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Will Biden Be The Democratic Nominee For President?

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22 hours ago, UT alum said:

. Just like any competent, responsible national leader would.

While he was there, "competent, responsible" Joe lamented the Republicans delaying money for IRAQ.

Not Ukraine...but IRAQ! 

Some think his advance senility is funny but it is tragic. Can you imagine what the speaking corpse known as Joe biden will try to say in 3 or 4 more years as he apporaches 90?  Please tell us UT.     

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3 hours ago, Separation Scientist said:

While he was there, "competent, responsible" Joe lamented the Republicans delaying money for IRAQ.

Not Ukraine...but IRAQ! 

Some think his advance senility is funny but it is tragic. Can you imagine what the speaking corpse known as Joe biden will try to say in 3 or 4 more years as he apporaches 90?  Please tell us UT.     


3 hours ago, Separation Scientist said:

While he was there, "competent, responsible" Joe lamented the Republicans delaying money for IRAQ.

Not Ukraine...but IRAQ! 

Some think his advance senility is funny but it is tragic. Can you imagine what the speaking corpse known as Joe biden will try to say in 3 or 4 more years as he apporaches 90?  Please tell us UT.     

I’d rather have a corpse there than that lily livered lying Trump. He’s is a disgrace to the Flag.

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On 6/9/2024 at 12:17 PM, UT alum said:

Yes, you can. It was. I could not get the Forbes link to post, but look it up. The video is manipulated. Weasel Trump wouldn’t even show up for the 75th anniversary. He had his excuses, as he always has, and his minions accepted his word like it was scripture. Biden went. He spoke. He honored those heroes who stormed the beaches of Normandy and turned the tide of the war. Just like any competent, responsible national leader would.

So if the Air Force says the weather is not safe enough to make the trip, it’s somehow Trump’s fault?  Tell the whole story, not just the parts that make you feel better.  

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5 hours ago, Reagan said:

Trump busted Joebama in a 2020 debate when he said he did more in 47 months than you (Joebama) did in 47 years in Congress!  You do realize during the majority, if not all, of that time Joebama was a racist!  

No, he didn't.

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7 hours ago, Reagan said:

Trump busted Joebama in a 2020 debate when he said he did more in 47 months than you (Joebama) did in 47 years in Congress!  You do realize during the majority, if not all, of that time Joebama was a racist!  

You do realize that calling Joe Biden "Joebama" sounds like something a racist would say?  "Look at him!  He's just like that Black Guy we all hated!"  Obama's been gone for 8 years now... let it go. 


And for what it's worth, experts agree that Trump's first debate performance probably cost him the 2020 election. 

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2 hours ago, BS Wildcats said:

So if the Air Force says the weather is not safe enough to make the trip, it’s somehow Trump’s fault?  Tell the whole story, not just the parts that make you feel better.  

Nah.... Trump said how he felt about the Troops and POWs when he crapped all over McCain.  


It's really special when a draft dodger (errr...... "draft deferral") calls a man that spent years in a POW camp a "loser for getting caught."  Ahhhhh, who cares.... it was just another mean tweet, right?

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53 minutes ago, CardinalBacker said:

You do realize that calling Joe Biden "Joebama" sounds like something a racist would say?  "Look at him!  He's just like that Black Guy we all hated!"  Obama's been gone for 8 years now... let it go. 


And for what it's worth, experts agree that Trump's first debate performance probably cost him the 2020 election. 


51 minutes ago, CardinalBacker said:

Nah.... Trump said how he felt about the Troops and POWs when he crapped all over McCain.  


It's really special when a draft dodger (errr...... "draft deferral") calls a man that spent years in a POW camp a "loser for getting caught."  Ahhhhh, who cares.... it was just another mean tweet, right?


Those "experts" are what most people call Liberal nutjobs. Biden lied straight to the American public in that debate. The moderators clearly covered for him. But Trump "lost" because he was too mean to Biden. Yeah, we remember.

It's really special when an apparently grown, mentally functioning man can't discern what amounts to a "your mama" joke. Trump has been crude and obnoxious on many retorts to people, but he says them to get under their skin. Any high schooler can understand this. (They are the kings of obnoxious comments.) After your attempt to paint Trump as a failed president due to employment declining due to Covid, I can understand how you can make this adolescent connection. You think Trump hates the United States Military because he made a crude, ridiculous, and obnoxious comment to McCain. Wow. Just wow. That is some serious TDS you have festering in there, which seems to be getting worse.


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1 hour ago, CardinalBacker said:

Nah.... Trump said how he felt about the Troops and POWs when he crapped all over McCain.  


It's really special when a draft dodger (errr...... "draft deferral") calls a man that spent years in a POW camp a "loser for getting caught."  Ahhhhh, who cares.... it was just another mean tweet, right?

biden showed how he felt about the military when he, against the advice of his own military leadership, withdrew from Afghanistan, resulting in 13 deaths of military personnel.  So quit painting a negative portrait of Trump, when biden caused far worse damage than the words of Trump.  As a matter of fact, hillary’s actions concerning Benghazi were worse than Trump’s. Muhammad Ali was a draft dodger, but I bet you’re not concerned with that.  He was an idol to many, so try that card somewhere else.

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1 hour ago, CardinalBacker said:

You do realize that calling Joe Biden "Joebama" sounds like something a racist would say?  "Look at him!  He's just like that Black Guy we all hated!"  Obama's been gone for 8 years now... let it go. 


And for what it's worth, experts agree that Trump's first debate performance probably cost him the 2020 election. 

Your last sentence is one of the only things I would agree with you on.  I stopped watching 5 minutes into it.  If he can hold a normal debate, he will mop the floor with braindead biden.  Unless, as in the case with hillary, he knows what questions are coming.  Wouldn’t put it past the Dims!

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1 hour ago, CardinalBacker said:

Nah.... Trump said how he felt about the Troops and POWs when he crapped all over McCain.  


It's really special when a draft dodger (errr...... "draft deferral") calls a man that spent years in a POW camp a "loser for getting caught."  Ahhhhh, who cares.... it was just another mean tweet, right?


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2 hours ago, CardinalBacker said:

Nah.... Trump said how he felt about the Troops and POWs when he crapped all over McCain.  


It's really special when a draft dodger (errr...... "draft deferral") calls a man that spent years in a POW camp a "loser for getting caught."  Ahhhhh, who cares.... it was just another mean tweet, right?

I think it is terrible that anyone suffered being a prisoner of war. Most don’t live to tell about it, but to use it for political gain is atrocious. I understand saying “I served my country” is worthy of the highest respect, as long as I’m not made to feel I owe something. 

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1 hour ago, baddog said:

I think it is terrible that anyone suffered being a prisoner of war. Most don’t live to tell about it, but to use it for political gain is atrocious. I understand saying “I served my country” is worthy of the highest respect, as long as I’m not made to feel I owe something. 

I don’t know… i met a guy one time that had once been a captain at the Walls Unit in Huntsville-he was in the rotation for overseeing executions. His opinion was that execution was inhumane and we shouldn’t be doing it. I think his experiences made his opinion more valid than me, or anybody else who’d never been in his shoes-worth listening to. 

When John McCain came out and said that we shouldn’t be torturing Taliban POWs because we’re better than that as a country, his opinion carries a little more weight than just about anybody else. 

Likewise, a man who shirked his responsibility to serve during wartime doesn’t really have any room to insult anybody who was held captive as a POW for literal years.  Especially not when he’s just trying to get a few laughs out of his moronic followers. 

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6 minutes ago, CardinalBacker said:

I don’t know… i met a guy one time that had once been a captain at the Walls Unit in Huntsville-he was in the rotation for overseeing executions. His opinion was that execution was inhumane and we shouldn’t be doing it. I think his experiences made his opinion more valid than me, or anybody else who’d never been in his shoes-worth listening to. 

When John McCain came out and said that we shouldn’t be torturing Taliban POWs because we’re better than that as a country, his opinion carries a little more weight than just about anybody else. 

Likewise, a man who shirked his responsibility to serve during wartime doesn’t really have any room to insult anybody who was held captive as a POW for literal years.  Especially not when he’s just trying to get a few laughs out of his moronic followers. 

Did you say "moronic followers"? How do you think you are any better than Trump? Should we call you the same names that you label Trump, me, and the agenda supporters?

I find it hilarious that the reason you hate Trump is because he acts just like you...only he is better at it.

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14 minutes ago, Englebert said:

Did you say "moronic followers"? How do you think you are any better than Trump? Should we call you the same names that you label Trump, me, and the agenda supporters?

I find it hilarious that the reason you hate Trump is because he acts just like you...only he is better at it.

You’re 100% correct on this, two peas in a pod but one is much more successful which obviously grinds on him.

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1 hour ago, Englebert said:

Did you say "moronic followers"? How do you think you are any better than Trump? Should we call you the same names that you label Trump, me, and the agenda supporters?

I find it hilarious that the reason you hate Trump is because he acts just like you...only he is better at it.

I get called way worse all of the time… and it doesn’t matter to me. 

But it’s like this…. Let’s say you have a favorite football team-maybe the Cowboys. As a diehard fan, you whole-heartedly believe that the Cowboys are the best team in the NFL every year… would it make it sense to cash in your IRAs and borrow every dime you could borrow against your home and bet it all on the Cowboys to win the Super Bowl this year? That would be letting your devotion and affection for your team make a really bad choice that will have negative consequences of your plan doesn’t work out. 

That’s kinda like sticking with Trump when he keeps losing and shows no sign of winning this year.  But at least you can proudly boast that you were DC4L. 

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3 minutes ago, CardinalBacker said:

I get called way worse all of the time… and it doesn’t matter to me. 

But it’s like this…. Let’s say you have a favorite football team-maybe the Cowboys. As a diehard fan, you whole-heartedly believe that the Cowboys are the best team in the NFL every year… would it make it sense to cash in your IRAs and borrow every dime you could borrow against your home and bet it all on the Cowboys to win the Super Bowl this year? That would be letting your devotion and affection for your team make a really bad choice that will have negative consequences of your plan doesn’t work out. 

That’s kinda like sticking with Trump when he keeps losing and shows no sign of winning this year.  But at least you can proudly boast that you were DC4L. 

It’s actually sad that he’s so in your head that you continually create these stupid analogies.

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16 minutes ago, CardinalBacker said:

I get called way worse all of the time… and it doesn’t matter to me. 

But it’s like this…. Let’s say you have a favorite football team-maybe the Cowboys. As a diehard fan, you whole-heartedly believe that the Cowboys are the best team in the NFL every year… would it make it sense to cash in your IRAs and borrow every dime you could borrow against your home and bet it all on the Cowboys to win the Super Bowl this year? That would be letting your devotion and affection for your team make a really bad choice that will have negative consequences of your plan doesn’t work out. 

That’s kinda like sticking with Trump when he keeps losing and shows no sign of winning this year.  But at least you can proudly boast that you were DC4L. 

Wow. Do you actually believe your little scenario has any chance of alleviating you of your moral immaturity? Deflection at it's best...or worse. You seem to be a sad case. If you died today, I would be remiss if not attributing your cause of death to severe TDS, and of course, Covid.

Look at that. I just made a joke about your death. You did not get offended. Nobody was offended. Not one person will accuse me of being hateful towards fellow human beings. But yet, you hate Trump because he made a similar crude comment about McCain. You tried to attribute that comment as evidence Trump hates the military. What grade level of schoolchildren do you think is laughing at you for that "less that adolescent" (hint, hint) comment.

You used one crude comment in an attempt to justify your TDS. Now, when called on it, you try to deflect the whole topic. You are certainly not having any fun with this, but you sure are providing entertainment for the board. It's a shame you can't join in on the fun. I think even Big Girl might be to the point of giggling at the shamelessness you are exhibiting.

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58 minutes ago, Englebert said:

Wow. Do you actually believe your little scenario has any chance of alleviating you of your moral immaturity? Deflection at it's best...or worse. You seem to be a sad case. If you died today, I would be remiss if not attributing your cause of death to severe TDS, and of course, Covid.

Look at that. I just made a joke about your death. You did not get offended. Nobody was offended. Not one person will accuse me of being hateful towards fellow human beings. But yet, you hate Trump because he made a similar crude comment about McCain. You tried to attribute that comment as evidence Trump hates the military. What grade level of schoolchildren do you think is laughing at you for that "less that adolescent" (hint, hint) comment.

You used one crude comment in an attempt to justify your TDS. Now, when called on it, you try to deflect the whole topic. You are certainly not having any fun with this, but you sure are providing entertainment for the board. It's a shame you can't join in on the fun. I think even Big Girl might be to the point of giggling at the shamelessness you are exhibiting.

But that’s what Trump’s fanboys don’t understand.  When he talked about sexually assaulting women, y’all laughed it off as “locker room talk.”  When it was proven that he raped E. Jean Carroll, you cried that it was all an injustice… a lie. Even though he’d already confessed to doing the same thing to other women.  John McCain has suffered and sacrificed more for his country than practically anybody, except possible gold star families… and Trump called him a loser or something to that effect. “Oh, it was a joke that no one was supposed to take seriously.” But when Trump, after disrespecting the sacrifices of one of our most valiant, y’all are like “just because Trump didn’t go to Omaha Beach doesn’t mean he isn’t pro military!” Really? All you have to do is listen to what he said about McCain’s service. Not McCain as an opponent, not McCain’s political views… about the fact that the man was tortured, probably raped, and who knows what all else for over five years for swearing an oath and putting on the uniform.  But all of y’all supposedly “pro military” people just laughed along with Trump. “Good one, Sir! Maverick my new-hind! Filthy Rino!”  I don’t understand how the same people (y’all) who probably always say “thank you for your service” to any veteran still support a guy who craps on the ones who suffered the most on our behalf.  It’s baffling. 

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5 minutes ago, CardinalBacker said:

But that’s what Trump’s fanboys don’t understand.  When he talked about sexually assaulting women, y’all laughed it off as “locker room talk.”  When it was proven that he raped E. Jean Carroll, you cried that it was all an injustice… a lie. Even though he’d already confessed to doing the same thing to other women.  John McCain has suffered and sacrificed more for his country than practically anybody, except possible gold star families… and Trump called him a loser or something to that effect. “Oh, it was a joke that no one was supposed to take seriously.” But when Trump, after disrespecting the sacrifices of one of our most valiant, y’all are like “just because Trump didn’t go to Omaha Beach doesn’t mean he isn’t pro military!” Really? All you have to do is listen to what he said about McCain’s service. Not McCain as an opponent, not McCain’s political views… about the fact that the man was tortured, probably raped, and who knows what all else for over five years for swearing an oath and putting on the uniform.  But all of y’all supposedly “pro military” people just laughed along with Trump. “Good one, Sir! Maverick my new-hind! Filthy Rino!”  I don’t understand how the same people (y’all) who probably always say “thank you for your service” to any veteran still support a guy who craps on the ones who suffered the most on our behalf.  It’s baffling. 

That TDS is really flaring. Now do Biden. You have way, way, way more material. And keep that bitter "you are better than me" jealousy tone you have with Trump. You know Biden, the one you want everyone to vote for instead of Trump.

Somehow you didn't acknowledge my pleas for you to die a painful death. I was quite certain that is how you would have interpreted my previous post. I guess when your focus is Trump 24/7, nothing else matters.

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17 hours ago, Separation Scientist said:

I rather would have a corpse, than corrupt evil anti-American Joe Biden. An actuall dead corpse can't destroy America.

Evil is a powerful word. Careful how you use it. I don’t even consider Trump that. As for corrupt, using that one the way you did ought to choke you.

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