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i would say that Marsh is more athletec than Jocoby Joseph he is not quite as tall but i think he jumps higher and i bet he is faster. he doesnt have as good of an outside game as jocoby but i would say he is everybit as athletic as jocoby

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Here is the 2008 All Setxsports.com team:

MVP: Tremain Thomas-East Chambers

Off MVP: Jarvis Benard- Hardin-Jefferson

Def MVP: DeCarlos Franks- Bmt. Ozen

Newcomer: Roman Walker- Kountze

1st Team:

Jarvis Benard- Hardin-Jefferson

DeCarlos Franks- Bmt. Ozen

Jamar Gulley- Bmt. Central

Daniel Marsh- Hardin

Shannon Robinson- Silsbee

Tremain Thomas- East Chambers

Roman Walker- Kountze

you got 3 2a players on that list...


Is the Marsh kid black or white.  Perhaps they were trying to establish somekind of balance.  That may be an ignorant statement not knowing the background of the classic.  I have heard of James Gamble however.  he must have been one of the best.


DickieV...I have pretty much respected your opinion until now.  Your argument about comparing Marsh and Thomas is weak.  You keep saying "he is probably a decent player" and that suggests that you have never seen him play.  Stop with the comparisons if you have seen one player but not the other.  I have seen both Marsh and Thomas play.  Marsh is every bit the athlete TT is...like baseball25 says, TT had a better supporting cast than Marsh so it seems like TT is the better athlete. Also, he was in his post position because he was the tallest player (at Hardin) and his jumping ability.  If we had a Vance McDonald inside then he would have killed you softly from outside (definitely 15 foot range, if not 3s)  If you took both players off their respective teams, the teams would suffer, but EC would have not have suffered as much as Hardin.  Vance McDonald is a very good and consistent player as is Donte Raymond.  You would be hard pressed to say who would do well for Hardin if Marsh was not on there.  There are some good athletes at Hardin but none as consistent as Marsh, unless you count Hunter Davis.  So please stop with the uninformed arguing...


I have seen both of the kids play and tremain is the better BASKETBALL player. Marsh may be as good of or a better athlete but that does not mean he has a better shot, ball handling skills, or court vision. Larry Bird was one of the best players of all time and he was also one of the least athletic. A great athlete does not always make a great basketball player.

I am not arguing that Marsh should not be on the gamble team because his numbers are impressive. I am simply saying Tremain should be on there first

Guest DickVitale

NO, I have NOT seen the Marsh kid play, (why would I? He's in Hardin) but knowing the area, and more than that, knowing the game, a 6'2 post player is not going to make any ALL-STAR team playing post with other proven 6'6-6'7 ATHLETES in class 4 and 5A...Its common sense. Now, had he been THAT special, he would have gotten the attention of the area, and it would not be up for discussion. (i.e. TREMAIN THOMAS)...Bottom line...HE IS NOT, AND SHOULD NOT BE ON THE TEAM...End of discussion...Next topic, PLEASE.


Having had the oppurtunity to watch both Marsh and TT play on several occassions I have to say that Marsh is a better shooter.  TT is not as special as every body wants to say he is.  Good athlete yes.  But you put him on Marsh's team with the lack of size and athleticism that is at Hardin and Hardin is not playoff material.



Larry Bird is my favorite basketball player of all time, but your statement about "a great athlete does not always make a great basketball player" doesn't hold water where Marsh is concerned.  He knows his stuff...if you have watched him like you say then you would have seen him try to do everything possible to help his team win...passing out of the box, rebound, even sometimes taking the ball on point for a fast break plus the softest shot I have ever seen.  Now, I have not argued nor will I argue that Tramain should have not made the Gamble team.  He is a good player in his own right as is Marsh.  The only concessions I make about it is that TT is quicker on the court than Marsh and ballhandling edge does go to TT strictly because he was primarily a 1 or 2 guard while Marsh was a post for his team.

This brings me to DickieV...Marsh is only a post player by circumstance (as you would know if you had read my earlier post).  Being the tallest player on the team tends to make you a post.  No, he would not probably have done as well against 6'6" or better post players (although he probably could outrebound them due to his Rodman-like leaping ability) but I think he would have done well as a 3 or even a 2.  DV, the only problem I had with your posts in this particular thread is that you dismiss him too quickly by citing "2A" level and "6'2" post".   That kind of thinking is narrow.  Instead, try thinking outside the box by asking..."do you think Marsh would have done well as a guard like TT?"  Weighing the pros and cons of that would have been a better alternative than just flat out saying "oh, no...he can't play with the big boys...he was only a 6'2" post shooting over 5'11 cones...It doesn't matter whether I watched him or not...yadda yadda yada."    Look at it this way...what if the positions were reversed?  TT played for Hardin and Marsh played for EC.  TT probably would be a post just like Marsh was due to his height advantage over the other Hardin players...while Marsh probably would be a 2 or 3 due to McDonald and Raymond on the inside.  Who would have had the more basketball success there?

Guest DickVitale

I have not laid eyes on Marsh, but have seen TT play, and would STILL bet the farm that TT is better than this other kid..Rodman leaping ability? Dude, Rodman could not even jump!! He was 6'9 and had a great NOSE for the basketball and could gauge where it would come off of the rim...He was also tenacious...THIS makes for great rebounding, NOT leaping ability..If he were THAT great of an athlete, as I said, he would be known...as people know Tremain..Don't try to knock Tremain, in an attempt to promote this other kid..Tremain is in, Marsh is not...FACT..He may be a GIANT in Hardin, but outside of that little town, he is a just 6'2 post player...Not gonna get you in the Gamble game..And I am right on that point because....it didn't.

Guest DickVitale

How far did Hardin go this year? State? (heck no) Did they even make the playoffs?

And by the way team first, the sky is more like, Carolina Blue!! ;)

Guest baseball25

We were 25-6 lost to centerville by 5.....beat kountze once and ec twice this year.....Like I said look who marsh has around him and look who TT has....it means alot....


If a tree falls in the woods and no one is there to hear it...does it make a sound?


If DickV makes a post and no one replies to it...does he continue to argue? 

These are questions we may never know the answer to..........


I have not laid eyes on Marsh, but have seen TT play, and would STILL bet the farm that TT is better than this other kid..Rodman leaping ability? Dude, Rodman could not even jump!! He was 6'9 and had a great NOSE for the basketball and could gauge where it would come off of the rim...He was also tenacious...THIS makes for great rebounding, NOT leaping ability..If he were THAT great of an athlete, as I said, he would be known...as people know Tremain..Don't try to knock Tremain, in an attempt to promote this other kid..Tremain is in, Marsh is not...FACT..He may be a GIANT in Hardin, but outside of that little town, he is a just 6'2 post player...Not gonna get you in the Gamble game..And I am right on that point because....it didn't.


Dickie, Dickie, Dickie....ok, first of all...where in my posts did I knock TT?  I did no such thing no matter how hard you look.  I have said that TT is a very good basketball player and I said the same about Marsh.  I have a lot of respect for TT and what he has done.  However, I agree with baseball25...Marsh has a better shot than TT.

You know what...I am getting a bit tired with your constant harping on the subject of "he is just a 6'2 post player" when you didn't even attempt to answer my question about role reversal...i.e. TT for Hardin and Marsh for EC.  Could it be that I could have been spot on about your boy TT?  Could he have brought Hardin as far as he did with EC?...cough...supporting cast...cough  Would TT be another Marsh at Hardin and not getting any love and Marsh getting all TT's "D-1 and Gamble team" love? (remember the roles/players are reversed...) with this scenario in mind...I bet you would be saying TT is "just another 6'2 post player" while singing Marsh's praises (roles are still reversed in case some people are confused).

Guest DickVitale

DickV, was that a personal attack?  If it was it wasn't a very well thought-out one.  I can tell you didn't get a magnet-school education.

No, it was a mind your d#@n business attack..You were not a part of this discussion, yet you butt in, and put in your worthless 2 cents...BTW, I DID attend a MAGNET high school and was top 5 in my class...AND an athlete. And? Dude, go read a book or something, and stay off of the computer..You are clearly attempting to start something that does not need to be started.

Guest DickVitale

I have not laid eyes on Marsh, but have seen TT play, and would STILL bet the farm that TT is better than this other kid..Rodman leaping ability? Dude, Rodman could not even jump!! He was 6'9 and had a great NOSE for the basketball and could gauge where it would come off of the rim...He was also tenacious...THIS makes for great rebounding, NOT leaping ability..If he were THAT great of an athlete, as I said, he would be known...as people know Tremain..Don't try to knock Tremain, in an attempt to promote this other kid..Tremain is in, Marsh is not...FACT..He may be a GIANT in Hardin, but outside of that little town, he is a just 6'2 post player...Not gonna get you in the Gamble game..And I am right on that point because....it didn't.


Dickie, Dickie, Dickie....ok, first of all...where in my posts did I knock TT?  I did no such thing no matter how hard you look.  I have said that TT is a very good basketball player and I said the same about Marsh.  I have a lot of respect for TT and what he has done.  However, I agree with baseball25...Marsh has a better shot than TT.

You know what...I am getting a bit tired with your constant harping on the subject of "he is just a 6'2 post player" when you didn't even attempt to answer my question about role reversal...i.e. TT for Hardin and Marsh for EC.  Could it be that I could have been spot on about your boy TT?  Could he have brought Hardin as far as he did with EC?...cough...supporting cast...cough  Would TT be another Marsh at Hardin and not getting any love and Marsh getting all TT's "D-1 and Gamble team" love? (remember the roles/players are reversed...) with this scenario in mind...I bet you would be saying TT is "just another 6'2 post player" while singing Marsh's praises (roles are still reversed in case some people are confused).

What in the heck is a "better shot"? Does it look better as far as form goes? How are you measuring this "better shot" of his? What are the percentages? ONCE AGAIN...Tremain Thomas WILL be playing in the Gamble game on Friday night...Marsh will be at home or attending as a spectator. It is really a mute point..TT will be attending the University of Arkansas on a full athletic scholarship (football) also BTW...That is more impressive in my eyes....better shot?...Give me a break...Not being sarcastic or anything, but does he (Marsh) have any college options for football or basketball? I wish him well.


DickV, was that a personal attack?  If it was it wasn't a very well thought-out one.  I can tell you didn't get a magnet-school education.

No, it was a mind your d#@n business attack..You were not a part of this discussion, yet you butt in, and put in your worthless 2 cents...BTW, I DID attend a MAGNET high school and was top 5 in my class...AND an athlete. And? Dude, go read a book or something, and stay off of the computer..You are clearly attempting to start something that does not need to be started.

Gotta love it when someone posts on a public forum and then says "this is non of your business."    :D :D

Guest DickVitale

LOL! I had to laugh at that myself, because you are absolutely right, but that guy knew what I meant..He comes in and attempts to cut on me for having a pretty good discussion, and no one else was complaining about it...It is quite an oxymoron, though.. :D


I am a big fan of both Thomas and Marsh but the Gamble guys got it right.Tramain was not surrounded by stars,McDonald played hurt and wasn't his dominant self by any stretch and Raymond was pretty much a non factor in the games I saw EC play.They were good because Tramain made everyone around him better.Marsh had a great year but his strength was rebounding and putting the short stuff back in.He would struggle with the long ball and ballhandling in an all star game and is a little light to play the post against the 225 lb post guys.Hammond is the only kid I haven't seen so I can't comment on him but the rest are solid.I was simply making a comment about Tramain being the district MVP,I knew Marsh was the Offensive MVP.I don't buy the 4-A ,5-A argument though because the small school guys on this team are every bit as good as the big ones.Should be a entertaining game,look for Bernard to get some new found respect before its over


whs shutup seriously....hardin went 26-7 because of marsh he put up 38 points and 20 rebs against centerville and 30plus against ec and kountze both times......call the centerville coach he told the hardin coaches he was the best athlete they seen in the last 4 years on the basketball court......ec WAS GOOD BEC they have good athletes......with the athletes they have they should have went to state....but they didnt.....who did marsh have around HIM????hunter davis was ok as a sophmore and thats it.....marsh carried hardin on his shoulders.....centerville had two 6ft6 guys that weight 230 and marsh dominated them....


I told you one reason marsh was not picked by the PA SNOOZE on this deal. No 2, what AAU team did marsh play for? Huh, what? Huh, what? WHAT? WHAT? No, this isnt stone cold talking. Players are made on the summer circuit nowadays. True basketballers know that. Marsh is a good small school player that could score. He's an in-betweener with his height, etc.


How far did Hardin go this year? State? (heck no) Did they even make the playoffs?

And by the way team first, the sky is more like, Carolina Blue!! ;)

Yes, Hardin made the playoffs...was the third 24-2A team behind Kountze and EC.  A lot of that had to do with Marsh.

Ok folks, why is it that no one has answered my previously posted question?  As long as we are pointing out the differences in Tremain Thomas and Daniel Marsh, try to see how they would be if they played for the other school...TT for Hardin and Marsh for EC.  Would it be different??  Yes it would.  TT would play the same post spot Marsh did for Hardin.  Why?  because, like Marsh, TT is around 6'2 or 6'3 and that would make him the tallest player for Hardin....and the tallest player tends to be the post (not always, but usually).  On the other side of the coin, we have Marsh at EC.  Next to McDonald or even Raymond, Marsh would not be the tallest player and therefore not a post.  More than likely he would have been a 2 or even a 3.  Who would have had the better basketball career then?  Since this is a hypothetical scenario, we will never know...

DV...I have had a lot of respect for your previous posts on other threads.  It is obvious you do know a lot of basketball.  However, it is not smart to say that one player is better than another when you/anyone else hasn't seen the other kid..not unless the one kid was a Michael Jordan/Kobe Bryant/NBA superstar clone (which TT is not).  Now this is not a knock on him...I just believe he is a lot better at football than basketball which is saying a lot (meaning...extremely talented in FB vs. talented in BB).  I wish him well at Arkansas.

Guest DickVitale

Well, thanks, I appreciate the compliment. I may suffer from what is known as big school bias! ;)...And you are right, I have seen Tremain several times throughout the years, and just may be a bit biased toward him as well...Point taken.

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