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I heard that they narrowed it down to two...but they really wernt sure who they wanted to go with so they made Douglas and Taylor play paper rock siccors....turns out that Douglas forgot how to play and Tayor thought rock beat paper....so they decided it was a draw and nobody won.......THE END.

PantherPlaya09, sounds like you must be a hometown guy that didn't even make it into the cut at all. Evidently you do not know either one of these men, because they both have more class than you and your rude comment! As well, you need to learn how to use spell check!

well...would you like to know the truth CEO?

   I think, with all your time with your nose in the dictionary, you should look up the word sarcasim, or maybe joke.

Im a 17 year old trying to make light of the situation. I really dont have anything to say about Taylor or Douglas because........

1. I dont know them.

2. I like the coach we have.

3. Gossiping about it will have zero effect on the outcome.

p.s. we should have a system on setx. A system that doesnt let people with 6 posts try to shut me down.

Nice try but no cigar CEO.


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I heard that they narrowed it down to two...but they really wernt sure who they wanted to go with so they made Douglas and Taylor play paper rock siccors....turns out that Douglas forgot how to play and Tayor thought rock beat paper....so they decided it was a draw and nobody won.......THE END.

PantherPlaya09, sounds like you must be a hometown guy that didn't even make it into the cut at all. Evidently you do not know either one of these men, because they both have more class than you and your rude comment! As well, you need to learn how to use spell check!

well...would you like to know the truth CEO?

   I think, with all your time with your nose in the dictionary, you should look up the word sarcasim, or maybe joke.

Im a 17 year old trying to make light of the situation. I really dont have anything to say about Taylor or Douglas because........

1. I dont know them.

2. I like the coach we have.

3. Gossiping about it will have zero effect on the outcome.

p.s. we should have a system on setx. A system that doesnt let people with 6 posts try to shut me down.

Nice try but no cigar CEO.


I am sorry that your favorite coach is leaving, but that wasn't his choice nor is it any of the coaches that are applying for the job... The Board did not see fit to renew Stewart's contract. No matter who takes over as the AD I hope that you can at least show him the respect do him, especially if you plan to participate in the athletic program next year. If not, you might have a really long year on the bench. (oh and that was not meant to shut you down since this is only my 7Th post)

I heard that Liberty had offered it to a coach from Lexington, but he turned them down.  Is there any truth to this?  If so, I would expect more than just Nations to start pulling there name out. 

You would be correct about the coach from lexington...


Hey - Football - I also live in Liberty and do not know DD personally but wish the school to get the best coach/AD possible and that normally means Experience.  DD was certified in 06/2006 per the website you listed = not a whole lot of certified time on the job.  I am hoping that Liberty can get a little more history with the AD position than 1 - 5 years.


As a Liberty grad and supporter, I also want to see them hire the best person.

Stewart's contract wasn't renewed because he was a bad football coach.  It wasn't renewed because he was a horrible AD and because he wasn't taking orders from his superiors.

I know both Chad Taylor and Donald Douglas personally.  I don't know much at all about Chad's coaching career/background, but I can tell you than DD is more than qualified for this job and is certified.  Thanks to the poster above for pointing out that that info is available online.

Having spent some time around college football, I can say that a quarterback coach/passing coordinator is essentially the same as OC.  They know just as much about the offense.  The fact that DD doesn't have "coordinator experience" seems a little irrelevant to me.  He also has sent at least 5 high school QBs on to play D1 college football.


Panther Grad.......

A passing game Coordinator is a glorified title.  The offensive coordinator is the OC.  When did you play for the Panthers?  I bet if you played for Stewart you wouldn't say he was a bad football coach.  Or do you say this because you couldn't make it through one of his practices???


I just got off the phone with Coach Taylor at Jacksonville and you guys want have to worry about him getting the job.  He said that he received a call from the Supt. early this morning and was told that he didn't get a second interview.  He wasn't upset at all.  Don't get me wrong, he would have like to been the next head coach, but he wasn't excited about how there whole hiring process went.  He did say before he hung up, once a panther always a panther, regardless to who is on the school board.


If I might add, he also said that if he wasn't going to get it, then Douglas should.  He did say that he felt very qualified and from talking with a school board member before christmas that he had a very good chance at getting that job.  But as long as there were 2 hometown boys fighting for the same position, somebody was going to be left out.  He just happened to be the one left out.  He finished by saying he was just glad his mother doesn't have to sit around and here how bad of a coach he is, which probably have happened being from Liberty.  He said that jokingly! You talk about a classy individual.


Well I personally am not surprised by Liberty I.S.D. Once again it shows... it isn't WHAT you know, it is WHO you Brown Nose! This town will never change!

Chad Taylor, I know you will do a GREAT job no matter where you go!


I really don’t have a dog in this fight other than the fact that I actively support all Liberty athletics.  And I will state again that I personally do not know Mr. Douglass – but I have heard many good things about him.  I was hoping the district would get a person that had previous AD or at least a 10+ year OC or DC history on their resume.  I know it is not required but is a definite asset.

If Mr. Douglas gets the job I hope that he has thick skin  - if the football team does not immediately become very competitive he will be guarding his back like coach Stewart did for his last 3 – 4 years – regardless of what anyone says now and regardless of how good the other programs do (i.e. BB, Baseball, Girls, Track, etc…). 

Panther Grad – I partially agree with you, as I believe from everything I have heard it was not his coaching but his administration that was under fire.  But the fact of the matter is that the parents that came after coach Stewart are the parents of young adults that did not get the chance to either “Start on the football team†or “Start where the kids or the parents thought they should playâ€.  The main criticism that I personally have is the seemingly lack of support for the other athletics other than football.  My son was a 4-sport letterman at Liberty and played varsity BB for 4 years – so I kinda understand some of the criticism of the programs other than football.

But that being said – I was not in favor of letting coach Stewart go.  ::)

Good Luck and best wishes to whomever the School chooses to lead the program.

I think I would have gone with Chad myself.  8)

Go Panthers  :)


Does anyone in Liberty know what is going on????  I just checked the school website and they have had 7 school board meetings just this month!  The one last night was to discuss the procedure for hiring an athletic director.  Does this mean thier starting over?  I know that 3 of the meetings were called to interview applicants.


I live in Liberty and personally know most of the School Board members – and they are all good people.  But in this case they are setting the new AD up to have problems right out of the gate as he will effectively have no chance to teach their coaching philosophy to his players until 2-A-Days and perhaps some “un-official†summer workouts.

I have intentionally not asked the members who they are taking to and where this situation stands as I felt that if they wanted the public to know they would have informed us.

And this is pure speculation – but I have heard (no verification) that 2 of the coaches have turned the job down – and that may be the reason for all the meetings.  I also wonder if once the perspective coach does an on hand inspection of the facilities at Liberty that they begin to have second thoughts.  I have always stated that I felt that the overall facilities at Liberty are some of the worst in the area.  :'(


I live in Liberty and personally know most of the School Board members – and they are all good people.  But in this case they are setting the new AD up to have problems right out of the gate as he will effectively have no chance to teach their coaching philosophy to his players until 2-A-Days and perhaps some “un-official†summer workouts.

I have intentionally not asked the members who they are taking to and where this situation stands as I felt that if they wanted the public to know they would have informed us.

And this is pure speculation – but I have heard (no verification) that 2 of the coaches have turned the job down – and that may be the reason for all the meetings.  I also wonder if once the perspective coach does an on hand inspection of the facilities at Liberty that they begin to have second thoughts.  I have always stated that I felt that the overall facilities at Liberty are some of the worst in the area.  :'(


I too live in Liberty, and personally know alot of the school board members.  I think its funny that you say you have intentionally not asked them about the AD hiring.  I have done the exact same thing, although it has killed me to do so.  The people i know on the school board are really good folks, just trying not to make a mistake.  They just want to be thorough.

Good luck to Liberty High School, and good luck to the board members, you're probably going to need it.


I want to start by saying that nobody on this forum is or has ever been a coach/schoolboard member/athletic director/Jesus Christ........

I want to add by asking MR. CEO to please prove where i said that......and I quote........" liberty is hurting themselves by getting rid of stewart"......good luck finding that...


I love how every year people get on this site and talk so much crap about Liberty,Texas.......(I dont know why..we have a super walmart for heavens sake...)

  But when we decide to get a new coach....everybody and their mother has to talk about it..

I think that there are alot of good coaches out there that are qualified for the job. I believe that Stewart is a great FOOTBALL COACH.

I also believe that the boys that he coaches now are not the boys of the past. By this I mean that the kids arnt as tough as they used to be and most lack the guts that are needed to push through the workouts.....

Liberty needs an AD. This is true. I think that Liberty has a couple kids each year that could go to the next level with a little help...

But Stewart should be coach. ..if he wants it.

But this is all besides the point.


Oh, and p.s.....I believe I shall start a Stewart fan club....we will meet at 7 on Tuesdays at Whataburger....anyone who wants to come is welcome.....now if you all will excuse me..im off to make flyers...

untill tomarrow...



Has anybody heard anything about anything?  Somebody has got to know somebody that knows somebody.  Filling this position has taken longer than any other job I have ever seen.  The job came open before christimas and March is right around the corner.  I know that the board wants to get this right, but this is rediculous.  They have had 4 weeks to review, interview and hire and we still do not have a new coach.  What is the word around town?


I met one of the candidates that is no longer in the race and he gave his reasons for not accepting the job, and they are very valid.  Just know that whoever we get as the new coach is about the 5th choice no matter what the school board tries to sell.  He said he did not take the job because there will be no support from the administration as long as this superintendent and board make up is the way that it is right now.  She crippled Hemptstead athletics and she is starting it here in Liberty.  He told me that he wanted to come to Liberty and felt like he could win there but not at the expense of his career dealing with the admin currently in place. 


I think most everyone in the Liberty is just getting impatient with the whole process. I was impressed with the quanity and quality of the coaches who applied for this position in the begining. But like most people here I too am concerned about the top applicants turning down the job for which they applied for.  Hopefully the board is doing the all the right things to hire the best coach for our program. Only time will tell. This will be a pretty tough and competitive district and the sooner we get a coach in place the better.


If PantherAlum is right - and I have reason to doubt him (I have heard the same thing - just not the number of 5) - then all the people that posted that Liberty was a "Dream Job" may have been unrealistic in their expectations.  Just kinda sad as the athletes are the ones that need to know who is going to be their leader for the next few years.

I agree with Wes57 - we need to know who the AD is as soon as possible and then Liberty needs to get behind whoever that is and build a winning program for all sports.

I personally have had issues with the super that have nothing to do with Athletics and have not been very impressed - for what that is worth.


I agree with oldtimer and Wes57 that we do need him in as soon as possible. The boys need to know the new coach really soon and get behind him which in my mind the will. The kids hear are good and work hard. But the support of everyone else in the community isn't going to be really good in my opinion other than the athlets parents.


This is from the radiogram KSHN

Volume 23 NO. 39 THURSDAY FEBRUARY 28TH, 2008


LISD Coach Interviews: Four apparent finalists to be the next Liberty High School Athletic Director and Head Football Coach will be interviewed next week.  Superintendent Mona Chadwick said the interviews will be Tuesday and Wednesday in closed-door session. Once this round of interviews is over, trustees hope to enter into negotiations with their leading candidate for the job.

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