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In ways it seems like a lifetime ago and in others like it was just yesterday.  I was working midnights at BPD.  I got home to our house in Mauriceville and was getting ready for bed.  I normally watched SportsCenter but every channel was covering what was going on in downtown New York City.  I woke the wife up and sat on the edge of the bed watching in disbelief, horror and anger all at once.  Our country was instantly brought together.  Church rolls skyrocketed as people turned toward God.  Sadly, people forget and memories fade.  People turn squarely away from God and depravity, separation and divisiveness take back over.  As real as “Remember the Alamo” was to our forefathers, “9/11 - Never Forget” is as real to me.  Prayers for our country, prayers to those families who paid the ultimate sacrifice that day and prayers for healing, unity and revival.  God bless America.   🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

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I still remember to this day where I was. Junior at Lamar….coach jolly let us leave early and did’t tell us why.  As I walked up to the setzer center (front) I could see thru the glass doors that alot of people were gathered around the small box tv that hung up on the wall…..in big letters the headline wrote America under attack…..showing the plane and then the collapse.  I immediately back tracked to the end of my senior year and the convos I had with my cousin (same age) about us joining the marine corp after high school. I ended up getting a call from Mike Deane about playing basketball. So for me I went to college and my cousin went to the marines without me.  But in that moment of seeing the TV I knew he would end up getting deployed(along with a few of my friends and classmates) and how I regretted choosing basketball over serving and defending our country and standing and fighting beside my cousin and friends.  I felt selfish and still somewhat do.  
a few months later I took a flight to NY to see first hand the destruction and amongst the destruction I saw unity I saw togetherness I saw comradery. 


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3 hours ago, Big girl said:

I was nursing my 5 week old baby. I was in shock. I couldn't wrap my head around what had occurred.

It still feels that way. My wife was 7 months pregnant with my son. I remember making an emergency plan to get my family to safety in the event the refineries started getting bombed in our area. Crazy feeling...

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35 minutes ago, SmashMouth said:

It still feels that way. My wife was 7 months pregnant with my son. I remember making an emergency plan to get my family to safety in the event the refineries started getting bombed in our area. Crazy feeling...

I am sure it was. I know someone who said that he was working in a houston building on the 30th floor. He was terrified because he thought that Houston would be hit next. I also know a lady who survived that was trapped under rubble. She just stopped having nightmares.

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