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2024 WOSgrad Pick 'Ems - Week 14 - Region Semifinal


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Week 14 - Region Semifinal
Locks Friday @ 1 pm

1. North Crowley vs Coppell

2. Katy vs North Shore

3. Fulshear vs Atascocita

4. DeSoto vs Willis

5. Katy Jordan vs Summer Creek

6. Kingwood vs Strake Jesuit

7. Vandegrift vs Cibolo Steele

8. College Station vs Angleton

9. La Porte vs A&M Consolidated

10. Lucas Lovejoy vs Anna

11. Texas High vs Port Neches Groves

12. SA Alamo Heights vs CC Miller

13. Sulphur Springs vs Alvarado

14. Celina vs Aubrey

15. Pleasant Grove vs Carthage

16. Silsbee vs Waco La Vega

17. Liberty-Eylau vs Winnsboro

18. Malakoff vs Jefferson

19. Canadian vs Idalou

20. Woodville vs DeKalb

21. Daingerfield vs Newton

22. Honey Grove vs Waskom

23. Shelbyville vs Joaquin

24. Ganado vs Refugio

25. Benjamin vs Jayton

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1. North Crowley 

2. North Shore

3. Fulshear

4. DeSoto

5. Summer Creek

6. Kingwood 

7. Cibolo Steele

8. College Station 

9. La Porte 

10. Anna

11. Texas High 

12. SA Alamo Heights 

13. Sulphur Springs 

14. Celina

15. Carthage

16. Waco La Vega

17. Winnsboro

18. Malakoff

19. Canadian 

20. Woodville 

21. Newton

22. Waskom

23. Shelbyville

24. Refugio

25. Jayton

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1.  North Crowley

2.  North Shore

3.  Atascocita

4.  Desoto

5.  Summer Creek

6.  Kingwood

7.  Cibilo Steele

8.  College Station

9.  A&M Consolidated

10.  Lovejoy

11.  Texas High

12.  Alamo Heights

13.  Alvarado

14.  Celina

15.  Carthage

16.  Waco LaVega

17.  Winnsboro

18.  Malakoff

19.  Canadian

20.  DeKalb

21.  Daingerfield

22.  Waskom

23.  Shelbyville

24.  Refugio

25.  Jayton

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1.  Coppell

2. North Shore

3. Atascocita

4. DeSoto 

5.  Summer Creek

6. Kingwood 

7. Cibolo Steele

8. College Station

9. La Porte 

10. Anna

11. Texas High 

12. SA Alamo Heights 

13. Sulphur Springs

14. Aubrey

15. Carthage

16. Waco La Vega

17.  Winnsboro

18. Malakoff 

19. Canadian 

20. Woodville

21.  Newton

22.  Waskom

23. Shelbyville 

24.  Refugio

25. Jayton

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1. North Crowley 

2.  North Shore

3. Atascocita

4. DeSoto

5.  Summer Creek

6. Kingwood 

7. Cibolo 

8. College Station

9. A&M Cons

10. Lovejoy 

11. Texas High 

12.  Miller

13. Alvarado

14. Celina 

15. Carthage

16. Waco La Vega

17.  Winnsboro

18. Malakoff

19. Canadian

20. Woodville 

21. Newton

22.  Waskom

23. Joaquin

24.  Refugio

25.  Jayton

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1. North Crowley 

2. North Shore

3. Atascocita

4. DeSoto 

5. Summer Creek

6. Kingwood

7. Cibolo Steele

8. Angleton

9. La Porte 

10. Lucas Lovejoy 

11. Texas High 

12. CC Miller

13. Alvarado

14. Celina

15. Carthage

16. Waco La Vega

17. Winnsboro

18. Malakoff 

19. Canadian 

20. DeKalb

21. Newton

22. Honey Grove 

23. Joaquin

24. Refugio

25. Jayton

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1. North Crowley

2. North Shore

3. Atascocita

4. DeSoto

5. Summer Creek

6. Kingwood

7. Steele

8. College Station

9.  A&M Consolidated

10.  Anna

11. Texas High

12. SA Alamo Heights

13. Alvarado

14. Celina

15. Carthage

16. Waco La Vega

17. Winnsboro

18. Malakoff

19. Canadian

20. Woodville

21. Newton

22. Honey Grove

23. Shelbyville

24. Ganado

25. Benjamin

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1. North Crowley

2. North Shore

3. Fulshear

4. DeSoto 

5.  Summer Creek

6. Strake Jesuit

7. Cibolo Steele

8. College Station 

9. La Porte 

10. Lucas Lovejoy 

11. Texas High 

12. SA Alamo Heights

13. Sulphur Springs 

14. Celina 

15. Carthage

16. Waco La Vega

17. Liberty-Eylau

18. Malakoff 

19. Canadian

20. DeKalb

21. Newton

22. Honey Grove

23. Shelbyville

24. Refugio

25. Jayton

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On 11/24/2024 at 12:00 PM, WOSdrummer99 said:

Week 14 - Region Semifinal
Locks Friday @ 1 pm

1. North Crowley 

2. North Shore

3. Atascocita

4. DeSoto 

5. Summer Creek

6. Kingwood 

7. Cibolo Steele

8. College Station 

9. A&M Consolidated

10. Anna

11. Texas High 

12. SA Alamo Heights 

13.  Alvarado

14. Celina 

15. Carthage

16. Waco La Vega

17. Liberty-Eylau 

18. Malakoff 

19. Idalou

20. DeKalb

21. Newton

22. Honey Grove 

23. Shelbyville 

24. Ganado

25. Jayton


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1. North Crowley

2. North Shore

3. Atascocita

4. DeSoto

5. Summer Creek

6. Strake Jesuit

7. Cibolo Steele

8. College Station

9. A&M Consolidated

10. Anna

11. Texas High

12. CC Miller

13. Alvarado

14. Celina

15. Carthage

16. Waco La Vega

17. Liberty-Eylau

18. Malakoff

19. Canadian

20. Woodville

21. Newton

22. Honey Grove

23. Joaquin

24. Ganado

25. Jayton

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On 11/24/2024 at 12:00 PM, WOSdrummer99 said:

Week 14 - Region Semifinal
Locks Friday @ 1 pm

1. North Crowley 

2. North Shore

3. Atascocita

4. DeSoto 

5. Summer Creek

6. Kingwood 

7. Cibolo Steele

8. College Station 

9. A&M Consolidated

10. Lucas Lovejoy 

11. Texas High 

12. SA Alamo Heights 

13. Alvarado

14. Celina 

15. Carthage

16. Waco La Vega

17. Liberty-Eylau 

18. Jefferson

19. Canadian 

20. DeKalb

21. Newton

22. Waskom

23. Joaquin

24. Refugio

25. Benjamin 


Edited by WOSdrummer99
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1. North Crowley

2. North Shore

3. Atascocita

4. DeSoto

5. Summer Creek

6. Kingwood

7. Cibolo Steele

8. College Station

9. La Porte

10. Lucas Lovejoy

11. Texas High

12. SA Alamo Heights

13. Alvarado

14. Celina

15. Carthage

16. Waco La Vega

17. Winnsboro

18. Malakoff

19. Canadian

20. DeKalb

21. Newton

22. Waskom

23. Shelbyville

24. Refugio

25. Benjamin

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On 11/24/2024 at 12:00 PM, WOSdrummer99 said:


1. North Crowley

2. North Shore

3. Atascocita

4. DeSoto

5. Summer Creek

6. Kingwood

7. Vandegrift

8. College Station

9. LaPorte 

10. Anna

11. Texas High

12. SA Alamo Heights

13. Alvarado

14. Celina

15. Carthage

16. Waco La Vega

17. Winnsboro

18. Malakoff

19. Idalou

20. Woodville

21. Newton

22. Honey Grove

23. Joaquin

24. Refugio

25. Jayton


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1. North Crowley vs Coppell

2. Katy vs North Shore

3. Fulshear vs Atascocita

4. DeSoto vs Willis

5. Katy Jordan vs Summer Creek

6. Kingwood vs Strake Jesuit

7. Vandegrift vs Cibolo Steele

8. College Station vs Angleton

9. La Porte vs A&M Consolidated

10. Lucas Lovejoy vs Anna

11. Texas High vs Port Neches Groves

12. SA Alamo Heights vs CC Miller

13. Sulphur Springs vs Alvarado

14. Celina vs Aubrey

15. Pleasant Grove vs Carthage

16. Silsbee vs Waco La Vega

17. Liberty-Eylau vs Winnsboro

18. Malakoff vs Jefferson

19. Canadian vs Idalou

20. Woodville vs DeKalb

21. Daingerfield vs Newton

22. Honey Grove vs Waskom

23. Shelbyville vs Joaquin

24. Ganado vs Refugio

25. Benjamin vs Jayton

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1. North Crowley 

2. North Shore

3. Atascocita

4. DeSoto 

5. Summer Creek

6. Kingwood 

7. Cibolo Steele

8. College Station 

9. La Porte 

10. Lucas Lovejoy 

11. Texas High 

12. SA Alamo Heights 

13. Sulphur Springs 

14. Celina 

15. Carthage

16. Waco La Vega

17. Liberty-Eylau 

18. Malakoff 

19. Canadian 

20. Woodville 

21. Newton

22. Honey Grove

23. Shelbyville 

24. Ganado Refugio

25. Benjamin 

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1.) North Crowley

2.) North Shore

3.) Atascocita

4.) Desoto

5.) Summer Creek

6.) Kingwood

7.) Cibilo Steele

8.) College Station

9.) A&M Consolidated

10.) Lovejoy

11.) Texas High

12.) Alamo Heights

13.) Alvarado

14.) Celina

15.) Carthage

16.) Waco LaVega

17.) Winnsboro

18.) Malakoff

19.) Canadian

20.) DeKalb

21.) Daingerfield

22.) Waskom

23.) Shelbyville

24.) Refugio

25.) Jayton

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1. North Crowley vs Coppell

2. Katy vs North Shore

3. Fulshear vs Atascocita

4. DeSoto vs Willis

5. Katy Jordan vs Summer Creek

6. Kingwood vs Strake Jesuit

7. Vandegrift vs Cibolo Steele

8. College Station vs Angleton

9. La Porte vs A&M Consolidated

10. Lucas Lovejoy vs Anna

11. Texas High vs Port Neches Groves

12. SA Alamo Heights vs CC Miller

13. Sulphur Springs vs Alvarado

14. Celina vs Aubrey

15. Pleasant Grove vs Carthage

16. Silsbee vs Waco La Vega

17. Liberty-Eylau vs Winnsboro

18. Malakoff vs Jefferson

19. Canadian vs Idalou

20. Woodville vs DeKalb

21. Daingerfield vs Newton

22. Honey Grove vs Waskom

23. Shelbyville vs Joaquin

24. Ganado vs Refugio

25. Benjamin vs Jayton

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1. North Crowley

2. North Shore 

3. Atascocita 

4. Desoto

5. Summer Creek 

6. Kingwood 

7. Cibolo Steele 

8. College Station 

9. A&M Consolidated 

10. Lovejoy

11. Texas High

12. Alamo Heights 

13. Alvarado 

14. Celina

15. Carthage 

16. Waco La Vega

17. Winnsboro

18. Malakoff

19. Canadian 

20. Woodville 

21. Newton 

22. Honey Grove 

23. Shelbyville 

24. Refugio

25. Jayton

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On 11/24/2024 at 12:00 PM, WOSdrummer99 said:

Week 14 - Region Semifinal
Locks Friday @ 1 pm

1. North Crowley vs Coppell

2. Katy vs North Shore

3. Fulshear vs Atascocita

4. DeSoto vs Willis

5. Katy Jordan vs Summer Creek

6. Kingwood vs Strake Jesuit

7. Vandegrift vs Cibolo Steele

8. College Station vs Angleton

9. La Porte vs A&M Consolidated

10. Lucas Lovejoy vs Anna

11. Texas High vs Port Neches Groves

12. SA Alamo Heights vs CC Miller

13. Sulphur Springs vs Alvarado

14. Celina vs Aubrey

15. Pleasant Grove vs Carthage

16. Silsbee vs Waco La Vega

17. Liberty-Eylau vs Winnsboro

18. Malakoff vs Jefferson

19. Canadian vs Idalou

20. Woodville vs DeKalb

21. Daingerfield vs Newton

22. Honey Grove vs Waskom

23. Shelbyville vs Joaquin

24. Ganado vs Refugio

25. Benjamin vs Jayton


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1. North Crowley vs Coppell

2. Katy vs North Shore

3. Fulshear vs Atascocita

4. DeSoto vs Willis

5. Katy Jordan vs Summer Creek

6. Kingwood vs Strake Jesuit

7. Vandegrift vs Cibolo Steele

8. College Station vs Angleton

9. La Porte vs A&M Consolidated

10. Lucas Lovejoy vs Anna

11. Texas High vs Port Neches Groves

12. SA Alamo Heights vs CC Miller

13. Sulphur Springs vs Alvarado

14. Celina vs Aubrey

15. Pleasant Grove vs Carthage

16. Silsbee vs Waco La Vega

17. Liberty-Eylau vs Winnsboro

18. Malakoff vs Jefferson

19. Canadian vs Idalou

20. Woodville vs DeKalb

21. Daingerfield vs Newton

22. Honey Grove vs Waskom

23. Shelbyville vs Joaquin

24. Ganado vs Refugio

25. Benjamin vs Jayton

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1. North Crowley

2. North Shore

3. Atascocita

4. DeSoto 

5. Summer Creek

6. Kingwood 

7. Cibolo Steele

8. College Station 

9. A&M Consolidated

10. Anna

11. Texas High 

12. SA Alamo Heights 

13. Alvarado

14. Celina 

15. Carthage

16. Waco La Vega

17. Winnsboro

18. Malakoff 

19. Canadian 

20. Woodville 

21. Newton

22. Was Kim

23. Shelbyville 

24. Refugio

25. Jayton

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Week 14 - Region Semifinal

1. North Crowley
2. North Shore
3. Atascocita
4. DeSoto
5. Summer Creek
6. Kingwood
7. Cibolo Steele
8. College Station
9. A&M Consolidated
10. Lucas Lovejoy
11. Texas High
12. SA Alamo Heights
13. Alvarado
14. Celina
15. Carthage
16. Waco La Vega
17. Winnsboro
18. Malakoff
19. Canadian
20. Woodville
21. Newton
22. Honey Grove
23. Shelbyville
24. Ganado
25. Jayton

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