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[quote name="bullets13" post="315703" timestamp="1200343541"]
i'm an HJ fan, not an OF fan.  i'm just saying that any visiting fan that makes the trip to HJ ought to be able to enjoy watching the game.  the HJ fans should certainly be able to sit on the visitors' side, especially if the HJ side is full, but they need to show enough class to be respectful and realize what side of the gym they are on.  Basically, if you're going to act like a buffoon, you need to stay on your side of the gym (I'm not implying that HJ fans did this, just stating a generality).  If you're willing to show class and be a respectful fan, sit wherever you'd like.  This thread isn't an OF/HJ thread, as Mwhizzie would like to make it.  It's just a basketball etiquette question.  BUT, if a group of OF fans had sat in the middle of the hecklers and acted a fool, Mwhizzie would've probably been the first person to tell them to move, and you would've been right to do so. 

yeah i would have because there is a certain line that is drawn you know if some does that though they are just trying to start a bunch of bickering if one of my friends went and sat in the middle of the OF fans than i would have told them to move as well but to get upset at the fact that some PARENTS from hj went and sat at mid court due to the fact their was no more room then you know what's wrong with that. For example at the tourney in EC hj played ec and we the hecklers sat right next to the ec fans and nothing was said that was offensive or mean but the EC fans showed excellent class because they are a bball school as well they are used to the enviroment and OF wasn't.
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OK I started some of this and le me be the first to say that yes it did get somewhat out of hand at HJ.  I was sitting close to the group that was having the issue with the HJ Fans.  I think it is safe to say that both were somewhat in the wrong. When the score was getting out of hand I think it was frustration on the OF side, not being sore losers just losing.  Then you have an HJ fan say look at the scoreboard when you heckle the missed dunk. Neither is right in the big picture, but I am sure that on the other side of the court there were probably some things said about OF players that we would not have like to hear either and probably would have taken offense to as well.  The only problem is that HJ fans responded because they did hear and it spiraled out from there because of the heat of the battle.  I spoke to one of the people from OF and he said that he apologized to one of the fans in the front row after the game that had been there for all of the games.  It is like an arguement with a friend and you say something when you are really po'd that you shouldn't.  The reason that I think you should separate is because of this.  If I were sitting on the HJ side and someone said something about my kid I would be upset, but i also know that if I am sitting on the opposing side I should not expect to hear praises for my kid.  I think it hit me this weekend when I saw my nephew's 7-8 year old little dribbler game.  It is just a game and I agree if we act like buffoons what type of example are we/I setting for my kids.  Bottom line is there were 2 good teams on the court one had to lose and that is where the rivalry should be, not in the stands.  Good luck HJ, hope to see you in the playoffs.
I didn't go to the guys game, I don't make many of them because my sister is on varsity on the girls team.  So I have no clue what happened at the guys game.  All I'm saying is they make 2 sides for a reason.  I know this is off topic, but our biggest rival is Bridge City. Once you walk in the game you are not allowed to cross onto the other side there is a huge gate that no one can cross.  I don't want to make anyone mad there for I sit on the right said.  If you don't  want to make anyone mad or have someone make you mad I suggest you do the same.
[quote name="Bobcat1" post="315710" timestamp="1200345450"]
I didn't go to the guys game, I don't make many of them because my sister is on varsity on the girls team.  So I have no clue what happened at the guys game.  All I'm saying is they make 2 sides for a reason.  I know this is off topic, but our biggest rival is Bridge City. Once you walk in the game you are not allowed to cross onto the other side there is a huge gate that no one can cross.  I don't want to make anyone mad there for I sit on the right said.  If you don't  want to make anyone mad or have someone make you mad I suggest you do the same.

are biggest rival is silsbee and in that game people still sit on the other side with NO problem....how do you explain that?
Okay, this is real simple. Each gym has it's own set of rules. Some may have distinctive sides, home and visitor. Some have just a small section on one side for the visitors and others actually have sections on both sides for the home and visitors. As a visitor, you really don't have a say so in where the home team fans get to sit, it's their place. I have actually been to places where the home team's fans get there early enough to take all the seats and leave most of the visitors standing. Hey, that's what they call home court advantage.

Now, when it comes to being disrespectful, it doesn't matter which side you are on. In the case of this particular game( which I wasn't there, just going off of what I heard from both sides ) I know how SOME of the Hawk and Bobcat fans can be. They love their teams and some will go out of their way to show you, sometimes in a disrespectful way. Is it heat of the game causing this? Or is it simply that persons personality? I think in most instances it's both. You have some unruly fans from all places and that's where the home security should take over. It should never get to the point where there are threats made or verbal abuse taken.

My advice, if you have a problem, get the security involved. The visiting team always brings their own security, contact one of them and they should get with the home security and work it out. Otherwise just ignore it and keep cheering your team on.
Guest catfever
"are biggest rival is silsbee and in that game people still sit on the other side with NO problem....how do you explain that? "

There were problems.  That is why my son was asked to leave the gym through the back of the locker room, not through the crowd.  There will be problems when you are dealing with the emotions of very involved parents.  If you hear someone put down or talk badly of your son or team, then emotions will get out of hand sometimes.  Why put fans in a situation where this could escalate into something more is the point. 
I'm not trying to be a smarty here, but you can't tell me that this incident with Orangefield fans is a first. I know that over the years there has been several heated games in that gym with other teams, and you mean to tell me that this has never happen. Come on, there are idiots everywhere and believe me I know we have our fair share at Orangefield too, but for this to have never happened before blows my mind.
We should be able to sit where we want. With reason and maturity.

Maturity is what we are really talking about. Adults should act like adults and when they do not act with maturity or civility then others need to get involved.

I believe by UIL rules, there should be a plan on how to deal with problems at a game. There should be several school administrators present (and not sitting with buddies discussing the next tea or social) and observant as to what is happening. Each game should also have some sort of law enforcement present and [u]seen[/u]. I am sorry, but there really should be a zero tolerance when it comes to these issues. The worse the individuals act, the stiffer the punishment should be, up to and including banned from sports events for the rest of the season.

I have often sat in the "opposing" teams area and really enjoyed it. Why? Because I talked to those around me and got to know them and their team. Maturity my friends. It is not mature nor smart to be sitting in the middle of enemy territory and to go running your mouth. When those around you are not mature, move! If those immature adults start to get rough and physical, contact a school administrator and/or the law enforcer.

For the most part it hasn't been a problem, the HJ gym is marked on one side the visitor side, not the home side, now I do like what Aggiesarewe said; home, gym home rules, and I do agree it doesn't give you the right to act like a buffoon. I am one of the men that sit in the same place every game on the visitor side. If anyone would have been watching the group that sits on the visitor side even claps when the opposing team makes a good play. The only problem is when there has been a abundance of profound language being used, I keep hearing take it to your own side, but why cant you leave some of the inappropriate language at home that’s the real problem maybe that’s why some gyms don't let anyone co-mingle with opposing fans, maybe they know their fans better than us.

By saying, if you weren't on this side then you wouldn't have heard it, is Kind of like shutting the gate after the mule is already out.

We all need to remember that….It requires less character to discover the faults of others than is does to tolerate them. ;D
And by the way the administrators were there and watching very close they walked by several times to check the "temperature" on that side....all is good and yes several orangefeild did come appologize for some of the comments and it was appreciated. It just actually felt like we were just giving it back one fifth of the way we were getting it then that is when it got a little heated. Like I said earlier I appreciate passionate fans....we just don't need to set a bad example in front of all of the kids there. somehow another if the kids see mom or dad doing it then they think it's ok to do it as well and thats not what we want the show should be on the court not the stands.

I really did like to see all of the little Hawk Hecklers in training sitting directly across from the true Hecklers.
Home fans should sit on the home side and visitors on the visitors side, unless there is not enough room or if you know someone on the other side and want to visit them, that's different, but for the most part I think it is better if fans sit on their respective sides.
I respectfully disagree. when you have enough fans coming to each game to fill up 75% of the gym capacity with just the home side I would hope that the ticket person didn't turn fans away and say nope there are too many home fans already, that wouldn't be smart. because then there would still be a lot of empty seats in the gym. We could always rope off a small section for the visiting side and use your theory and say no more entry to the visiting crowd because you have seat allotment full , but that wouldn't be popular either. I was being Facetious  I know you said each to his own side but what do you do when one side fills up you cant just stop.
I agree with 83-A, you most do your best to keep the fans separated. I for one have seen it all, the best and the worst in fans. I have sat by the other teams fans and had the best time talking and sharing information [b]and there has been times when the basketball court did not separate the fans enough. [/b]
Last year, while in Orangefield actually, the Hawk hecklers were on the visitor side of the gym and the Orangefield student section was on the home side. One kid from Orangefield decided that he would be funny and go stand amongst the Hecklers. The Hecklers basically just ignored him and administration from Orangefield made him move back to his seat. There was no big fuss, there was no fight, there was no foul language.. just a simple "move back to your seat" and it was all over.

Maybe HJ administration should have made that old guy from Orangefield move out from infront of the videographer from HJ...even though you wouldn't think that administration would have to get onto an adult for "getting out of his/her seat."  ::)
Let me tell you where this is headed from experience. In the Chicago area sporting events became so hostile that they moved the events to Saturday afternoon. Some even had closed games open to players and coaches only.
I know that sounds extreme but when the UIL keeps a pulse around the state of what is going on and they feel an injury or violent occurence may happen and that dreaded word (LAWSUIT) pops up, they will take action.
Lets look at the real problems. Administrators and teachers should not have to be security officers. Most schools dont have the money to pay for professional security but believe me it makes a difference to have security visible at these events. For the fans who cannot contain their emotions, remove them for the event and two removals and their gone for the year.
The other problem is the officiating. Good officials are not even noticeable at a game, but when officials start warning the crowd and threatening fans of removal it just incites most fans. Referee the game and leave the fans to security.
Make no mistake an incident of violence or injury at a sporting event and the whole system will go under review. Be smart fans, root for your team, make as much noise as you want, be respectful and if you have idiots in your own fandom help keep them from getting out of hand. One bad fan can make a good community look bad.
No one keeps the fans from mingling at the Kountze E.C. games that I've been to and there has never been a problem that I can recall and this is probably the biggest basketball rivalry in the area. Point is act half way mature and there is no problem here.
Thats not true. At the recent EC vs kountze game the Kountze AD made several East Chambers adults move from an open section of the bleachers to the corner section. The section was not identified as home or visitors and this was prior to the game of the JV boys. This was not an unruly bunch of adults it was School Board members and Teachers from Winnie who had kids playing. When they complained he told them to either move or leave.
[quote name="bballfan07" post="316187" timestamp="1200431348"]
Last year, while in Orangefield actually, the Hawk hecklers were on the visitor side of the gym and the Orangefield student section was on the home side. One kid from Orangefield decided that he would be funny and go stand amongst the Hecklers. The Hecklers basically just ignored him and administration from Orangefield made him move back to his seat. There was no big fuss, there was no fight, there was no foul language.. just a simple "move back to your seat" and it was all over.

Maybe HJ administration should have made that old guy from Orangefield move out from infront of the videographer from HJ...even though you wouldn't think that administration would have to get onto an adult for "getting out of his/her seat."  ::)

the AD made him move twice.
it's fine to sit wherever you want, if you can behave yourself.  the thing to remember is that acceptable behavior varies from which side of the gym you're sitting on.  the hecklers going over to the visitor's side would be inappropriate.  a fan going from the visitor's side to the middle of the hecklers on the home side is inappropriate.  for the most part, you should be able to sit wherever you want.  when a conflict arises, as long as administrators take control of the situation, it shouldn't be too big of an issue.  it's only when nobody steps up and takes control of a situation that serious problems arise.
I agree again, The  show [u][b]MUST[/b][/u] be on the court not in the stands. The Hecklers sit behind the home bench becuase anywhere else it would be offensive to someone. They have never tried to move. Just a few adults and there really hasn't been many problems.

I started this thread becuase it seemed there was more people that had a problem with it. Sounds to me like there's some difference of opinion but to me overwhelmingly not a big deal. 

Thanks everyone for giving me your opinion.
Guest bleed orange
I do not think fans should sit on whatever side they want to. Some people have mentioned "Matured adults". A lot of parents when their kid is playing, maturity goes out the window. Lets talk about respect. Some kids don't respect adults. This board is a good example. If the home side is full don't go sit by the opposing teams fans. Something will happen sooner are later. Go sit away from everyone. Lets say you are sitting on the opposing side and your kid is playing. All of a sudden one kid fouls your kid harder than you would like. You say something and the kid that fouled yours his parents are sitting by you. Next thing you know words are exchanged. If you ask most kids from every school, they will tell you that their parents and fans sometimes embarrass them. HJ is no different from any other school when it comes to rowdy fans. ALL schools have them. The sad thing is, more focus is being put on fan behavior instead of the kids that are actually playing the GAME. Lets talk about what a great game the kids played instead what fans said what or your fans are this and your fans are that.
That is kinda what I was trying to say to some of it. maybe I said it wrong when I said the show MUST be on the court not in the stands maybe what I  should have said is.....the [b]focus[/b] should be on the court not the stands. I do not have kids playing, just a die hard fan, so I don't get offended very easily, but I could understand how a parent could. I have seen kids get fouled and the parent of the kid doing the fouling get mad because they didn't think it was a foul and holler out foul him harder next time get your monies worth. To me whether or not anyone is sitting there is inconsequential, it's wrong to say.

I hate it when you hear something that makes you turn around and look like :o

To me parents should set the example to how there kids should act in public, Not separate everyone so no one can hear whats said...to me that's silly. For instance if you have an employee that keeps stealing money from the cash register do you just separate him from the cash and let him keep working with you or do you fire him and file charges. It's OK to be passionate about your team and stand up and cheer them on.

Lets some it up with kindergarten rules

1.) treat others like you would like to be treated
2.) Respect others.
3. Don't bite, spit on, or hit anyone.
4.) Foul language will not be tolerated.

Guest bleed orange
I understood what you said, the show should be on the floor. Just like I said. The problem is some parents don't set the "example". Most of the time the kid is just a carbon copy of the parent. I coached Little Dribblers for 10 years and the best time I coached is when I did not coach my own kid. My point is sometimes the best fans are the ones that do not have a kid playing. I have read many of your post Poppabearstarr through the years and you have always been a diplomat. I respect that. You are one of the good ones for this board. Wish there was more like you.
I think parents should be allowed to sit where they would like, because they have self control. but on the other hand students should have assigned sections completely opposite of each other because when you have to different fans sitting right by each other words will be exchanged and it will probably escalate into a fight and no one wants that...or at least most people don't.
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