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Fetterman Exposed in Debate


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15 hours ago, tvc184 said:

I care how he votes and not how he speaks.

Hitler was a great orator and inspired much of his country to engage in almost unspeakable acts. He is right up there with the most despicable people in history… but he sure could fire up a crowd.

Sorry but I don’t vote on debating skills. I am not sure what there is to admit.

If a Democrat said, I am against all gun control, I am against abortions, I am for opening up American fossil fuels production, I think spending should either be cut or at least severely curtailed…. I might be voting for him. 

Waller paid for a woman to have an abortion. 

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1 hour ago, Unwoke said:

It’s rough having a discussion with the “View”. Lol

I am thinking of giving up my guns, paying higher taxes, being forced to buy an electric vehicle after gasoline availability is artificially restricted, trying to be forced to take a vaccine and paying 50% higher prices on food because a woman claimed that Walker paid for an abortion 15 years ago.

 That seems like a (ir)rational decision. :) 

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2 hours ago, tvc184 said:

I am thinking of giving up my guns, paying higher taxes, being forced to buy an electric vehicle after gasoline availability is artificially restricted, trying to be forced to take a vaccine and paying 50% higher prices on food because a woman claimed that Walker paid for an abortion 15 years ago.

 That seems like a (ir)rational decision. :) 

Sounds rational to me. I would change my vote in Georgia to Democrat come this Tuesday when it’s time to vote. Smh

I have said it before but I don’t think Big Girl should eat soup alone. 

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On 10/26/2022 at 12:16 PM, tvc184 said:

Here is the poop speaking about the reality of politics vs being right.

Everyone can see that Fetterman isn’t capable of effectively carrying out his job as a senator. Everyone can also see the as far as intellectual ability, there is no contest between the two candidates. If anyone was picking a person to run a company that you were starting, you would pick Oz if those were the options. 


Does any of that matter?

Under our legislative system we have two houses (Senate and House of Representatives) which function independently. Both are required to agree word for word on any new law.

Control of either house is determined by who controls the majority of seats. 

It doesn’t matter who has a more rational argument or who the public supports at any given moment or issue. For example on Obamacare the clear majority of the public did not support it. What matters legally is who controls each house because legislation cannot come up for a vote without the majority party allowing it. The Democrats held power in both houses which allowed a very unpopular law and economically damaging to a majority of people to be passed into law. Control of each house was the important point, not the rationale of the law. Had the Republicans controlled either house, Obamacare would not be the law today.

The public punished the Democrats in the midterms with a crushing defeat. BUT….. the public can’t repeat bad laws, only politicians. The Senate gained 6 Republican seats and the House gained 63 in a huge swing of power. It effectively ended any Democrat control over any new law for the last 6 years of Obama’s presidency. Obamacare made him a lame duck president for the remaining 6 years that he was in office.

Why does that example matter?

Because right now there is a 50/50 split in the Senate with Cackle Harris being the tie breaker for the Democrats. The vice president only gets to vote in a tie. That means if the Republicans gain 1 seat, the Democrats lose the Senate.

Does either party care how they maintain control? The Democrats might have an incapable person intellectually in Fetterman but at this point all they want him to do is vote Yea when they ask. It still could potentially keep the Senate in Democratic control.

Also, if Fetterman wins, he can assume office and resign.  It goes by Pennsylvania state law on how to replace him and that is likely having the governor (currently a Democrat) replace him for the remainder of his term. So Fetterman might assume office for one day and help keep the Senate under Democratic control.


Fetterman could be the worst candidate ever and 100% of Democratic voters could agree but that has nothing to do with controlling the Senate. They simply want to maintain the seat with anyone with a D beside his  name.

 The Republicans at times (or most of the time) argue that they aren’t voting for that Republican candidate because he is a RINO!!! That is stupid because he still has an R by his name and  by the rules, might keep the Republicans in control of either house.

So why would the hard core Democrats vote for Fetterman even if they agree that he would be a horrible choice?  Because they aren’t voting for Fetterman but the D beside his name.

 The Republicans are hoping that enough independents move to the conservative side of the aisle for this election.

Sling Blade, Fetterman or Mickey Mouse?

Does it really matter???

Bingo.  Look at the support being thrown behind Herschel Walker.  Is he honestly a good candidate? But he’s still way better than the alternative, and even if he wasn’t, we’d still support him to get a Republican in office. 

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On 11/4/2022 at 12:53 PM, Big girl said:

Do you think that Walker is intelligent? Is he good at debating? I think you all know that he isn't, but y’all won't admit it.

The thing about politics is, regardless of who wins the debate, most people are going to vote for their side.  That’s why fetterman, who currently has the cognitive ability of a potato, is still neck in neck with Dr. Oz.

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4 hours ago, bullets13 said:

The thing about politics is, regardless of who wins the debate, most people are going to vote for their side.  That’s why fetterman, who currently has the cognitive ability of a potato, is still neck in neck with Dr. Oz.

BG’s argument against Walker should then be the same argument against Fetterman.

Any bets on BG believing that Walker should lose but Oz should win?

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Other than, as @bullets13 pointed out, he has “the cognitive ability of a potato”, there are a number of reasons not to vote on Fetterman.

1- against voter ID Laws.  If anyone wants fairness in our elections why would you be against this?  Yep folks, only reason to oppose it, you want the ability to cheat.  Pretty important - don’t you think?  Of course him & the Democratic Party imply blacks are to dumb to get an ID.  I’m not black but if I were I’d be offended to high heaven at that.
2- His wife is a former undocumented alien so we know how he feels about protecting our borders.  Like all Democrats, let’em in.  I often wonder with hispanics turning into conservative voters, how long the D’s will hold this line?  Someday we may have a wall comparable to the one the Russians had in Berlin, complete with gun turrets, lol.  
3- in 2013 he put a shotgun into an innocent black joggers chest.  He’d heard shots.  Assuming there was a crime, he gets his gun and holds this innocent black man at gunpoint.  Would he have done that to a white jogger?  Are blacks okay being treated as criminals if it’s a Democrat doing it?  As I pointed out before, I’m not black but again, if I was this would urinate me off.

I could overload the site server if I put it all down, so I’ll stop here.  The guys never had a job.  Has no idea about being a working man (person), yet claims to be for them.  To quote from the movie The Outlaw Josey Wales, “Don’t urinate down my back and tell me it’s raining”.

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On 11/4/2022 at 12:53 PM, Big girl said:

Do you think that Walker is intelligent? Is he good at debating? I think you all know that he isn't, but y’all won't admit it.

I haven’t heard him speak enough to answer those questions.

but like @tvc184stated it’s not how a person speaks nor debates but what said person votes on.

Biden and fetterman and add pelosi to that definitely have a cognitive level that is not suitable for the job. And their policies are horrible for the humans.


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3 hours ago, 5GallonBucket said:

I haven’t heard him speak enough to answer those questions.

but like @tvc184stated it’s not how a person speaks nor debates but what said person votes on.

Biden and fetterman and add pelosi to that definitely have a cognitive level that is not suitable for the job. And their policies are horrible for the humans.


Ability to speak clearly is like mean tweets.

Identity and appearance is what’s important…… 

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4 hours ago, 5GallonBucket said:

I haven’t heard him speak enough to answer those questions.

but like @tvc184stated it’s not how a person speaks nor debates but what said person votes on.

Biden and fetterman and add pelosi to that definitely have a cognitive level that is not suitable for the job. And their policies are horrible for the humans.


It amazes me how many folks can be swayed by a smooth talker. 
I have never put any importance on the debates as far as choosing a candidate, if you haven’t made up your mind before the debates, you’re a low information gullible voter.

Sadly, there are many.

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1 hour ago, LumRaiderFan said:

It amazes me how many folks can be swayed by a smooth talker. 
I have never put any importance on the debates as far as choosing a candidate, if you haven’t made up your mind before the debates, you’re a low information gullible voter.

Sadly, there are many.


I do understand why someone would watch a debate whose a 1st timer and not a politician (no history to gain knowledge of said candidate) like  ….oz….walker

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