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Guest Chaingang Defense

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Guest Chaingang Defense


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Guest Bulldog


Omg.. Here we go..

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Omg.. Here we go..

What do you mean Omg...Here we go..

All he was saying is that they had bad extra point kickers and it would come to bite them. hes just tellin the truth. And i know they did because i caught their extra point and almost ran it back when they played us. Good job to WOS though, I wish i was at the game to see what all went down though.

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And now it comes.  Let me guess you want to get rid of Coach ?  If this thread is going where I think it might I will be dissapointed.  We have way too many coaches in the stands.  I just hope everyone acted with class and respect last night but if history has taught me anything I'm sure some people showed thier a$$es.  I know after we lost last year I was sad to say I was a Mustang Fan because I don't want to be grouped with people that show no respect for their surroundings.  

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And now it comes.  Let me guess you want to get rid of Coach ?  If this thread is going where I think it might I will be dissapointed.  We have way too many coaches in the stands.  I just hope everyone acted with class and respect last night but if history has taught me anything I'm sure some people showed thier a$$es.  I know after we lost last year I was sad to say I was a Mustang Fan because I don't want to be grouped with people that show no respect for their surroundings.  

If this thread goes there, it will be deleted & the appropriate warning(s) will be sent.

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They kicks is one thing. after they stopped La Vega from scoring from the 5 I have no idea what went wrong. It was like when they stopped La Vega that pumped up LA VEGA lol silly as it sounds.

I know one thing, DPG was running on them, i didnt hear his name too much in the 4th qtr. What was La Vega doing on Defense in the 2nd half?

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You moderators are a trip!  The rules definately do not apply equally.  Yall are quick to jump up and protect some people and others are left to hang out there and get hammered.  This is a message and people should be able to voice facts and opinion's.  If people think that there was bad playcalling there should not be three moderators threatening poster's on commenting on that.  Yall need to chill out and let people talk or yall will lose posters.  JMO!!  GO PANTHERS!!

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There is absolutely no problem with voicing facts or opinions.  The rules state that it must be done in a fashion that does not "bash" coaches, players, etc.  Here is the verbage on the rule:

18 ) The bashing of any particular coach, player, referee, etc will not be tolerated. This includes issues involving their personal lives, coaching/playing style or performance, past experiences, etc.

Admittedly, things got out of hand earlier in the season and we finally got a handle on it.  Because of that, we simply cannot allow it to get out of hand again. 

Please feel free to state your opinions.  All we ask is that you make sure that you state them within the framework of the posted forum rules.  Thanks. 

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The rules were established when this site was first put online. One of those rules is no bashing of players or coaches. When one registers on this site, you agree to abide by these rules. If you have a problem with the rules now, why didn't you have a problem with them when you registered?

I believe I can speak for the owner of this site in that not only do we want the best for the fans, but we also need to have good repore with the local coaches so that we can have a more enhanced site for the fans.

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And now it comes.  Let me guess you want to get rid of Coach ?  If this thread is going where I think it might I will be dissapointed.  We have way too many coaches in the stands.  I just hope everyone acted with class and respect last night but if history has taught me anything I'm sure some people showed thier a$$es.  I know after we lost last year I was sad to say I was a Mustang Fan because I don't want to be grouped with people that show no respect for their surroundings.  

I am NEVER ashamed to be a MUSTANG FAN, but that being said...I don't agree with how some of the fans act.  I will not even call them "Mustang fans" because fans back their TEAM 100% win, lose, or draw.  They don't leave before the game is over, they don't sit down quietly until the other team or their own players are trying to get everyone up and yelling, they don't make excuses and they don't bash players or coaches.  Could some things have been better...yes...much could, but this loss can not be laid at any one player/coach's feet because the MUSTANGS are a team...they win as a team and they lose as a team.  Don't talk about our kicker because he has done the best he could and noone can ask for more.  

I totally agree with the post about all the coaches in the stands.  They know OH-SO-MUCH...whatever.  It's so easy from where we sit...IF YOU WANT TO BE A COACH...DO WHAT IT TAKES TO BE A COACH.  As I see it, most of the people who complain and make excuses aren't much of fans...

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I am NEVER ashamed to be a MUSTANG FAN, but that being said...I don't agree with how some of the fans act.  I will not even call them "Mustang fans" because fans back their TEAM 100% win, lose, or draw.  They don't leave before the game is over, they don't sit down quietly until the other team or their own players are trying to get everyone up and yelling, they don't make excuses and they don't bash players or coaches.  Could some things have been better...yes...much could, but this loss can not be laid at any one player/coach's feet because the MUSTANGS are a team...they win as a team and they lose as a team.  Don't talk about our kicker because he has done the best he could and noone can ask for more.  

I totally agree with the post about all the coaches in the stands.  They know OH-SO-MUCH...whatever.  It's so easy from where we sit...IF YOU WANT TO BE A COACH...DO WHAT IT TAKES TO BE A COACH.  As I see it, most of the people who complain and make excuses aren't much of fans...

stang4life, I couldn't have said that any better, great post. I thank you for your comments.

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the extra points are no doubt an issue, but they're an issue for a lot of teams in the lower classifications.  as for the playcalling, WOS was able to make it this far just fine.  a couple of fumbles didn't help matters, and playing a very good defense obviously was a huge factor in WOS's second half struggles.  I'm sure with the quality of talent and coaching that the stangs have, they'll be back next year with a chance to advance even farther.  the FEW of you who are being critical need to remember that you win as a team, and lose as a team.  there are several different ways that the stangs could've won this game.  a score in the second half, a made extra point, a defensive stop, a special teams play; if any of these things had happened, WOS very well might have won.  The task at hand now is for the coaching staff to find ways to improve these areas, and as good as ya'll are, they probably won't have to work very hard to do it.  

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Each person on here would have done something differently if they were the OC.  What worked in the first half didn't work in the second half.  If we would have ran different plays in the second half, everyone would be asking "why veer away from what was working?" La Vega made the corrections with their defense during the half.  Our coaches didn't fumble twice in the 4th quarter.....

And I will be the first to say that WO-S has the worst fan base out of any school in the area.  The crowd was a little better last night though.  These kids go through the toughest offseason in the state busting their tails for your entertainment.  On crucial 3rd and 4th downs, I bet less than half of the crowd is on their feet.  Is that any way to cheer these kids on?  What a selfish group of fans.

IF YOU DON'T LIKE THE PLAY CALLING, GET SOME GUTS, GO TO SCHOOL, AND GET A COACHING JOB!  But WO-S probably wouldn't waste the time even looking at your applications.

Congrats to the WO-S players for an excellent season.  You all have exceeded expectations this season.  I am very proud of you guys.  Work hard in the offseason and make us proud again next year.

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Guest Wos Grad 2000

Each person on here would have done something differently if they were the OC.  What worked in the first half didn't work in the second half.  If we would have ran different plays in the second half, everyone would be asking "why veer away from what was working?" La Vega made the corrections with their defense during the half.  Our coaches didn't fumble twice in the 4th quarter.....

And I will be the first to say that WO-S has the worst fan base out of any school in the area.  The crowd was a little better last night though.  These kids go through the toughest offseason in the state busting their tails for your entertainment.  On crucial 3rd and 4th downs, I bet less than half of the crowd is on their feet.  Is that any way to cheer these kids on?  What a selfish group of fans.

IF YOU DON'T LIKE THE PLAY CALLING, GET SOME GUTS, GO TO SCHOOL, AND GET A COACHING JOB!  But WO-S probably wouldn't waste the time even looking at your applications.

Congrats to the WO-S players for an excellent season.  You all have exceeded expectations this season.  I am very proud of you guys.  Work hard in the offseason and make us proud again next year.

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It is hard to do anything on offense when you only have the opportunity to run 11 plays. La Vega had a huge time of possession difference in the second half and kept the Mustangs off the field.

No OC in the state can put up 21 points when their team only has 11 plays in an entire half. That was the difference and not the type of plays that were called.

There were numerous times WOS got good yards on the screens to the WRs and they did them several times so they did not just chunk it down field all night.

The bottom line is the La Vega offensive line took charge in the second half and took the WOS offense out of the game all together.

Facts are facts and the opinion that a coach lost the game last night is far from being accurate.

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It is hard to do anything on offense when you only have the opportunity to run 11 plays. La Vega had a huge time of possession difference in the second half and kept the Mustangs off the field.

No OC in the state can put up 21 points when their team only has 11 plays in an entire half. That was the difference and not the type of plays that were called.

There were numerous times WOS got good yards on the screens to the WRs and they did them several times so they did not just chunk it down field all night.

The bottom line is the La Vega offensive line took charge in the second half and took the WOS offense out of the game all together.

Facts are facts and the opinion that a coach lost the game last night is far from being accurate.

good post.
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I guess their will always be someone not happy, like another poster said with all the so called mustang fans that are on here atleast act like true fans. I know its hard sometimes when we only go 3 or 4 rounds deep in the playoffs and you can't just get enough from that. Every teams goal is to win a state championship and i know the that is the goal of the WOS coaching staff every year. Some people just need to suck it up and let them do their job that they have been doing for many years and back them and more importantly the students. My hats off to the staff and the team it was a great year of football and i know we will be perfectly fine next year. 

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the extra points are no doubt an issue, but they're an issue for a lot of teams in the lower classifications.  as for the playcalling, WOS was able to make it this far just fine.  a couple of fumbles didn't help matters, and playing a very good defense obviously was a huge factor in WOS's second half struggles.  I'm sure with the quality of talent and coaching that the stangs have, they'll be back next year with a chance to advance even farther.  the FEW of you who are being critical need to remember that you win as a team, and lose as a team.  there are several different ways that the stangs could've won this game.  a score in the second half, a made extra point, a defensive stop, a special teams play; if any of these things had happened, WOS very well might have won.  The task at hand now is for the coaching staff to find ways to improve these areas, and as good as ya'll are, they probably won't have to work very hard to do it.  

I think that our defense was definitely the highlight of the game...there is not much more that they could have done.  How many stops did they make inside the 10-yard line?  (More than most defenses I have seen at any level.)  We just got beat... :(

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