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All systems go for LU football/FRAN SPOTTED ON CAMPUS

Guest abovetherim

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Guest roberthollister

Franchione on campus?  Someone probably saw a silver-haired gentleman in his mid 50s wearing a suit.  That doesn't mean it was Fran. 

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well, there has been an official Francione siting on campus today!! So I would say BT is getting the big boys to come to campus :o

Also, I know for a fact that if LU begins play in 2010, they will start competing in SLC in 2011.

not sure how i fell about this.he has the name but does he have the game?
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Guest roberthollister

Franchione would be a great fit for Lamar.  He's great at laying the framework.  He did it at Texas St. and TCU.  At A&M things just didn't work out.  The guy can still coach and he would do fine at Lamar.  If this is true, it's great news.  But I highly doubt it.

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Guest coachacola

Dennis Franchione does have that TCU connection so that probably makes him the favorite at this point.  He's been successful in the past at turning around programs so he'd probably be good at starting up Lamar's program.  And according to Wikipedia:

On December 7, 2007, the Texas A&M Board of Regents approved a reduced buyout of $4.4 million for Franchione.

He may not necessarily be asking for a huge salary, at least in the short term.

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Guest abovetherim

Never thought about that Coachacola, great information. I still think it will take a major commitment (money wise) to get him. He may be willing to coach for a minimal salary but I bet he'd want the freedom to hire who he wants and that will cost some $$$$. Of course, from what I've heard Lamar is committed to doing this first class all the way.

BTW, I was on campus from 8:30 till 5:00pm and didn't not see anything but I was either in class or at the library. I'm not a big fan of Coach Fran but he is a winner, great recruiter and has made every program better than it was before he arrived.

Everyone deserves a clean slate and if Lamar hires him, I'll personally be talking to relatives and family friends about buying season tickets. I could see Coach Fran being the face of the Lamar football program.

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