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Mitchell's Report on MLB Steroids Looms

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Area coaches sound off on Mitchell Report

By Dave Rogers


Published December 14, 2007 - Updated 54 minutes ago

Barbers Hill baseball coach Gil Stalbaum saw a silver lining to Thursday’s release of the Mitchell Report on the use of steroids and other performance enhancing drugs in major league baseball.

“I think it’s going to have an effect on the kids,†he said, “this coupled with the UIL threatening to go ahead and start testing for steroids.â€

Former Senate Majority Leader George Mitchell released the results of a 20-month study of the Steroids Era in baseball commissioned by MLB commissioner Bud Selig and the report named more than 80 former and current players.

The list included seven MVPs, including newly acquired Astros shortstop Miguel Tejada. Former Astros pitchers Roger Clemens and Andy Pettitte were also on the list that included an All-Star at every position.

Clemens, a seven-time Cy Young winner, has been the subject of speculation concerning steroid use for years and his attorney was quick to defend the Houston native who prepped for the pros at San Jacinto Junior College and the University of Texas

“I am extremely upset that Roger’s name was in this report based on the allegations of a troubled and unreliable witness who only came up with names after being threatened with possible prison time,†he said.

Paul Tadlock, baseball coach at Baytown Sterling, said he was surprised to see Pettitte, a native of Deer Park, on the list.

“I don’t know Roger, but I coached in the Pasadena school district when Andy Pettitte was playing high school ball,†Tadlock said.

“They (the Pettitte family) are awfully good people. I’d have a hard time believing he’s involved with that.â€

Pettitte and Clemens were among more than a dozen past and present New York Yankee players named. Players were linked to doping in various ways — some were identified as users, some as buyers and some by media reports and other investigations.

Much of the information on Clemens came from former Yankees strength and conditioning coach Brian McNamee.

The Baytown Sun attempted to contact five area baseball coaches Thursday evening, but failed to reach Lee’s James Hillin and Baytown Christian’s John De Rulle.

Not surprisingly, all the coaches contacted, including Crosby’s Marcus Thompson, support the UIL’s plan to randomly test Texas high schoolers for steroids.

“I think the state testing is a great deal and the rest of the nation will follow,†Thompson said. “We have more people suspected than anybody.

“If we get back to the purity of the sport, you won’t have a bunch of student-athletes thinking this is the only way to follow your dreams.â€

“Steroids are going to get you in the end,†Tadlock said. “Do them now and pay the price later, I guess. It’s a high price to pay for fleeting glory.â€

The Sterling coach said, “I’ve never seen a steroid as far as I know.â€

But he’s had second-hand experience. He said years ago in another school district he worked with a coach who was a bodybuilder.

“I asked him one day, ‘Do you use steroids?’ His answer was ‘You cannot look like I look and not take steroids.’

“He ended up getting picked up by the feds,†Tadlock said.

Tadlock wanted to make the point that steroids and performance-enhancers aren’t only a baseball problem.

“Baseball’s being concentrated on, but how many football players are using them?†he asked.

Besides Clemens, Pettitte and Tejada, former Astros mentioned in the report include Ken Caminiti and Gregg Zaun. Former Texas Rangers on the list include Eric Gagne, Jose Canseco, Kevin Brown, Gary Matthews, Jr., and John Rocker.

Other notables include Brendan Donnelly, Lenny Dykstra, Ryan Franklin, Glenallen Hill, Todd Hundley, David Justice, Chuck Knoblauch, Paul Lo Duca, Hal Morris, Rafael Palmeiro, Mo Vaughn, Rondell White, Rick Ankiel, Troy Glaus, Matt Williams, Barry Bonds, Gary Sheffield and Barry Bonds.

Tadlock draws a line between legal and illegal supplements.

“If we’re talking about performance enhancers like vitamins and nutritional stuff, I’m all for it,†he said. “The old guys like (Mickey) Mantle and (Babe) Ruth did everything they could do to tear their bodies apart while playing.â€

Much of today’s focus on steroid usage among baseball players follows the last decade’s home run-hitting record book assault of Mark McGwire, Sammy Sosa and Bonds.

“I’m obviously against steroids and I think it does taint the records a bit,†Stalbaum said.

“It’s a shame,†Tadlock said. “It seems like everything now is questionable about all the things that are done.â€

“I hate to see it,†Thompson said. “Roger Clemens, Lenny Dykstra and Mo Vaughn were some of my idols when I was playing. It’s a black eye for baseball, but let’s bring it all out in the wash and get it out in the open, so we can move on.â€

Paramount to the coaches is keeping the high school sport pure.

“As far as steroids in high school, I don’t think I have anybody in my program that even looks remotely like they’re on steroids,†Tadlock said.

“It’s been an interesting story to follow,†Stalbaum said. “Not for a minute did I not think it was going on.

“I haven’t heard much about it on the high school level. But once again, I would never be surprised.â€

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Guest Orangeboy

    I just don't put a whole lot into the names on this report and don't really understand why it was necessary to drag these players names into it. I  mean just because someone's name was not on the list doesn't mean they didn't do anything. We still have no positive tests on these guys. And everything in the report are just allegations at this point.

    I saw George Mitchell on Larry King last night and he said that he contacted everyone on the list and gave them a chance to tell their story before the report was released. He went on to say that one player actually did agree to meet with him and tell their side. The player said he bought, and possessed steroids but did not use them. Mitchell said that the player had very good proof that he did not use the drug so he did not include him in the report.

    I just think the report should have focused on exactly what baseball needs to do to clean up the game.

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I think everyone on the list should be treated exactly like Barry Bonds.  There's no proof that he's taken steriods and everyone has crucified him.  Why should anyone else on this list be treated any different?  Does this mean no one on the list gets elected into the HOF?  There's talk about keeping Bonds out.  Everyone else should be held out.  Will there be an * by these players records?  It should be if there is one by all of Bonds records. 

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Guest Orangeboy

I think everyone on the list should be treated exactly like Barry Bonds.  There's no proof that he's taken steriods and everyone has crucified him.  Why should anyone else on this list be treated any different?  Does this mean no one on the list gets elected into the HOF?  There's talk about keeping Bonds out.  Everyone else should be held out.  Will there be an * by these players records?  It should be if there is one by all of Bonds records. 

I agree Cobb. I think the HOF voting should be based on the best players during this era since we don't know who did and didn't.

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Guest JoesBros

IMO as far as the Hall of Fame talk goes with this subject there is one person that really looks good now. Pete Rose. If Roger Clemens,Barry Bonds etc...get then Pete Rose should get in. At least we know that all the numbers he put up in his career was done legit and not assisted with any kind of chemicals in his body.

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I really can't believe all this babble you guys are talking.  These guys' names were thrown in the mud, they didn't have a chance to respond - ahhh my peepee hurts!  Garbage.

Mitchell said he gave everyone on the list the opportunity to talk with him personally about the information he had gathered - and only one player came forward to talk about it.  One!  Now Clemens goes and lawyers up and his lawyer goes to the media and says that Roger was blindsided by this - horse hockey.  I am offended that Mr. HArdin thinks so little of the general baseball public's intelligence.

Look, if the players didn't want their names on the list - all they had to do was go and talk with Mitchell.  Explain their stories. 

As far as Bonds goes - he has testified under oath that he has taken steroids, albeit unkowingly. (Yeah right!)  I still think he should be in the HOF based on what he did before he blew up to Hulk size.  Same with Clemens.  Pete Rose broke the cardinal rule in baseball - just like the guys on the 1918 White Sox.  The day that the Hall lets Shoeless Joe in, I'll listen to the Pete Rose argument.

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I really believe Bonds and Clemens are doomed for the Hall in the next 10 or 15 years. Not saying they want get in, but the voters have seen in person Aaron, Banks, Brock, Carlton, Mantle, Mays and so on.

Will baseball survive? Yes. It's the greatest sport in the world.

If Clemens pitched tomorrow at Vincent Beck, the place would be standing room only.

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I didn't see Pujols either? I'm just glad I'm not younger, I think it would bother me more. I hated seeing guys I grew up watching on that list like Lenny "Nails" Dykstra and David Justice. Thought it was kind of funny that Fernando Vina was on the list and served on the Baseball Tonight crew last year that talked so much about steroids.

Fernando has used the Pettitte card, right or wrong.


Fernando Vina Admits HGH Use 


AP Baseball Writer

NEW YORK (AP) - Former major league infielder Fernando Vina on Monday admitted using human growth hormone in 2003 as he attempted to heal from injuries.

Vina, now an ESPN baseball analyst, was named last week in the Mitchell Report on performance-enhancing drugs. The report said he also purchased steroids from ex-New York Mets clubhouse attendant Kirk Radomski, but Vina denied those claims.

"I never bought steroids from him. All I used was HGH," Vina said in an interview on ESPN.

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Guest baseball25

People need to understand you got to still hit the baseball and play the game no matter if there on steroids. Barry still had to have place discpline and patience at the plate. Steroids don't make you hit a curve ball, a changup or a slider. Barry and clements were good when they were rookies, they just wanted to play longer and they did. Steroids don't bother me becasue its part of the game the last 20 years. Its MLB fault for getting there self in this mess they didn't established a steroid policy untill 2002, they knew this was going on. They knew it was when SOSa and BIG MAC were having there HR race but MLB wanting the rating and they got the ratings. Example VIna and some of those other descent players they can take all the steroids they want but they still don't have the talent like BONDS or Clemens you got to remember you still got to have talent to play this game. CLEMENS and BONDs are still hall of famers if you want to take there stats away from 2000 till 2007 they still got outstanding number and HOF numbers, BUT MLB knew it was going on and its there fault there in this situation and now 7 years later they want to get these players, well they need to get the players that are doing it now.......its the steroid era we got to deal with it. IF i went back in my career i would have done HGH to recover faster and get stronger after i had my surgeys but u know what I didn't. I know how hard it is to get to the DIV 1 level and how tough it is to play the game and if they want to take steroids so be it you still got to hit the baseball and work you butt off if your taking steroids, you can't just take them and not work your butt off and expect to see results. I don't want to hear people saying there bad for you and this and that these  players have so much money and go to the best doctors in the world and if you do things right its not bad for you, you can't abuse them.........BARRY BONDS IS IN THE TOP 3 BEST BASEBALL PLAYERS EVER, he was a five tool guy coming out of ASU and CLEMENS was a hell of a pitcher in college and at the Major league level and is a top 3 best pitcher ever, people just got to deal with it. BARRY BONDS AND CLEMENS are still two of the best players EVER.

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People need to understand you got to still hit the baseball and play the game no matter if there on steroids. Barry still had to have place discpline and patience at the plate. Steroids don't make you hit a curve ball, a changup or a slider. Barry and clements were good when they were rookies, they just wanted to play longer and they did. Steroids don't bother me becasue its part of the game the last 20 years. Its MLB fault for getting there self in this mess they didn't established a steroid policy untill 2002, they knew this was going on. They knew it was when SOSa and BIG MAC were having there HR race but MLB wanting the rating and they got the ratings. Example VIna and some of those other descent players they can take all the steroids they want but they still don't have the talent like BONDS or Clemens you got to remember you still got to have talent to play this game. CLEMENS and BONDs are still hall of famers if you want to take there stats away from 2000 till 2007 they still got outstanding number and HOF numbers, BUT MLB knew it was going on and its there fault there in this situation and now 7 years later they want to get these players, well they need to get the players that are doing it now.......its the steroid era we got to deal with it. IF i went back in my career i would have done HGH to recover faster and get stronger after i had my surgeys but u know what I didn't. I know how hard it is to get to the DIV 1 level and how tough it is to play the game and if they want to take steroids so be it you still got to hit the baseball and work you butt off if your taking steroids, you can't just take them and not work your butt off and expect to see results. I don't want to hear people saying there bad for you and this and that these  players have so much money and go to the best doctors in the world and if you do things right its not bad for you, you can't abuse them.........BARRY BONDS IS IN THE TOP 3 BEST BASEBALL PLAYERS EVER, he was a five tool guy coming out of ASU and CLEMENS was a heck of a pitcher in college and at the Major league level and is a top 3 best pitcher ever, people just got to deal with it. BARRY BONDS AND CLEMENS are still two of the best players EVER.

You make some good points, but uh... what about the part where these drugs are illeagal and against the rules?

Its still wrong to do em.  And yes, MLB should have taken action sooner, but that doesn't make these players decisions right in any count.

There are alot of people who can hit a curve or a slider, but having the extra strength through performance enhancers, makes that lazy fly ball that I might hit, into a 3 run homer for players like Bonds, Canseco, McGuire and Sosa.

Its an unfair advantage.  You have to have a level playing feild in all fairness.

I do understand your points though, just don't totally agree.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest baseball25

If alot of people could hit sliders, changeups, and curves than why can't they put up the numbers like Bonds did. He was a 5 tool player coming out of ASU. Some of these guys that did take steroids still didn't put up the numbers like some of the players becasue they don't have the talent like bonds, you got to have the talent no matter what just becasue they are descent and take steroids does not mean it will make them great. Bonds was already Great and he has the stats that prove it. Well you say its a unfair advantage but you got to realize how many people were doing it but there names aren't out there becasue there not HOF and have records. Thats why there after bonds and clemens becasue there two of the greatest baseball players ever, you don't hear them talking about anybody else just those two. Just like shawn merriman of the chargers last year failed the test by taking HGH and led the league in sacks and was a pro bowler and you don't ever hear them talking about him. Alot of people use steroids and nobody cared when sosa and Big mac had there Hr race when they were bringing baseball back, everyone was sitting at the tv watching and MLB was loving every minute of it.

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If alot of people could hit sliders, changeups, and curves than why can't they put up the numbers like Bonds did. He was a 5 tool player coming out of ASU. Some of these guys that did take steroids still didn't put up the numbers like some of the players becasue they don't have the talent like bonds, you got to have the talent no matter what just becasue they are descent and take steroids does not mean it will make them great. Bonds was already Great and he has the stats that prove it. Well you say its a unfair advantage but you got to realize how many people were doing it but there names aren't out there becasue there not HOF and have records. Thats why there after bonds and clemens becasue there two of the greatest baseball players ever, you don't hear them talking about anybody else just those two. Just like shawn merriman of the chargers last year failed the test by taking HGH and led the league in sacks and was a pro bowler and you don't ever hear them talking about him. Alot of people use steroids and nobody cared when sosa and Big mac had there Hr race when they were bringing baseball back, everyone was sitting at the tv watching and MLB was loving every minute of it.

You make some great points, but take a look at these numbers:

The transformation that Barry Bonds achieved through the use of

performance-enhancing drugs is reflected in his batting statistics.

Bonds began using steroids before the start of the 1999 season, when

he was 34 years old. His numbers, as compiled by baseball-reference.com,

show that his performance improved dramatically at a time when otherwise

he might have been approaching the end of his career.

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Guest baseball25

Ok and what about his stats the guy has HOF numbers......He has 411 Hrs. with 3 mvps and 7 gold gloves......plus over 400 stolen bases do you know he's these only player ever with 400 hrs. and 400 stolen bases and now he has 500 of each thats amazing....the guy was great.....you got to remember there were alot more people doing steroids than just bonds every one is on him becasue he's the greatest hitter of all time. Stats don't lie and if you want take his stats away from 99-07 he's still in the top 5 greatest players every. But you know what has he every failed a drug test??? no he has not.

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