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Why were certain people allowed to drink in certain water fountains and others weren't? Why were some people forced to sit at the back of the bus? Eat in the back of restaurants? Why were water hoses put on a certain group of people back in the day? WHY? Makes no sense to me either....Could not have been me, I will tell you that... 

This is a quote from DV..here is the problem as I see it.

DV is using the past as excuses for the present.  Those days are gone my brother.  Its all fair now.  Everyone can "get theirs".  Let me guess...you lost a job because of your race.  I am just guessing of course.  I am willing to bet there are other "details" you forgot to remember. 

Most white folks (not all- some are racists - and some black folks-not all-some are racist) but most white folks are willing to be emphathtic to the black cause and make sure all are treated fair....then you have someone like Rev. Wright making statements like GD america in church-what are white folks supposed to think.  Then blaming white folks for spreading aids among the black population---come on man--.  Rev Sharpton and J. Jackson get up oin arms about Imus's remarks--where are they on these remarks.  DV-you have alot of opinions.  What is your stance on rev. Wright's comments. Do you support GD America?  Do you feel the white man has spread aids thru the balck population?  These are legit questions with respect to all races. 

Guest DickVitale

No I DO NOT think that Rev Wright's statements were appropriate AT ALL...brother...Second, I was posing a question to make the person that was asking ME a question really think about what he was asking me...Look...I do not need some "brother" coming on here not knowing what the heck is going on, starting threads about me for no reason..You have no idea what this starts when you do this..NONE..I am aware about what is going on, yet educated and smart enough to understand it....Read the thread COMPLETELY, or just mind your business....brother. ::)...I will bet you are voting for Hillary too, huh?...brother.

Guest DickVitale

Why bite your tongue?...I wouldn't...Speak your mind...We need MORE of that, therefore, people might not be so sensitive when I do it. 8)


Why come on here and attack somone? He was trying to prove his point maybe he used a confusing analogy but think about it long enough and it makes sense. No reason to attack him.


We are all brothers, brother.  Don't assume my race.  I just think your comments, maybe made it jest, are inflammatory and detrimental to the cause.  Brothers like Rev. Wright hurt more than they help.  They know how to fire up the church with those comments.  It increases thier membership, thus income.  Simple as that.  He knows exactly what he is doing.  Do you realize that Obama lost many white votes over rev. Wright's comments.  Do you find it ironic that Rev. Wright's stance may cost Obama the nomination.  He is anti-white, wants a black president, and in-effect, screwed the black man.  It happens alL the time, brother.  Cutting off your nose to spite your face. That is what you do.  You are alienating white folks that might otehrwise be sympatheic to your cause.  Do you get it?

Guest DickVitale

Why come on here and attack somone? He was trying to prove his point maybe he used a confusing analogy but think about it long enough and it makes sense. No reason to attack him.

Well, young Buc, I dont think that my analogy confused anyone...I think that certain words and phrases send certain people into an unneccesary frenzy, and it scrambles their minds and they CANT think about what is ACTUALLY being said..Its a shame that a HS kid can understand it whereas some adults, like my "brother" Southbound is clueless to what I was REALLY trying to say...I was making a point, not enciting a riot..Now...Get back to class, Buc! :D

Guest DickVitale

We are all brothers, brother.  Don't assume my race.  I just think your comments, maybe made it jest, are inflammatory and detrimental to the cause.  Brothers like Rev. Wright hurt more than they help.  They know how to fire up the church with those comments.  It increases thier membership, thus income.  Simple as that.  He knows exactly what he is doing.  Do you realize that Obama lost many white votes over rev. Wright's comments.  Do you find it ironic that Rev. Wright's stance may cost Obama the nomination.  He is anti-white, wants a black president, and in-effect, screwed the black man.  It happens alL the time, brother.  Cutting off your nose to spite your face. That is what you do.  You are alienating white folks that might otehrwise be sympatheic to your cause.  Do you get it?

Do you realize that they have been just WAITING on anything to say negative about Barack Obama, and since they can't, they pull his pastor into the mix over some dumb comments he made? That is just not right...Hillary LIED about a trip to Bosnia, and it did not even make front page news...What do YOU think is going on? brother...


I fully understand what you are saying DV.  I spent the time to read all of your post to confirm what some of your post indicated.  You have a chip on your shoulder concerning white folks.  All white folks.  Not some.  You only like black players.  White players are overrated, etc.  Everything is literally black and white.  At least, that is how you are coming across.  I hope you don't teach your philosophy to your players.  (if you are a coach) and I assume you are.  I am not, but work with many young people. I assure you, I TEACH a no excuse approach to life.  Here is what I teach to some of the younger black kids that tend to make excuses.

I ask them,,what would you do in life if there were no racism, no blocks and hatred.

Then I tell them  ..well go do it.

Guest DickVitale

Rev. Wright is retired, sir....I am not a racist! I am for what is right and for what is fair...I do not have an issue with white people, yet, I know how some of them feel about me, and for no other reason THAN skin color...I am not going to close my eyes and pretend that it does not exist, because you know FULL WELL that it does...Not all white people are bad just like not all black people are good...Personal experinces HAVE taught me a lot..Be on my toes, and trust NO ONE, but God, close friends & my family, and watch them, too! (family & friends that is)..You KNOW what is going on, particularly in this presidential race, you are just looking at the situation through "rose colored glasses".

Guest DickVitale

Rev. Wright is a ridiculous and if I were Obama I would make it clear as glass (or at least try to if it were not true) that I was not affiliated with him.

Thing is Obama HAS made many statements regarding that, but somehow, no matter WHAT he says, is not good enough..I guess he should ask that the man be assassinated before certain people will agree that Obama does NOT agree with what Wright said....Buc..You know what I am going to say, right? Lets go, mister!! :D


Interesting I thought the Constitution protected freedom of speech and the right to practice religion .Rev. Wright comments and views are his own and how would you contend they fire a retiring minister ?2nd ly look across state lines to ur right recognize Jena 6 . Minister Wright is @ an age that he probably expeirenced racism that is still a alive and well I love the debate of level playing field concerning Affirmative action is in play to make sure quality canidates are considered for jobs.Ex in sports Runey rulr in Nfl . Also while the subject lets talk economic impowerment whites had old money with the ever weakening U.S dollar all these new black millionares are considered rich not wealthy because the new mark is a billion.thus keeping econmic divide versus old money thats been in circulation accrueng interest and compound interest . I didn 't agree with DICKIE V WHEN POSTED 75% OF WHITES IN US DIDN'T WANT OBAMA IN OFFICE. BUT THOSE NUMERS ARE CLOSER THAN U MAY THINK w/ Hilary key demagraphic being whites over 65 and those that didn't go to college or grauate and Mccain w/republican vote what u really left with minorites that r becoming a majorty and of young educated white voters. i can go on


No.I am just tired of blacks making excuses cocerning race.  You can't have it both ways.  I will give an example Mr. Brain.  First answer this question:  Should every rule..and I mean every rule..apply equally to every race?  A simple question.

Guest DickVitale

Do you see what you have started...... brother? Just watch..somehow, EVERYONE will blame ME!.. >:(


Southbound u have that big of a problem I'm in BMT let me know when  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But anyway try answer  with facts .I for 1 would have just rang Imuses neck prob solved

Guest DickVitale

No.I am just tired of blacks making excuses cocerning race.  You can't have it both ways.  I will give an example Mr. Brain.  First answer this question:  Should every rule..and I mean every rule..apply equally to every race?  A simple question.

Of course it SHOULD...Question is, DOES IT? No way.

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