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Tax Cuts Will Spur Economic Growth!


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5 minutes ago, CardinalBacker said:

But when guy like DJT take out a $320 million dollar loan from Deutsch bank and fly around in a gold plated jet while paying zero income taxes like you and I have to…. Something is bad wrong.  Especially when broke tax payers like you argue for even better tax breaks for the wealthy. 

As long as we have folks like you that are easily steered towards class envy, the big bad rich will be over taxed and the "poor" will pay no taxes.

Everyone should pay the same percentage, you want to fix loopholes, talk to Congress about changing the tax code.

I would take any loophole I could also to keep as much money from going to the government.

You just can't get Trump out of your head, lol.

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12 minutes ago, LumRaiderFan said:

Nice try, tax everyone at an equal percentage, but you already knew what I meant.


We have that. The kid working at the grocery store for minimum wage pays the exact same rate (10%) that I do on the $11,000 dollars of taxable income that he makes.  As I continued to earn more money, it’s taxed at a higher rate. And that’s morally and ethically right. To whom much is given, much is required. 

Rich guys like Steve Forbes preached for a flat tax… being “simpler and more fair” and simple minded poor people were like “yeah! That makes sense!”


If you have a single person making 25k a year now, after exemptions they pay practically nothing… they have the entire $25k to spend as they want-and it’s barely enough to survive. On the other hand you have a rich guy making 400k a year and paying roughly $120k in taxes at the current effective rate. So we institute your “fair” flat tax of 15%.  

The first guy making $25k has to carve $3250 out of his already miserable budget- and the guy making $400k gets to hang onto an extra $60k to take a few more vacations. 

Sound fair to you?

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15 minutes ago, LumRaiderFan said:

As long as we have folks like you that are easily steered towards class envy, the big bad rich will be over taxed and the "poor" will pay no taxes.

Everyone should pay the same percentage, you want to fix loopholes, talk to Congress about changing the tax code.

I would take any loophole I could also to keep as much money from going to the government.

You just can't get Trump out of your head, lol.

You’re arguing for free steaks for the rich in hopes they leave some meat on the bones that you can dig out of their trash. 

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19 minutes ago, LumRaiderFan said:

As long as we have folks like you that are easily steered towards class envy, the big bad rich will be over taxed and the "poor" will pay no taxes.

Everyone should pay the same percentage, you want to fix loopholes, talk to Congress about changing the tax code.

I would take any loophole I could also to keep as much money from going to the government.

You just can't get Trump out of your head, lol.

That’s the point. You worship a draft/tax dodger like trump who brags about paying no taxes, then he instituted tax cuts for the wealthy (when they do actually pay taxes) and exploded our debt and caused this massive inflation… and you’re happy? Why did George Bush have to raise taxes in 1989? Because Reagan’s tax cuts were killing us. 

The fact they “conservatives” will argue against their own interests on behalf of rich people is the most sheeple thing I’ve ever seen.  

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6 minutes ago, CardinalBacker said:

We have that. The kid working at the grocery store for minimum wage pays the exact same rate (10%) that I do on the $11,000 dollars of taxable income that he makes.  As I continued to earn more money, it’s taxed at a higher rate. And that’s morally and ethically right. To whom much is given, much is required. 

Rich guys like Steve Forbes preached for a flat tax… being “simpler and more fair” and simple minded poor people were like “yeah! That makes sense!”


If you have a single person making 25k a year now, after exemptions they pay practically nothing… they have the entire $25k to spend as they want-and it’s barely enough to survive. On the other hand you have a rich guy making 400k a year and paying roughly $120k in taxes at the current effective rate. So we institute your “fair” flat tax of 15%.  

The first guy making $25k has to carve $3250 out of his already miserable budget- and the guy making $400k gets to hang onto an extra $60k to take a few more vacations. 

Sound fair to you?

Yes, it does, because it is fair.

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21 minutes ago, LumRaiderFan said:

As long as we have folks like you that are easily steered towards class envy, the big bad rich will be over taxed and the "poor" will pay no taxes.

Everyone should pay the same percentage, you want to fix loopholes, talk to Congress about changing the tax code.

I would take any loophole I could also to keep as much money from going to the government.

You just can't get Trump out of your head, lol.

If you ever get to the point where you realize that both parties’ economic policies are badly flawed, it’ll start to make a lot more sense. 

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2 minutes ago, CardinalBacker said:

That’s the point. You worship a draft/tax dodger like trump who brags about paying no taxes, then he instituted tax cuts for the wealthy (when they do actually pay taxes) and exploded our debt and caused this massive inflation… and you’re happy? Why did George Bush have to raise taxes in 1989? Because Reagan’s tax cuts were killing us. 

The fact they “conservatives” will argue against their own interests on behalf of rich people is the most sheeple thing I’ve ever seen.  

There you go with the worship again, indicating that you have lost the argument.

I'm sorry that Donald Trump has ruined your life.

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1 hour ago, LumRaiderFan said:

Have you sold everything you have and given it to the poor?

And do you think Jesus would expect the poor to tithe, or would he ask the rich to give 40% and give the poor a pass?

I think Jesus was plainly teaching that the poor woman’s two mites represented a more substantial sacrifice than a larger gift by a wealthy person. 

Why should our tax system cause a huge sacrifice for the poor, but a mere inconvenience for the most fortunate of us? 

I’m in favor of a progressive tax system, but never imagined a place where giving 40% of the top dollars earned would be considered “not paying their fair share.”


But bringing that rate down while raising rates on the poor is just wrong, period. 

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18 minutes ago, Big girl said:


Proverbs 19:17: "Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will repay him for his deed" 


The poor have already been blessed to live in this great country. They pay little to no taxes and can apply for earned income credit. Compare our”poor” to the poor in other countries. Don’t come at me with the homeless. That’s another story altogether.

Big Girl, the government said they are going to raise yours, and yours alone, income taxes. Will this make you even more comfortable economically……..waiting for the deflection.

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1 hour ago, Big girl said:


Proverbs 19:17: "Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will repay him for his deed" 


Since you are an RN who undoubtedly makes a very decent living wage (definitely not poor), and whose college debt was paid off for you by Joe Biden (actually by the American taxpayer, like me), don't you think you should give that money you owed for college to the poor? Unless, of course, you are just a hypocrite and you toss around bible verses to just to suit your argument.

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4 minutes ago, SmashMouth said:

Since you are an RN who undoubtedly makes a very decent living wage (definitely not poor), and whose college debt that was paid off for you by Joe Biden (actually by the American taxpayer, like me), don't you think you should give that money you owed for college to the poor? Unless, of course, you are just a hypocrite and you toss around bible verses to just to suit your argument.

Liberals are only benevolent with other folk's money.

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4 hours ago, CardinalBacker said:

Right… I just think the scale is tipped. You can’t have a system where most pay nothing and some pay most. 

A progressive tax system like ours is the right framework, but I think it’s wrong to have people paying 40%+ in some states on their top dollars when over half contribute nothing, or even worse get gifts from the treasury. 

John Kennedy said the progressive tax system we have is there to control the way people behave.  

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4 minutes ago, CardinalBacker said:

John Kennedy said a lot of things.  


I take it that you're in favor of paying higher taxes yourself so that rich people can pay less. 



No, what he was saying was that this tax system is not good for freedom loving people.  

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15 minutes ago, CardinalBacker said:

John Kennedy said a lot of things.  


I take it that you're in favor of paying higher taxes yourself so that rich people can pay less. 



If everyone paid their fair share, my taxes would be much lower.

Why do you hate rich folks so much, lol.

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1 hour ago, SmashMouth said:

Since you are an RN who undoubtedly makes a very decent living wage (definitely not poor), and whose college debt was paid off for you by Joe Biden (actually by the American taxpayer, like me), don't you think you should give that money you owed for college to the poor? Unless, of course, you are just a hypocrite and you toss around bible verses to just to suit your argument.

I don't mind helping the poor,  that is why I like a progressive tax system. In my line of work, I help the poor find resources that will help them ;such as, rental assistance, shelter, making sure they don't have to pay for medication, helping them obtain medical supplies and DME, and assisting their doctors in prescribing free private duty nursing if the child is really sick. I see how hard it is for them



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