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3 hours ago, UT alum said:

There are hare brained people everywhere. Their members haven’t held much sway in this country. The Klan had many open members in the halls of Congress and many state legislatures.

Like it says in the Constitutionn. All are created equal. There are no unequals as respects the human spirit.

And those open Klan members were Democrats!!!  Imagine that

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On 6/24/2024 at 2:22 PM, CardinalBacker said:

Like I said… just for the sake of argument. The person accepting applications at a Trump ORGANIZATION owned property marks applications from black applicants with a “c” so they’ll know not to rent to them.  The gov filed a suit against the org and the suit was settled with no admission of guilt. 

That does not make a then 27 year old Trump a racist. 

Let’s just assume that a white Amazon delivery worker shows up at your house, gets in an argument with you, then drops and n-bomb. By your math, that PROVES that Jeff Bezos (who owns Amazon) is a racist. 

Oh, and I left out the part about how the alleged racism by Bezos’ employee happened 51 years ago. 

What did they do about it?

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On 6/24/2024 at 4:06 PM, BS Wildcats said:

And those open Klan members were Democrats!!!  Imagine that

Southern Democrats. Targets of Nixon’s Southern Strategy. Today’s southern Republicans.

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6 hours ago, BS Wildcats said:

A Democrat is a Democrat 

No, the ex-Southern Democrats are now Republicans. I watched it happen starting with Lee Atwater and Reagan. I watched as election judge as an 80% Democratic precinct  in Hardin County in 1980 turned 80% Republican in 25 years. I would say most people in this county over 50 years old voted Democrat in the past. So, your simple little trope sounds cute but it is neither accurate or true.

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28 minutes ago, UT alum said:

No, the ex-Southern Democrats are now Republicans. I watched it happen starting with Lee Atwater and Reagan. I watched as election judge as an 80% Democratic precinct  in Hardin County in 1980 turned 80% Republican in 25 years. I would say most people in this county over 50 years old voted Democrat in the past. So, your simple little trope sounds cute but it is neither accurate or true.

It is true.  The Klan was created by the Democrats, no matter how you spin it.

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45 minutes ago, UT alum said:

No, the ex-Southern Democrats are now Republicans. I watched it happen starting with Lee Atwater and Reagan. I watched as election judge as an 80% Democratic precinct  in Hardin County in 1980 turned 80% Republican in 25 years. I would say most people in this county over 50 years old voted Democrat in the past. So, your simple little trope sounds cute but it is neither accurate or true.

Reagan left the democrat party because they became too liberal, he stated that "I didn't leave the democrat party, the party left me", which seems to be what more and more folks are saying.  Not to worry, the democrat party will never leave you.

Your revisionist history only works on those that don't know the history of democrats, especially in the South, and those that are democrats and just can't stomach their party's past actions.

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22 minutes ago, BS Wildcats said:

It is true.  The Klan was created by the Democrats, no matter how you spin it.

True!  It was/is the police arm of the Demoncratic party.  No debate here!  But, there are some here that are trying to connects dots that aren't there.

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2 hours ago, UT alum said:

No, the ex-Southern Democrats are now Republicans. I watched it happen starting with Lee Atwater and Reagan. I watched as election judge as an 80% Democratic precinct  in Hardin County in 1980 turned 80% Republican in 25 years. I would say most people in this county over 50 years old voted Democrat in the past. So, your simple little trope sounds cute but it is neither accurate or true.

That’s kinda over-simplifying matters. 

Are you talking about local politics or the platforms of the DNC/RNC? They’re two completely different scenarios. 

To be frank, a politician couldn’t get elected in Hardin County as a Republican… until 2010-2011 when the locals all switched to the R Party. 

I think that the truest example of a Democrat is the late George Wallace, Governor of Alabama. He ran in 1958 against a staunch segregationist and lost big time. Both Dems, btw. He came back in 1962 as a hardcore opponent of integration and won handily, becoming the racist spokesperson for a South that wanted to remain segregated. By 1982 he won his last term as Governor of alabama, still as a democrat, but carrying over 90% of the black vote. 

Who switched? Was it the party? The politicians? The people? All of the above, in all different directions and over a period of about 60 years.

The problem with arguments about switching is that there are no constants.  We all know that guy…. southern accent, white-headed flat top haircut, short sleeve western shirt with those old wrangler double-knit pants. He probably held public office all over the south, and he had some really crazy ideas about race…. Might not have been in the Klan, but knew a bunch of people who were or had been. And he voted 100% Democrat.  

We can all say “yeah, and he became a Republican after the civil rights act was passed!” And we’d be wrong.  The truth is that those old ideals and ways of thinking pretty much died off. 

The truth of the matter is that the civil rights act passed the senate with a 71-29 vote majority.  But it’s interesting to point out that the 71 “yes” votes were actually 27 Republicans and 44 Democrats voting “for” the civil rights act, with 6 Republicans and 21 Democrats voting against the Civil Rights Act.  So which party was in favor and which one opposed?

And now 60 years later, with an ideological split in America, both sides are trying to claim moral superiority and cast blame over history that, to be frank, we don’t understand. 

But to be honest, the Democrat party of 2024 is not what it was… and neither is the Republican. Just because things are so black-and -white today doesn’t mean that they always have been. 

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5 hours ago, CardinalBacker said:

That’s kinda over-simplifying matters. 

Are you talking about local politics or the platforms of the DNC/RNC? They’re two completely different scenarios. 

To be frank, a politician couldn’t get elected in Hardin County as a Republican… until 2010-2011 when the locals all switched to the R Party. 

I think that the truest example of a Democrat is the late George Wallace, Governor of Alabama. He ran in 1958 against a staunch segregationist and lost big time. Both Dems, btw. He came back in 1962 as a hardcore opponent of integration and won handily, becoming the racist spokesperson for a South that wanted to remain segregated. By 1982 he won his last term as Governor of alabama, still as a democrat, but carrying over 90% of the black vote. 

Who switched? Was it the party? The politicians? The people? All of the above, in all different directions and over a period of about 60 years.

The problem with arguments about switching is that there are no constants.  We all know that guy…. southern accent, white-headed flat top haircut, short sleeve western shirt with those old wrangler double-knit pants. He probably held public office all over the south, and he had some really crazy ideas about race…. Might not have been in the Klan, but knew a bunch of people who were or had been. And he voted 100% Democrat.  

We can all say “yeah, and he became a Republican after the civil rights act was passed!” And we’d be wrong.  The truth is that those old ideals and ways of thinking pretty much died off. 

The truth of the matter is that the civil rights act passed the senate with a 71-29 vote majority.  But it’s interesting to point out that the 71 “yes” votes were actually 27 Republicans and 44 Democrats voting “for” the civil rights act, with 6 Republicans and 21 Democrats voting against the Civil Rights Act.  So which party was in favor and which one opposed?

And now 60 years later, with an ideological split in America, both sides are trying to claim moral superiority and cast blame over history that, to be frank, we don’t understand. 

But to be honest, the Democrat party of 2024 is not what it was… and neither is the Republican. Just because things are so black-and -white today doesn’t mean that they always have been. 

The parties switched ideologies beginning with Roosevelt and ending with Nixon's Southern Strategy when the Dixiecrats left the Democratic Party

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33 minutes ago, Big girl said:

They just don't get it. I learned this in 5th grade


Southern Democrats=KKK!  No denying that fact.  You should have also learned that murder was illegal by then, but that doesn’t stop you from supporting abortion.  

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16 minutes ago, Big girl said:

The parties switched ideologies beginning with Roosevelt and ending with Nixon's Southern Strategy when the Dixiecrats left the Democratic Party

It’s not that simple. 


You just read where UT Alum said that Hardin County was 80% democrat in 1980… but according to you the fabled “switch” was finished by Nixon a decade earlier. 

That’s the fallacy of your argument… we can all agree that as far back as the Civil War, Democrats strongly opposed any measure  that would benefit the black community.  That policy continued all of the way up through the 1960s. That’s when there was a shift…. But it’s not what you think. 

It’s not like all of the old white bigots said “to heck with this! Let’s go be republicans instead.” My contention is that the Democrat Party of old didn’t hate black people… they needed the votes of white people, and they got them by whipping up racial animosity towards black people.  Right about the time that the civil rights act was passed, the leaders of the democrat party realized that there just wasn’t a whole lot of white on black racial hate to work with… and with the changing demographics in America, they recognized that the next voting block to control would be the minorities, and the best way to harness that vote was by providing them a common enemy… whitey.  That’s why you had guys like Strom Thurman and George Wallace renounce their “racist” ways and pivot to trying to win over the monitorities instead of catering to racist whites. 

You fast forward about 30 years and the democrats have convinced their voters that the whites are the source of all of their problems… just like they told whites that the blacks were the source of all of their problems. It’s not that the racist shifted sides… the Dems just shifted their focus because voters didn’t care about the old racism anymore. 

But, that same time frame and approach left a void. Suddenly you have white people (who aren’t racist) being told by democrats that  “you don’t even realize how big of a racist you are, and everything you worked for means nothing because it was the result of white privilege, and in fact our voters deserve everything that you have…” and people got tired of it, so the next thing you know you’ve got a lot of people like the ones on this board who will fall in line behind somebody who says “I’ll fight those democrats for you.” He calls immigrants rapists, blows his dog whistle until he passes out, and convinces the tiny group of actual racists and antisemites that it’s safe to come out of hiding.  “Build the wall” is their rallying cry. The democrat response? They open our borders completely, even though they know it’s bad for us… but they need to keep fanning the flames, too. And you can’t be opposed to the guy who wants to build a wall, but then construct one yourself, right?

It’s madness, and it’s all about getting “us” to vote against “them” on both sides. And it really, really needs to stop. 

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16 hours ago, Big girl said:

They just don't get it. I learned this in 5th grade


They get it. That’s why mentioning it irks them so. Denying the truth of history is the in the top 5 authoritarian power moves. Also in there:  

Sow doubt about election integrity.

Foment distrust in the justice system

Create a straw man, usually minorities or immigrants, to gin up fear only the strong man alone can can quell.

Banning books 

It’s all happening here today. Do you want that to be the norm?

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24 minutes ago, UT alum said:

They get it. That’s why mentioning it irks them so. Denying the truth of history is the in the top 5 authoritarian power moves. Also in there:  

Sow doubt about election integrity.

Foment distrust in the justice system

Create a straw man, usually minorities or immigrants, to gin up fear only the strong man alone can can quell.

Banning books 

It’s all happening here today. Do you want that to be the norm?

You just described the Democrat party. You claim superiority in the knowledge of history without realizing the authoritarian moves are being executed by the party you worship. Conservatives (and normal people) are the ones fighting this. How embarrassing for you.

Look back in history and see which party has claimed an "illegitimate president". See which party has fiercely fought against election results. The Democrats are well known for this. They do it so often, it is expected, not newsworthy...so I can see how you are oblivious to this fact.

For fomenting distrust in the justice system, does "Defund the police" ring a bell? Does the plethora of accusations of the legal system being unfair to minorities register? Does the failures to prosecute Democrats coupled with false prosecutions of Republicans ring a bell? Obama spying on reporters with no repercussions. The IRS targeting Conservatives with no repercussions. False Russia, Russia, Russia dossier in which the "Intelligence Community" falsely confirmed it's authenticity. Not one person fired. Hillary committing felonies, the justice system admitting it, but then not prosecuting her. The "justice system" targeting and jailing Trump's administration, now coming after him. The "justice system" inspired and executed kidnapping plot against Gretchen Whitmer. This could go on for a long while, but the salient point is: IT IS HAPPENING RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU! Go ahead and admit you are in denial.

Create a straw man. White male Christians! HELLO! I literally laughed out loud when you included this. The others are a joke, this one is just cringeworthy.

Can you name a single book that has banned? If you can't (and you can't), go ahead and admit you are a liar without going through all the childish denial.

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55 minutes ago, UT alum said:

They get it. That’s why mentioning it irks them so. Denying the truth of history is the in the top 5 authoritarian power moves. Also in there:  

Sow doubt about election integrity.

Foment distrust in the justice system

Create a straw man, usually minorities or immigrants, to gin up fear only the strong man alone can can quell.

Banning books 

It’s all happening here today. Do you want that to be the norm?

Complete nonsense from you, as usual.

What you need to realize is that the most destructive group in our nation right now is white liberals.

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16 hours ago, CardinalBacker said:

It’s not that simple. 


You just read where UT Alum said that Hardin County was 80% democrat in 1980… but according to you the fabled “switch” was finished by Nixon a decade earlier. 

That’s the fallacy of your argument… we can all agree that as far back as the Civil War, Democrats strongly opposed any measure  that would benefit the black community.  That policy continued all of the way up through the 1960s. That’s when there was a shift…. But it’s not what you think. 

It’s not like all of the old white bigots said “to heck with this! Let’s go be republicans instead.” My contention is that the Democrat Party of old didn’t hate black people… they needed the votes of white people, and they got them by whipping up racial animosity towards black people.  Right about the time that the civil rights act was passed, the leaders of the democrat party realized that there just wasn’t a whole lot of white on black racial hate to work with… and with the changing demographics in America, they recognized that the next voting block to control would be the minorities, and the best way to harness that vote was by providing them a common enemy… whitey.  That’s why you had guys like Strom Thurman and George Wallace renounce their “racist” ways and pivot to trying to win over the monitorities instead of catering to racist whites. 

You fast forward about 30 years and the democrats have convinced their voters that the whites are the source of all of their problems… just like they told whites that the blacks were the source of all of their problems. It’s not that the racist shifted sides… the Dems just shifted their focus because voters didn’t care about the old racism anymore. 

But, that same time frame and approach left a void. Suddenly you have white people (who aren’t racist) being told by democrats that  “you don’t even realize how big of a racist you are, and everything you worked for means nothing because it was the result of white privilege, and in fact our voters deserve everything that you have…” and people got tired of it, so the next thing you know you’ve got a lot of people like the ones on this board who will fall in line behind somebody who says “I’ll fight those democrats for you.” He calls immigrants rapists, blows his dog whistle until he passes out, and convinces the tiny group of actual racists and antisemites that it’s safe to come out of hiding.  “Build the wall” is their rallying cry. The democrat response? They open our borders completely, even though they know it’s bad for us… but they need to keep fanning the flames, too. And you can’t be opposed to the guy who wants to build a wall, but then construct one yourself, right?

It’s madness, and it’s all about getting “us” to vote against “them” on both sides. And it really, really needs to stop. 

The wedge wasn’t race based. The racial undercurrent has always been there. The way they really inflamed the division began under Reagan was the beginning of the culture wars. God, Guns, and Gays (remember, the AIDS epidemic was unfolding). That gave the Dixiecrats the out without mentioning race. Though it must be said Reagan used the “welfare queens and their pink Cadillacs” to great effect. It continues to this day. Gays slipped from their grasp, so today the third leg of the stool has become certain classes of immigrants.

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35 minutes ago, Englebert said:

You just described the Democrat party. You claim superiority in the knowledge of history without realizing the authoritarian moves are being executed by the party you worship. Conservatives (and normal people) are the ones fighting this. How embarrassing for you.

Look back in history and see which party has claimed an "illegitimate president". See which party has fiercely fought against election results. The Democrats are well known for this. They do it so often, it is expected, not newsworthy...so I can see how you are oblivious to this fact.

For fomenting distrust in the justice system, does "Defund the police" ring a bell? Does the plethora of accusations of the legal system being unfair to minorities register? Does the failures to prosecute Democrats coupled with false prosecutions of Republicans ring a bell? Obama spying on reporters with no repercussions. The IRS targeting Conservatives with no repercussions. False Russia, Russia, Russia dossier in which the "Intelligence Community" falsely confirmed it's authenticity. Not one person fired. Hillary committing felonies, the justice system admitting it, but then not prosecuting her. The "justice system" targeting and jailing Trump's administration, now coming after him. The "justice system" inspired and executed kidnapping plot against Gretchen Whitmer. This could go on for a long while, but the salient point is: IT IS HAPPENING RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU! Go ahead and admit you are in denial.

Create a straw man. White male Christians! HELLO! I literally laughed out loud when you included this. The others are a joke, this one is just cringeworthy.

Can you name a single book that has banned? If you can't (and you can't), go ahead and admit you are a liar without going through all the childish denial.


This is the hidden content, please

This is the hidden content, please

I believe these school districts are all in deep MAGA country.

Any comments on Project 2025?

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