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When the 3rd place team gets 5 all district picks including district MVP!! Wow. For Little & Bernson to share anything with anyone is out right funny.  Co-Offensive MVP hahaha.  Good job coaches  ::)

NO team deserves 5 all_district picks in a sport when only 5 players are playing at a time.

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Guest bleed orange

24 2A was not much better. They had 7 teams in the district which equals 35 starters. 23 kids got first team, second team or better that means 12 kids were left. I bet they got honorable mention. Why even have an all district pick if you are going to nominate every single starter. Why not nominate every single kid if you are going to go that far. Further more why even have a all district pick? This is getting out of control just like everything else. Dam Liberals. ;D


24 2A was not much better. They had 7 teams in the district which equals 35 starters. 23 kids got first team, second team or better that means 12 kids were left. I bet they got honorable mention. Why even have an all district pick if you are going to nominate every single starter. Why not nominate every single kid if you are going to go that far. Further more why even have a all district pick? This is getting out of control just like everything else. Dam Liberals. ;D

Kinda waters down the process doesn't it. ::) ::)

All District picks are so much political BS, just like Coach of the Year, etc. I saw a girl get All State a few years ago when some of her team members got zippo, and they averaged the same amount of points, more rebounds and assists.  But I have to agree with Bobcat, to say that ANYONE came close to KK this year is absurd.  MVP means whoever put their team on their back and carried them to the next level.  That is KK exactly.  I am not one of those people who thinks that just because you win district you should get 5 players on the team.  When I saw the picks, I thought some of the picks to OF were generous just because of where they wound as a team.  However, KK is the MVP and the coaches playing politics doesn't change that.


All District picks are so much political BS, just like Coach of the Year, etc. I saw a girl get All State a few years ago when some of her team members got zippo, and they averaged the same amount of points, more rebounds and assists.  But I have to agree with Bobcat, to say that ANYONE came close to KK this year is absurd.  MVP means whoever put their team on their back and carried them to the next level.  That is KK exactly.  I am not one of those people who thinks that just because you win district you should get 5 players on the team.  When I saw the picks, I thought some of the picks to OF were generous just because of where they wound as a team. However, KK is the MVP and the coaches playing politics doesn't change that.

AMEN, I believe you said it all! 


Obviously not if Ang Green was a unanimous winner.  I don't see how every coach in the district would be politicking if everyone vote for Green.  Surely, there is one person who would have chosen Little, politics or not, unless they really felt that Ang Green was worthy.  And, doesn't Ang Green play offense and defense?  Just asking some questions...


And you know for a fact that it was a unanimous choice? I don't believe that for a second.  And if that is true then they basically had it done before it went to a vote. In other words, they talked it through until all the political BS was overwith.  I do notice though that you keep coming up on different threads commenting in a negative way against OF.  Did we do something to upset you? I can tell you this, last year if Kristy Sanders would have been chosen as MVP over Brittany Scott I would have been the first one to call foul.  Not that Kristy wasn't a great player, but she was surrounded by good players, Brittany wasn't.  Kapeesh?


And you know for a fact that it was a unanimous choice? I don't believe that for a second.  And if that is true then they basically had it done before it went to a vote. In other words, they talked it through until all the political BS was overwith.  I do notice though that you keep coming up on different threads commenting in a negative way against OF.  Did we do something to upset you? I can tell you this, last year if Kristy Sanders would have been chosen as MVP over Brittany Scott I would have been the first one to call foul.  Not that Kristy wasn't a great player, but she was surrounded by good players, Brittany wasn't.  Kapeesh?

There in lies the reason for Green to get MVP. She had to carry her team more so than Little had to. I'll take the coaches of this district opinions before I'll ever take one of a messageboard " wannabee coach ".


You have to be kidding me? Not sure who you are talking about the wannabe coach since several on here have mentioned that Little should have been the MVP.  And if you really believe that the coaches are almighty correct then your premise is flawed.  Both Silsbee and OF have essentially 3 players on the first team.  Last I checked OF handily beat Silsbee both times they played.  If you look at the game against Navasota alone in the playoffs, the other 2 OF kids who were first team had a grand total of 4 points.  Before you want to get on here and call people names get your stuff together.


I've read a lot of stangs posts and if Orangefield is involved she is always against them.  Ang may have been out on the court when they didn't have the ball, but she was NOOO where close to being as good as KK on defense.  Not meaning this in a rude way, but not many teams had to play defense against WOS this year.  I have no relation to KK, my sister is on the team and she didn't even get honorable mention and I'm not even mad about that, Orangefield has been screwed this whole year by coaches.  We weren't even ranked in state in the beginning, we had to beat the MVP and finally got noticed, we got screwed in the playoffs despite what you think Stang, the ref did that on purpose, and now we got screwed in these picks.  The district champs had one, uno, first team pick. 3rd place team 2, and the second place team gets 2 mvps?!?  Is anyone else confused on how this happened.   


I agree with you on all but one count Bobcat05.  All of the MVP's, newcomers, etc. are considered first team picks.  So that would mean Silsbee 3, OF 3. BTW I am not related to KK either, nor any of the girls on this years team. Guess you and I must be the "wannabe coaches" Bobcat05.  Not sure if you know this Aggiearewhatever but there are lots of coaches who don't coach in HS. In fact many of the better coaches I know don't coach in High School at all.  A degree in teaching doesn't make you a coach.


Last year, Scott got MVP then they got two first team, if Ang carried her team alone, they sure shouldn't have had that many picks for a team carried by one person....


My bad...I thought I read somewhere that it was unanimous.  Perhaps, I didn't.  Regardless, I just don't see everyone getting together to "vote against OF".

You guys are hilarious.  First of all, let me begin by saying that if anyone posts anything on here that goes against what the OF posters are saying...they are "against" them.  Looks to me like you feel that you just get "screwed" before, during, and after the season is over.  Each of you will "see" into my posts whatever you want, but remember...these are simply disagreements over opinions...yours and mine.  That's it.

I have never said that the referee did or did not make a good or bad call.  As you know (because I have said it), I was not at the game.  I'm just looking at it from a different perspective.

I do recall reading the posts from several "posters" who stated that they would be satisfied with a MVP, 2 first team, and 2 second team selections...boy howdy...that didn't last long did it.

As far as the coaching thing...you are right about the having "a degree in teaching doesn't make you a coach", but I will tell you like I have told many (even WO-S)...if you feel that strongly about the coach thing, then go to college, get your degree, sacrifice your time, and get talked about from your school to a message board.  Getting on a message board doesn't make you a coach either. 

As for bc05...does it make you feel better to comment on the Lady Mustangs the way you do?  I hope so because I am sure that not one of those players, parents, or fans felt really great about this season...I can only hope that they were a little more dignified than what you are being.

See, several of you take posts that are not in agreement with yours to be "negative against the Lady Bobcats".  Well, let me tell you (personally from me)...don't flatter yourself because it would take energy that I am not willing to expend to make this personal.  Now bc05, take a good look at my post(s) and then your post and you will see the difference in differing opinions and blatant jabs at the Lady Mustangs' season.  That makes me thankful that the coaches are the coaches and you are not. ;)  Comprendez-vous?  ;D

P.S.  Obviously, last year's coaches thought that B.Scott was the better choice.


It was unanimous. Bobcat05 preaches about people being biased and a homer but look at him. If KK was meant to be MVP then that's the way the coaches would have chosen. You don't have to accept the fact that the most deserving girl got MVP because like it or not, Ang STILL IS. You guys are ridiculous "wannabe" coaches. ;D


Oh stangy... tell you what, go ask Brittany Scott and her parents where she learned her basketball from.  Go ask BJ's parents the same thing, while you are at it talk to Chelsey Pickering's parents... any of the OF girls that have been there for the last several years that are above KK.  Ask them who taught their daughters more basketball.  If you think they are gonna say their HS coach you are sadly mistaken.  But I don't recall either myself or Bobcat05 saying EVERYONE was negative towads OF, just you.  Somebody from OF pee in your cornflakes a while back or what? In fact, you can see where the HJ people were very positive towards OF.  You would think someone from Orange county would have our back, kinda like we do WOS when the move forward in a sport. And just to the point, neither I nor O5 said that Ang Green wasn't very deserving.  All we said was that KK was much more of an MVP for HER team.  Which is, imo the thought process behind the award. If you could comprehend what you were reading stang, you would see that I totally believe that B Scott was the MVP last year, hands down, no question.  Before you comment on something actually know what was being said...


ok, I can't type a book again I'm on my phone.  First off I said NOT TO BE RUDE about but WOS this year...2nd, B.Scott deserved it, she is the best basketball player I've ever watched!  Let's look at career pts.  What did Ang finish with?  We can even look at points this season and KK beats her in both.  Steals?  Who's willing to bet KK avgs more a game?   If I remember right Hall of HJ got NewComer last year, this year she only made 2nd team.  I remember because I thought Olivia Wagner should have got it.  Anyway,  Stang, I'm not putting down your girls, like I said before B. Scott best I've ever watched, but if you were at the girls game this year, you really couldn't have judged anyones defensive ability against WOS.    This turned into a book... and I didn't accuse anyone of being biased or homer.


I quess the one thing that never changes is when people vote on anything it is going to be flawed. No matter how hard you try or even if you don't try to be fair and unbiased it will never happen. To say good thing the coaches voted is funny, if thing they have a better oppinion than others is funny. They have the same biased oppinions and they think their smarter because they have a degree. Fact is their just like everyone else and no-one is perfect. Perfect exampel is the point guard from Tennessee- When she graduated no-one offered her a scholarship because she was only 5'3". Coach Summit went to see another player on her JC team and fell in love with her game and gave her the next 2 seasons at Tennessee where she helped them win the National Championship last year. Her last name is Bobbit and she can play. A lot of coaches wished they would have paid a little more attention earlier. Everyone can't be right we all make mistakes. I hope we do our best because these 15-18 year old girls deserve it.


Oh stangy... tell you what, go ask Brittany Scott and her parents where she learned her basketball from.  Go ask BJ's parents the same thing, while you are at it talk to Chelsey Pickering's parents... any of the OF girls that have been there for the last several years that are above KK.  Ask them who taught their daughters more basketball.  If you think they are gonna say their HS coach you are sadly mistaken.  But I don't recall either myself or Bobcat05 saying EVERYONE was negative towads OF, just you.  Somebody from OF pee in your cornflakes a while back or what? In fact, you can see where the HJ people were very positive towards OF.  You would think someone from Orange county would have our back, kinda like we do WOS when the move forward in a sport. And just to the point, neither I nor O5 said that Ang Green wasn't very deserving.  All we said was that KK was much more of an MVP for HER team.  Which is, imo the thought process behind the award. If you could comprehend what you were reading stang, you would see that I totally believe that B Scott was the MVP last year, hands down, no question.  Before you comment on something actually know what was being said...

HELLO KITTY...I'm really flattered that we are using the little pet names for one another!  ;)

I happen to know where the Brittneys got so good.  Was that a trick question?  You almost got me! :o 

And, no dear...no one peed in my corn flakes because I'm more of a frosted flakes person.  Or, granola!  Oh yeah, let me not forget raisin bran or frosted mini-wheats!  (But, if I am in a hurry, I usually have diet coke for breakfast...I don't think anyone from OF works at Sonic on MacArthur...do they?)  Besides, I have stated that it is not personal...did you miss that part of my last post?  Well, let me say it again...it seems that when ANYONE (note:  not EVERYONE...they are not the same) posts something that is not gelling with what you are saying (note:  that was singular, not plural; but, actually it was a general kind of statement)...we (including me) are automatically against you.  In fact, you have gone as far (now) as to say that the coaches and refs (just certain ones) are against you too.  You know, that reminds me of when my middle son used to get in trouble in elementary school and it would always be...she doesn't like me, she wants me to get in trouble, etc.  (Are you getting my point?)

I would sincerely ask you NOT to take my posts so personal because I am not intending them to be.  Yes, I have questioned some of the posts concerning your team, but that doesn't mean that I don't like them.  You know, my oldest two boys played football for WO-S and I know how heartbreaking losing is.  Is it a warm, fuzzy feeling...not, but you know what...I have tried to teach my kids that a win or a loss cannot and should not be based on ONE play, ONE call, ONE anything because had ONE mistake not have been made, perhaps the outcome would have changed, but to blame one person, one play, one call, etc., etc., etc., is shallow.  Unfortunately things don't always turn out like they should...no rhyme or reason...it's just not meant to be.  But, of course, I also give A LOT of the credit for my boys being disciplined and the young men that they have become to their other family...WO-S' coaches.  Trust me when I tell you...if I tell my boys that, I don't mind telling anyone else that.

I'm not coach (and neither of you) and honestly, I can't say who deserves what...I just find it hard to believe that not one coach voted for Little for MVP.  Not HJ, noone.  Perhaps the reason for that is because "they felt" that Ang Green was more deserving for whatever reason.  Their names are public record, maybe you could give them a call and ask them what criteria they based their votes on...just an idea.  ;D

Anyway, just to clarify ONE MORE TIME........MY POSTS ARE NOT WRITTEN BY ME BECAUSE I DON'T LIKE OF.  I mean, grow up...lead by example!!! ;)


relax guys..... it is just " a patch on a letter jacket"

Everyone on here roots for their team.... Every year, this stirs up the same argument and it always will.....It seems like the ones acting like the adults are the kids!


Hey PUSS & Horse

Why cant we all just get along.  Everyone thinks that there teams are the best and every momma thinks that their kid the the best.  Teach them a great lesson in life now there is someone always a little better then you.  You are a winner if you did your best.  All I ask stop making excuses and accept your fate.  I read a post where you would be happy if you had so many playes on a list that means nothing.  I believe you were asking for 5 and got 6 players on that list well congrats you did better then you wanted. 

Have a great day,

Your feathered Friend


I have no beef with the list.  I am just rebutting the fact that I am not against OF.  And, what I have said on here is nothing that I haven't said to people from WO-S when they whine about the stuff with us, so trust me...it isn't personal. 

cardfan, my widdle feddered fwiend...you are so funny!  Have you ever thought about quitting your day job! ;D ;) ;D

Be careful though because you may be falsely accused as being a conspirator vs. OF, but you make a very good point.  I read the same thing that you did about being "satisfied" with a MVP, 2 first team/2 second team selections.  Looks as if "satisfied" is the next "normal"....virtually non-existent.

A really good coach told me once...excuses are for losers.  I find that to be true.  And before you say anything...no, I am not calling anyone a loser, but I have drilled that into my boys' heads growing up because I don't want them to become adults that make excuses for their shortcomings.  It's just not a pro-social value and will only teach them to not accept that sometimes stuff happens for a reason, for no reason, or just because it happens.

It's just ludicrous to think that all of these people are against you.  Note:  did not say EVERYONE.  I only speak for myself and the other posters (not EVERYONE) that go against your thoughts...and don't think I have missed much (I even caught the unanimous thing)! ;)

Guest bleed orange

I am not whining because we lost. Navasota has a good team. It was the way we lost. What upsets me the most is the tech that was called was racially motivated and that's what I have a problem with. The picks just mean, now parents have to spend money on a patch or not.


I am not whining because we lost. Navasota has a good team. It was the way we lost. What upsets me the most is the tech that was called was racially motivated and that's what I have a problem with.

Wow...now it's racial!  I haven't heard anyone talk about the rest of the game and his calling.  I take that he was a non-white ref?  Why does it boil down to race?  Had it been a white ref, what would be his motive then?  And here I thought that it was simply because he was from/for Navasota or just against OF...what was I thinking... :o

Again, WOW is all I can say...I'm just oh-so thankful, oh-so thankful!!! ;D

Guest bleed orange

I am not whining because we lost. Navasota has a good team. It was the way we lost. What upsets me the most is the tech that was called was racially motivated and that's what I have a problem with.

Wow...now it's racial!  I haven't heard anyone talk about the rest of the game and his calling.  I take that he was a non-white ref?  Why does it boil down to race?  Had it been a white ref, what would be his motive then?  And here I thought that it was simply because he was from/for Navasota or just against OF...what was I thinking... :o

Again, WOW is all I can say...I'm just oh-so thankful, oh-so thankful!!! ;D

You guessed it he was a non-white official (WOW your smart) and yes if a white official had made the same call on Navasota his motive would have been the same.

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