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Loud and obnoxious as usual!!!!!!! Maybe louder tonight than I have ever heard them.  I heard some OF fans behind me at the end saying they were ready to go home because they were tired of the Hecklers!!!!!!!!!  Job well done Hecklers......

we take great pride in our work.


It was a great game in the first half, OF got out of rythym in the 2nd half.  They 2 had foul problems of their own with Granger getting into early foul trouble.  As for the fans, I really can't understand why the administration of HJ allow HJ fans on the visitors side as this creates a real security issue for both sides.  It is one thing to have the hecklers which I agree do a very good job but they are also on the home side.  When you walk into the gym there is a home and visitor side clearly marked just like at most schools but apparently after many years past graduation people forget how to read and you wind up with HJ fans sitting in the middle of the visitor side and they get upset that the visitors do not agree that HJ is the most dominating school in the world.  I agree that they are probably one of the top 2 in the district. With that being said, If you do not want to hear what the VISITOR side has to say then kindly take your butt to your side of gym where everyone believes that you are the best.  Sorry if you take exception to the fact that we are there to win a game as well and will probably think that it is funny when someone showboating for the other team misses a dunk.  Remember, that is why they put signs up to show you what side to sit on.  Maybe next time they should use crayons or give you a big Tshirt with Hawks on it so that you can relive the glory days as a heckler.  The bottom line is that the either security or the school failed miserably in ensuring that both sides could enjoy what was a good game.  As for the rest of the fans at HJ, you showed why it is such a tough place to play and you are to be congratulated on a solid performance tonight.

Well, oldtimer, we might not all be able to read home and visitor, but we can all read the scoreboard. As it turns out, OF was actually not there to win a game, they were there to lose.  

I don't know what you mean about all of the HJ fans.  I saw the 10-year-old Hawk Heckler in-training section (truly a roudy group), but if you were hurt by their opinions -- I deeply and sincerely apologize.

Lastly, Trey Burrell was definately not showboating.  When you can get your whole arm above the rim, a dunk is just higher percentage.  Granted, tonight he intentionally missed to set up Jarvis for a three point facial.  Just wait until the Hawks come to OF with a complete team.  When you see Trey dunk with his knees then you will understand showboating.  

P.S. You forgot your pacifier in our gym. I will be sure to return it to the OF Athletic Facilities in the second blowout.


Well, oldtimer, we might not all be able to read home and visitor, but we can all read the scoreboard. As it turns out, OF was actually not there to win a game, they were there to lose.  

I don't know what you mean about all of the HJ fans.  I saw the 10-year-old Hawk Heckler in-training section (truly a roudy group), but if you were hurt by their opinions -- I deeply and sincerely apologize.

Lastly, Trey Burrell was definately not showboating.  When you can get your whole arm above the rim, a dunk is just higher percentage.  Granted, tonight he intentionally missed to set up Jarvis for a three point facial.  Just wait until the Hawks come to OF with a complete team.  When you see Trey dunk with his knees then you will understand showboating.  

P.S. You forgot your pacifier in our gym. I will be sure to return it to the OF Athletic Facilities in the second blowout.

haha well done HNIC..

HJ has enough support at their games to justify using both sides of the gym.  i wasn't able to attend tonight.  Did OF have enough fans to fill the entire visitor side?  I assume that when the hawks play at OF, the OF fans will feel inclined to sit wherever they'd like as well. as for the game itself, OF proved they were capable of competing with HJ, for awhile at least.  i have noticed that HJ tends to have close games turn into blowout wins when their press wears down their opponents during the second half, so i don't know how well i can really judge a team by their first half performance against the hawks.  Congrats to the hawks on another district win, and good luck to OF during the rest of your district play.  ya'll were always one of the teams i respected when i was a hawk. 


Well, since you can read the scoreboad and are so proud, did you read it when you lost to Hudson, how bout 2a East Chambers, St Thomas?  Seems the only thing then needing a pacifier were the people crying about the officiating.  You won tonight, no question, hecklers were good, always good to know that they have a future at A&M as a yell leader when athletics do not work out.  We will leave a skirt and megaphone for you at that big Dairy Queen in Sour Lake.  Enjoy the blizzard its on the house!

Thank you, i did enjoy my oreo blizzard and i'm sorry that i don't hail from the cultural oasis that is Orangefield. 

Yea, we read the scoreboards those nights too, but the score was in our favor about 25 other times...  Or how about 31 times in a row before we lost to hudson. 

Officiating?  I could care less about refs, but you should praise God that they are around. If the refs werent there tonight the hawks would have won by 100 and I imagine Josh Payne would do some serious damage.

If you would like to talk schedule, we beat ec (a very good team) 2 times, then lost to them at home.  OF lost to DEWEYVILLE.  Also, I see a 12 point loss to LCM... HJ beat them.  Enjoy losing to Silsbee.  Who we also beat...

And as for A&M... Half the Hecklers already have professional heckling offers. College is for amateurs. 


There were still plenty of seats on the vistors side, the polite HJ fans that I sat next to sat there becasue they said it was too obnoxious on the other side.  It only takes 1 bad apple to ruin it for the rest.  As for the games that I have seen with HJ, they actually had a lead in 2 of the 3 games and could not hold the lead.  I do respect the HJ team, it is some of the fans that have really given you a bad reputation, think back to LCM game.  I realize we will never agree on this as we both support our teams strongly just as we should.  My point is that mixing fans in the stands is not a good idea, we don't do it at football, why do it in basketball, you are just asking for trouble.  It is nothing personal against the fans, just not a good idea.

Ok joke is over. Im confused on your reference. Are you talking about when we went to lcm and cheered the way we always do? As soon as we walked in we were interogated and slapped with 100's of rules, which we gladly complied with. Then some punks looking for a fight wait on us outside the gym and jump us like we did something wrong. Is protecting youself wrong? Or are you supposed to just stand there and die?

Have you ever seen one of your closest friends on his back under 4 people wanting to kill him? If you had and you just stood there i would call you a coward. i dont know how things are in OF but at HJ we take up for our friends. so if you want to consider us trouble makers and rotten fans (hecklers) then go ahead.  But there's always another side of the story that should be considered.


I for one am a fan that sits on the opposite side of the gym so we can see the whole game, the coach's doing their thing, etc. We have sat there all year and all last year. Guess what!! We never have had a problem with anyone. If you want to know what the problem is; it's you. The Orangefield fans started crying when they got out of their cars. They cried in the bathroom, at the concession stand and I'm sure all the way home. I heard it for 3 games. Not just the varsity. It just so happened they when foul language from the OF fans became so profound some people took offense to it. My 14 year old daughter complained about how the OF kids acted 30 feet from us. So I guess this is something you guys are theaching them as well. The Hecklers are HIgh School kids having fun and supporting their team. I thought OF had hecklers too, but they weren't high school kids, they were grown adults. To be honest, I am embarrased for your team that this is the way you choose to support them. Oh, by the way, when we lost at EC we sat next to EC fans and had a good time with them. But those are classy, well educated people that undersand the game. Good Luck OF Basketball Team. Grow Up OF Parents. Set a good example for your kids. Remember you are at a school function.


Ok, the whole point is each team has their own side. If you fill up your might need to pass a bond to get a bigger gym.

Also if you want to talk about language used your girls coach said some real nice words when your point guard got her fourth foul from shoving one of our girls down for no actual reason. Anyway, at Orangefield if sit on the wrong side you are asked to move by our administrators.  

HJ is an awesome basketball team, they were picked to win this game, and they did. Congrats.


Well you forget that HJ has class, and we dont expect audults who are cheering for there team to start cussing in front of our moms and disrespecting our fans. There has never been a problem with a few of our fans sitting on the other side. They've never tried to start anything with anyone but when someone is being disrespectfull they are going to stand up and say something. Im sure your fans were embarrassed too. I know i would be if one of our fans were making a fool out of themselves.


Alright guys, the orangefield fans are mad because HJ fans sat on the visitor's side, and the HJ fans who sat on the visitor's side are mad about how the OF fans acted.  Both sides may have a legit gripe (i wasn't there), but i don't like how anyone is handling it.  get back on the subject of the game, or i'll have to either delete the thread or start sending out warnings, which i really don't want to do.  when this little debate started, it had a small bit of merit, but now it's being taken to far.  if you want to debate it farther, start a new thread so we can delete it and move on with our lives. 


School function??? Graduate first, GED does not count.  Coach S must be inspired knowing that you are watching his moves.  Do you tell them down at the rec league about these big plans?  Keep it up and you might be a player coach down there.  If you do not like what is being said on the VISITOR side then go to the side with the blue.  Otherwise the only one crying here is you!  By the way it was not so long ago when you did not even show up at the old football field.  Our fans support all teams regardless, keep up the great work shackhouse!  By the way, was that you that made the gesture towards the OF crowd with your butt?  Pretty classy move there.  Before you start talking about class get some yourself!!!  That does not mean driving class either.

Old Timer-No, that was not me, sorry. Anyway, I guess you are still crying and still not showing much class!!!! At least you are using complete sentences today and not any 4 letter words. Maybe if you had more than a GED you could correct your communication problems. Just for future reference--The hecklers feed off stupidity and they left the gym fulllllllllllllllllllll last nite.


Man am I glad that I have been away all morning.....I have really given this thing time to come to together.  I also sat at center court as I have for the last two seasons.  I will continue to do so unless I am told by a HJ official than I can no longer do it.  I may even come sit right in the middle of the OF section in OF if I fell the need to do so in a few weeks.  I also agree that after two years I have never seen or heard of anyone complaining as much as the OF fans.  You played a great game in the first half against a team that was obviously not 100% and had our best player on the bench with 3 minutes to go in the first quarter and until the 3rd quarter started.  You guys hung in there, be proud!!!!!

As far as the class of HJ people goes.....maybe you should address the OLD MAN that stood directly in front of Coach Sutherland's son who was videoing the game.  He came in stood directly in front of him twice and finally had to ask HJ official to get him to move.  Yes unfortuntaly a KID did the same to the OF video guy after the OLD MAN did it.  The difference is that one was a KID and one was a OLD MAN!!!!!!!  I also was not the one that showed my butt to the OF fans.  However I was the one that turned around and asked you to not use the language that several OF fans were using around my 6 year old son.  If there is a problem with that then we can discuss it at OF in a few weeks.

My favorite quote of the night was from a OF fan and he said "Tyler, do not allow them to dunk....take them out!!!!!"  That also shows tremendous class on the OF fans.

As far as the bond issue is concerned.......we did pass one last year and 3 new schools and a new gym will begin construction this week!!!!!!


The hecklers are exactly what school spirit should be about.  They get on everyones case, it is like watching Lazeek at a Lamar game, always entertaining !!

Who are you Old TImer????  How do you know me???????  Everyone knows who I am and if not then all they have to do is click on my name and look at my email address.  I do not hide behind a screen name.  If you are going to call me out then tell us who you are!!!!!

Why the reference of the LU games???


Old Timer-No, that was not me, sorry. Anyway, I guess you are still crying and still not showing much class!!!! At least you are using complete sentences today and not any 4 letter words. Maybe if you had more than a GED you could correct your communication problems. Just for future reference--The hecklers feed off stupidity and they left the gym fulllllllllllllllllllll last nite.

HAHA. BINGO! OF fans make our job SO easy.


Ok. i've been reading this whole thread and i've got several thoughts on what has been said to this point.

First off, about the fans sitting on the visitors side and vice versa...It happens at a lot of gyms.  It happens everywhere and really you cant do anything about it at times because you dont know where everyone is from. It happens at Orangefield all the time, the home side is always full and theres hardly anyone on the visitors side and you can always see people from the visitors sitting on the home section.  If the visitors are ok with hearing comments during the game from the opposing teams fans then thats their choice, you cant really do much about it.  If you are from the home side though, dont go sit on the visitors side and complain about the visiting teams fans comments if you dont like what you hear from the opposing teams fans.  Thats why they separate the fans.

Secondly, dont characterize a school or town by the actions and comments of a few people.  I am from Orangefield and am proud to say it.  It is a great school with a lot of good people.  They have a great community and are passionate about their school and their kids.  HJ is the same way, i love how they support their basketball team, i wish Orangefield did on that same level.  But every game you hear fans yell stupid things in the heat of the moment and just stupid fans in general, every school has them.  I dont think its fair to label a school or town as not "classy" based what you heard at a game.  Dont let the comments or actions of a few people influence your opinion on that town or school. 

Thirdly about the game.... I was glad to see Orangefield play Hardin Jefferson to a fairly respectable game, especially in the first half.  HJ made a few big runs in the 2nd half and that was difference in the game.  HJ was as good as advertised.  They are very good and i know they will represent our district well in the playoffs again.  I hear a lot of fans talking about HJ was without a few players, well Orangefield played without their best player Jeremy Granger for pretty much most of the game due to foul trouble.  Everyone got to see our sophomore talent Zach Hayes put up 16 pts in a pretty good game for the most part (without the support of his teammate Jeremy Granger most of the game).  HJ has a tremendous homecourt advantage in HJ, so i expect this game to be at least a little closer at Orangefield.  Good luck to HJ the rest of the way.


I agree, enough said, there are 3 slots and at the end of the day we are in the same district and as long as one of us are left at the end of the year then it is all good.  I misspoke Lazeek, I thought that you were the gentleman from HJ that I have seats around at the Lamar games and I have enjoyed his enthusiasm for many games at Lamar.  It is amazing that when we are supporting the same team we see it as a passion but when we are on the opposite side of things we are still very passionate about our teams but ALL of us resort to bad things.  My only point in the beginning was the volatile situation that could simply be avoided. I agree that this thread got out of hand, I tried several times to tone it down but got more right back at me so of course rather than walk away it is easier just to fire back.  This rivalry has many years left in every sport, I am actually more of a football guy anyway and just happened to be at the game last night. With all of this being said, I am sure that most everyone would like to get back to discussions on what truly matters which is next week.  Good luck with the rest of the season.


Well, oldtimer, we might not all be able to read home and visitor, but we can all read the scoreboard. As it turns out, OF was actually not there to win a game, they were there to lose.  

I don't know what you mean about all of the HJ fans.  I saw the 10-year-old Hawk Heckler in-training section (truly a roudy group), but if you were hurt by their opinions -- I deeply and sincerely apologize.

Lastly, Trey Burrell was definately not showboating.  When you can get your whole arm above the rim, a dunk is just higher percentage.  Granted, tonight he intentionally missed to set up Jarvis for a three point facial.  Just wait until the Hawks come to OF with a complete team.  When you see Trey dunk with his knees then you will understand showboating.  

P.S. You forgot your pacifier in our gym. I will be sure to return it to the OF Athletic Facilities in the second blowout.

Hehe, that made me laugh. :)

And I agree.. you would be able to tell if Trey was "showboating"... you haven't seen ANYTHING yet, OF!


Man am I glad that I have been away all morning.....I have really given this thing time to come to together.  I also sat at center court as I have for the last two seasons.  I will continue to do so unless I am told by a HJ official than I can no longer do it.  I may even come sit right in the middle of the OF section in OF if I fell the need to do so in a few weeks.  I also agree that after two years I have never seen or heard of anyone complaining as much as the OF fans.  You played a great game in the first half against a team that was obviously not 100% and had our best player on the bench with 3 minutes to go in the first quarter and until the 3rd quarter started.  You guys hung in there, be proud!!!!!

As far as the class of HJ people goes.....maybe you should address the OLD MAN that stood directly in front of Coach Sutherland's son who was videoing the game.  He came in stood directly in front of him twice and finally had to ask HJ official to get him to move.  Yes unfortuntaly a KID did the same to the OF video guy after the OLD MAN did it.  The difference is that one was a KID and one was a OLD MAN!!!!!!!  I also was not the one that showed my butt to the OF fans.  However I was the one that turned around and asked you to not use the language that several OF fans were using around my 6 year old son.  If there is a problem with that then we can discuss it at OF in a few weeks.

My favorite quote of the night was from a OF fan and he said "Tyler, do not allow them to dunk....take them out!!!!!"  That also shows tremendous class on the OF fans.

As far as the bond issue is concerned.......we did pass one last year and 3 new schools and a new gym will begin construction this week!!!!!!

I was sitting on the HJ side and I saw that OLD MAN go and stand infront of Coach's son. HOW RUDE!! I also, from the home side, heard profanities being used, from the OF side!! It's ashame that you can't even attend a high school sporting event without being disgusted by the fans...


I agree, enough said, there are 3 slots and at the end of the day we are in the same district and as long as one of us are left at the end of the year then it is all good.  I misspoke Lazeek, I thought that you were the gentleman from HJ that I have seats around at the Lamar games and I have enjoyed his enthusiasm for many games at Lamar.  It is amazing that when we are supporting the same team we see it as a passion but when we are on the opposite side of things we are still very passionate about our teams but ALL of us resort to bad things.  My only point in the beginning was the volatile situation that could simply be avoided. I agree that this thread got out of hand, I tried several times to tone it down but got more right back at me so of course rather than walk away it is easier just to fire back.  This rivalry has many years left in every sport, I am actually more of a football guy anyway and just happened to be at the game last night. With all of this being said, I am sure that most everyone would like to get back to discussions on what truly matters which is next week.  Good luck with the rest of the season.

this is not a rivalry more like forfeit for OF cause HJ destroyed yall every year in almost every sport and dont try to justify yourself right now. Because ive seen what you have posted and your doing nothing but crying and it disgusts me.


Ok, the whole point is each team has their own side. If you fill up your might need to pass a bond to get a bigger gym.

Also if you want to talk about language used your girls coach said some real nice words when your point guard got her fourth foul from shoving one of our girls down for no actual reason. Anyway, at Orangefield if sit on the wrong side you are asked to move by our administrators. 

HJ is an awesome basketball team, they were picked to win this game, and they did. Congrats.

this is a guys basketball forum not a girls basketball forum

Guest bleed orange

this is not a rivalry more like forfeit for OF cause HJ destroyed yall every year in almost every sport and dont try to justify yourself right now. Because ive seen what you have posted and your doing nothing but crying and it disgusts me.

I think that if you look in the archives, you will see that your statement is incorrect. The only sport you have truly dominated in is basketball and golf and that is it. I have seen the records of both schools dating back to the 60's. If you would like, I can research it again and show you that you are wrong. As far as the game goes every school has rowdy and rude fan's PERIOD! What is a shame is we are overlooking a bunch of young men who battled on the basketball court will all their heart. Should'nt we be talking about them. They played the game not the fans. The fan issue has been going on for ages.


this is a guys basketball forum not a girls basketball forum

You brought the up the language issue.  If you generalize all Orangefield fans because of some of them using choice words I thought it needed to be known HJ does in fact use the same words, even their coaches.  So before you get all offended by what SOME of our fans said, know it goes both ways. 


This will be my last post on this issue. First, the OF people in question were the ones at the game, not the whole community. And it was not all fans at the game, just an immature select few. The point is not where you sit in a gym. We all disagree with refs and say things, and coach's do the same. Nobody cares. But what we heard Friday was wrong. No matter where you sit. I don't care about school records or any other information that did not pertain to the game. I do care that my daughter witnessed this childish and crude behavior. Is this typical for OF BB games? Is this the behavior Good OF People want around their own kids? My daughter is suppose to be able to attend school functions and not be subjected to this type of language, especially by what I am assuming are mature adults. I just wonder what it would be like when these people are in the comforting confines of their own gym. I can tell you that OLD TIMER has no remorse for what took place, an assumption I've concluded by his earlier post. He even stated in a post (one of the few he hasn't edited) that he had tried to tone it down, well look at all his post in green and tell me where he tried to tone it down. He was basically making light of the situation with stupid remarks. Anyway, he is OF's problem. So, I can promise you my daughter will not go to OF to witness it again. All HJ fans should consider what they want their small kids subjected to before they make the same decision.

As for the game--great sportsmanship on both teams part---good luck to both.


Very true, I am very offended by what the girls coach said and think I should get an apolgy from her, because I was on the RIGHT side also known as the home side. 

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