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It's a great day in SETX!

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The locals have almost finished firing the first ever Speaker of the House from Southeast Texas upon direct order of Trump and his minions.  

It's a sad day... Locals have decided that being represented by the most powerful man in the House didn't mean anything.... they'd rather a political novice to represent this part of SETX.  And why is that?  He wasn't MAGA enough for them.  Who cares that it will hurt locally... What Trump says, goes.  


Just yesterday I saw Trump on television demanding that we fire Phelan... How he's a RINO, weak on the border, etc... why?  Because he wouldn't overlook the criminal actions done by Ken Paxton, one of Trump's key supporters in the effort to overturn the 2020 Election and allow Trump to remain in office despite the will of the voters.   Trump never even mentioned Covey's name, and I doubt he would recognize Covey if Covey walked up with a cup of coffee.  Who cares that it's bad for SETX?  Not the R voters from SETX!


Then I saw Covey's preacher on a different ad tell a bald face lie.  Why should Phelan be fired?  "He put Democrats in positions of power in the House."  Really?  That's been the position of BOTH parties for as long as anybody can remember.  They ALWAYS give the minority party committee chairmanships.  But in 2022 the Rs decided that the practice should stop.  Democrat voters should not be allowed a voice in the crafting of legislation if there is a single majority Republican seat in the House, according to the Rs.  Representative Government?  Never heard of it, huh?

Never did I believe that we'd have an abortion ban, constitutional carry, huge cuts for school property taxes, and Texas law enforcement being greenlit to enforce immigration law.  But it all happened while Phelan was speaker.  Without a doubt, the most conservative Speaker, ever.  But still a dirty RINO for not being MAGA enough.  It would be funny if it weren't true.


I've been following politics long enough to remember when Rs couldn't get elected in Texas... I'm confident that we're headed back that direction.  I mean, it's obvious that with population shifts we'll be turning blue eventually.  I think that the behavior of the leadership of the Republican Party is going to cause that shift sooner than expected.  I won't be surprised to see Democrat Senators and possibly even a governor elected within 12 years.  Maybe less.  The Rs will be a party apparatus without a voting base behind them.

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3 hours ago, CardinalBacker said:

The locals have almost finished firing the first ever Speaker of the House from Southeast Texas upon direct order of Trump and his minions.  

It's a sad day... Locals have decided that being represented by the most powerful man in the House didn't mean anything.... they'd rather a political novice to represent this part of SETX.  And why is that?  He wasn't MAGA enough for them.  Who cares that it will hurt locally... What Trump says, goes.  


Just yesterday I saw Trump on television demanding that we fire Phelan... How he's a RINO, weak on the border, etc... why?  Because he wouldn't overlook the criminal actions done by Ken Paxton, one of Trump's key supporters in the effort to overturn the 2020 Election and allow Trump to remain in office despite the will of the voters.   Trump never even mentioned Covey's name, and I doubt he would recognize Covey if Covey walked up with a cup of coffee.  Who cares that it's bad for SETX?  Not the R voters from SETX!


Then I saw Covey's preacher on a different ad tell a bald face lie.  Why should Phelan be fired?  "He put Democrats in positions of power in the House."  Really?  That's been the position of BOTH parties for as long as anybody can remember.  They ALWAYS give the minority party committee chairmanships.  But in 2022 the Rs decided that the practice should stop.  Democrat voters should not be allowed a voice in the crafting of legislation if there is a single majority Republican seat in the House, according to the Rs.  Representative Government?  Never heard of it, huh?

Never did I believe that we'd have an abortion ban, constitutional carry, huge cuts for school property taxes, and Texas law enforcement being greenlit to enforce immigration law.  But it all happened while Phelan was speaker.  Without a doubt, the most conservative Speaker, ever.  But still a dirty RINO for not being MAGA enough.  It would be funny if it weren't true.


I've been following politics long enough to remember when Rs couldn't get elected in Texas... I'm confident that we're headed back that direction.  I mean, it's obvious that with population shifts we'll be turning blue eventually.  I think that the behavior of the leadership of the Republican Party is going to cause that shift sooner than expected.  I won't be surprised to see Democrat Senators and possibly even a governor elected within 12 years.  Maybe less.  The Rs will be a party apparatus without a voting base behind them.

As far as your last paragraph this shift has been slowly happening way before Trump, but if it makes you feel better to put it on him go right ahead.

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3 hours ago, LumRaiderFan said:

Thanks for sharing. 

He did?  Thanks, I need to look at the results again; about 15 mins ago it was almost 50:50 (again).  

Anyway, I'm sure not going to miss the daily stack of postcards and fliers in my mailbox.  Wow, I don't recall ever seeing anything like it. As far as Phelan, the runoff was his wake-up call I think.  Of course this just means that he gets to run in the November election.  Reportedly (per the Beaumont News, and perhaps Houston news as well), Democrats were cross-voting in the primary, in favor of Phelan.  It ain't the first time. 


Sorry I quoted the wrong post somehow.  I intended to quote Aggies we are. (see below)

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29 minutes ago, AggiesAreWe said:

Phelan won so this thread is irrelevant. 

He did?  Thanks, I need to look at the results again; about 15 mins ago it was almost 50:50 (again).  

Anyway, I'm sure not going to miss the daily stack of postcards and fliers in my mailbox.  Wow, I don't recall ever seeing anything like it. As far as Phelan, the runoff was his wake-up call I think.  Of course this just means that he gets to run in the November election.  Reportedly (per the Beaumont News, and perhaps Houston news as well), Democrats were cross-voting in the primary, in favor of Phelan.  It ain't the first time. 

(I had to post this twice; what a drag. BTW I went and looked, and indeed, the race has been called in favor of DP.) 

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1 hour ago, SmashMouth said:

Goes down in flames? Considering it was a runoff election already that was feverishly close 'til the end with only a difference of 366 votes out of 25,260, I don't know if that is a fair description.

It's almost like saying 81 million votes to 75 million votes = getting cheeks clapped.

It's a TDS thing.

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16 hours ago, CardinalBacker said:

I've been following politics long enough to remember when Rs couldn't get elected in Texas... I'm confident that we're headed back that direction.  I mean, it's obvious that with population shifts we'll be turning blue eventually.  

Then you should have known lots of people said the exact same thing when the alcoholic Democrat Ann Richards was elected way way back in the day. Texas has become redder and redder ever since. People, especially blacks, are waking up and realizing the Marxist Democrats are destroying them. Feel free to hold your breath waiting on your dream to happen though. That would be fun to watch, LOL.  

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I think the interesting point is this… Trump backed candidates do better when Trump is on the ballot. Back in March Covey was up by 3%, and that skirt from Jasper pulled about 10%… and most people believed that her voters would go directly to Covey. Conventional wisdom was that Covey would be up by 10-12 points if all things went according to the pattern from March. That just didn’t happen. Typically turnout is lower in runoffs than in the primaries, and my guess is that Phelan had fewer votes this time around than last, but covey had WAY fewer votes. A friend of mine has been watching a similar runoff in central texas, and the results were similar. The MAGA guy just didn’t turn out the votes this May. 

My opinion is that a large portion of the support these Trump guys are just that…. Trump supporters. They’ll vote down ticket according to MAGA directives when Trump is on the ballot, but when they can’t vote Trump, they just don’t show up at all. 

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18 minutes ago, CardinalBacker said:

I think the interesting point is this… Trump backed candidates do better when Trump is on the ballot. Back in March Covey was up by 3%, and that skirt from Jasper pulled about 10%… and most people believed that her voters would go directly to Covey. Conventional wisdom was that Covey would be up by 10-12 points if all things went according to the pattern from March. That just didn’t happen. Typically turnout is lower in runoffs than in the primaries, and my guess is that Phelan had fewer votes this time around than last, but covey had WAY fewer votes. A friend of mine has been watching a similar runoff in central texas, and the results were similar. The MAGA guy just didn’t turn out the votes this May. 

My opinion is that a large portion of the support these Trump guys are just that…. Trump supporters. They’ll vote down ticket according to MAGA directives when Trump is on the ballot, but when they can’t vote Trump, they just don’t show up at all. 

That's an interesting take, but considering that an incumbent enjoys a HUGE advantage historically, I think Covey came pretty close to an upset. I don't care one way or the other - the biggest reason being that I live in Hardin County. But I have to think the Trump endorsement got Covey that close in the first place. His only recognition was on a very local level, virtually unheard of before the Trump endorsement. Otherwise, he probably would've lost by thousands of votes instead of a few hundred. Just my observation.

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It's hard to say exactly what happened, other than it was Beaumont vs Orange and Jasper, basically.  At least two voters were turned away while we were at the polls. One guy was in Jefferson County but not in District 21. I don't know about the other guy. 

Probably lots of voters that didn't vote in the primary voted in the runoff. Probably lots of Dems voted as well. It's a common thing. Lots of Reps voted in the Dem primary years ago just to vote against Hillary.  Of course that sort of backfired and got Obama elected. 

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1 hour ago, 1970 said:

It's hard to say exactly what happened, other than it was Beaumont vs Orange and Jasper, basically.  At least two voters were turned away while we were at the polls. One guy was in Jefferson County but not in District 21. I don't know about the other guy. 

Probably lots of voters that didn't vote in the primary voted in the runoff. Probably lots of Dems voted as well. It's a common thing. Lots of Reps voted in the Dem primary years ago just to vote against Hillary.  Of course that sort of backfired and got Obama elected. 

33,635 voted in the primary while only 25,260 voted in the runoff, per KBMT.

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38 minutes ago, BEARCPA said:

33,635 voted in the primary while only 25,260 voted in the runoff, per KBMT.

Thanks for the info, I didn't check the primary vote count.  I was posing that, based on anecdotal evidence, many who did not vote in the primary showed up for the runoff, and apparently voted for Phelan.  My next door neighbors were two that voted runoff only and voted for Covey, so it went both ways I guess.   The Houston Chronicle posted quotes from Covey accusing many Dems of voting in the runoff.  Obviously if they were able to vote in the runoff then they didn't vote in the primary, unless the voted in the Rep primary to begin with of course. . 

"Covey’s campaign released a lengthy statement after the results came in, calling Phelan an “Austin swamp creature and King of the Democrats.” The campaign accused Phelan of courting Democrat voters in Jefferson County to bolster his early vote numbers, but Covey did not say he would seek a recount."

Anyway, it looks like it's a done deal, until November. 

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The greatest point on all of this, and exactly what makes it a great day in SE Texas is the commercials are over!!!!  Phelan wasn’t all bad, Covey wasn’t all bad, but by the end of it I would have voted for Brewster’s “None of the above!”  Politicians serve their own interests and everyone’s politician is bad (except for theirs of course).  I personally am for:

1) Higher fuel prices,

2) More taxes and restrictions on private property owners,

3) Cancelling student-loan and even credit card debt,

4) Covid restrictions (bring back masks)

5) Giving more tax money away to countries at war (except Israel),

6) Tearing apart the nuclear family

7) Supporting college kids to protest anything and everything they want with no consequences,

😎 Higher and higher food prices

😎  Go Biden/Harris - just MASA (Make America Soft Again), Beto for a high-cabinet spot.

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27 minutes ago, Chester86 said:

The greatest point on all of this, and exactly what makes it a great day in SE Texas is the commercials are over!!!!  Phelan wasn’t all bad, Covey wasn’t all bad, but by the end of it I would have voted for Brewster’s “None of the above!”  Politicians serve their own interests and everyone’s politician is bad (except for theirs of course).  I personally am for:

1) Higher fuel prices,

2) More taxes and restrictions on private property owners,

3) Cancelling student-loan and even credit card debt,

4) Covid restrictions (bring back masks)

5) Giving more tax money away to countries at war (except Israel),

6) Tearing apart the nuclear family

7) Supporting college kids to protest anything and everything they want with no consequences,

😎 Higher and higher food prices

😎  Go Biden/Harris - just MASA (Make America Soft Again), Beto for a high-cabinet spot.

 Brewster….lmao. Watch that every time it’s on. 

Great post. 

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21 hours ago, 5GallonBucket said:

Has CB infected you

I think it’s pretty well-known that I’m not a big trump fan, but I don’t think anyone on here would put me at near his level, and I’ve repeatedly stated I’ll vote for him in the election.  The point i was making is that trump has put considerable time and effort into trying to install folks that repeat his wildest claims, or push out people who have dared to question him, at the detriment of the Republican Party.   He’s done this at all levels, from national elections down to small district elections like the one we’re talking about.  It really screwed the party in the 2022 midterms, where he was frequently able to influence who the Republican Party nominee was, but then they lost the general election because they were lousy candidates.  The most obvious instances of this was when his tv doctor lost to a walking, talking potato, and when his football player with an IQ of about 74 lost to that crook Warnock, but there were several other instances that eventually cost the republicans the massive gains they should’ve seen throughout the country in the middle of Biden’s massive failure as president.  

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