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Week 13 - Area Round
Locks Friday Nov 18 @ 7 pm

1. Galena Park North Shore vs. Dickinson

2. Humble Atascocita vs. Clear Springs

3. Cypress Falls vs Spring Dekaney

4. Humble Summer Creek vs Shadow Creek

5. Sheldon C.E. King vs. Clear Falls

6. Barbers Hill vs. Mansfield Timberview

7. College Station vs Angleton

8. Georgetown vs Magnolia West

9. Port Arthur Memorial vs Frisco Wakeland

10. Fort Bend Marshall vs. Waco University

11. Port Neches-Groves vs Austin LBJ

12. Kilgore vs El Campo

13. Lumberton vs Stafford

14. Hamshire-Fannett vs Waco Connally

15. Silsbee vs Smithville

16 Diboll vs Columbus

17. Orangefield vs Cameron Yoe

18. Woodville vs Hitchcock

19. Newton vs New Boston

20. Centerville vs. Honey Grove

21. Corrigan-Camden vs. Cooper

22. Joaquin vs. Beckville

23 Timpson vs Frankston

24. Deweyville vs. Bowie

25. Lovelady vs. Maud

3 hours ago, WOSdrummer99 said:

Week 13 - Area Round
Locks Friday Nov 18 @ 7 pm

1. Galena Park North Shore

2. Humble Atascocita

3. Spring Dekaney

4. Shadow Creek

5. Ce King

6. Mansfield Timberview

7. College Station

8. Magnolia West

9. Port Arthur Memorial

10. Fort Bend Marshall

11. Austin LBJ

12. Kilgore

13. Lumberton

14. Waco Connally

15. Silsbee

16 Diboll

17. Orangefield

18. Woodville

19. Newton

20. Centerville

21. Cooper

22. Beckville

23 Timpson

24. Bowie

25. Lovelady



1. Galena Park North Shore

2. Humble Atascocita 

3. Spring Dekaney

4. Humble Summer Creek 

5. Sheldon C.E. King 

6. Barbers Hill 

7. College Station

8. Magnolia West

9. Port Arthur Memorial 

10. Waco University

11. Austin LBJ

12. El Campo

13. Lumberton 

14. Hamshire-Fannett 

15. Silsbee 

16 Columbus

17. Cameron Yoe

18. Woodville 

19. Newton 

20. Centerville 

21. Corrigan-Camden 

22. Beckville

23 Timpson 

24. Deweyville 

25. Lovelady 

3 hours ago, WOSdrummer99 said:

Week 13 - Area Round
Locks Friday Nov 18 @ 7 pm

1. Galena Park North Shore 

2. Humble Atascocita 

3. Cypress Falls 

4. Humble Summer Creek 

5. Sheldon C.E. King 

6.  Mansfield Timberview

7. College Station 

8. Georgetown 

9. Frisco Wakeland

10. Fort Bend Marshall 

11. Austin LBJ

12. Kilgore 

13. Lumberton 

14. Hamshire-Fannett 

15. Silsbee 

16 Columbus

17. Orangefield 

18. Hitchcock

19. Newton 

20. Centerville 

21. Corrigan-Camden 

22. Joaquin 

23 Timpson 

24. Bowie

25. Lovelady 



1. Galena Park North Shore


2. Humble Atascocita


3. Spring Dekaney


4. Humble Summer Creek 


5. Sheldon C.E. King 


6. Barbers Hill 


7. College Station 


8. Magnolia West


9. Port Arthur Memorial 


10. Fort Bend Marshall 


11. Austin LBJ


12. Kilgore 


13. Lumberton 


14. Hamshire-Fannett 


15. Silsbee 


16 Diboll 


17. Orangefield 


18. Woodville 


19. Newton 


20. Centerville 


21. Corrigan-Camden 


22. Beckville


23 Timpson 


24. Bowie


25. Lovelady 


1. Galena Park North Shore vs. Dickinson

2. Humble Atascocita vs. Clear Springs

3. Cypress Falls vs Spring Dekaney

4. Humble Summer Creek vs Shadow Creek

5. Sheldon C.E. King vs. Clear Falls

6. Barbers Hill vs. Mansfield Timberview

7. College Station vs Angleton

8. Georgetown vs Magnolia West

9. Port Arthur Memorial vs Frisco Wakeland

10. Fort Bend Marshall vs. Waco University

11. Port Neches-Groves vs Austin LBJ

12. Kilgore vs El Campo

13. Lumberton vs Stafford

14. Hamshire-Fannett vs Waco Connally

15. Silsbee vs Smithville

16 Diboll vs Columbus

17. Orangefield vs Cameron Yoe

18. Woodville vs Hitchcock

19. Newton vs New Boston

20. Centerville vs. Honey Grove

21. Corrigan-Camden vs. Cooper

22. Joaquin vs. Beckville

23 Timpson vs Frankston

24. Deweyville vs. Bowie

25. Lovelady vs. Maud


1. Galena Park North Shore

2. Humble Atascocita

3. Spring Dekaney

4. Shadow Creek

5. Sheldon C.E. King

6. Mansfield Timberview

7. College Station

8. Georgetown

9. Port Arthur Memorial

10. Fort Bend Marshall

11. Austin LBJ

12. El Campo

13. Lumberton

14. Waco Connally

15. Silsbee

16 Columbus

17. Cameron Yoe

18. Hitchcock

19. Newton

20. Centerville

21. Cooper

22. Beckville

23 Timpson

24. Bowie

25. Lovelady


1. Galena Park North Shore

2. Humble Atascocita 

3. Spring Dekaney

4. Shadow Creek

5. Sheldon C.E. King 

6. Mansfield Timberview

7. College Station 

8. Georgetown 

9. Port Arthur Memorial 

10. Fort Bend Marshall 

11. Port Neches-Groves 

12. El Campo

13. Lumberton 

14. Hamshire-Fannett 

15. Silsbee 

16 Columbus

17. Orangefield 

18. Hitchcock

19. Newton 

20. Honey Grove

21. Cooper

22. Beckville

23 Timpson

24. Deweyville

25. Lovelady


1. Galena Park North Shore

2. Humble Atascocita

3. Spring Dekaney

4. Shadow Creek

5. Ce King

6. Mansfield Timberview

7. Angleton 

8. Magnolia West

9. Port Arthur Memorial

10. Fort Bend Marshall

11. Austin LBJ

12. Kilgore

13. Lumberton

14. Waco Connally

15. Silsbee

16 Diboll

17. Orangefield

18. Hitchcock 

19. Newton

20. Centerville

21. Cooper

22. Beckville

23 Timpson

24. Bowie

25. Lovelady


1. Galena Park North Shore 

2. Humble Atascocita 

3. Spring Dekaney

4. Shadow Creek

5. Sheldon C.E. King 

6. Mansfield Timberview

7. College Station 

8. Georgetown 

9. Port Arthur Memorial 

10. Fort Bend Marshall 

11. Austin LBJ

12. El Campo

13. Stafford

14. Waco Connally

15. Silsbee 

16 Columbus

17. Orangefield 

18. Hitchcock

19. Newton 

20. Centerville 

21. Corrigan-Camden

22. Beckville

23 Timpson 

24. Bowie

25. Lovelady


1. Galena Park North Shore

2. Humble Atascocita

3. Spring Dekaney

4. Shadow Creek

5. C.E. King

6. Mansfield Timberview

7. College Station

8. Georgetown

9. Port Arthur Memorial

10. Fort Bend Marshall

11. Austin LBJ

12. Kilgore

13. Lumberton

14. Waco Connally

15. Silsbee

16. Columbus

17. Orangefield

18. Hitchcock

19. Newton

20. Centerville

21. Cooper

22. Beckville

23 Timpson

24. Bowie

25. Lovelady


1. Galena Park North Shore

2. Humble Atascocita 

3. Spring Dekaney

4. Humble Summer Creek

5. Sheldon C.E. King 

6. Mansfield Timberview

7. College Station 

8. Georgetown

9. Port Arthur Memorial

10. Fort Bend Marshall 

11. Austin LBJ

12.  El Campo

13. Lumberton 

14. Hamshire-Fannett 

15. Silsbee 

16  Columbus

17. Orangefield 

18.  Hitchcock

19. Newton 

20. Centerville 

21. Corrigan-Camden

22. Beckville

23 Timpson 

24. . Bowie

25. Maud


1. Galena Park North Shore 

2. Humble Atascocita 

3. Spring Dekaney

4. Shadow Creek

5. Sheldon C.E. King 

6. Mansfield Timberview

7. Angleton

8. Georgetown 

9. Port Arthur Memorial 

10. Fort Bend Marshall 

11. Austin LBJ

12. El Campo

13. Lumberton 

14.  Waco Connally

15. Silsbee 

16 Columbus

17. Orangefield 

18. Hitchcock

19. Newton 

20. Centerville 

21. Cooper

22. Beckville

23 Timpson

24. Bowie

25. Lovelady


1. Galena Park North Shore 

2. Humble Atascocita 

3. Cypress Falls

4. Humble Summer Creek 

5. Sheldon C.E. King 

6. Mansfield Timberview

7. College Station 

8. Georgetown

9. Port Arthur Memorial 

10. Fort Bend Marshall 

11. Austin LBJ

12. El Campo

13. Lumberton 

14. Hamshire-Fannett 

15. Silsbee 

16 Diboll 

17. Orangefield 

18. Woodville 

19. Newton 

20. Centerville 

21. Corrigan-Camden 

22. Joaquin 

23 Timpson 

24. Bowie

25. Lovelady 


Week 13 - Area Round
Locks Friday Nov 18 @ 7 pm

1. Galena Park North Shore vs. Dickinson

2. Humble Atascocita vs. Clear Springs

3. Cypress Falls vs Spring Dekaney

4. Humble Summer Creek vs Shadow Creek

5. Sheldon C.E. King vs. Clear Falls

6. Barbers Hill vs. Mansfield Timberview

7. College Station vs Angleton

8. Georgetown vs Magnolia West

9. Port Arthur Memorial vs Frisco Wakeland

10. Fort Bend Marshall vs. Waco University

11. Port Neches-Groves vs Austin LBJ

12. Kilgore vs El Campo

13. Lumberton vs Stafford

14. Hamshire-Fannett vs Waco Connally

15. Silsbee vs Smithville

16 Diboll vs Columbus

17. Orangefield vs Cameron Yoe

18. Woodville vs Hitchcock

19. Newton vs New Boston

20. Centerville vs. Honey Grove

21. Corrigan-Camden vs. Cooper

22. Joaquin vs. Beckville

23 Timpson vs Frankston

24. Deweyville vs. Bowie

25. Lovelady vs. Maud



1. Galena Park North Shore

2. Humble Atascocita 

3. Spring Dekaney

4. Humble Summer Creek 

5. Sheldon C.E. King

6. Barbers Hill 

7. College Station 

8.  Magnolia West

9. Port Arthur Memorial 

10. Fort Bend Marshall 

11. Port Neches-Groves 

12.  El Campo

13. Lumberton 

14. Hamshire-Fannett 

15. Silsbee 

16  Columbus

17. Orangefield 

18.  Hitchcock

19. Newton 

20. Centerville 

21. . Cooper

22.  Beckville

23 Timpson

24.  Bowie

25. Lovelady 

On 11/13/2022 at 1:51 PM, WOSdrummer99 said:

Week 13 - Area Round
Locks Friday Nov 18 @ 7 pm

1. Galena Park North Shore vs. Dickinson

2. Humble Atascocita vs. Clear Springs

3. Cypress Falls vs Spring Dekaney

4. Humble Summer Creek vs Shadow Creek

5. Sheldon C.E. King vs. Clear Falls

6. Barbers Hill vs. Mansfield Timberview

7. College Station vs Angleton

8. Georgetown vs Magnolia West

9. Port Arthur Memorial vs Frisco Wakeland

10. Fort Bend Marshall vs. Waco University

11. Port Neches-Groves vs Austin LBJ

12. Kilgore vs El Campo

13. Lumberton vs Stafford

14. Hamshire-Fannett vs Waco Connally

15. Silsbee vs Smithville

16 Diboll vs Columbus

17. Orangefield vs Cameron Yoe

18. Woodville vs Hitchcock

19. Newton vs New Boston

20. Centerville vs. Honey Grove

21. Corrigan-Camden vs. Cooper

22. Joaquin vs. Beckville

23 Timpson vs Frankston

24. vs. Bowie

25. Lovelady vs. Maud



1. Galena Park North Shore 

2. Clear Springs

3. Cypress Falls 

4. Humble Summer Creek

5. Sheldon C.E. King 

6.  Mansfield Timberview

7. College Station 

8.Magnolia West

9.  Frisco Wakeland

10. Fort Bend Marshall 

11.  Austin LBJ

12. Kilgore 

13. Lumberton 

14. Hamshire-Fannett

15. Silsbee 

16  Columbus

17.Cameron Yoe

18.  Hitchcock

19. Newton 

20. Centerville

21. Corrigan-Camden 

22. Beckville

23 Timpson 

24. . Bowie

25. Lovelady 


1. Galena Park North Shore 

2. Humble Atascocita 

3. Cypress Falls

4. Humble Summer Creek

5. Clear Falls

6. Mansfield Timberview

7. Angleton

8. Georgetown

9. Port Arthur Memorial

10. Fort Bend Marshall

11. Austin LBJ

12. Kilgore 

13. Lumberton

14. Hamshire-Fannett

15. Silsbee

16 Columbus

17. Cameron Yoe

18. Hitchcock

19. Newton

20. Centerville

21. Cooper

22. Joaquin

23 Timpson

24. Deweyville

25. Lovelady


1. Galena Park North Shore

2. Humble Atascocita 

3. Cypress Falls

4. Humble Summer Creek

5. Sheldon C.E King

6. Barbers Hill 

7. Angleton

8. Magnolia West 

9. Port Arthur Memorial 

10. Fort Bend Marshall 

11. Austin LBJ

12. EL Campo

13. Lumberton 

14. Hamshire-Fannett

15. Silsbee 

16. Columbus 

17. Orangefield 

18. Hitchcock 

19. Newton 

20. Centerville 

21. Cooper

22. Beckville 

23. Timpson 

24. Deweyville

25. Lovelady 



1. Galena Park North Shore vs. Dickinson

2. Humble Atascocita vs. Clear Springs

3. Cypress Falls vs Spring Dekaney

4. Humble Summer Creek vs Shadow Creek

5. Sheldon C.E. King vs. Clear Falls

6. Barbers Hill vs. Mansfield Timberview

7. College Station vs Angleton

8. Georgetown vs Magnolia West

9. Port Arthur Memorial vs Frisco Wakeland

10. Fort Bend Marshall vs. Waco University

11. Port Neches-Groves vs Austin LBJ

12. Kilgore vs El Campo

13. Lumberton vs Stafford

14. Hamshire-Fannett vs Waco Connally

15. Silsbee vs Smithville

16 Diboll vs Columbus

17. Orangefield vs Cameron Yoe

18. Woodville vs Hitchcock

19. Newton vs New Boston

20. Centerville vs. Honey Grove

21. Corrigan-Camden vs. Cooper

22. Joaquin vs. Beckville

23 Timpson vs Frankston

24. Deweyville vs. Bowie

25. Lovelady vs. Maud


1. Galena Park North Shore

2. Humble Atascocita

3. Spring Dekaney

4. Humble Summer Creek

5. Clear Falls

6. Mansfield Timberview

7. Angleton

8. Georgetown

9. Port Arthur Memorial

10. Fort Bend Marshall

11. Austin LBJ

12. El Campo

13. Lumberton

14.  Hamshire-Fannett

15. Silsbee

16. Columbus

17. Orangefield

18. Hitchcock

19. Newton

20. Centerville

21. Cooper

22. Joaquin

23. Timpson

24. Deweyville

25. Lovelady


1. Galena Park North Shore vs. Dickinson

2. Humble Atascocita vs. Clear Springs

3. Cypress Falls vs Spring Dekaney

4. Humble Summer Creek vs Shadow Creek

5. Sheldon C.E. King vs. Clear Falls

6. Barbers Hill vs. Mansfield Timberview

7. College Station vs Angleton

8. Georgetown vs Magnolia West

9. Port Arthur Memorial vs Frisco Wakeland

10. Fort Bend Marshall vs. Waco University

11. Port Neches-Groves vs Austin LBJ

12. Kilgore vs El Campo

13. Lumberton vs Stafford

14. Hamshire-Fannett vs Waco Connally

15. Silsbee vs Smithville

16 Diboll vs Columbus

17. Orangefield vs Cameron Yoe

18. Woodville vs Hitchcock

19. Newton vs New Boston

20. Centerville vs. Honey Grove

21. Corrigan-Camden vs. Cooper

22. Joaquin vs. Beckville

23 Timpson vs Frankston

24. Deweyville vs. Bowie

25. Lovelady vs. Maud


1.) Galena Park North Shore

2.) Humble Atascocita

3.) Spring Dekaney

4.) Shadow Creek

5.) C.E. King

6.) Mansfield Timberview

7.) College Station

8.) Georgetown

9.) Friso Wakeland

10.) Fort Bend Marshall

11.) Austin LBJ

12.) Kilgore

13.) Lumberton

14.) Waco Connally

15.) Silsbee

16.) Columbus

17.) Orangefield

18.) Hitchcock

19.) Newton

20.) Centerville

21.) Cooper

22.) Beckville

23.) Timpson

24.) Bowie

25.) Lovelady


1.Galena Park North Shore 


2. Humble Atascocita 


3. Spring Dekaney


4. Shadow Creek


5. Sheldon C.E. King 


6. Mansfield Timberview


7. College Station 


8. Georgetown 


9. Port Arthur Memorial 


10. Fort Bend Marshall 


11. Austin LBJ


12. Kilgore 


13. Lumberton 


14. Waco Connally


15. Silsbee 


16. Columbus


17. Orangefield 


18. Woodville 


19. Newton 


20. Centerville 


21. Corrigan-Camden 


22. Joaquin 


23 Timpson 


24. Deweyville 


25. Lovelady 

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