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P. T. Trump

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P. T. Barnum is famous for saying “There’s a sucker born every minute”. Watch this quick rundown of Trump’s companies’ failures as reported in SEC documents filed for tanking  Trump Media Corp. How many suckers has he duped over his career? I have to say, he may be greater than Barnum ever dreamed.


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1 hour ago, UT alum said:

P. T. Barnum is famous for saying “There’s a sucker born every minute”. Watch this quick rundown of Trump’s companies’ failures as reported in SEC documents filed for tanking  Trump Media Corp. How many suckers has he duped over his career? I have to say, he may be greater than Barnum ever dreamed.


How many suckers has President Trump duped? Who cares? He didn’t open the border and allow a million illegals and terrorists to flood our country. The question should be how many suckers has the sick biden admin duped? Sounds like 80 million plus. How can any American vote for a pos that opens the border to terrorists?

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34 minutes ago, Ty Cobb said:

How many suckers has President Trump duped? Who cares? He didn’t open the border and allow a million illegals and terrorists to flood our country. The question should be how many suckers has the sick biden admin duped? Sounds like 80 million plus. How can any American vote for a pos that opens the border to terrorists?

Biden has not opened the border. That is right winged rhetoric 

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13 hours ago, Ty Cobb said:

How many suckers has President Trump duped? Who cares? He didn’t open the border and allow a million illegals and terrorists to flood our country. The question should be how many suckers has the sick biden admin duped? Sounds like 80 million plus. How can any American vote for a pos that opens the border to terrorists?

Let’s see. Lowest unemployment in recent history. Stock market all time high. Has handled inflation due mainly to COVID supply chain disruptions better than any other industrialized nation. No more caravans coming from the south. Illegal immigration’s lower than Trump reign. Actual infrastructure bill, unlike Trump’s imaginary one that never happened. No felons among his White House staff. Where are the terrorists coming across? No terrorist attacks on Biden’s watch. Where are they? I’d say Trump cornered the sucker market. Biden leads from experience deeper than probably any President who’s ever served. “Ol P. T. Sure got a hold of you.

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13 hours ago, LumRaiderFan said:

lol, you might want to seek professional help.

Also, you never responded to your conflicting opinions on if the government can tell a woman what she can do with her body.

I only seek compromise to take the issue off the political table as far as abortion goes. I know compromise doesn’t exist in your world. Zero sum only. If you watched the video, you are obviously among those who have been trained to not believe your own eyes and ears. From  speaking to a “black church” full of white people to crossing the street and addressing White Boy Summer Charlie Kirk’s group. Man, talk about deaf dumb and blind.

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7 hours ago, BS Wildcats said:

You really don’t pay attention much, do you?

Not to propaganda. Just like the editing of photos and videos to make Biden appear something he is not. Seen Trump riding a bike? He can’t even walk and pull his golf clubs behind him when he plays.

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44 minutes ago, UT alum said:

I only seek compromise to take the issue off the political table as far as abortion goes. I know compromise doesn’t exist in your world. Zero sum only. If you watched the video, you are obviously among those who have been trained to not believe your own eyes and ears. From  speaking to a “black church” full of white people to crossing the street and addressing White Boy Summer Charlie Kirk’s group. Man, talk about deaf dumb and blind.

I would say when it’s dead babies we’re talking about, zero sum is very important, especially to the babies.  That’s the problem with your sick twisted party, their zero sum is abortion anytime, all the time.

And anyone that says abortion is health care is lying, and they know it.

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19 minutes ago, UT alum said:

Not to propaganda. Just like the editing of photos and videos to make Biden appear something he is not. Seen Trump riding a bike? He can’t even walk and pull his golf clubs behind him when he plays.

So, biden’s border policy, or lack there of, is propaganda.  When I play golf, I don’t walk and pull my clubs.  So, what is your point there?  You said it about the bike.  Trump riding, biden not so much🤣🤣

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2 hours ago, LumRaiderFan said:

I would say when it’s dead babies we’re talking about, zero sum is very important, especially to the babies.  That’s the problem with your sick twisted party, their zero sum is abortion anytime, all the time.

And anyone that says abortion is health care is lying, and they know it.

How did you achieve such lofty status? You’re occupying a high seat of judgement when  you make such all encompassing proclamations. 

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Remember when someone said they were stepping away from this forum?  What a glorious 2 minutes that was.  Now, if I may attempt an impression, “You knuckle-draggers are idiots and I am going to sit here and ridicule you about everything!  (Tongue sticking out🤪)”.  

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3 hours ago, LumRaiderFan said:

I would say when it’s dead babies we’re talking about, zero sum is very important, especially to the babies.  That’s the problem with your sick twisted party, their zero sum is abortion anytime, all the time.

And anyone that says abortion is health care is lying, and they know it.

Nice deflection, too. No mention of Trump using an African American church to look like he’s the minority’s friend then walking out the back door and going to a white supremacist laced rally hosted by Charlie Kirk aka “The Civil Rights Act Was A Bad Idea”.


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44 minutes ago, UT alum said:

Nice deflection, too. No mention of Trump using an African American church to look like he’s the minority’s friend then walking out the back door and going to a white supremacist laced rally hosted by Charlie Kirk aka “The Civil Rights Act Was A Bad Idea”.


I’m not going to defend Trump’s behavior just like I’m sure you don’t want to defend biden’s.

You’re no better than the mainstream liberal media, you throw one line out there with no context behind it.  Agree with it or not, the statement is not coming from a white supremacy view and neither is the rally.

By the way, if you don’t want a racist President, why do you support Biden?

Trump has only been deemed a racist since being President, Biden has been at it for decades.


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1 hour ago, Chester86 said:

Remember when someone said they were stepping away from this forum?  What a glorious 2 minutes that was.  Now, if I may attempt an impression, “You knuckle-draggers are idiots and I am going to sit here and ridicule you about everything!  (Tongue sticking out🤪)”.  

What can I say. Seems you can’t have a dissenting opinion here without ridicule. There is no debate. Just ridicule. I haven’t called anyone a knuckle dragger. I have used idiot a few times. But you see, your glorious two minutes was when I wasn’t disputing the lies you so readily adopt when spoken by fearless leader and his minions. This election is too serious for me to worry about my feelings. I’ll be here until November 11th at the earliest.  Toodleoo.

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Delusional and protagonist are words that come to mind.  You see I really do not mind dissenting opinions.  The problem I have with most of the posts you make is you just want to say something (opinion, law, etc.) is wrong and not offer up any solutions.  The problem with America is:

#1 and by far the most problematic - we have moved away from God, and

#2 we are not the “UNITED” States of America anymore.

Division abounds and there are forces at play that want to stir that division and increase it.  People don’t talk TO each other anymore they TALK at one another.  I’ll gladly talk to someone that will listen, but have no desire to be in the presence of someone who is narcissistic and only wants their opinion to be heard.

I fly no Trump flag, I wear no MAGA hat, and truly wish we had another R to vote for.  But you trot out Biden or Hillary and I’ll campaign for Trump with my own money.

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1 hour ago, Chester86 said:

Delusional and protagonist are words that come to mind.  You see I really do not mind dissenting opinions.  The problem I have with most of the posts you make is you just want to say something (opinion, law, etc.) is wrong and not offer up any solutions.  The problem with America is:

#1 and by far the most problematic - we have moved away from God, and

#2 we are not the “UNITED” States of America anymore.

Division abounds and there are forces at play that want to stir that division and increase it.  People don’t talk TO each other anymore they TALK at one another.  I’ll gladly talk to someone that will listen, but have no desire to be in the presence of someone who is narcissistic and only wants their opinion to be heard.

I fly no Trump flag, I wear no MAGA hat, and truly wish we had another R to vote for.  But you trot out Biden or Hillary and I’ll campaign for Trump with my own money.

Talk about condescension. It’s not chasing me off this time. I have never been talked more rudely at than on here. Oh, and no one can move away from God. He dwells in all things. The problem is we have politicized Him to further divide ourselves and make money or build power for ourselves. He loves us all anyway. Peace.

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Oh an institution can move away from God, and the USA is running away from God.  I am not trying to chase you off - this is a free site.  I just wish people would be more open to alternative view points.  The devil wants to sow division.  Nice to hear you admit that God is love.  I generally try to stay off this side of the site - would much rather talk baseball and small town sports.

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7 hours ago, LumRaiderFan said:

I’m not going to defend Trump’s behavior just like I’m sure you don’t want to defend biden’s.

You’re no better than the mainstream liberal media, you throw one line out there with no context behind it.  Agree with it or not, the statement is not coming from a white supremacy view and neither is the rally.

By the way, if you don’t want a racist President, why do you support Biden?

Trump has only been deemed a racist since being President, Biden has been at it for decades.


Spoken with zero backup.

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15 hours ago, LumRaiderFan said:

I’m not going to defend Trump’s behavior just like I’m sure you don’t want to defend biden’s.

You’re no better than the mainstream liberal media, you throw one line out there with no context behind it.  Agree with it or not, the statement is not coming from a white supremacy view and neither is the rally.

By the way, if you don’t want a racist President, why do you support Biden?

Trump has only been deemed a racist since being President, Biden has been at it for decades.


Your last sentence is a bold face lie and you know it! 

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15 hours ago, UT alum said:

What can I say. Seems you can’t have a dissenting opinion here without ridicule. There is no debate. Just ridicule. I haven’t called anyone a knuckle dragger. I have used idiot a few times. But you see, your glorious two minutes was when I wasn’t disputing the lies you so readily adopt when spoken by fearless leader and his minions. This election is too serious for me to worry about my feelings. I’ll be here until November 11th at the earliest.  Toodleoo.

I read much more than I post on here. One strong observation is, the ridicule on this side is a two-way 6 Lane Highway. For all the ridicule you say you receive, just know your absence would probably be missed.

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    • It’s not that simple.    You just read where UT Alum said that Hardin County was 80% democrat in 1980… but according to you the fabled “switch” was finished by Nixon a decade earlier.    That’s the fallacy of your argument… we can all agree that as far back as the Civil War, Democrats strongly opposed any measure  that would benefit the black community.  That policy continued all of the way up through the 1960s. That’s when there was a shift…. But it’s not what you think.    It’s not like all of the old white bigots said “to heck with this! Let’s go be republicans instead.” My contention is that the Democrat Party of old didn’t hate black people… they needed the votes of white people, and they got them by whipping up racial animosity towards black people.  Right about the time that the civil rights act was passed, the leaders of the democrat party realized that there just wasn’t a whole lot of white on black racial hate to work with… and with the changing demographics in America, they recognized that the next voting block to control would be the minorities, and the best way to harness that vote was by providing them a common enemy… whitey.  That’s why you had guys like Strom Thurman and George Wallace renounce their “racist” ways and pivot to trying to win over the monitorities instead of catering to racist whites.    You fast forward about 30 years and the democrats have convinced their voters that the whites are the source of all of their problems… just like they told whites that the blacks were the source of all of their problems. It’s not that the racist shifted sides… the Dems just shifted their focus because voters didn’t care about the old racism anymore.    But, that same time frame and approach left a void. Suddenly you have white people (who aren’t racist) being told by democrats that  “you don’t even realize how big of a racist you are, and everything you worked for means nothing because it was the result of white privilege, and in fact our voters deserve everything that you have…” and people got tired of it, so the next thing you know you’ve got a lot of people like the ones on this board who will fall in line behind somebody who says “I’ll fight those democrats for you.” He calls immigrants rapists, blows his dog whistle until he passes out, and convinces the tiny group of actual racists and antisemites that it’s safe to come out of hiding.  “Build the wall” is their rallying cry. The democrat response? They open our borders completely, even though they know it’s bad for us… but they need to keep fanning the flames, too. And you can’t be opposed to the guy who wants to build a wall, but then construct one yourself, right? It’s madness, and it’s all about getting “us” to vote against “them” on both sides. And it really, really needs to stop. 
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