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who's ya daddy now -can dayton get a little respect-no local paper/tv/radio

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It is incredible that Lumberton puts together one good (not even great but decent) in 42 years. But teams like dayton (playoffs 12 years running) east chambers (14 consecutive playoff runs) and others cant get half the coverage. Dont worry though Lumberton was a one time deal.


We (KFDM) did not 'drop you like a bad habit'.  As someone stated earlier, Dayton is NOT in our viewing area.  Yes, they are in our local district, so it makes sense for us to cover them during the regular season as they are playing local teams.  Yes, we have shown their scores every week during the playoffs because they are in our local district and out of respect for their accomplishments.  No, we will not be doing feature stories or covering their playoff games with a photographer.  The reason?  No one in Dayton would see it!  Makes no sense.  The Sports Department has very limited resources as it is (you have NO idea), and when we have four teams in our viewing area playing, they get priority.  Plain and simple.  We will continue to follow the Broncos through the playoffs and wish them well, but they have the misfortune of being in 'no man's land' between Beaumont and Houston.  TV coverage will lack because of it.  Certainly not the kids' fault, but it's not our fault either.

Thank you Pic101 for clarifying this....

KFDM and the other Beaumont TV stations did not "drop" Dayton.

For all the Dayton fans wanting to go back to 21-4A, don't even gripe about the media coverage we got over the last two years.

Every home game we had all the Beaumont stations there, even though we couldn't see their broadcasts.

It sure looks like everyone is saying us and Barbers Hill will be swapped.

If that is the case, it looks like there will be ZERO TV coverage for our home games.

No way will the Houston stations come out to Dayton.

The same goes for East Chambers as a previous poster stated.

Dayton has gone to the playoffs for the last 12 years and EC has gone for 14, but there is little coverage primarily because of geography.

As pic101 said, Liberty and Chambers counties are in no mans land.

Also, as previously stated, do you really think the players give a hoot and holler about being on the Beaumont station when they can't even see the broadcasts.

I give the Beaumont stations an A+ on covering the home Dayton games.  All three stations were at every home district game.

It will be a cold day in you know where if for a Dayton home game channel 2, 11, and 13 were all there.

And as far as coverage....

It is kind of surprising that it seems like I am the only one that posts the video highlights on the web for the Broncos, and that the other teams don't have someone doing this.  Don't you think the other kids would love seeing their highlights on the web like I post them.  Friday Night Lights is all about the kids.  Us arguing about "media coverage" is really just plain not right.

At least the Broncos can lay claim to having a season's worth of video highlights on the web, and...

They can even save them to their computer on the neptune.com site.

It also looks like no other school is making the kids a DVD like I make for them, this just doesn't go to the football players, but to all the kids from Dayton that have sacrificed a large amount of their time for us adults to have something to watch on Friday.

Dayton has a lot going for it, even though we are in "no man's land".

To KFDM....

Thanks goes to the sports staff and the others that make this website possible.

People just don't realize how short staffed these Beaumont stations are to pull off what they do.

This web site probably takes up precious time, but gosh...

Is it fun to come on here and talk about something that many of us share a great passion for.


I'll provide the same argument for East Chambers that I did for Dayton, except....

East Chambers/Winnie CAN pick up KFDM and we (and the other two stations) covered every East Chambers game that was logistically possible.  In fact, both KFDM and KBTV had the Hamshire-Fannett-East Chambers matchup as Game of the Week, which entails EXTRA coverage.... and we (KFDM) also had East Chambers-Buna as Game of the Week.  Hope that explains that.

As far as the 'School X gets all the coverage' argument--I cry BS.  We try to cover EVERY team equally and do a good job of it, if I may say so myself.  It burns me up when people watch once or twice a week and make their assumptions on who gets more coverage.  NO ONE gets coverage every single day.  NO ONE.  I know it's not possible to watch all the stations every day, but if 'your' team is not on one day, it doesn't mean they 'never get coverage'.  Unless you can provide proof on 'never getting coverage', don't say it.  I can provide proof.  Same goes for the thread regarding girls' sports coverage.

Sorry to vent, but I take my job very seriously and do the best to provide equal coverage to all.  And, when people challenge what we do, I take offense.  You won't have to put up with it much longer, though!  ;)


why do we do this sports like we do in texas.the college scouts recruited heavy here every year.all the boys & girls growup in a environment to win.each loss makes them become better.some families are from multiple counties,but would like to follow their kin folks games,while attending their own kids games.good for scrapbooks & who knows with a little news coverage it may save a parent some education tuition-they may be offered a scholarship.if this is silly then your favorite tv program is larry the cable guy.now thats silly .if vince young would have played @dayton would he had gotten the news coverage to be recruited like he was. silly-i doubt it.maybe you just think the paper comes out so you will have some after your morn,coffee .


This is a legitimate gripe....

The only 4A district the Houston media covers is the Texas City LaMarque district, and with the state championships out of that district you can understand that.  The Houston media really needs to concentrate on the 5A schools, and this is what they do.

I also totally understand us getting blacked out by Beaumont, we are not in their TV range and with satellite and cable we get the houston locals.

To be blacked out by the Enterprise is not right!

In Dayton we can get the Enterprise and they didn't even have a write up on us.

At least by being in 22-4A we do have channel 4, 6, and 12 at our home games so they can get the highlights of the visitor team back to the Beaumont area.

Many Bronco fans want to go back to 21-4A, if you are griping about the coverage now, we won't get ANY coverage if we are in that sorry district that hasn't won a first round playoff game in YEARS.

The geography of Dayton is just poor for coverage.

It's halfway between Houston and Beaumont, it's not a 5A school, and Houston is not growing to the northeast (yet)....

Barbers Hill will experience huge growth over the next decade.

After Barbers Hill fills up and becomes 5A, maybe the Houston sprawl will move into Dayton.

Until then, we get no coverage, unless we run off two or three years of playoff runs like this.

It is ashame, because the young men playing for the Broncos are AWEsome individuals.

The playmakers of this team, AJ, Greg, Ronnie, Ford, and John are really great athletes and are taking this success as good as you can expect a 17 or 18 year old can.

I am so glad I was able to influence them while they were in 8th grade, for them to remember ALWAYS BELIEVE is great.

This Dayton team has a great chance of getting to the big dance, that will only notch another state championship from the many state championships that 22-4A has won.  The last time a team made it all the way to the title game was in 99, hopefully Dayton can represent the district and go all the way and WIN the big game.

We get tons of coverage by the baytown papers in 21-4a, The sun was hyping the Coogs all year.

as for the other person saying we could of blanked the COOGS, Give Mookie his fucking props he broke 6 tackles to get that touchdown, unless your saying Stewart never taught those boys how to tackle don't take that away from him, it was like a fifty yard run, hes a senior and deserves to be able to say he did that...


We get tons of coverage by the baytown papers in 21-4a, The sun was hyping the Coogs all year.

as for the other person saying we could of blanked the COOGS, Give Mookie his censored props he broke 6 tackles to get that touchdown, unless your saying Stewart never taught those boys how to tackle don't take that away from him, it was like a fifty yard run, hes a senior and deserves to be able to say he did that...

The best block for Crosby on that play (or the game for that matter) was by the REF-- who shed 2 Dayton tacklers and the great Mookie scored on the JV

It is incredible that Lumberton puts together one good (not even great but decent) in 42 years. But teams like dayton (playoffs 12 years running) east chambers ([14 consecutive playoff runs)  and others cant get half the coverage. Dont worry though Lumberton was a one time deal.

                                                                                                                                                                          Is it really necessary to make rude comments on a team that has NO say so on you teams media coverage? Perhaps comments like these are why you get NO respect!!!!!

I can understand the lack of coverage with TV, radio & web cast.  But I can't understand it with the Beaumont Enterprise.  If you want to see better coverage of Dayton look in the Port Arthur News or the Baytown Sun.  Seeing as Dayton is part of our 4A "district family" I am interested in all the teams and think they should get fairly equal space.  A week ago, I read about the Lumberton v. La Marque game play by play.  The Dayton v. Texas City write up was more like a few highlights.


It is incredible that Lumberton puts together one good (not even great but decent) in 42 years. But teams like dayton (playoffs 12 years running) east chambers (14 consecutive playoff runs) and others cant get half the coverage. Dont worry though Lumberton was a one time deal.

Considering all I said above, I do understand why Lumberton got so much coverage.  The very reason you think it is incredible is what make it newsworthy.  That and the fan support folks have been writing about on this forum.


                                                                                                                                                                          Is it really necessary to make rude comments on a team that has NO say so on you teams media coverage? Perhaps comments like these are why you get NO respect!!!!!

In no way did I suggest the team had anything to do with how much coverage any other team gets. I did say that their getting/were getting a lot of coverage for the doing the same thing other teams have done for many years.

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