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Good Job HJ-Great Year but why am I concerned?

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LoL!!! You are on a diffrent planet!!  I see that you dont know much about basketball.  But hey, to each its own.  You must dont listen to what people are saying do you.  A player not playing the year before means what?  Basketball is not about personal grudges or is it?  I was just voicing my opinion nothing more and I believe I am entitled to that.  Good luck to you, and if you know me come say hi and we can talk about it fan to fan.

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LoL!!! You are on a diffrent planet!!  I see that you dont know much about basketball.  But hey, to each its own.  You must dont listen to what people are saying do you.  A player not playing the year before means what?  Basketball is not about personal grudges or is it?  I was just voicing my opinion nothing more and I believe I am entitled to that.  Good luck to you, and if you know me come say hi and we can talk about it fan to fan.

How can you say "I can see you don't know much about basketball" based on what Bucman said? For all you know its Hank Hargraves voiving his opinion. Nowhere in the post did Mr. Bucman say anything about the game of basketball. Your awe inspiring ability to make ridiculous posts really makes me feel smart.

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Lol!! I apologize I was not speaking to Mr Bucman I was refering to LAZEEK and his so called ranking of players. I thought that was funny. Well sorry for making so many of you upset, what I said was an opinion and I wasnt afraid to voice it.  Goodnight I have a job to attend to tommorrow-Thank God its not coaching!!(LOL)  Then I wouldnt have to deal with what we are talking about now!!

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This is a pretty ridiculous thread. A comment made after the last game of the season (which happened to be a loss this year). How convienent to post it now.. HJ wins with pride and loses with dignity. We (HJ) appreciate our coachs and players and know we are very lucky to have them all. HJ has the best coach's top to bottom in the area. Doesn't always guarantee you will win every game, but it comes real close. The kids still need to execute. And for 35 games this year that is exactly what happened. Man, this is one ridiculous comment to be made at a sad time of the year!!!

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There is an organization growing like wildfire called PACA (parents against coaches association) these guys can get Sutherland and crew straightned out. In order to join, you have to have at least one year of little dribblers experience, be a parent or remotely related to player and be able to coach from the stands. Join today and make a difference!

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It is oK to be upset and voice your opinion, but as a mom of a girl players FYI.

At HJ, from the time an incoming  freshman enters into the summer program, all coaches male or female make the athletes aware that they are required to play that sport during the off season for various reasons. They work with you and understand as you grow older you have other responsibilities, but you are required and those requirements (discipline) pay off. My child is a bench warmer and team cheerer  and may always be. But you know what, she obeys her coaches and they have needed her and she knew the plays. If she was foggy, she talked it up at the bench. And it worked. But, i totally understand if you disagree with that committment level.

If who you are mainly referring to is a senior, then he is and was always aware of how the program worked - and should have stayed within the boundaries. Whatever sports you play, you have to be committed and honor whatever position you end up with. Whether it is two quarters, or 3:00 minutes.

On a more personal note, not one of these coaches are coaches that are dramatic or hold grudges against any players. Our current coaching staff honor students that are multi talented and who are athletic in various fields. But... if you have a deep bench of players that gave basketball their all for all years and have bonded with one another - thats who is going to be the chemistry on the court the longest. Does it mean they will never loose, heck no!  Do I hurt when my child is aching to be on that court - sure - but when she is a senior in two years, no matter what the outcome of her playing time, I will honestly be able to say we did it HJ way and she will have grown mentally and as a team member more because of these rules.

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This is retarded....  I wish they would have a reality show, where coaches go to parents jobs and give them tips on how to do their job. 

I could see it now.... Coach Hooks yelling at a lady because she doesn't know how to use the copy machine....

That would be great tv!

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WWoooooowwww....... It is crazy to get on here and see what high school basketball does to people.LOL  It's also sad to get on here and stoop to the levels of rating players and naming them. OMG, HJ flat out did the best job that they could do all season long. Being a player from HJ of course I know how it feels to play a team time and time again and get different results. After each game you wether its a win or a lost you go back to the gym and hit the drawing board, try to fix what is broke and try to dominate what isn't. Keep in mind that these boys met up 3 times before Saturday, so it would be an understandment to say that neither team was ready. They both were and oh yes Silsbee came to play and they came out with a victory, congrats to both teams on a season well played and job greatly done.

Now on a more personal note.... I have to watch what I say because, I too am a coach, and a sister to one of the main players that has been openly discussed on this message board. For the grown men to get on here and talk that way is outrageous, do you not think that these kids get on here and read what's going and what's being said? To bring them down even further is selfish of you and down right rude, is it not enough that these kids have to deal with being ridiculed and critisizm on a daily basis, and then to have to get on here and deal with it more. Yes we are intitled to our own opinion but,gosh. And no I'm not just speaking out because it's my brother, I'm speaking on it because it sad. And to the lady that made the comment I aggree with you totally each player does know his or her duty is a player, and limiting yourself or your child to participating in only one thing is wrong. No grudges were held either way, it was a decision that was made, was the decision right or wrong who's to say only he knows and he is the only one who has to live with that and who is living with that decision. Anyone who has ever been a of something as great as basketball or any other sport for that matter should know what dedication is, heck even if you've never played sports. If academics was your thing, then you dedicated yourself to it, if you chose not to be on the debate team one year because you wanted to be a part of the science club lol then that was your decision.lol Come on don't make it out to be too personal, yes we all want our kids to be fit for the real world but, even in the real world players sit out from time to time for the dumbest reasons. More money being the main reason, heck there was a guy in the NFL that sat out 7years until he got the contract that he felt was good enough for him to play under, was it used against him? No they welcomed him back with open arms. So to say a grudge was held no it wasn't. And to answer the question to Lazeek which I'm sure will be on later, he didn't play his junior year because of another sport that he was pursuing. He was invited over seas to play football and decided that he would take the time to get his body together so that he could do so, and none the less to say he went out there and shined all over the field. So him not playing basketball did benifit him somewhere there is more to life than basketball.LOL Judge that if you will............. Again congrats boys on a great season go back and give them the business next year. And to Coach Sutherland, keep on doing what you're doing hands downs there isn't a coach in the Southeast Texas that can hold a light in the shade to you, great job!

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WWoooooowwww....... It is crazy to get on here and see what high school basketball does to people.LOL  It's also sad to get on here and stoop to the levels of rating players and naming them. OMG, HJ flat out did the best job that they could do all season long. Being a player from HJ of course I know how it feels to play a team time and time again and get different results. After each game you wether its a win or a lost you go back to the gym and hit the drawing board, try to fix what is broke and try to dominate what isn't. Keep in mind that these boys met up 3 times before Saturday, so it would be an understandment to say that neither team was ready. They both were and oh yes Silsbee came to play and they came out with a victory, congrats to both teams on a season well played and job greatly done.

Now on a more personal note.... I have to watch what I say because, I too am a coach, and a sister to one of the main players that has been openly discussed on this message board. For the grown men to get on here and talk that way is outrageous, do you not think that these kids get on here and read what's going and what's being said? To bring them down even further is selfish of you and down right rude, is it not enough that these kids have to deal with being ridiculed and critisizm on a daily basis, and then to have to get on here and deal with it more. Yes we are intitled to our own opinion but,gosh. And no I'm not just speaking out because it's my brother, I'm speaking on it because it sad. And to the lady that made the comment I aggree with you totally each player does know his or her duty is a player, and limiting yourself or your child to participating in only one thing is wrong. No grudges were held either way, it was a decision that was made, was the decision right or wrong who's to say only he knows and he is the only one who has to live with that and who is living with that decision. Anyone who has ever been a of something as great as basketball or any other sport for that matter should know what dedication is, heck even if you've never played sports. If academics was your thing, then you dedicated yourself to it, if you chose not to be on the debate team one year because you wanted to be a part of the science club lol then that was your decision.lol Come on don't make it out to be too personal, yes we all want our kids to be fit for the real world but, even in the real world players sit out from time to time for the dumbest reasons. More money being the main reason, heck there was a guy in the NFL that sat out 7years until he got the contract that he felt was good enough for him to play under, was it used against him? No they welcomed him back with open arms. So to say a grudge was held no it wasn't. And to answer the question to Lazeek which I'm sure will be on later, he didn't play his junior year because of another sport that he was pursuing. He was invited over seas to play football and decided that he would take the time to get his body together so that he could do so, and none the less to say he went out there and shined all over the field. So him not playing basketball did benifit him somewhere there is more to life than basketball.LOL Judge that if you will............. Again congrats boys on a great season go back and give them the business next year. And to Coach Sutherland, keep on doing what you're doing hands downs there isn't a coach in the Southeast Texas that can hold a light in the shade to you, great job!

I am very aware of why he did not play last year.  I for one am glad that he chose to play hoops this year as it gave the Hawks a little more depth.  I am only frustrated about the post that "Iknowgame" and that you made after the game against Navasota.  HJ is very fortunate to have the staff that they have.  All 3 of those coaches could have head jobs somewhere else and we could have football coaches in their for the JV and Freshman basketball teams.  Instead these 3 coach together to put one of the finest products in SE Texas on the floor every Tuesday and Friday nights on all 3 levels.  We are very happy that they do that.  It is just irritating when someone comes on here and says that the direction that they are heading is wrong.  Your brother chose to play and he knew his role coming in to it.  HE MADE THAT DECISION!!!!  I am glad once again that he did!!!!  Just don't come on here and bash the staff after going 73-8 or whatever it is over the last two seasons.  No hard feelings!!!

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Guest DickVitale

Whoa....This is a ridiculous thing to be discussing....Todd has done a great job over the years, and is a fantastic person...He does not deserve to be criticized in that manner for losing a ball game.  It happens.  What fans fail to realize is that players must fit into a coach's scheme..I dont care how high he can jump, if he cannot fit into the SCHEME, it will be hard for him to get on the floor...He may be all world at rec time, but when you have an organized program, scheme fit is important...wow...that was a long, dumb statement..IKnowGame? I think not.. ::) ::)

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There is an organization growing like wildfire called PACA (parents against coaches association) these guys can get Sutherland and crew straightned out. In order to join, you have to have at least one year of little dribblers experience, be a parent or remotely related to player and be able to coach from the stands. Join today and make a difference!

I nominate this post for the classics. LMAO.

I'm BH baseball, got rained out , and stumbled upon the basketball forum. Man, did I find  did I find a "doozy".

IKNOWTHEGAME....I think not. Anyone bashing the HJ basketball staff and program needs to get out more.....or at least start reading the papers.

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Man it looks like the truth hurts.  And I agree with you about Coach Sutherland he is a great coach, but who said I was talking about Coach Sutherland.  And for whoever said that the player or players who I was refering to was the 7th or 8th best player on the team, name them. Besides #3 and #42, where would you rank #33 he never touches the floor.  Is he that horrible?  From what I hear he is an awesome athlete, this is all that is discussed in the stands, including the visitors.  All Im saying is that you do what it takes to win, I didnt come to argue, Im just calling it like I see it, this is why it is called an opinion.  I have played basketball on all levels and if a player did not cut the mustard and there were players who could, guess who played?

Where should I begin?????  Alphabetical so I don't step on anyone's toes!!!!

#1 Bernard

#2 Burrell

#3 Fontenot

#4 Payne

#5 Ricossa

#6 Sundgren

#7 Turner

#8 Weldon

Need I say anymore??????  The player in question is the 9th (sorry I was even wrong when I posted earleir by saying 6th or 7th best player) best player.  When he performed it was in the latter parts of games agains inferior opponets.  He would not have handled the pressure better than any of the players mentioned above.  He is fortunate to even be able to play this year after not playing last year.  The coaching staff did him a favor.  They did just fine without him last year.  It is sad that he handles it better than you do!!!!!

man elliot is better than both of those guys when he did play he played hard but yeah the whole coaching staff thing is just ridiculous that guy needs to leave sour lake but yeah if you think that jonmichal fotenot is better than jacoby and colby then you make no sense

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Man it looks like the truth hurts.  And I agree with you about Coach Sutherland he is a great coach, but who said I was talking about Coach Sutherland.  And for whoever said that the player or players who I was refering to was the 7th or 8th best player on the team, name them. Besides #3 and #42, where would you rank #33 he never touches the floor.  Is he that horrible?  From what I hear he is an awesome athlete, this is all that is discussed in the stands, including the visitors.  All Im saying is that you do what it takes to win, I didnt come to argue, Im just calling it like I see it, this is why it is called an opinion.  I have played basketball on all levels and if a player did not cut the mustard and there were players who could, guess who played?

Where should I begin?????  Alphabetical so I don't step on anyone's toes!!!!

#1 Bernard

#2 Burrell

#3 Fontenot

#4 Payne

#5 Ricossa

#6 Sundgren

#7 Turner

#8 Weldon

Need I say anymore??????  The player in question is the 9th (sorry I was even wrong when I posted earleir by saying 6th or 7th best player) best player.  When he performed it was in the latter parts of games agains inferior opponets.  He would not have handled the pressure better than any of the players mentioned above.  He is fortunate to even be able to play this year after not playing last year.  The coaching staff did him a favor.  They did just fine without him last year.  It is sad that he handles it better than you do!!!!!

man elliot is better than both of those guys when he did play he played hard but yeah the whole coaching staff thing is just ridiculous that guy needs to leave sour lake but yeah if you think that jonmichal fotenot is better than jacoby and colby then you make no sense

Read the post whizzie.........it is alphabetical!!!!

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The discipline and dedication that these coaches demand year around whether it be in off season or cross country is the very reason this program is one of the most successful in the state.I don't think Lazeek was ranking the players just putting them in alphabetical order.There is a reason this staff consistantly beats more athletic teams.Believe me you don't want to see this system changed or you probably wouldn't be near as happy with the results.Everyone always sees different things in a player but this group was a combination of smart basketball players who understood there role and executed it well.This would have been a great topic if it just had the first three words of the title  ;) ;)

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Guest in it 2 win it

TO whom it may concern..... First of all, I give credit to the H-J staff over the past 2yrs. But its finally time to give them a reality check also... I not only agree, I know that they had a player on the bench who should've been a starter, and if not, atleast the first player to come off the bench.{#3 said so himself} I give alot of Credit to Clay Davis, he is the best X's & O's coach i have seen in a while. As for as Sutherland,come on guys this guy just flat out gets to much credit. Ever since i can remember he has always has nothing but talent. At E.C he rode the back of Jason Thomas, then moved on. At Kountze he rode the backs of all 3 Hancocks, great players, then moved on. At H-J he rode Ryan Donahue's back, now he has Jarvis Bernard. He has always had District MVPs and the best players on the court. When Bernard leaves, take my word Clay will be the next Head coach.... Look it up if you dont believe me, its a trend baby, all he does is follow talent. It hurts me to see that they made Bernard do so much when they had a player on the bench who could have made a difference, #3 said it himself. Quit trying to be like the 91' team and just put the best players on the court. It almost cost us that championship last year, thanks to Ryan Donahue. Throw that daddys a lawyer and we been starting together since lil dribblers junk out the window. (Of course when your parents the coach). BOTTOM LINE IS we had a player who could have started for KTZ, E.C, or Silsbee but not H-J. (lol) great coaching job but poor job on not recognizing talent......By the way i played on that '94 state team and Palmer played the guys who got it done

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Guest tigersvoice

TO whom it may concern..... First of all, I give credit to the H-J staff over the past 2yrs. But its finally time to give them a reality check also... I not only agree, I know that they had a player on the bench who should've been a starter, and if not, atleast the first player to come off the bench.{#3 said so himself} I give alot of Credit to Clay Davis, he is the best X's & O's coach i have seen in a while. As for as Sutherland,come on guys this guy just flat out gets to much credit. Ever since i can remember he has always has nothing but talent. At E.C he rode the back of Jason Thomas, then moved on. At Kountze he rode the backs of all 3 Hancocks, great players, then moved on. At H-J he rode Ryan Donahue's back, now he has Jarvis Bernard. He has always had District MVPs and the best players on the court. When Bernard leaves, take my word Clay will be the next Head coach.... Look it up if you dont believe me, its a trend baby, all he does is follow talent. It hurts me to see that they made Bernard do so much when they had a player on the bench who could have made a difference, #3 said it himself. Quit trying to be like the 91' team and just put the best players on the court. It almost cost us that championship last year, thanks to Ryan Donahue. Throw that daddys a lawyer and we been starting together since lil dribblers junk out the window. (Of course when your parents the coach). BOTTOM LINE IS we had a player who could have started for KTZ, E.C, or Silsbee but not H-J. (lol) great coaching job but poor job on not recognizing talent......By the way i played on that '94 state team and Palmer played the guys who got it done

I can't address the rights and wrongs of the point that you are making.  But I know this:  when the team (#3 said so himself) and the parents take over the team decision making the PROGRAM WILL SELF-DESTRUCT!

Seems like the vast majority of people that know Coach Sutherland and have a little knowledge of basketball seem to think he's a pretty decent coach.  Now, as far as leaving when Benard graduates, I believe Coach Sutherland's daughter is in the same class as Jarvis.  Upon her graduation, Coach Sutherland may or may not have somewhere he wants to go.  But then you will probably be around to explain what an exploiter of talent Coach Sutherland was.  Seems to me he is an excellent user of the talent he has, both his coaching talent and his talent to put the best team on the court.  Just my opinion.

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Guest nostradamus

I'll say this and I'll say it one time only!

You better leave my name out of any threads that have to do with bashing Todd Sutherland!

I don't care if you are giving me credit or not!

If you have a problem with something then you need to be an adult and come speak face to face with the coaching staff!

I refuse to sit here and watch this CRAP any longer!  I have bitten my tongue for 3 days now while all of these IDIOTIC and UNEDUCATED comments have been made!  I won't watch it any longer! 

All those making judgements and assessments were not at practice everyday and have NO CLUE what is going on!

Again, if you have an issue then be a man and come speak personally and quit hiding behind a message board name!!


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    • If your point was to lie about me, you succeeded. Congratulations. You must feel like a winner, aka Harry Reid.
    • Read it all - good info - thanks
    • Two political opponents pointing to each other and calling each other a liar…..  Is like two roosters fighting  and then pointing to the other and calling him a chicken. 
    • Trump was indicted for his activities on January 6. He appealed the indictment to the District Court (trial court) and the way I read it, they pretty much said he has no immunity, period. So he appealed to the Circuit Court which is not a trial court, but is a constitutional court one step below the US Supreme Court. Both the District Court and the Circuit Court denied even reviewing the case. I believe they simply said that a former president has no such immunity. The US Supreme Court then took up the case on a constitutional basis. Remember at this point there has been no trial so no facts of the case have come out. It has been only appeals on the constitutionality of immunity. The Supreme Court ruling today said that the president has absolute immunity for constitutional authority (conclusive and preclusive).  What that means to me is, if it’s something the Constitution gives him the authority to do, he absolutely cannot have charges filed against him. An easy example that I can think of is the Constitution makes him the commander-in-chief of the military. So if a president authorizes the military to do something such as Reagan authorizing the bombing of Libya in retaliation for terrorist attacks, the president cannot be sued or held to criminal charges because some civilians in Libya got killed. That is his authority as commander-in-chief and protection of the country. The Supreme Court then ruled that the president has presumed official acts immunity. A presumption under law in a case such as this means that it is assumed that the person accused, such as a president, is not guilty. The presumption is that he followed the law. The presumption does allow however for the prosecution to try and prove by a preponderance of the evidence that the presumption does not exist. The person accused does not have to prove anything. The president does not have to prove that he had immunity. The prosecution has to prove that more likely yes than no that he didn’t have immunity. So technically there’s an opening to prosecute but you start out with the presumption that the person accused is not guilty with nothing to prove. As an example, the president has wide authority in many areas including issuing some executive orders. Those are authorities as official acts. If the president was to do something like order the unjustified jailing of a political opponent in an upcoming election and order the opponent held in Gitmo to keep from campaigning, that would not be included under an official act immunity. So it is possible to overcome the presumption of immunity but it will take quite a bit of work.  The president has no immunity whatsoever that is outside of constitutional authority or an official act. As an example of the president gets drunk and manages to sneak past his Secret Service bodyguard. He gets in the car and drives DWI and kills someone. That is not covered under an official act so he could be held accountable for a homicide. So…. For constitutional authorities, the president has absolute immunity. For an official act, he has presumed immunity. Anything outside of a constitutional or official act, such as driving DWI, has no immunity. In this ruling the Supreme Court vacated the indictment because the District Court, and the Circuit Court did not even consider immunity. The Supreme Court did not clear Trump because at this point they have not even heard the evidence. All they issued was a constitutional ruling that the lower courts have to at least consider immunity under the rule that they just established. Therefore the case goes back to the prosecution to bring a case at the trial court level and try to prove that whatever Trump is accused of, it was not an official act. Certainly the DOJ could read this Supreme Court ruling and drop the case, saying that they cannot overcome immunity. I’m not going to hold my breath, waiting for the DOJ to come to that conclusion. Simply disagreeing with a president actions does not disprove immunity. I disagreed with some of the things that Biden did such as ordering vaccines for some workers. Some of that was appealed and the courts threw out some of those mandates, especially under OSHSA. I don’t think Biden could be prosecuted however for issuing an executive order to one of his federal agencies because that is probably covered under an official act immunity. Not liking it does not automatically qualified as a crime. Therefore…. Can the DOJ try to again get an indictment against Trump and try to prove in court that he is not covered by one of the immunities listed? Yes. The Supreme Court  has stated that under their ruling absolute immunity must be taken into consideration for a constitutional act and presumed immunity must be taken into consideration for an official act. Let’s just say that the DOJ pushed this case again and convince the trial court and the appeals court that Trump has no immunity and they get a criminal conviction. At their discretion, the Supreme Court can take this case up again since the trial would have been held and the Supreme Court could see how the lower courts came to their conclusion. The Supreme Court could agree that with the lower courts that there was no immunity and a conviction stands or they could say, y'all weren't paying attention to our ruling and they can throw the whole case out. If you don’t want to read all of that……  To date the ruling is, yes a former president has immunity from what he did in office and by law that must be taken into consideration under the rules that the Supreme Court just set. The rest will play out in the future. 
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