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Guest stevenash

Dicky- Of course not EVERYBODY is pulling for the kid to do well because, to date, you would have to classify him as a "ne'er do well" or, perhaps, "rarely does well".  When someone chooses to conduct themselves as this individual has, there are many who will believe that he has gotten what he deserves and that he has already gotten too many second chances.  By the way, if the Sprewell house is in foreclosure and he has a "million in the bank"(which is probably only your wishful thinking) then he is in serious violation of the law. ( and, of course, choking his coach, was, in your mind, probably the coaches fault) Will you EVER concede that these types of actions are NOT justifiable and have absolutely nothing to do with someones background or color?  It wasn't long ago that you were cheering the fact that the Enron bigwig got what he deserved.  He broke the law and had to pay the price.  Everyone (regardless of circumstances) who breaks the law should get what they have coming to them.  The very issue that you tout yourself for telling the truth about also happens in reverse but you will never admit that.

Guest DickVitale

Dicky- Of course not EVERYBODY is pulling for the kid to do well because, to date, you would have to classify him as a "ne'er do well" or, perhaps, "rarely does well".  When someone chooses to conduct themselves as this individual has, there are many who will believe that he has gotten what he deserves and that he has already gotten too many second chances.  By the way, if the Sprewell house is in foreclosure and he has a "million in the bank"(which is probably only your wishful thinking) then he is in serious violation of the law. ( and, of course, choking his coach, was, in your mind, probably the coaches fault) Will you EVER concede that these types of actions are NOT justifiable and have absolutely nothing to do with someones background or color?  It wasn't long ago that you were cheering the fact that the Enron bigwig got what he deserved.  He broke the law and had to pay the price.  Everyone (regardless of circumstances) who breaks the law should get what they have coming to them.  The very issue that you tout yourself for telling the truth about also happens in reverse but you will never admit that.

Once again....WHAT? I have never discussed what happenend to those Enron crooks? Besides, they are adults who commited actual crimes! We are talking about a kid with an attitude issue, that YOU are trying to justify the fact about WHY people WANT him to fail..He is a kid...who has made some mistakes...I don't care that you people are "sick" of his antics..I am pulling soooo hard for this kid to succeed, because he has an undeniable talent, that can assist him in getting a PAID COLLEGE EDUCATION, and many kids do not get that opportunity, so I am hoipng that he will get it together and take advantage of that opportunity..Folks that are "sick" of his antics, really have NO REASON to be..How does it actually affect those of you on here that are "sick" of his antics? It doesn't...So why not HOPE that he can get it together, instead of being glad he could not play half of his senior year, and wishing he does not make it at UT next year? That IS the truth....Ruth.

Guest stevenash

If you keep telling yourself the "truth Ruth" long enough, I am sure you will convince yourself that is what it is.  Another "truth" is that the aforementioned individual conducts himself in a manner that much of society does not deem acceptable although it seems to be acceptable to you.  And yes, his conduct DOES have an affect on others.(hence those who are "sick" of it)  Tolerating this type of actions sends the wrong message to those that will follow himand those who are around him)  I can imagine some other younger aspiring basketball player watching him and concluding that there are little if any consequences for bad behavior if you can play well. Furthermore, if he finally encounters someone who makes him accountable for that behavior, he has "been taught" that Dicky V. (or someone else) will stand up for him and attempt to justify the wrongdoing.  As for the chance for a free college education, why not "bring the truth Ruth" about that?  What does the conduct and lack of discipline suggest about the odds of getting a degree?  Let me change that question.  What does the conduct and lack of discipline suggest about the odds of attending  academic classes and successfully completing a few of them?  Those who take responsibility for their personal circumstances have a much greater chance of success than those who  are taught that they are victims.

Guest DickVitale

If you keep telling yourself the "truth Ruth" long enough, I am sure you will convince yourself that is what it is.  Another "truth" is that the aforementioned individual conducts himself in a manner that much of society does not deem acceptable although it seems to be acceptable to you.  And yes, his conduct DOES have an affect on others.(hence those who are "sick" of it)  Tolerating this type of actions sends the wrong message to those that will follow himand those who are around him)  I can imagine some other younger aspiring basketball player watching him and concluding that there are little if any consequences for bad behavior if you can play well. Furthermore, if he finally encounters someone who makes him accountable for that behavior, he has "been taught" that Dicky V. (or someone else) will stand up for him and attempt to justify the wrongdoing.  As for the chance for a free college education, why not "bring the truth Ruth" about that?  What does the conduct and lack of discipline suggest about the odds of getting a degree?  Let me change that question.  What does the conduct and lack of discipline suggest about the odds of attending  academic classes and successfully completing a few of them?  Those who take responsibility for their personal circumstances have a much greater chance of success than those who  are taught that they are victims.

You are putting words in my mouth now....I NEVER said that he was a victim, nor do I condone the things that he has done...Dude, are you retarded, or just have a bad understanding? Have YOU ever made a mistake? Were YOU given a shot at redemption? Or do you like some others, that PRETEND to be perfect and have always had it all together?

You cannot place the burden of kids following him sqaurely on HIS shoulders..They have others that they can look at, or better yet they can learn some of the things that they should NOT be doing from him...I HOPE he turns it around, and plays at UT, and graduates...Can you honestly say the same thing? How could a person NOT hope for that for ANY kid, but I didn't think you could..For HIM anyway...You can't relate.

Guest DickVitale

For goodness sakes--just give the kid a break---after all he is just the kind of thug the NBA is looking for

And you say there are no racists on this board.... ::)

Guest tigersvoice

GONE? Where am I going? Is there a hit out on me that I don't know about?? :D...

Yeah - I heard that there's someone (or more) over in the Yates camp that's going to make an example out of you! ;D

Guest DickVitale

GONE? Where am I going? Is there a hit out on me that I don't know about?? :D...

Yeah - I heard that there's someone (or more) over in the Yates camp that's going to make an example out of you! ;D

Awww, shucks!!  :D...Those guys over there have been after me since my high school days!! I believe I may have averaged about 25-30 against them and have never lost to them, so they have been after me for a while!! ;D ;D ;D


If you keep telling yourself the "truth Ruth" long enough, I am sure you will convince yourself that is what it is.  Another "truth" is that the aforementioned individual conducts himself in a manner that much of society does not deem acceptable although it seems to be acceptable to you.  And yes, his conduct DOES have an affect on others.(hence those who are "sick" of it)  Tolerating this type of actions sends the wrong message to those that will follow himand those who are around him)  I can imagine some other younger aspiring basketball player watching him and concluding that there are little if any consequences for bad behavior if you can play well. Furthermore, if he finally encounters someone who makes him accountable for that behavior, he has "been taught" that Dicky V. (or someone else) will stand up for him and attempt to justify the wrongdoing.  As for the chance for a free college education, why not "bring the truth Ruth" about that?  What does the conduct and lack of discipline suggest about the odds of getting a degree?  Let me change that question.  What does the conduct and lack of discipline suggest about the odds of attending  academic classes and successfully completing a few of them?  Those who take responsibility for their personal circumstances have a much greater chance of success than those who  are taught that they are victims.

You are putting words in my mouth now....I NEVER said that he was a victim, nor do I condone the things that he has done...Dude, are you retarded, or just have a bad understanding? Have YOU ever made a mistake? Were YOU given a shot at redemption? Or do you like some others, that PRETEND to be perfect and have always had it all together?

You cannot place the burden of kids following him sqaurely on HIS shoulders..They have others that they can look at, or better yet they can learn some of the things that they should NOT be doing from him...I HOPE he turns it around, and plays at UT, and graduates...Can you honestly say the same thing? How could a person NOT hope for that for ANY kid, but I didn't think you could..For HIM anyway...You can't relate.

Hell yeah I hope he plays at UT and graduates.  See Dicky V, speaking for myself, I hope the removal of J'Covan from the team humbles him and makes him a better person going to the 40 acres, because I guarntee Barnes won't but up with that crap.  I applaud Henderson and Memorial for sticking to their guns and showing him that his actions wouldn't be tolerated. 

Guest DickVitale

If you keep telling yourself the "truth Ruth" long enough, I am sure you will convince yourself that is what it is.  Another "truth" is that the aforementioned individual conducts himself in a manner that much of society does not deem acceptable although it seems to be acceptable to you.  And yes, his conduct DOES have an affect on others.(hence those who are "sick" of it)  Tolerating this type of actions sends the wrong message to those that will follow himand those who are around him)  I can imagine some other younger aspiring basketball player watching him and concluding that there are little if any consequences for bad behavior if you can play well. Furthermore, if he finally encounters someone who makes him accountable for that behavior, he has "been taught" that Dicky V. (or someone else) will stand up for him and attempt to justify the wrongdoing.  As for the chance for a free college education, why not "bring the truth Ruth" about that?  What does the conduct and lack of discipline suggest about the odds of getting a degree?  Let me change that question.  What does the conduct and lack of discipline suggest about the odds of attending  academic classes and successfully completing a few of them?  Those who take responsibility for their personal circumstances have a much greater chance of success than those who  are taught that they are victims.

You are putting words in my mouth now....I NEVER said that he was a victim, nor do I condone the things that he has done...Dude, are you retarded, or just have a bad understanding? Have YOU ever made a mistake? Were YOU given a shot at redemption? Or do you like some others, that PRETEND to be perfect and have always had it all together?

You cannot place the burden of kids following him sqaurely on HIS shoulders..They have others that they can look at, or better yet they can learn some of the things that they should NOT be doing from him...I HOPE he turns it around, and plays at UT, and graduates...Can you honestly say the same thing? How could a person NOT hope for that for ANY kid, but I didn't think you could..For HIM anyway...You can't relate.

heck yeah I hope he plays at UT and graduates.  See Dicky V, speaking for myself, I hope the removal of J'Covan from the team humbles him and makes him a better person going to the 40 acres, because I guarntee Barnes won't but up with that crap.  I applaud Henderson and Memorial for sticking to their guns and showing him that his actions wouldn't be tolerated. 

And Icky, I agree...I hope he has learned from this whole ordeal...Fact remains that you are one of few who are actually hoping he has learned something and can pull it together...one of few.


And that is where we disagree.  I totally 100% believe most want him to do great things, but they are sick of his actions. 

BTW, this is not about RACE, yet about ACTIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  And most in PA are just as sick of his actions as the ones in Beaumont, Nederland are any where else.

Guest DickVitale

And that is where we disagree.  I totally 100% believe most want him to do great things, but they are sick of his actions. 

BTW, this is not about RACE, yet about ACTIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   And most in PA are just as sick of his actions as the ones in Beaumont, Nederland are any where else.

His ACTIONS were horrid, but I don't see how people can be sooooo fed up with the kid that they just write him off..They don't deal with him from day to day, so WHY are they so fed up?...Terul (Coach Henderson), his teammates, his family members...THEY could be fed up, not anyone else...If you don't think its about race, read the post by Diamond-J, that I highlighted on page 7 of this thread...You have to read between the lines...Its there, people just dont want to see it...But its there, just as plain as your hand in front of your face...

Guest nostradamus

I believe the original disagreements started in regard to the backing off of the publicly announced "year long suspension".  I believe that is what people on here had a problem with.  I have yet to hear anyone say they don't want him to succeed.  I think what people are saying is that if a punishment was set (and made public) that it would have looked awefully bad to go back on it (especially just in time for the playoffs).

Guest DickVitale

Yeah, but "for the remainder of season" COULD have meant through the end of district..Now, is this highly unlikely, yes, but WE DO NOT KNOW for sure...


For goodness sakes--just give the kid a break---after all he is just the kind of thug the NBA is looking for

thug     –noun

1. a cruel or vicious ruffian, robber, or murderer. 

2. (sometimes initial capital letter) one of a former group of professional robbers and murderers in India who strangled their victims. 

[Origin: 1800–10; < Hindi thag lit., rogue, cheat]

You're stretching a bit to call that a racist remark, Dicky.  An inappropriate remark?  Surely.  But I've known thugs of all colors.  He was referring to the young man's character, not his color. 

Guest nostradamus



« Reply #15 on: February 14, 2008, 01:08:26 PM » Quote 


I agree to an extent.  A more stern punishment early on in his career could have prevented a lot of what has happened.  However, it was made public that he was suspended for the season.  I'm sure they'll come back now and say "no, no, we meant REGULAR season".   It looks real bad to go back on it at this point.  It comes across as a "win at all costs" attitude.

Yeah, but "for the remainder of season" COULD have meant through the end of district..Now, is this highly unlikely, yes, but WE DO NOT KNOW for sure...

Welp.....looks like the Informer beat ya to it Dicky


For goodness sakes--just give the kid a break---after all he is just the kind of thug the NBA is looking for

And you say there are no racists on this board.... ::)

.....There is at least one--I recall a fellow that posted that Lumberton could not win because of......does that ring a bell DickyV a.k.a. as the Dick Theory------read my post---I NEVER said anything about race!

Dickie V, in reading some of your posts about "certain people" you come across as being  as racist as the ones you are talking about. Lumping "all of us" together and assuming we all feel the same way about J. Brown because we are "different" than him. I am from one of "those cities" that you talk about. You don't know anything about me so please don't presume to tell others what I think or feel. Is there racism here? Yes. Is it right? No. Is the whole city racist? No. Is there racism in every city in the US? Yes. Is there reverse racism? Yes...but that is never discussed by you. Like someone said earlier, if you are going to tell the truth, tell the whole truth. Racism comes in all shapes, sizes and colors.

As far as the subject of J. Brown...I commend the coach for standing up and letting this young man know that this type of behavior is wrong. I would feel the same way no matter what his skin color. If his punishment has been served, he should be allowed to play. As someone has already said, I think the problem came when it "seemed" as if the punishment was done away with to allow him to play in the playoffs. It gave the "win at all cost" scenario that I think some people don't agree with. "Win at all cost" is a matter of opinion, some agree, some don't. It turned out to be a mute point because I read that he didn't play in the game anyway.

I, for one, hope he learned a lesson from this. I tell my kids all time: "Attitude is everything". I don't know J. Brown, other than what has been posted in this forum. I believe what most people have a problem with is that it seems he had been given many chances and hadn't learned his lesson before this incident happened. But because he is gifted as a talented player, he seems to get more chances than a player with less ablities would. And that happens everywhere, even here in my little "racist town". It happens in all walks of life. That, I think, is what people are "fed up" with. For those of us who try to teach our kids to have the right attitude, it's like a slap in the face when a talented child

is given chance after chance, no matter his attitude. And please don't use the excuse that "they are just kids". My 17 yr old knows right from wrong, knows good vs bad attitude. He also knows when others with bad attitudes are given those chances because they are good players at whatever sport. It makes my job as a parent that much more difficult.

Again, I hope he learned a lesson. It would be sad for a talented person, such as he is, to throw it all away because of a bad attitude. Attitude is a choice. And there are many boys out there, of all colors, that would give anything for the chance J. Brown has been given...

Guest stevenash

TO SMP83 - Your eloquence and common sense is to be commended.

Guest DickVitale

OK..I have said this a THOUSAND times...I agree 100% with what most of you are saying about the situation. 100%. The problem that I have is that people are calling NBA players thugs and such...Tell me this. Who makes up the majority of the NBA? THAT is why I take it as a racist statement, and that guy KNEW darn well what he was saying and how he was saying it...Next thing. I am in no shape, way or form a racist..I just happen to call a spade a spade...No harm in that, but you guys like to turn your head as if what I am saying about the subject has no merit.  You all KNOW what the real deal is, and I don't know why you guys are trying to act as if it does not exist.  Now, as for J'Covan, I hope that one day he can prove all of you wrong and take advantage of his God given talent and go on to do great things.  No, he is not the perfect kid, as a matter of fact he has a lot of growing to do...BUT, what kid doesn't in one area or another?  You guys can say what you will, but I still feel that if he were from Vidor, and THAT talented, folks would be fighting to get the coach to give him another chance, because they don't want to "ruin his future", no matter WHAT he did...Particularly in SE Texas...That is how I feel about that...And the ones on here that will admit it, would agree...But, that is not happening either...Everyone wants to be accepted on here and be considered a "good ol boy", but I am not afraid to speak my mind...


OK..I have said this a THOUSAND times...I agree 100% with what most of you are saying about the situation. 100%. The problem that I have is that people are calling NBA players thugs and such...Tell me this. Who makes up the majority of the NBA? THAT is why I take it as a racist statement, and that guy KNEW darn well what he was saying and how he was saying it...Next thing. I am in no shape, way or form a racist..I just happen to call a spade a spade...No harm in that, but you guys like to turn your head as if what I am saying about the subject has no merit.  You all KNOW what the real deal is, and I don't know why you guys are trying to act as if it does not exist.  Now, as for J'Covan, I hope that one day he can prove all of you wrong and take advantage of his God given talent and go on to do great things.  No, he is not the perfect kid, as a matter of fact he has a lot of growing to do...BUT, what kid doesn't in one area or another?  You guys can say what you will, but I still feel that if he were from Vidor, and THAT talented, folks would be fighting to get the coach to give him another chance, because they don't want to "ruin his future", no matter WHAT he did...Particularly in SE Texas...That is how I feel about that...And the ones on here that will admit it, would agree...But, that is not happening either...Everyone wants to be accepted on here and be considered a "good ol boy", but I am not afraid to speak my mind...

and the first time I read your Lumberton post I knew what you were-----of course I had to "read between the lines"
Guest DickVitale

OK..I have said this a THOUSAND times...I agree 100% with what most of you are saying about the situation. 100%. The problem that I have is that people are calling NBA players thugs and such...Tell me this. Who makes up the majority of the NBA? THAT is why I take it as a racist statement, and that guy KNEW darn well what he was saying and how he was saying it...Next thing. I am in no shape, way or form a racist..I just happen to call a spade a spade...No harm in that, but you guys like to turn your head as if what I am saying about the subject has no merit.  You all KNOW what the real deal is, and I don't know why you guys are trying to act as if it does not exist.  Now, as for J'Covan, I hope that one day he can prove all of you wrong and take advantage of his God given talent and go on to do great things.  No, he is not the perfect kid, as a matter of fact he has a lot of growing to do...BUT, what kid doesn't in one area or another?  You guys can say what you will, but I still feel that if he were from Vidor, and THAT talented, folks would be fighting to get the coach to give him another chance, because they don't want to "ruin his future", no matter WHAT he did...Particularly in SE Texas...That is how I feel about that...And the ones on here that will admit it, would agree...But, that is not happening either...Everyone wants to be accepted on here and be considered a "good ol boy", but I am not afraid to speak my mind...

and the first time I read your Lumberton post I knew what you were-----of course I had to "read between the lines"

Geesh, you hold a grudge worse than a woman!  OK how about this...Lumberton has some pretty good GIRLS Basketball players, and some baseball talent...oh yeah, they could play hockey too if it were offered...They just don't have any basketball players there...still...How's that?

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