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A football coaches responsibility is to build a football team, whether during the season or the off season.  A baseball coach's responsibility is to do the same.  The problem is conflicting needs.  If you have a big guy that is a lineman, you are going to build him as such.  This means that you are going to build bulk, and not arm.  If he is also one of the pitchers of the team, this is going to conflict with what is needed for the baseball team.  Problem is, the head football coach in most of the area schools is also, TA DA...the AD.  So guess who gets hosed?

In addition, probably the majority of weight training workouts specify alternating muscle groups on alternating days to prevent injury, and allow for muscle growth and regeneration.  It's a physical reality, especially for developing muscles in teens, where not only is the muscle involved, but the bone growth plates as well.  I'm sure many of you know of a kid who was threw heat at 11 or 12, was ridden hard by his volunteer coach as his "ace", and ends up having a "rag arm" by the time he gets to high school.  It wasn't his genetics, it was over use.

So what does this boil down to?  A good coaching staff puts the health of the kids first and foremost.  A good coaching staff doesn't have identified "aces". they have developed a lot of kids at the pitching position, and are ready no matter who they play.  A good coaching staff develops their team in all positions, and has a kid ready to go, if one of the others is hurt.  A good coaching staff doesn't need a couple of "ironmen" playing hurt because they have the whole team ready to play ball.  A good coaching staff has workouts that meet the needs of the kids, not the ego of the coaches.  A good coaching staff doesn't need a UIL rule, because they already had that idea of taking care of the kids foremost in their mind.  I am proud to say that where my kid is...we have a GREAT coaching staff, and they have developed the epitome of what baseball is...TEAM... 

Thats right on the money.  Where do you live?  I need to move over there! ;D


I think a bigger reason than weight training for injuries is select baseball - DONE WRONG.  I am a big proponent of select ball if the coach handles it correctly.  If you have a kid pitching in high school, he needs to let his arm rest either during the fall season or the summer.  He can still play, just another position.  I know of a local lefthander that had a great future but in his Sophmore year he pitched fall, high school, and summer and then had Tommy John and missed his Junior year.  Some kids even play on two or more select teams and pitch for both.

Was he from Bridge City?


A football coaches responsibility is to build a football team, whether during the season or the off season.  A baseball coach's responsibility is to do the same.  The problem is conflicting needs.  If you have a big guy that is a lineman, you are going to build him as such.  This means that you are going to build bulk, and not arm.  If he is also one of the pitchers of the team, this is going to conflict with what is needed for the baseball team.  Problem is, the head football coach in most of the area schools is also, TA DA...the AD.  So guess who gets hosed?

In addition, probably the majority of weight training workouts specify alternating muscle groups on alternating days to prevent injury, and allow for muscle growth and regeneration.  It's a physical reality, especially for developing muscles in teens, where not only is the muscle involved, but the bone growth plates as well.  I'm sure many of you know of a kid who was threw heat at 11 or 12, was ridden hard by his volunteer coach as his "ace", and ends up having a "rag arm" by the time he gets to high school.  It wasn't his genetics, it was over use.

So what does this boil down to?  A good coaching staff puts the health of the kids first and foremost.  A good coaching staff doesn't have identified "aces". they have developed a lot of kids at the pitching position, and are ready no matter who they play.  A good coaching staff develops their team in all positions, and has a kid ready to go, if one of the others is hurt.  A good coaching staff doesn't need a couple of "ironmen" playing hurt because they have the whole team ready to play ball.  A good coaching staff has workouts that meet the needs of the kids, not the ego of the coaches.  A good coaching staff doesn't need a UIL rule, because they already had that idea of taking care of the kids foremost in their mind.  I am proud to say that where my kid is...we have a GREAT coaching staff, and they have developed the epitome of what baseball is...TEAM... 

elhector how is your football team where your at? What about your basketball team, track? How are they doing?

Can someone on here tell me what the argument is??? The original post was baseball kids that play football having to on non game days lifting weights twice a week. And how everyone feels?

Strike-out can you tell me what a "powerlifting" workout means ???? Unless I am wrong you are saying that your school weighting workouts are only the bench press, squat, and deadlift? Is this correct? Because man that staff needs to be fired if this is true!!!

Does no one on here feel weights are important in every sport including baseball?? How can being stronger not make you a better baseball player?? Can someone on here tell me why Roger Clemens and Barry Bonds are going to jail for perjury. Was it taking steroids and not lifting wieghts after taking them?? Wasn't Jose Canseco a 50-50 club member, so it doesn't look like he slowed down any by bulking up.

I need all you "experts" on here to please educate me on all your research and knowledge in the subject of strength training and please inlcude your credentials because I want to know all the facts for my kids future uses when they get to high school age. Give us all a break and come into the 21st century. You should just demand that your football coach make ALL ATHLETES not just football players lift "at least twice a week" if not more, maybe you son or daugther would be faster and a better baseball player.

Quit whining and do more research into the LATEST knowledge about the importance of strength training year-round to all sports. I tell you what why don't you just call the strength and conditioning coaches at a couple of major universities and see what they have baseball players doing during the season, and off season. I promise they are ALL lifting throughout the year, pichers included!

Check out NOLAN RYAN's writings about liftingand workouts, especially right after games. Read about Michael Jordan's lifting workouts on game day!

And the UIL does prohibit coaches from mandating offseason workouts on game days!


A football coaches responsibility is to build a football team, whether during the season or the off season.  A baseball coach's responsibility is to do the same.  The problem is conflicting needs.  If you have a big guy that is a lineman, you are going to build him as such.  This means that you are going to build bulk, and not arm.  If he is also one of the pitchers of the team, this is going to conflict with what is needed for the baseball team.  Problem is, the head football coach in most of the area schools is also, TA DA...the AD.  So guess who gets hosed?

In addition, probably the majority of weight training workouts specify alternating muscle groups on alternating days to prevent injury, and allow for muscle growth and regeneration.  It's a physical reality, especially for developing muscles in teens, where not only is the muscle involved, but the bone growth plates as well.  I'm sure many of you know of a kid who was threw heat at 11 or 12, was ridden hard by his volunteer coach as his "ace", and ends up having a "rag arm" by the time he gets to high school.  It wasn't his genetics, it was over use.

So what does this boil down to?  A good coaching staff puts the health of the kids first and foremost.  A good coaching staff doesn't have identified "aces". they have developed a lot of kids at the pitching position, and are ready no matter who they play.  A good coaching staff develops their team in all positions, and has a kid ready to go, if one of the others is hurt.  A good coaching staff doesn't need a couple of "ironmen" playing hurt because they have the whole team ready to play ball.  A good coaching staff has workouts that meet the needs of the kids, not the ego of the coaches.  A good coaching staff doesn't need a UIL rule, because they already had that idea of taking care of the kids foremost in their mind.  I am proud to say that where my kid is...we have a GREAT coaching staff, and they have developed the epitome of what baseball is...TEAM... 

elhector how is your football team where your at? What about your basketball team, track? How are they doing?

Can someone on here tell me what the argument is??? The original post was baseball kids that play football having to on non game days lifting weights twice a week. And how everyone feels?

Strike-out can you tell me what a "powerlifting" workout means ???? Unless I am wrong you are saying that your school weighting workouts are only the bench press, squat, and deadlift? Is this correct? Because man that staff needs to be fired if this is true!!!

Does no one on here feel weights are important in every sport including baseball?? How can being stronger not make you a better baseball player?? Can someone on here tell me why Roger Clemens and Barry Bonds are going to jail for perjury. Was it taking steroids and not lifting wieghts after taking them?? Wasn't Jose Canseco a 50-50 club member, so it doesn't look like he slowed down any by bulking up.

I need all you "experts" on here to please educate me on all your research and knowledge in the subject of strength training and please inlcude your credentials because I want to know all the facts for my kids future uses when they get to high school age. Give us all a break and come into the 21st century. You should just demand that your football coach make ALL ATHLETES not just football players lift "at least twice a week" if not more, maybe you son or daugther would be faster and a better baseball player.

Quit whining and do more research into the LATEST knowledge about the importance of strength training year-round to all sports. I tell you what why don't you just call the strength and conditioning coaches at a couple of major universities and see what they have baseball players doing during the season, and off season. I promise they are ALL lifting throughout the year, pichers included!

Check out NOLAN RYAN's writings about liftingand workouts, especially right after games. Read about Michael Jordan's lifting workouts on game day!

And the UIL does prohibit coaches from mandating offseason workouts on game days!


no one is saying working out is not good for you. All everone on here is saying that having to do weights that football is making you do on baseball game days, or basketball game days is not good. EX.  Kid has a big district basketball game, football coach make him squat and do any thing you can thing of with legs. You tell me how is it that he will be ready for that game. Same with baseball, football coaches make him do shoulder on game day, but then he is supposed to go out there and throw  the same as normal.

Dang rt they should workout, just not what football wants them to do on game day. 

If working out on game days is so good, why do no football teams have their kids work out on friday. And remember when you answer that micheal jordan worked out on game days.

Guest rambleonus

At Kingwood Park our baseball players still lift during the season but not on game day.  My son has pitched 4 complete games this season and hasn't had any problems.  Actually I think he's much stronger than in the past.  We do have 1 player who has a strained rotator cuff I think is from lifting but it was minor so the trainer said.


In Buna, we lift religiously!  All my baseball players lift 3 days a week.  If we are lifting on a game day, the pitcher for the day or possible pitchers, will do different lifts or lighter weights.  Lifting on game days has never effected any of my kids.  In fact, 90% of them love to lift on game days.  The other 10% never like to lift, game day or not!  By the way, the person with the log in name of Terrier is not Coach Terrier from Buna. I am.


I never said not to lift in the off season...My concern is with lifiting on a game day.  Pitchers have a certain pitch count that they can get to if they are throwing that day.  If you are going to watch a kid with regard to pitch count, wouldn't it stand to reason that you would watch the kid with regard to lifting weights? 

In addition, I think that the UIL instituted the rule FOR A REASON.  They have much more on the ball with regard to professionals in sports medicine than I, or any other baseball dad have.  The issue for many schools, thankfully not mine, is in some football coaches wanting to institute their regimen to the disregard of everything else.  At that point in time, you have the potential for injury to a kid who has the desire to play, but not the experience and know how on how his muscles are affected.  Insuring kids are safe and healthy to the greatest extent possible is the job of the coaches.


Weight lifting is good for kids, to an extent..If it is game day why exert energy on weights, most sports

save energy on game day...Nolan Ryan, Cal Ripken, Bo Jackson, are these kids in high school??? We are talking about the h.s. athlete...he needs everthing he has for the game itself to be most likely..successful..Nothing like seeing that kid come up short on game day and someone telling him, "these

weights want hurt you for the game today, they WILL HELP YOU IN THE LONG RUN"......WHOOPS CAREER IS OVER!!!...But he sure looks good down at the local World Gym....please.


I can see where you might want to ease up on lifting for pitchers on game day but those others who are going to stand around all game won't be hurt a bit.  Lifting helps all sports.  Some of you football haters need to get a life.  Schools run an athletic program, not a baseball training clinic. 


correct 44stack, an ATHLETIC PROGRAM, not a baseball clinic, but then again, not a football clinic either.  It's not a football hating thing, it's a making sure the kids are healthy to play all sports thing.  Your comment about other players "standing around" shows your lack of understanding about the game of baseball.  Ball gets hit to the outfield, fielder needs to get it in, uses arm to do it.  The same with any infielder, who has to throw hard to get the ball to a base.  Same thing with the catcher, who spends most of his time in the squat position.  Baseball players do a lot more than "stand around". 

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