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As the Tide Turns

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21 hours ago, CardinalBacker said:

2000- “Al gore is the most tree-hugging liberal candidate the Dems have ever had .”

2004- John Kerry is the most liberal, war-dodging candidate the Dems have ever had.”

2008- “That Muslim from Kenya is the most liberal candidate we’ve ever had.”

2012- “Barack HUSSEIN Obama has been the most liberal president we’ve ever had.  We won’t survive four more years of this .”

2016-“Killary Clinton was the most liberal senator that’s ever been elected .”

2020- “Joe Biden is the most liberal Senator/former vp that’s ever tried to be our President” while Bernie Sanders sits in a folding lawn chair wearing a $46 suit and refusing to pay for a haircut. 

2024-“Kamala Harris is the most….. blah, blah, blah….”

You see my point, Chicken Little?

Maybe at that particular year said person was the most liberal. And so it could be true and therefore shows the pattern of where things are going.

if we really look at the political landscape along with societal shifts….liberalism has increased….



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30 minutes ago, mat said:

The point is, you can’t trust poles

Buy you shouldn’t ignore them, either. 

And definitely don’t seek out ones that just say what you want them to say. Reagan’s already been up for three hours trying to find polls that show Trump leading.  That’s more important to him than finding ones that accurately predict voter sentiment in real time. 

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17 minutes ago, 5GallonBucket said:

Maybe at that particular year said person was the most liberal. And so it could be true and therefore shows the pattern of where things are going.

if we really look at the political landscape along with societal shifts….liberalism has increased….



Newsflash… that why they call then PROGRESSives. 

Conservatives want to keep things as they were or move them backwards, as in “Make America Great Again.” If you go backwards 160 years, conservatives went to war to preserve slavery and those pesky liberals wanted it ended. 

One day a smart person wakes up and realizes that neither side is completely right and neither side has been completely wrong.  It’s a constant battle between changing and keeping things the same… not good vs evil, etc. 

Sometimes moving backwards IS the right way. Reversing Roe v Wade, IMO. Sometimes moving forward is also the right way…. The ACA doing away with the pre-existing condition exclusions, for example. 

It’s also important to realize that our societies are cyclical in nature. They all do it…. Creation, change, and ultimately destruction. Speeding up “Progress” only hastens the destruction.


My honest opinion? The brightest of us realize that it’s already too late and we’re all just going through the motions until the shooting starts. 

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On 8/2/2024 at 8:57 AM, thetragichippy said:

YES, I absolutely do. Calling someone out for announcing her heritage/race, then changing it is not racist. That does not even fit under the definition of racism.  He is simply pointing out things she has flipped on. Democrats and haters will make it way more than it is, but I think people see through it.

I mean, he accepted to go and get asked unscripted questions from a known hostile (to him) group of reporters. When is the last time Biden did that? Do you think Kamala will do a townhall with all Fox reporters or say Tucker Carlson? She won't, she has proven she is not good at off the cuff questions and answers.....She is horrible at it, she won't do it. She is going to try and win the election without getting in front of reporters........will it work, that is to be determined. 

Also, be careful what you wish for, that debate she is playing up (and Trump is not I believe by design) is not going to go as planned. The issue the Trump team is working out is different rules than Biden since she can actually speak........

It is amazing to me that Trump has been compared to Hitler, who is responsible for the murder of 6 million people.........the left thinks that is OK but is disgusted that Trump calls out Kamala.......I can't see where people might think she is Indian.....

This is the hidden content, please



She has never changed it . Her dad is black. She attended a HBCU, and is a member of an historical black sorority.

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6 hours ago, CardinalBacker said:

Buy you shouldn’t ignore them, either. 

And definitely don’t seek out ones that just say what you want them to say. Reagan’s already been up for three hours trying to find polls that show Trump leading.  That’s more important to him than finding ones that accurately predict voter sentiment in real time. 


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2 hours ago, Big girl said:

She has never changed it . Her dad is black. She attended a HBCU, and is a member of an historical black sorority.

Why is it so important for you that she is black? Black, white, green, or purple….. she’s dumber than a box of rocks. 

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23 hours ago, CardinalBacker said:

Buy you shouldn’t ignore them, either. 

And definitely don’t seek out ones that just say what you want them to say. Reagan’s already been up for three hours trying to find polls that show Trump leading.  That’s more important to him than finding ones that accurately predict voter sentiment in real time. 

By the same token, I don’t pay much attention to the poles our liberally biased media chooses to share. I pay no attention to poles at all, they change week to week.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 8/1/2024 at 7:27 PM, Reagan said:

This is repost.  Her on party as recent as last year wanted to dump her.  But now she can beat Trump?  LOL!!  Anyone that actually thinks so I'd like to know what type of 60's-type drugs these people are taking!

From Jesse Watters:   

"In Washington, DC, the words President Kamalina Harris was an inside joke.  Last year party king makers tried to knock her off the ticket:  New York Magazine, "The case for Biden to drop Harris. (September 13)"  Newsweek,  The Democrats shouldn't ditch JoeBama -- they should replace Harris. (Jun 28,2023)"  Washington Post, " For the country's sake, VP Harris should step aside. (March 15)" 

The Kamalina coup was in full swing.  92% of her staff had quit.  Politico, "High level Democrats are rallying to President Biden's reelection,,, because they fear the potential alternative: the nomination of Kamalina Harris."

Investigative journalist, Seymore Hersch, says Yobama dangled the 25 Amendment over JoeBama's head to get him to step down.  The New York Post stated, "It was JoeBama's big middle finger to Yobama.  'If I'm out, then I am endorsing her'"  We know Yobama was fuming because it's already been reported that he knows she can't win.  Plus he's furious that things haven't gone his way.  He wanted an open primary."  Like I said before, YoBama wanted Mark Kelly from Arizona.  " But JoeBama backed his party into a corner.  Yobama wasn't prepared.  That's one reason his endorsement didn't come until 9 days later.  So, what does the left do when they are about to lose -- they lie!   Now they want you to believe the woman they tried to fire is giving Trump fits because she's the next Yobama.  

A woman's view.  Miranda Devine (NY Post):  "She has achieved nothing on merit.  Every plum job has been handed to her by powerful men.  She is a man's woman.  Every woman knows the type and instinctively does not trust her.  Everything about her drips with insincerity."  Same new sales lady -- same bad product.  They can try and rebrand her -- but the JoeBama record is hers!"

A manufactured image -- to that we should all agree!

Latest DecisionDeskHQ Poll:    Arizona Trump +6.4     Michigan Trump +2    Nevada Trump +8.6    Pennsylvania Trump +2.6    Wisconsin Trump +0.6    Georgia Trump +4.4

Latest DecisionDeskHQ poll:  Arizona, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Georgia - all toss ups. As the tide turns…

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