trump lovers, we may as well end the debate because you are completely ignorant about what is going on in the Republican party.  They hate him almost as much as your pathetic snowflake crowd...main difference is Trump controls your thoughts much better than theirs.


4 minutes ago, CardinalBacker said:

No, there's not.  

You can find article after article about election fraud, but they are just reports ABOUT reports.... and nobody ever pops up with "here's the photos.... here's a video.... here's the electronic records.... here's the dead voters who voted."  It's always just some whackjob making crazed allegations without a single shred of tangible evidence.  

"oh, this blogger isn't mainstream media.... of course it's true, the media just won't report it." 

Like I said.... there are tons of threads and articles about how Earth is actually flat if you ever get bored with the election lie.

Says the guy that bought into the insurrection where no one had a weapon, lol.

9 minutes ago, CardinalBacker said:

That's my point.... the Republican Party is ran by people who believe that anything less than complete capitulation to the Trump Mafia is a sign that one is just a "squishy moderate Republican" or a "RINO," when in fact the typical conservative voter doesn't agree with the Hard Right-wing stances. Just like I'm fairly certain that your average liberal voter doesn't agree with a lot of the positions of the hard-core left wingers that run the Democrat party. 

Unfortunately, your myopic (you'll probably have to google that ) view of the world makes you useless when it comes to seeing any other points of view, the same way that the Republican Party is useless when it comes to bringing voters into the fold and actually winning elections.  


Do you like to eat shrimp and catfish from time to time?  How's about we outlaw that since some even MORE orthodox believers think that consuming those scavengers is sinful?  THAT is actually in the Bible, unlike the abortion argument.  Before you throw out the "Old Testament vs New Testament" argument, I'd like to point out that the ten commandments are in the Old Testament.  You pick and choose your own morality, but wish to deny others the same privilege. 

Thou shall not take an "innocent" life.

I would say that's an iron clad argument...your ignorance of ALL things is showing again.

2 hours ago, bullets13 said:

there's definitely just as big of a dumpster fire on the far right as there is far left.  A lot of Trump disciples won't acknowledge it because anything he says is the gospel, and he supports these radical righties, but there are some absolutely nutty conservatives in office right now.  It's going to hurt the right in the near future, during a time where they should be making massive gains.  It's already showing up in races where republicans were projected to flip seats, but are going to lose because radical conservatives backed by Trump got enough support to get the nomination, but are too radical to actually win the election.  Then again, all it takes to get his endorsement is to claim election fraud, with literally nothing else being a qualification, so it's not really a surprise that some of the goofballs he's endorsing aren't the best candidates.

Here is the huge difference.

 There always have been and always will be fringe elements of any stance. That isn’t new.

 The difference today is that individually there are people who are far out on either side but the parties are not. The GOP/RNC isn’t putting out any radical agenda. We can always say the nut job who lives at the end of the street and who supports Trump (or anyone else) is crazy.

 For the Democrats, it isn’t the nut job at the end of the block, it is the party. In fact, several times I have said in this forum that the rank and file Democrats probably don’t think nearly the way the Democrat leadership does. They are either stuck backing the home team or more likely, completely ignorant as to what is happening. When Florida passed a law that teachers can’t talk about transgenderism or sex changes until they are 10 years old and the Democrats went crazy, it wasn’t crazy Bob down the street but the Dem’s leadership including the White House.

 Therein lies the difference. The fringe has always existed. Right now the DNC “is” the fringe. 

Just now, tvc184 said:

Here is the huge difference.

 There always have been and always will be fringe elements of any stance. That isn’t new.

 The difference today is that individually there are people who are far out on either side but the parties are not. The GOP/RNC isn’t putting out any radical agenda. We can always say the nut job who lives at the end of the street and who supports Trump (or anyone else) is crazy.

 For the Democrats, it isn’t the nut job at the end of the block, it is the party. In fact, several times I have said in this forum that the rank and file Democrats probably don’t think nearly the way the Democrat leadership does. They are either stuck backing the home team or more likely, completely ignorant as to what is happening. When Florida passed a law that teachers can’t talk about transgenderism or sex changes until they are 10 years old and the Democrats went crazy, it wasn’t crazy Bob down the street but the Dem’s leadership including the White House.

 Therein lies the difference. The fringe has always existed. Right now the DNC “is” the fringe. 

the left is trending more liberal than I'm comfortable with as a whole, but there's still a major fringe element (the squad, and their ilk) that are considerably worse than your average democrat.  

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