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BULLS**t From the Pulpit

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3 hours ago, LumRaiderFan said:

You know exactly what he is talking about but choose to ignore it, apparently because you 100% endorse the "choice" to terminate a life at will.

I support a woman’s right to choose. Personally, I’d prefer to see a second trimester limitation unless the mother’s life or fetus’ viability is endangered, but I’m not a woman. What about castration of the man if he abandons the child or doesn’t pay child support? Would you support that? Government telling you what to do with your body?

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7 hours ago, BS Wildcats said:

Blasphemy in a church makes not one bit of difference, no matter if it was HIS pulpit.  No difference!

I agree. But like I said, he’s not running for President, and it wasn’t Trump’s pulpit. He was a visitor.

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2 minutes ago, UT alum said:

I support a woman’s right to choose. Personally, I’d prefer to see a second trimester limitation unless the mother’s life or fetus’ viability is endangered, but I’m not a woman. What about castration of the man if he abandons the child or doesn’t pay child support? Would you support that? Government telling you what to do with your body?

So the baby(body) doesn’t get a say?

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13 minutes ago, 5GallonBucket said:

So the baby(body) doesn’t get a say?

As long as it is attached to its mother, no. It has no standing as a person. The morality of it is not the business of the State.

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31 minutes ago, UT alum said:

. What about castration of the man if he abandons the child or doesn’t pay child support? Would you support that? Government telling you what to do with your body?

Thats a sick, contorted question, but coming from you its no surprise. That would be a PERMANENT mutilation that is irreversable. A woman having a child does not cause any irreversable physical damage, DUH. 

With that out of the way, its funny you even asked that. Chemical castration, physical castration, and hormone assignment is exactly what the perverted Biden administration wants to do to MINORS to advance their LBGTQ agenda. Evil beyond words!   

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45 minutes ago, UT alum said:

I support a woman’s right to choose. Personally, I’d prefer to see a second trimester limitation unless the mother’s life or fetus’ viability is endangered, but I’m not a woman. What about castration of the man if he abandons the child or doesn’t pay child support? Would you support that? Government telling you what to do with your body?

You seem to forget the "choice" you speak of ends a life, it's not as simple as the woman's body.

Apparently you're ok with the government telling women what to do with their body after the second trimester.


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18 minutes ago, Separation Scientist said:

Thats a sick, contorted question, but coming from you its no surprise. That would be a PERMANENT mutilation that is irreversable. A woman having a child does not cause any irreversable physical damage, DUH. 

With that out of the way, its funny you even asked that. Chemical castration, physical castration, and hormone assignment is exactly what the perverted Biden administration wants to do to MINORS to advance their LBGTQ agenda. Evil beyond words!   

If a man won’t take care of the ones he’s fathered, why should he be allowed to keep on having them? Naturally, as a close minded male you don’t consider the fact that oftentimes lack of access to abortion will result in the woman no longer being able to bear children, so what’s the difference? Lack of choice is lack of choice.  Look, I’m going kind of Johnathan Swift  on this one because the whole issue is just that bizarre. It boils down to the woman (or man’s) choice. Why would you want the State in the bedroom more than you want it in the boardroom?

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46 minutes ago, LumRaiderFan said:

You seem to forget the "choice" you speak of ends a life, it's not as simple as the woman's body.

Apparently you're ok with the government telling women what to do with their body after the second trimester.


That should give ample time to decide. If health issues arise after that point, the choice is still there.

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2 hours ago, UT alum said:

Oh yeah, why crickets on the castration question?

No crickets. You asked lumbraider

but yeah castration of rapist sure thing. Castration of child predators sure thing.

as far castration of a father/dead beat…like what @Separation Scientist said.

Also plenty of women have manipulated the system to make the male completely at fault….

in the murdering of a baby…..what did the baby do to deserve death?

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51 minutes ago, Big girl said:

How many of you are for programs that help to sustain life?

Just stop

your pathetic….yall like to come up with so many things/situations and use play on words to justify the killing of babies 

we have all answered the question numerous times.


and we ll leave this conversation there

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8 minutes ago, 5GallonBucket said:

No crickets. You asked lumbraider

but yeah castration of rapist sure thing. Castration of child predators sure thing.

as far castration of a father/dead beat…like what @Separation Scientist said.

Also plenty of women have manipulated the system to make the male completely at fault….

in the murdering of a baby…..what did the baby do to deserve death?


8 minutes ago, 5GallonBucket said:

No crickets. You asked lumbraider

but yeah castration of rapist sure thing. Castration of child predators sure thing.

as far castration of a father/dead beat…like what @Separation Scientist said.

Also plenty of women have manipulated the system to make the male completely at fault….

in the murdering of a baby…..what did the baby do to deserve death?

You said it all with “plenty of women have manipulated the system to make the male completely at fault”. Blame the woman. Both sexist and ignorant. How do you manipulate a dna test?

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29 minutes ago, 5GallonBucket said:

Also plenty of women have manipulated the system to make the male completely at fault….

in the murdering of a baby…..what did the baby do to deserve death?

Funny isn't it that up until the moment of birth its "her body, the womans choice" 100%, the libs say. Then as soon as the baby is born, they want the dad to "Pay up its your kid". If thats the case, then the Dad should be able to prevent any abortion at any time.  


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The thing that gets me is the two-faced women. They are so mature in their thinking that society has let them determine  that, if their pregnancy is unwanted, they can terminate and take a life under some inalienable right. Why can’t these same women make a mature decision before sex and prevent the pregnancy in the first place. I’m sure there are government programs that can help them get the birth control if they can’t afford it. Irresponsible women, making irresponsible decisions, all of a sudden being empowered with the “right” to take an innocent life that they could have prevented. How lame of an attitude. Promiscuous women who weren’t taught that sex has consequences. 99% of the time, sex to a man is yes. It’s the woman who consents……..don’t lie.

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19 hours ago, UT alum said:

Regardless of the individuals, Hood, this election is going to be democracy vs. autocracy, even if the faces aren’t particularly attractive. You gotta vote for the older of the two if you want to guard the beacon of our nation.

Hey Hood, check this out.

This is the hidden content, please

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