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SCOTUS slaps down Bidens deadbeat student loan scheme!

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1 hour ago, Big girl said:

Nope, at least now they have a chance. There was a time that people could not get into college because of their race. They had to create HBCUs which were also underfunded.

 Your kinfolks get in because they are white, and because of nepotism.

I made my own way. I have 2 degrees. (4.08 on a 4.0 scale). My son also made his own way. He graduated from Baylor.( 4.9 on a 4.0 scale) He is now a securities broker.

My nephew has a degree and is a public relations representative.

My sister is a teacher, and my husband is a RN; as well. His white racist guidance counselor at school told him to pick up a trade., because he would never get a 4 year degree. Now he make 6 figures.


You and I disagree… I think that your success comes from your actions, and from having a firm foundation of people in your family as examples. 

I think that most people who are successful and people who are unsuccessful both get there via their own actions and the support given to them by their families. A person’s race has nothing to do with it. If we can accept that a lot of white people are screwups and make absolute wrecks out of their lives, then why is it not okay to admit that the same is true for some black people? “No, it’s racism.”

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25 minutes ago, baddog said:

Man, it takes a real POS to have kinfolk who were supposedly hanged (for what?) and instead of keeping them in your loving memory, you try to see how that can benefit you. You’re a real pip.

I knew we would hear about your college career for the umpteenth time. Funny how your life is a total contradiction to your supposed oppression. You are proof positive that success can be handed to some and they think they earned it. I got into college because of my SAT scores. My Dad had passed and my Mom tried to foot my bill with her SS while I worked at a fast food place. Don’t scream that white privilege crap at me ever again. Go ahead and toot your freakin horn. I had nothing handed to me. I earned it. Something you can never say.


You went.to college? Dang, where did you go? You need a refund.

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2 hours ago, Big girl said:

How have you been affected by racism? 

Racism exists in more ways than you think. Asian kids with super grades who can’t get into top level schools because their race is “over represented.” Meanwhile kids with lower scores are admitted because of their skin color. How is that not institutional racism.  Affirmative Action is just racism by another name. Whether your goal is white supremacy or “social Justice,” it doesn’t matter. It’s just helping one group by means of hurting another, and there really is no justification for it. 

Somebody else pointed out two things that I’d never thought of in regards to how affirmative action has hurt black kids, too. If you accept a kid who isn’t up to the normal acceptance standards but gets in based on his/her skin color, you’re automatically setting them up to be the worst performing student in the group. Quite often the water is just too deep once they’ve been “gifted” acceptance based on their color instead of their abilities and intellect. Secondly, pretend that you are a black kid who got in the old fashioned way. You really ARE that guy, regardless of your race… except everybody thinks that you got in because of your race. You’ll spend all of your time trying to prove your worth. 

I’m aware of multiple examples where qualified individuals were passed over in favor of less or even unqualified minority candidates.

Texas DPS in the 1990s and KCS Railroad in the 1970s just from personal examples. 

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1 hour ago, Big girl said:

Nope, at least now they have a chance. There was a time that people could not get into college because of their race. They had to create HBCUs which were also underfunded.

 Your kinfolks get in because they are white, and because of nepotism.

I made my own way. I have 2 degrees. (4.08 on a 4.0 scale). My son also made his own way. He graduated from Baylor.( 4.9 on a 4.0 scale) He is now a securities broker.

My nephew has a degree and is a public relations representative.

My sister is a teacher, and my husband is a RN; as well. His white racist guidance counselor at school told him to pick up a trade., because he would never get a 4 year degree. Now he make 6 figures.



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1 hour ago, Big girl said:

Nope, at least now they have a chance. There was a time that people could not get into college because of their race. They had to create HBCUs which were also underfunded.

 Your kinfolks get in because they are white, and because of nepotism.

I made my own way. I have 2 degrees. (4.08 on a 4.0 scale). My son also made his own way. He graduated from Baylor.( 4.9 on a 4.0 scale) He is now a securities broker.

My nephew has a degree and is a public relations representative.

My sister is a teacher, and my husband is a RN; as well. His white racist guidance counselor at school told him to pick up a trade., because he would never get a 4 year degree. Now he make 6 figures.


We know…we know you want equal rights with extra benefits. 

By the way there are a lot of trades out there knocking down well into the 6 figures. Lots of respect to tradesman and tradeswomen. 

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21 minutes ago, Big girl said:

You went.to college? Dang, where did you go? You need a refund.

That’s all you got. I’ll go toe to toe with you any day. You are living proof that a college education is less than a GED. Must not have read the rest of my post. I meant every word of it. Profiting off of dead kinfolk. You’re a saint.

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2 hours ago, Big girl said:

I made my own way. I have 2 degrees. (4.08 on a 4.0 scale). My son also made his own way. He graduated from Baylor.( 4.9 on a 4.0 scale) He is now a securities broker.

My nephew has a degree and is a public relations representative.

My sister is a teacher, and my husband is a RN; as well. His white racist guidance counselor at school told him to pick up a trade., because he would never get a 4 year degree. Now he make 6 figures. 

AWESOME! You just personally validated that SCOTUS made the right decision! No need for continuing PRIVILEDGES for your race!

Thank you! 


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5 hours ago, Big girl said:

The ruling was against TWO universities, but......read the article. 😀

This is the hidden content, please

Yeah and the Miranda warning was for Ernesto Miranda and Brown v. Board of Education was a ruling for Kansas, South Carolina, Virginia and Washington DC.

Supreme Court rulings don’t typically only give a verdict in a single case but are guidelines for all lower courts. 

In fact the judgments from the Supreme Court don’t decide money damages, guilt or innocence, etc. That is for trial courts. The Supreme Court only decides if the Constitution was violated.

For example, a person might get his case overturn by the Supreme Court. That does not mean he is innocent or does not have to pay damages. It typically means that a piece of evidence was galined outside of the Constitution. So, if a guy is convicted of a murder and part of his trial was a confession, and it was later ruled to be inadmissible, he is not all of a sudden innocent. The DA can bring the same person back to trial for the same crime but simply can’t use that confession in the trial. The person can still be guilty even after the Supreme Court threw out his conviction.

Unless you want to suggest that discrimination by Harvard is unconstitutional but discrimination by Yale would not be. 


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19 hours ago, CardinalBacker said:

You and I disagree… I think that your success comes from your actions, and from having a firm foundation of people in your family as examples. 

I think that most people who are successful and people who are unsuccessful both get there via their own actions and the support given to them by their families. A person’s race has nothing to do with it. If we can accept that a lot of white people are screwups and make absolute wrecks out of their lives, then why is it not okay to admit that the same is true for some black people? “No, it’s racism.”

It comes from opportunity. My dad and mom didnt have that.

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19 hours ago, Unwoke said:

We know…we know you want equal rights with extra benefits. 

By the way there are a lot of trades out there knocking down well into the 6 figures. Lots of respect to tradesman and 

I agree, but she tried to deter him from getting a 4 year degree. If that was his wish, why would she try to persuade him to pursue something else?

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19 hours ago, baddog said:

That’s all you got. I’ll go toe to toe with you any day. You are living proof that a college education is less than a GED. Must not have read the rest of my post. I meant every word of it. Profiting off of dead kinfolk. You’re a saint.

How am I profiting off of dead folks? 😀

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2 minutes ago, Big girl said:

I agree, but she tried to deter him from getting a 4 year degree. If that was his wish, why would she try to persuade him to pursue something else?

Just think if your ancestors hadn’t sold out their own family members you wouldn’t be experiencing these imaginary hardships. Living with a victim hood mentality must suck. 

It’s been past time to move on. That card is worn smooth out.

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1 hour ago, Big girl said:

It comes from opportunity. My dad and mom didnt have that.

Yes, they did… they had the same opportunities as my parents. They weren’t honest with you. It’s all simply self-victimization. No matter what, it isn’t your fault because of the blue-eyed boogeyman OR you did it in spite of the blue eyed boogeyman. 

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I’ll use an example… Let’s imagine young black dude that’s in his early 30s… didn’t finish high school, has a felony, 4 kids by 3 different women, won’t show up for work five days a week, can’t hardly speak the king’s English, and has a neck tattoo. Can’t even get a TWIC card to get into the plants. That’s all systemic racism, oppression, 400 year legacy of slavery, and white privilege all working against him…. That’s what you’d have us believe. 
Except the guy really does exist… I know him-it’s all true except for the part about being black. This dude is white. 

I can freely admit that this guy is a screwup. But you can’t consider the possibility that our imaginary black guy is to blame for any of the problems he has. It’s all racism. 

You cry about systemic racism, but you can’t point to a single policy in effect today that negatively affects black people. On the other hand, until yesterday we could look at affirmative action in college admissions as just one of many codified examples of policies that “help” blacks people at the expense of other racial groups. 

Privilege is a lie. 

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38 minutes ago, CardinalBacker said:

I’ll use an example… Let’s imagine young black dude that’s in his early 30s… didn’t finish high school, has a felony, 4 kids by 3 different women, won’t show up for work five days a week, can’t hardly speak the king’s English, and has a neck tattoo. Can’t even get a TWIC card to get into the plants. That’s all systemic racism, oppression, 400 year legacy of slavery, and white privilege all working against him…. That’s what you’d have us believe. 
Except the guy really does exist… I know him-it’s all true except for the part about being black. This dude is white. 

I can freely admit that this guy is a screwup. But you can’t consider the possibility that our imaginary black guy is to blame for any of the problems he has. It’s all racism. 

You cry about systemic racism, but you can’t point to a single policy in effect today that negatively affects black people. On the other hand, until yesterday we could look at affirmative action in college admissions as just one of many codified examples of policies that “help” blacks people at the expense of other racial groups. 

Privilege is a lie


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On 7/1/2023 at 12:15 PM, Big girl said:

How have you been affected by racism? My parents tell me stories about being forced to ride in the back of the bus, and being forced to enter the back of a restaurant. That still affects my mom. I remember being 8, and we returning from a lil dribbles game, and the adults were looking at a map because they were trying to figure out an alternate route that would bypass Saratoga, TX, because they feared being lynched. AIso, i had 2 uncles that were lynched.

Your missing the point or your deliberately veering off.

there is more than one race out there and all have encounter racism.

I ve lived in a third world country where the govt is more corrupt than US.  And while I was living there I encountered some racism but I also encountered some very kind and welcoming people.

That’s terrible what happened….so does that mean they should get the job over someone else just because they didn’t experience racism or they did experience racism but just didn’t want to bring that info forward like the other candidate.

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On 7/1/2023 at 2:47 PM, CardinalBacker said:

Racism exists in more ways than you think. Asian kids with super grades who can’t get into top level schools because their race is “over represented.” Meanwhile kids with lower scores are admitted because of their skin color. How is that not institutional racism.  Affirmative Action is just racism by another name. Whether your goal is white supremacy or “social Justice,” it doesn’t matter. It’s just helping one group by means of hurting another, and there really is no justification for it. 

Somebody else pointed out two things that I’d never thought of in regards to how affirmative action has hurt black kids, too. If you accept a kid who isn’t up to the normal acceptance standards but gets in based on his/her skin color, you’re automatically setting them up to be the worst performing student in the group. Quite often the water is just too deep once they’ve been “gifted” acceptance based on their color instead of their abilities and intellect. Secondly, pretend that you are a black kid who got in the old fashioned way. You really ARE that guy, regardless of your race… except everybody thinks that you got in because of your race. You’ll spend all of your time trying to prove your worth. 

I’m aware of multiple examples where qualified individuals were passed over in favor of less or even unqualified minority candidates.

Texas DPS in the 1990s and KCS Railroad in the 1970s just from personal examples. 

Affirmative action helps qualified blacks, and allows them a chance to better themselves. How many white kids are admitted that are not up to par merely because they are white or because they are legacy? After the Civil Rights Act, my dad was able to test for a position at Dupont, and he made the highest score. He would have never gotten that opportunity without Affirmative action

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On 7/2/2023 at 11:49 AM, CardinalBacker said:

Yes, they did… they had the same opportunities as my parents. They weren’t honest with you. It’s all simply self-victimization. No matter what, it isn’t your fault because of the blue-eyed boogeyman OR you did it in spite of the blue eyed boogeyman. 

How did they have the same opportunities? Did your parents have to ride in the back of the bus, were their family members lynched? Could they eat at restaurants, could they stay at any hotel that they wished? Yes, my parents did not have that luxery. Were your parents denied opportunities because of their race? Were they told they were not good enough, because of their skin color? You should be ashamed of yourself, you cannot erase the past or minimize what my parents have endured.

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1 hour ago, Big girl said:

Affirmative action helps qualified blacks, and allows them a chance to better themselves. How many white kids are admitted that are not up to par merely because they are white or because they are legacy? After the Civil Rights Act, my dad was able to test for a position at Dupont, and he made the highest score. He would have never gotten that opportunity without Affirmative action

But that’s the problem. If your dad was given a shot based on his skin color, then somebody else lost a shot based on their skin color. How is that okay? It’s not. 

But I’ll fill you in on a secret. A large portion of the black population can focus on nothing but race. I know a woman whose dad worked a job at Dupont that he fit because of Affirmative Action, then she went to college, and her kids are at private universities. She’s the most privileged person that I’ve Eve heard described, but if you ask her she’ll say, “yeah, but it was all done in spite of white supremacy, official oppression, and 400 years of slavery.”

”Equality” doesn’t mean that you get to go to the front of the line because you’re black. 

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