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"you can hate me if you want , Cause I love me some me " Terrel Owens  ;D ;D ;D ;D

Is this the actual quote:  [move]Cause I love me some me [/move]


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"you can hate me if you want , Cause I love me some me " Terrel Owens  ;D ;D ;D ;D

Is this the actual quote:  [move]Cause I love me some me [/move]


You make the call DAMan:  Is it an actual quote or a b-a-g fan rendition of a quote?  Tough call ???
Guest WeedBegone

"you can hate me if you want , Cause I love me some me " Terrel Owens  ;D ;D ;D ;D

Is this the actual quote:  [move]Cause I love me some me [/move]


You make the call DAMan:  Is it an actual quote or a b-a-g fan rendition of a quote?  Tough call ???


This thread is 4 readers from 1000.  It has got to be the most entertaining in a long time.

I nominate the following:

OF HF game ---The official game of the WEEK.

BAGFAN     ----The official  thread poster child of the week.

And  most importantly: 

Lady Swain  Sain as the official inactive PLAYER OF THE WEEK.

Modified my post --She's Sain and we are insane.

Guest b-a-g fan

"you can hate me if you want , Cause I love me some me " Terrel Owens  ;D ;D ;D ;D

Is this the actual quote:  [move]Cause I love me some me [/move]


You make the call DAMan:  Is it an actual quote or a b-a-g fan rendition of a quote?  Tough call ???


This thread is 4 readers from 1000.  It has got to be the most entertaining in a long time.

I nominate the following:

OF HF game ---The official game of the WEEK.

BAGFAN     ----The official  thread poster child of the week.

And  most importantly: 

Lady Swain  Sain as the official inactive PLAYER OF THE WEEK.

Modified my post --She's Sain and we are insane.

And weed Latin the curriculum of choice  :D :D  "Get your popcorn Ready "
Guest osue200

I'm sorry I got lost.  Between BAG latin and WEED latin I couldn't keep up.  How about a re-cap.

Guest Robert Plant

I'm sorry I got lost.  Between BAG latin and WEED latin I couldn't keep up.  How about a re-cap.

OK. I'll Try!!! Somebody from HF is PO'd that b-a-g ran over a turtle.  :P


I will say this and let this rest .. Commitment to softball is experienced by the whole family.. It can also give a child and parent and coach an avenue to become closer than mabee they would without......I have personally seen through many years of coaching kids stop playing the game drift from the family and find other more detrimental intrest  ???  It is just a game or is it  ???...  GOD is the commitment that comes first and foremost that is not in question here ..The child is not being blamed I think its more what are the parents thinking  ??? I may be wrong on this asumption ???I would be willing to bet alot of teams in this area would pay to send C. Austin on a trip when they play Nederland dont even try  I promise she wont go  :D :D  Its not were you go with your family ,its what you make of the time ,playing catch pitching lessons or batting cage can bring the same bond  .. ANd it is not just a game (its a part of there life ) a part that goes by to fast and everyone should enjoy every minute they get to share watching or helping they can .. Good luck to HF I hope they do make the playoffs.. IMPO I think this thread hit a nerve because everyone has seen players miss games , this time it was the star pitcher .. and as far as the comment this is not the playoffs or nationals  ??? ??? ???  Every game in the highschool season (in a tough district anyway)could make or break a team reaching the playoffs ..YOu never want to give a game to anyone .. This all sounds like on here days of our lives ,but it is nice to see peoples love and passion for the great game of softball .. ;) One thing no one on here considered even myself  ???

After reading this post--i can visualize you driving while driving to a softball game.  You would have run three red lights, two stop signs, derailed a train, hit a grocery basket full of groceries, nailed a whole block of trash cans, trenched a couple of yards, taken out a freshly planted flower bed, windshielding a Big GOOSE,  and then skidding to a complete stop to allow a turtle cross the road. 

But dont change a thing--everybody likes the BAG just like he is.  Have a great Easter week. 

BAG did hit a big Orange Highway marker barrel at about 75mph going to a tournament one morning!


BAG did hit a big Orange Highway marker barrel at about 75mph going to a tournament one morning!

Had to be in his pre-tech days.  Probably day dreaming about how people make those words scroll across the computer screen. Mesmerizing!
Guest b-a-g fan

I did hit a barrel trying to keep up with cheater on the way to a tourney for terror ( have you guys ever tried to keep up in a vehichle with cheater ). well needless to say all the kids in my vehichle were awake for the game well after a bathroom trip :D :D :D :D :D as far as a turtle that has no truth please no one call the animal rights people  :) :) :)


I did hit a barrel trying to keep up with cheater on the way to a tourney for terror ( have you guys ever tried to keep up in a vehichle with cheater ). well needless to say all the kids in my vehichle were awake for the game well after a bathroom trip :D :D :D :D :D as far as a turtle that has no truth please no one call the animal rights people  :) :) :)

POOR TURTLE;;;;;;;;;turtle.gif

:o WOW sorry but i still think this goes back to NOT being prepared...when a coach knows BEFORE season and knows the schedule and does not prepare a head of time.....that is not coaching smart....thought your STAR PITCHER was suppose to be the LEADER.....sorry i think it is the coaching...but it will be all better when everyone is back cause the LEADER will just fall into place like nothing every happened.....that my friends is small town politics at its best....plain and simple...keep workin hard Lady Horns......good luck and keep those heads up no matter what is thrown at you :D:o
Guest Robert Plant

I did hit a barrel trying to keep up with cheater on the way to a tourney for terror ( have you guys ever tried to keep up in a vehichle with cheater ). well needless to say all the kids in my vehichle were awake for the game well after a bathroom trip :D :D :D :D :D as far as a turtle that has no truth please no one call the animal rights people  :) :) :)

POOR TURTLE;;;;;;;;;turtle.gif

Wow!!!!! DAMan that's kinda creepy. Reminds of the "Alien" movies.....


i am one of the players who did move up to take up a spot for someone gone, and this is a dedication sport, but honestly what could shannon and kayla do?? it wasnt their fault. their parents planned the trip, the only reason people are making such a big deal is because of who we are playing, and it wasnt pitching that killed us the other day. it was defense, kendall did great pitching, they most the batters did was pop up on her, defense couldnt make the plays though, and our bats were weak.  but as for shannon and kayla, lay off, it isnt their fault. and all i hope is we hang in there against BC adn me and kendall are on top of our pitching, GOOD LUCK LADY HORNS!!!!  ;D


i am one of the players who did move up to take up a spot for someone gone, and this is a dedication sport, but honestly what could shannon and kayla do?? it wasnt their fault. their parents planned the trip, the only reason people are making such a big deal is because of who we are playing, and it wasnt pitching that killed us the other day. it was defense, kendall did great pitching, they most the batters did was pop up on her, defense couldnt make the plays though, and our bats were weak.  but as for shannon and kayla, lay off, it isnt their fault. and all i hope is we hang in there against BC adn me and kendall are on top of our pitching, GOOD LUCK LADY HORNS!!!!  ;D

Well said, a player taking responsibly for how she and her team plays. Good job and good luck. Yes I do belive in my creed, Losers try and winners perform.

i am one of the players who did move up to take up a spot for someone gone, and this is a dedication sport, but honestly what could shannon and kayla do?? it wasnt their fault. their parents planned the trip, the only reason people are making such a big deal is because of who we are playing, and it wasnt pitching that killed us the other day. it was defense, kendall did great pitching, they most the batters did was pop up on her, defense couldnt make the plays though, and our bats were weak.  but as for shannon and kayla, lay off, it isnt their fault. and all i hope is we hang in there against BC adn me and kendall are on top of our pitching, GOOD LUCK LADY HORNS!!!!  ;D

Well said, a player taking responsibly for how she and her team plays. Good job and good luck. Yes I do belive in my creed, Losers try and winners perform.

D I T T O.


You people want to talk about commitment. So lets talk. From the day you were born there is a commitment to your family.  And I'll tell you there is NO greater or stronger commitment on earth than family. When a player plays all year there are very few times a family can get together. I have heard people say there is plenty of time to go on a vacation. BULL. A parent can't just pick when to be off from work for a week for vacation, especially if both parents work. Sometimes decisions are hard, especially if parents are not willing to leave their child behind. Family togetherness is important. There maybe some running at practice when the player returns, but an athlete will get over that in a hurry, you don't get over missing family togetherness, ever.


Great post!

If you know the Sain family, you'd be hard pressed to find anyone that's more committed to family.  This trip was planned well in advance with all concerned parties knowing about it for a long time. 

  Almost every man on this forum got into softball to spend time with their daughters doing something they both love...softball.  Family vacations fall into that same category...time spent together.  It's a lucky man that can look back on his life WITHOUT saying "I wish I had spent more time with my family instead of...".  Mike Sain is one step closer than a lot of men to taking that phrase out of his vocabulary. 

Good luck to H-F!  I've become a big fan of this program.


You people want to talk about commitment. So lets talk. From the day you were born there is a commitment to your family.  And I'll tell you there is NO greater or stronger commitment on earth than family. When a player plays all year there are very few times a family can get together. I have heard people say there is plenty of time to go on a vacation. BULL. A parent can't just pick when to be off from work for a week for vacation, especially if both parents work. Sometimes decisions are hard, especially if parents are not willing to leave their child behind. Family togetherness is important. There maybe some running at practice when the player returns, but an athlete will get over that in a hurry, you don't get over missing family togetherness, ever.


Great post!

If you know the Sain family, you'd be hard pressed to find anyone that's more committed to family.  This trip was planned well in advance with all concerned parties knowing about it for a long time. 

  Almost every man on this forum got into softball to spend time with their daughters doing something they both love...softball.  Family vacations fall into that same category...time spent together.  It's a lucky man that can look back on his life WITHOUT saying "I wish I had spent more time with my family instead of...".  Mike Sain is one step closer than a lot of men to taking that phrase out of his vocabulary. 

Good luck to H-F!  I've become a big fan of this program.

I guess we have reached a point that the topic is getting worn out??? I will just add one last comment and then let it go:

The word  " fault" is a poor word to use in this situation because it lays blame for something bad that has happened. So let's change it to "the thought process of this decision to miss two district games at this point in the season," with that said I hope it takes the defensiveness out of other posters and the young lady that posted on here that plays for this team. No one is placing blame on anyone, well, except MOOCH, who feels it should be blamed on politicians and coaches, which I have no idea how she could feel this way and where the mayor got into this argument?

No one is at fault for anything here, it is a matter of choices. Life is made up of choices,  and you must live with them good or bad! Therefore, if the parties involved, the players and THEIR parents, their teammates, and their coaches at HF, and no one else, are ok with what has taken place and the decision as it was made, then that is all that matters, and good luck to all of you the rest of the season. I would want my kids to understand they cannot satisfy their personal needs and desires at the expense of other people depending on them or their abilities. I want to say again no one is at fault here especially not the girls themselves but the lessons taught them was not about commitment to family but instead it was satisfying individual desires and wants even if it means disappointing friends and teammates in the process.

I definitely can see this as an issue of priorities, plain and simple!!!! And the priority numero ono in this case was definitely a planned vacation and "quality" family time. And the distant second priority in the lives of these individuals was the success of the HF softball team and the other team members. Does anyone disagree with this?

My only statement was the ramifications of any decision in life such as this has many more effects on so many more people and so many other things that sometimes can not be seen before the decision is carried out. I feel (my opinion only) that as a parent our job is to train our kids to make good choices and decisions and live with them so they can grow up and be better members of society. I feel you have commitments broken either way in this situation but I as a parent would find another way to spend quality time with my kids for this entire week while school is out without taking them out of state and still allow my kids to fulfill their commitments to their teammates and their coaches at the same time. Why does family time mean out of state skiing trips, why not just do things together in the area everyday the entire week? If what your saying is family is first, then make it family first and spend time together but why effect so many others in the process. I know game schedules are posted early enough to plan around. I am sorry if I offend anyone but I just feel the point here is being missed, and the lessons to be learned are being over shadowed with emotions.

If these kids are placed right back in the line-up then you might as well make all games and practices voluntary with no punishment or comments about missing practice or games by players for any reason. If a softball team winning or losing is a minor priority then who cares, stick them back in the line-up and move on. If commitment and dedication are not important or not a part of this programs motto, then no one should be punished for missing practice or games for any reason. Heck just make all games and practices voluntary!!!! Who decides what is important and what isn't??? I know I want my kids to learn they can't just come and go when they want in there future jobs, and that everything they do effects others. this is what athletics are about, not winning or losing but the lessons we learn from them about being quality citizens of society.

Good luck to the team and the players on the rest of the season, I really hope you can win the rest of your games, but then again, this would cloud up the the overall effect and lesson to be learned by the choices that were ultimately made?? Did they have an effect on the team??? Who knows?? No one knows if they would have won if they were there or if the outcome would have been different, no one can speculate on this, we will never know. The main thing is what happens from this point on and the lessons to be taught and learned.


:o WOW sorry but i still think this goes back to NOT being prepared...when a coach knows BEFORE season and knows the schedule and does not prepare a head of time.....that is not coaching smart....thought your STAR PITCHER was suppose to be the LEADER.....sorry i think it is the coaching...but it will be all better when everyone is back cause the LEADER will just fall into place like nothing every happened.....that my friends is small town politics at its best....plain and simple...keep workin hard Lady Horns......good luck and keep those heads up no matter what is thrown at you :D:o

Dear HF Softball Mom or mooch:

Can you please translate to me where you stand on this issue? You are really wishy-washy and walking the fence on which side you are on?

And more importantly can you explain to me how this situation has anything to do with coaching???? To this point anyway?? Now after the players get back and how it will be handled you have an argument but how can you prepare for this any more than playing certain back-up people in certain games before this week but then you take a chance of losing those games? Just asking because you seem to have an axe to grind with the coach?


Commitment  should be taught by the parents.  Should these girls  decide to play softball at the college level and parents decide to take them on a vacation during conference play, I think that they would not be playing again and possibly lose their scholarship. Being on softball TEAM or whatever TEAM teaches much more than how to play that sport.  It teaches how to be a TEAM player in later life, how to dedicate yourself to a task in a TEAM environment, teaches chacter, lifelong  life skills and sometimes how to sacrifice yourself for the betterment of the TEAM.

I do agree that family life is so IMPORTANT but there are many ways to have family life without sacrificing the TEAM goals and objectives.

Softball is a TEAM sport not an individual sport!! Coaches tell their players that a TEAM is a group effort not the word  I !!!!!!!!!!!


Guest WeedBegone

Dang guys--listen to yourselves.  If committment is important--then I say you best get your priorities straight first.  In a nutshell---

My priorities are:

Family first --including beliefs and values

Health--mental and physical

Sustaining my family --by maintaining an adequate career

Getting involved--my choice is doing things that help and support my kids activities of which softball  falls in here.

This committment to the team --sounds good and is good --but when it comes down to a life-span--you guys will not believe some of these things you are saying.

Leave these girls and families alone.  Mind your own darned business.  And then hopefully we will not someday find reason to unfairly judge you and your family. 

I supported my kid by chaperoning her group to Disney.  Had a blast and enjoyed knowing she and her friends had a good time also.  She was committed to the band, and also committted to the softball team--and her coach was aware and took a team to a tournament with several players missing.  They froze their butts off while we jammed with Mickey.    So leave this family alone and come attack my values--because I know where my heart and committment lies--and i am quite comfortable with it--and what you say does not mean a Rats A$$ (sorry Mickey) to me.




Dang guys--listen to yourselves.  If committment is important--then I say you best get your priorities straight first.  In a nutshell---

My priorities are:

Family first --including beliefs and values

Health--mental and physical

Sustaining my family --by maintaining an adequate career

Getting involved--my choice is doing things that help and support my kids activities of which softball  falls in here.

This committment to the team --sounds good and is good --but when it comes down to a life-span--you guys will not believe some of these things you are saying.

Leave these girls and families alone.  Mind your own darned business.  And then hopefully we will not someday find reason to unfairly judge you and your family.   

I supported my kid by chaperoning her group to Disney.  Had a blast and enjoyed knowing she and her friends had a good time also.  She was committed to the band, and also committted to the softball team--and her coach was aware and took a team to a tournament with several players missing.  They froze their butts off while we jammed with Mickey.    So leave this family alone and come attack my values--because I know where my heart and committment lies--and i am quite comfortable with it--and what you say does not mean a Rats A$$ (sorry Mickey) to me.



Amen, 92.gif...This topic should be over.


this topic should be over, softball isn't about who is gone at what point.  Shannon is dedicated and so is Kayla and the rest of her family.  just because they went on vacation during spring break i don't think it is that big of deal.  its what spring break is for.  she had no say in the matter, therefore its not her fault.  what we need to be focusing on is not who is gone, but how we need to play.  we need to not get down because some players are missing, sure she is a GREAT pitcher.  but pitching can only get you so far.  we need hits. and without hits, you have nothing.  this is a TEAM, and we need to start acting like one.

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