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1 minute ago, CardinalBacker said:



Everybody who wants a job has one.  Prices are up, but everybody has gotten raises except for people on fixed incomes, and the Rs are the ones holding that up.  I know three people who have bought homes in the last two weeks.  The car dealerships are stocked up again.  There aren't any grocery shortages or lockdowns.  We aren't in any wars.  There haven't been any riots since 1/6.  


We're going to elect a democrat president in 2024 because all the Rs have to offer is Trump and a promise of more dysfunction. 

9 minutes ago, CardinalBacker said:

The thing is this.... for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.  That's pretty much a universal law across the universe.  Trump went around doing crappy stuff to everybody, but his supporters cheered him on.  The Karma train has finally made its way back around and his supporters can't see a correlation between the way that he treated everybody and what's happening to him now.  

Y'all spend all day talking about the "Biden Crime Family" and "Killary" and "election fraud" without a single shred of evidence, but now you want to cry when your guy is facing the music for things he actually did. 

Y'all whining like little girls with skinned knees.  

What crime was committed? Why wait this long to indict? “If” He used campaign funds to pay her off ( you and I both know he did not) it would be a federal crime. A state DA has no right to indict or prosecute a federal crime. The DOJ wouldn’t touch it.  When this slides off Trump’s back, where will you be?…. Looking for something else to try and pin on him? You know his rights have been violated. You simply don’t care…. But you should. 

9 hours ago, CardinalBacker said:

Y’all amaze me. Trump got throttled by the worst nominee ever (Biden), then literally tried to disrupt the peaceful transfer of power by yelling “he CHEATED!” like a six year who just lost a game of Monopoly to his big brother. 

Trump has not done a single thing except alienate potential voters for about 6 years now. This isn’t somehow going to get him re-elected. All 81 million people who voted against him are celebrating tonight, and half of the ones who did vote trump are like “why are we still entertaining this clown? He’s in-electable.”

and then you have the Trumpers, who didn’t even believe this day would come. Just wait. Georgia’s election interference will be his next indictment. 

Lol.. Trump said he’s going to drain the swamp, but this time he’s serious! #2024

7 minutes ago, 5GallonBucket said:
10 minutes ago, CardinalBacker said:



Everybody who wants a job has one.  Prices are up, but everybody has gotten raises except for people on fixed incomes, and the Rs are the ones holding that up.  I know three people who have bought homes in the last two weeks.  The car dealerships are stocked up again.  There aren't any grocery shortages or lockdowns.  We aren't in any wars.  There haven't been any riots since 1/6.  


We're going to elect a democrat president in 2024 because all the Rs have to offer is Trump and a promise of more dysfunction. 


Cherry picking.


I know someone who bought a home too….country is going great.

my garden is looking great = country is going great

my cat killed a mouse= country is going great.

nice try.


dysfunction……really……you love you some d

33 minutes ago, CardinalBacker said:

The thing is this.... for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.  That's pretty much a universal law across the universe.  Trump went around doing crappy stuff to everybody, but his supporters cheered him on.  The Karma train has finally made its way back around and his supporters can't see a correlation between the way that he treated everybody and what's happening to him now.  

Y'all spend all day talking about the "Biden Crime Family" and "Killary" and "election fraud" without a single shred of evidence, but now you want to cry when your guy is facing the music for things he actually did. 

Y'all whining like little girls with skinned knees.  



46 minutes ago, baddog said:

What crime was committed? Why wait this long to indict? “If” He used campaign funds to pay her off ( you and I both know he did not) it would be a federal crime. A state DA has no right to indict or prosecute a federal crime. The DOJ wouldn’t touch it.  When this slides off Trump’s back, where will you be?…. Looking for something else to try and pin on him? You know his rights have been violated. You simply don’t care…. But you should. 

Honestly, I'm not sure that one was committed.  They always say that a good prosecutor could get a ham sandwich indicted.  The scary part is that this will now end up in front of a jury of New Yorkers.... most of whom can't stand Trump.  

BUT, when you send the former District of Attorney of NYC (Rudolph Giuliani) out to spread lies about election fraud by the Democrats, can you really be that upset when the Democrats use the new District Attorney of NYC to spread a few lies back your way?  It's karma, baby.   All day long. 

For good Christians, you all seem to forget Galations 6:7.... it's not hard to connect the dots. 

2 hours ago, CardinalBacker said:

So, the voters weren’t even mad enough to let the Rs have Congress back in 2022, but now they’re mad-mad?

I remember the crowds at Trump’s rallies all chanting “Lock her up! Lock her up!” But who’s getting locked up? The irony is DELICIOUS. 

I remember telling all of y’all that trump would spend the rest of his life and fortune in courtrooms, but nobody believed me.  I can’t remember which one of y’all argued that he’d never be arrested. Welp, it looks like it’s coming true, doesn’t it?



Further more, if Republicans had done the right thing and convicted Trump in the Senate after 1/6, none of this would matter.  If Republicans had done the right thing and sent Trump out to pasture after he crapped the bed in '20, the Dems wouldn't be pushing to make sure he doesn't get re-elected.  

Republicans continuing their blind support of this clown is what's forcing the Democrats to do what they believe is best for the country. 


The whole “ Stormy Daniels” situation wreaks of misinformation and doubt. Think about it. You’re in a position to blackmail Trump with an affair and you settle out of court (sounds better than payoff) for $130,000??????

 Trump sues her and she has to pay him (that’s a fact, Jack) 

Nothing at all smells right about this. 

3 hours ago, Unwoke said:

The Clintons- walk free
Hunter Biden- walks free
Epstein’s clients- walk free
DC insider traders- walk free


I think I see a pattern. 

When's karma gonna catch up with the dark side?

1 minute ago, CardinalBacker said:

Further more, if Republicans had done the right thing and convicted Trump in the Senate after 1/6, none of this would matter.  If Republicans had done the right thing and sent Trump out to pasture after he crapped the bed in '20, the Dems wouldn't be pushing to make sure he doesn't get re-elected.  

Republicans continuing their blind support of this clown is what's forcing the Democrats to do what they believe is best for the country. 

Democrat’s motivation has never been “what’s best for the country”.

1 minute ago, baddog said:

The whole “ Stormy Daniels” situation wreaks of misinformation and doubt. Think about it. You’re in a position to blackmail Trump with an affair and you settle out of court (sounds better than payoff) for $130,000??????

 Trump sues her and she has to pay him (that’s a fact, Jack) 

Nothing at all smells right about this. 

Let me get this straight.  The conservatives don't have a problem with Trump having an affair with a porn star, and they aren't bothered by the fact that he gave her $130k (possibly of campaign funds) to keep her mouth shut, but they are suddenly concerned that "something doesn't smell right" because it's being investigated.  

That's a pitiful fact, Jack. 


Here's what I think should happen.  

Joe Biden should pardon Trump for any/all before his arraignment next Tuesday.  "We've got serious work to do here in the US and this is not getting us anywhere as a nation." Trump looks like the criminal that he probably is, but he's free to run in 2024 and without a doubt securing the R nomination and losing bigly to any Democrat.  

2 minutes ago, CardinalBacker said:

Here's what I think should happen.  

Joe Biden should pardon Trump for any/all before his arraignment next Tuesday.  "We've got serious work to do here in the US and this is not getting us anywhere as a nation." Trump looks like the criminal that he probably is, but he's free to run in 2024 and without a doubt securing the R nomination and losing bigly to any Democrat.  

Same thing you said Trump should do years ago for Hillary. What's with all the "let em go"? Why not just decide to be better than the "dirt" they keep pulling us down into?



You said somewhere that we're not at war. Good vs evil. Pick one

23 minutes ago, WOSdrummer99 said:

When's karma gonna catch up with the dark side?

When people in leadership positions in the DOJ, CIA and FBI are removed would be my guess. 

28 minutes ago, CardinalBacker said:

Let me get this straight.  The conservatives don't have a problem with Trump having an affair with a porn star, and they aren't bothered by the fact that he gave her $130k (possibly of campaign funds) to keep her mouth shut, but they are suddenly concerned that "something doesn't smell right" because it's being investigated.  

That's a pitiful fact, Jack. 

Let me get this straight. Fence riders (who can never be wrong) are ok with Clinton having sex in the “Oval Office” and both Kennedys having an affair with Marilyn Monroe, but Trump has an affair with a porn star and he should be indicted. See how easy that is? The thing here, that you keep avoiding, is due process, and Trump is being denied his. Why is that so difficult for you to understand?

20 minutes ago, WOSdrummer99 said:

Same thing you said Trump should do years ago for Hillary. What's with all the "let em go"? Why not just decide to be better than the "dirt" they keep pulling us down into?



You said somewhere that we're not at war. Good vs evil. Pick one

Every conflict ever has pitted "good vs. evil."  And both sides thought the other was the "evil" one.  It's no different this time.  The sad thing is that both sides are usually right. 

What's the point in continually working to get the slimmest majority in Congress and/or the Presidency, then using that position of power to punish the other side instead of legislating/governing?  Look where it's gotten us, and both sides do it. 

And that's what neither side can recognize... the typical American is sick of it.  Yeah, threatening to investigate the investigators might whip up the hardcore MAGAs or diehard Liberals, but everybody else is like "enough, already." 


19 minutes ago, baddog said:

Let me get this straight. Fence riders (who can never be wrong) are ok with Clinton having sex in the “Oval Office” and both Kennedys having an affair with Marilyn Monroe, but Trump has an affair with a porn star and he should be indicted. See how easy that is? The thing here, that you keep avoiding, is due process, and Trump is being denied his. Why is that so difficult for you to understand?

Um, for what it's worth, the Republicans DID Impeach Clinton for lying about his affair with Lewinski.


What you're engaging in is called "whataboutism."  It's like dealing with a child (or woman) who can't isolate and acknowledge a misdeed, so instead they say "what about" and drag up a similar instance from almost 30 years ago to justify the recent misdeed.  

How very feminine of you.  


Again, no one seems to want to answer….. if you had the goods on Trump and considered blackmail ( a crime), would you settle for a mere $130,000?

 Trump sued her and won. Explain that  

Her lawyer is in prison. Explain that

 The rat Cohen was thrown in prison. No revenge factor for him, huh?

 Trump has been under investigation more than anyone I can name for the past 7-8 years. You name it, he has been investigated for it. Does anyone think this has been overlooked? These payments have already been investigated. 

1 hour ago, CardinalBacker said:

Um, for what it's worth, the Republicans DID Impeach Clinton for lying about his affair with Lewinski.


What you're engaging in is called "whataboutism."  It's like dealing with a child (or woman) who can't isolate and acknowledge a misdeed, so instead they say "what about" and drag up a similar instance from almost 30 years ago to justify the recent misdeed.  

How very feminine of you.  

If I'm not mistaken, Clinton was impeached for committing perjury in front of a federal judge.  

1 minute ago, baddog said:

Again, no one seems to want to answer….. if you had the goods on Trump and considered blackmail ( a crime), would you settle for a mere $130,000?

 Trump sued her and won. Explain that  

Her lawyer is in prison. Explain that

 Trump has been under investigation more than anyone I can name for the past 7-8 years. You name it, he has been investigated for it. Does anyone think this has been overlooked? These payments have already been investigated. 

It's my understanding that Trump's lawyer paid the money.  And there was not any money that went from Trump to the lady or his lawyer.  Since day one of Trump it's all been lies.

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