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Congrats to all the great people in our "Real" Raidernation.  We will get them all next year!

I figured you all could relate to my experiences...


11pm  Roll in late from the Parade celebrating our upcoming victory over the Bulldogs

11:05  Iron and starch my best wrangler jorts (jean shorts) and my LHS -"L-Train going to state t-shirt".  Can't find my White mesh LHS baseball cap, but I figure we beat dayton when I left it up at the deer lease, getting the hog feeders ready, so it may not be required to ensure victory.

11:10  Fire up my Dell pentium 3 computer, click on my dial up internet access and get a final check of the SETX sports message boards

11:20  Website loads, peruse the posts by all my boys as we get ready for the Dayton Rematch, and then make one last post about LHS being favored by 20 in a mythical matchup with a team of miniditkas

11:45  Finish spell checking my 42 word post (little did i know...)


12:00 am  Turn out the lights and snugggle up under my powerderblue and red comforter.  I can't wait for tomorrow!!!!!

4:00 am  Get woke up when the neighbor goes out to feed his chickens

4:15  am  Get back to sleep, but who can sleep now?  No bulldog is gonna catch me nappin.

4:30  am  The neighbor's rooster goes off like clockwork-90 minutes before sunrise so I figure its a sign to get out of bed anyways

5:00  am  Finish checking the website again, make a few more posts about DPISD not allowing open flames or pigs on a spit in the parking lot for pre-game (who would have thought Deer Park had gone all big city on us?)

5:20  am  Finish applying my red and blue facepaint-I went with the all red mostly because my first cousin said it makes me look the most ornery

5:30 AM  Change to my back up t-shirt-the one that I bought at the band-halloweenapalooza that says "LHS all the way to state".  In the future I will wait until my facepaint dries before getting dressed.

5:45 am  Spend another 30 minutes clicking refresh and making a few more posts about how Waller couldn't even beat Nederland.

6:00 am  Walk over to my sister's trailer and get the keys for the Ford Fiesta (she is still waiting on that settlement check I posted about earlier) and head on up to LHS!!  I'm getting to work early today!!!!

6:30 am  Stop by the Pic and Pak on the way to work and exchange a few comments with some other Raidernation fan about how I heard they were running out of hotel space in Galena Park.  I told him he better reserve a room now if he wanted any shot of having a place to stay for the regional Final game with Dayton next week.

7:00-11:30 am  Idle the rest of the day at work, I'm not doing anything in class today but talking Raiderball and showing random clips of Rudy, Varsity Blues and that funny Adam Sandler movie where he is a trainer or waterboy or something (can't recall the name right now).  I am getting the whole Cosmetology department fired up about tonight's game.

12:00  pm  Check SEtxSPORTS from work-we are not supposed to use the computers at work, but I figure everybody's doing it today.  I bump a few of my earlier posts to the top, and add a little bit of insight to the thread about LHS beating Permian if they met on a neutral field.

1:45 pm  I am out the door and on my way to the game-I had to leave the Fiesta at school because I couldn't fit the grill in the hatchback, so I am riding with some of the other teachers in the LISD bus that you guys saw pulling the smoker down I-10 headed west.  My respect goes out to all the semi-truck drivers who didn't fail to give me a honk when I was pumping my arm up and down out the window.

3:00-5:00  You know I was doing some eating while sitting in my lawn chair in the back of Moose's (88 was the best Moose!) F-150 in the parking lot of Abshire stadium.  Hats off to whoever made the squirrel dumplings-they were better this week than at the La Marque game.  This is shaping up as the best day of my life ever...

5:00 pm  I am in the stadium along with around 6,00 of my closest friends and relatives- the Waller side is empty. In fact neither team bus has arrived yet, but I got to show my Raider pride.  Raider fans come early and STAY LATE no matter what the score is!

6:00 pm  I am already nearly exhausted from screaming epithets at the few people from Waller who have actually shown up for tonight's game-  Don't they know this is the playoffs?  Then someone tells me they are having to drive clear across Houston to get here and that for some reason their administration values things like TAKS scores or some other academic jib jab and so they couldn't shut down the whole district (town and county) for this game.

6:30 pm  The Waller side is now loaded up.  Too bad they don't know what is in store for them.  I can't wait to see their players crying on the field when we stomp them like those La Marque kids.  Our boys would never do that.

7:00 pm  Pre-game warmups are over-  my stomach is rumbling a little bit either from that possum stew I ate in pre-game or the fact that those Waller boys are big, and they look fast. But, NOBODY has the HEART of a RAIDER.  We all know that only SUPERMAN himself could stop the L-TRAIN

7:25 pm-  Why are those Waller kids wearing capes?

7:30 pm  Raiders win the toss.  Time to take this kickoff and ram it down their throats!!!!!  GO RAIDERS!!!!

7:30 and 29 seconds pm  Raiders get ready to receive their second kickoff of the night down 6-0. Now its time to really get cranked up.  I have no fear. We will win this game-everybody knows and has predicted that.

Sometime in the second quarter- Who in the H*** is NUMBER 19?

Minutes later- I am in the fetal position, but I still have faith that the long and storied playoff history of LHS will be a source of strength for our kids and inspire them to victory!!!

A few minutes more later-  Are we playing Nebraska?  Has anyone on our team ever seen the option before?  Waller must have put that in just for LHS.

Halftime-Our band kids play a rousing rendition of Chopin's 5th waltz followed by a special piece combining the theme from batman with the theme from Jurassic Park.  It was wonderful.  The Waller band just stands in place and has some random person from the stands lead their crowd through "Cleveland Rocks"-they do know this is Houston right?  I  make a mental note to check just how much farther the LHS showband advanced in marching competition past these Waller kids. Well I will check if my internet is still in service when I get home (gotta juggle the bills by due dates my friends!!).

The rest of the game-  More of the same, how can one school have so many good players?!?!?!?!?!?!

8 minutes left in the 4th quarter-  I gather up my seat cushion and air horn, and fake like I got to go the restroom while I duck out of the stadium early to  head back to LHS.  I am sure I-10 will be way over-crowded at 10:00 or 11:00 pm on a Friday in the middle of a refinery district so I better get going.

As I leave the stadium still smarting from a  42-14 Texas Sized, scratch that Bulldog sized, tail whipping, I console myself in the knowledge that I hope we get to beat the Bulldogs the next time we get into the playoffs which according to our current pace should be about 2045 or so.

Go Radiers, Go L-Train-we are the best!!!!

Raindernation88 over and out


Congrats to all the great people in our "Real" Raidernation.  We will get them all next year!

I figured you all could relate to my experiences...


11pm  Roll in late from the Parade celebrating our upcoming victory over the Bulldogs

11:05  Iron and starch my best wrangler jorts (jean shorts) and my LHS -"L-Train going to state t-shirt".  Can't find my White mesh LHS baseball cap, but I figure we beat dayton when I left it up at the deer lease, getting the hog feeders ready, so it may not be required to ensure victory.

11:10  Fire up my Dell pentium 3 computer, click on my dial up internet access and get a final check of the SETX sports message boards

11:20  Website loads, peruse the posts by all my boys as we get ready for the Dayton Rematch, and then make one last post about LHS being favored by 20 in a mythical matchup with a team of miniditkas

11:45  Finish spell checking my 42 word post (little did i know...)


12:00 am  Turn out the lights and snugggle up under my powerderblue and red comforter.  I can't wait for tomorrow!!!!!

4:00 am  Get woke up when the neighbor goes out to feed his chickens

4:15  am   Get back to sleep, but who can sleep now?  No bulldog is gonna catch me nappin.

4:30  am  The neighbor's rooster goes off like clockwork-90 minutes before sunrise so I figure its a sign to get out of bed anyways

5:00  am   Finish checking the website again, make a few more posts about DPISD not allowing open flames or pigs on a spit in the parking lot for pre-game (who would have thought Deer Park had gone all big city on us?)

5:20  am  Finish applying my red and blue facepaint-I went with the all red mostly because my first cousin said it makes me look the most ornery

5:30 AM   Change to my back up t-shirt-the one that I bought at the band-halloweenapalooza that says "LHS all the way to state".  In the future I will wait until my facepaint dries before getting dressed.

5:45 am  Spend another 30 minutes clicking refresh and making a few more posts about how Waller couldn't even beat Nederland.

6:00 am  Walk over to my sister's trailer and get the keys for the Ford Fiesta (she is still waiting on that settlement check I posted about earlier) and head on up to LHS!!  I'm getting to work early today!!!!

6:30 am   Stop by the Pic and Pak on the way to work and exchange a few comments with some other Raidernation fan about how I heard they were running out of hotel space in Galena Park.  I told him he better reserve a room now if he wanted any shot of having a place to stay for the regional Final game with Dayton next week.

7:00-11:30 am  Idle the rest of the day at work, I'm not doing anything in class today but talking Raiderball and showing random clips of Rudy, Varsity Blues and that funny Adam Sandler movie where he is a trainer or waterboy or something (can't recall the name right now).  I am getting the whole Cosmetology department fired up about tonight's game.

12:00  pm  Check SEtxSPORTS from work-we are not supposed to use the computers at work, but I figure everybody's doing it today.  I bump a few of my earlier posts to the top, and add a little bit of insight to the thread about LHS beating Permian if they met on a neutral field.

1:45 pm   I am out the door and on my way to the game-I had to leave the Fiesta at school because I couldn't fit the grill in the hatchback, so I am riding with some of the other teachers in the LISD bus that you guys saw pulling the smoker down I-10 headed west.  My respect goes out to all the semi-truck drivers who didn't fail to give me a honk when I was pumping my arm up and down out the window.

3:00-5:00  You know I was doing some eating while sitting in my lawn chair in the back of Moose's (88 was the best Moose!) F-150 in the parking lot of Abshire stadium.   Hats off to whoever made the squirrel dumplings-they were better this week than at the La Marque game.  This is shaping up as the best day of my life ever...

5:00 pm  I am in the stadium along with around 6,00 of my closest friends and relatives- the Waller side is empty. In fact neither team bus has arrived yet, but I got to show my Raider pride.  Raider fans come early and STAY LATE no matter what the score is!

6:00 pm  I am already nearly exhausted from screaming epithets at the few people from Waller who have actually shown up for tonight's game-  Don't they know this is the playoffs?  Then someone tells me they are having to drive clear across Houston to get here and that for some reason their administration values things like TAKS scores or some other academic jib jab and so they couldn't shut down the whole district (town and county) for this game.

6:30 pm  The Waller side is now loaded up.  Too bad they don't know what is in store for them.  I can't wait to see their players crying on the field when we stomp them like those La Marque kids.  Our boys would never do that.

7:00 pm  Pre-game warmups are over-  my stomach is rumbling a little bit either from that possum stew I ate in pre-game or the fact that those Waller boys are big, and they look fast. But, NOBODY has the HEART of a RAIDER.  We all know that only SUPERMAN himself could stop the L-TRAIN

7:25 pm-  Why are those Waller kids wearing capes?

7:30 pm  Raiders win the toss.  Time to take this kickoff and ram it down their throats!!!!!  GO RAIDERS!!!!

7:30 and 29 seconds pm   Raiders get ready to receive their second kickoff of the night down 6-0. Now its time to really get cranked up.  I have no fear. We will win this game-everybody knows and has predicted that.

Sometime in the second quarter- Who in the H*** is NUMBER 19?

Minutes later- I am in the fetal position, but I still have faith that the long and storied playoff history of LHS will be a source of strength for our kids and inspire them to victory!!!

A few minutes more later-  Are we playing Nebraska?  Has anyone on our team ever seen the option before?  Waller must have put that in just for LHS.

Halftime-Our band kids play a rousing rendition of Chopin's 5th waltz followed by a special piece combining the theme from batman with the theme from Jurassic Park.  It was wonderful.  The Waller band just stands in place and has some random person from the stands lead their crowd through "Cleveland Rocks"-they do know this is Houston right?  I  make a mental note to check just how much farther the LHS showband advanced in marching competition past these Waller kids. Well I will check if my internet is still in service when I get home (gotta juggle the bills by due dates my friends!!).

The rest of the game-  More of the same, how can one school have so many good players?!?!?!?!?!?!

8 minutes left in the 4th quarter-  I gather up my seat cushion and air horn, and fake like I got to go the restroom while I duck out of the stadium early to  head back to LHS.  I am sure I-10 will be way over-crowded at 10:00 or 11:00 pm on a Friday in the middle of a refinery district so I better get going.

As I leave the stadium still smarting from a  42-14 Texas Sized, scratch that Bulldog sized, tail whipping, I console myself in the knowledge that I hope we get to beat the Bulldogs the next time we get into the playoffs which according to our current pace should be about 2045 or so.

Go Radiers, Go L-Train-we are the best!!!!

Raindernation88 over and out

Classic....Great Post :D :D


To Raidernation88,all 1million Raider fans and especially to the Lumberton football team.Great game and congrats on a fine season.

Raidernation88 great post,but I am here to answer a few questions.

1) Yes, we knew it was the PLAYOFFS.

2) #19's name is EDDIE BROWN which all of Lumberton should know by now since the announcer called it so many times.

3) The Waller Bulldog band went to the State Competition.So don't bother checking the internet The Dawgs Band went farther.

4)The  random fan you say was leading our band was The High School's Asst Principal over instruction/curriculum/all fine arts.He is on the field with our band at all of our games.He also owns his own dance studio in Houston as well.

5)and yes We know we are in Houston.

6)No we arent Nebraska, just a well coached football team.We don't have 6-8thousand fans at each game,But the few thousand we have love our team just as much as the Lumberton fans.Hopefully we will meet up again and sooner than 2045.

Hopefully you can make it out to the game Friday it should be a classic. 8)

GO DAWGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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