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Diamondbacks 6 Angels 5

D'Backs Pitching-Dalton Varnado (PNG), Chase Smith (PNG), Aaron Bender (WB)

Gary Hooker (LCM) 2-3, Aaron Bender (2-3)

Angels Pitching- Mitch Todd (PNG), Cory Adams (HF), Jake Minaldi (HF)

Jude Vidrine 2-2, Mitch Todd 2-2

Pirates 10 Yankees 1

Pirates Pitching- Ben Jones (LCM), Chad Sims (Vid),

Adam Broussard (Ned) 2-3, Stephen McDonaugh (Lum) 2-3, 2B-3B, Michael Carl 2-3

Yankees-Pitching- Ray Hanks (PNG), Marcus Louivere (Ned), Ryan Brady (Ned)

Dodgers 4  Braves 0

Dodgers Pitching- Chris Sweetingham (PNG), Zeke Pedraza (Home), VJ Bunner (Vid)

Clinton Pitts (Ned) 2-3, Jerin Spikes (PNG) 2-3

Athletics 5 Red Sox 4

Athleteic Pitching- Cale Kenamer (EC), Taylor Thompson (LCM), Eric Harrington (PNG)

Eric Harrington (PNG) 3-4, Tim Barry (LCM) 3-4, Taylor Robichau (Vid)2-3

Red Sox Pitching- Spencer DeRon (PNG), Kane Benoit (PNG), Jordan Pitts (Ned)

Spencer DeRon (PNG) 3-4, Josh Dean (Ned) 2-4

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Recap 1st week

Dodgers go 2-0, their pitching staff so far has thrown goose eggs in 2 games  Chris Sweetingham (PNG), Zeke Pedraza (Home), VJ Bunner (Vid), Sammy Sparrow (PNG), Travis Weathersbee (PNG), Clinton Pitts has had hot stick….Braves Jordan Sofer (WB) our scratch golfer, hits the league’s first HR…..Angels Mitch Todd (PNG) throwing BB’s and swinging hot stick... Athletics staff stuck out 19 the other night…….Red Sox Spencer DeRon (PNG) and Kane Benoit (PNG) hot sticks….Braves Jason Clark (BC) throwing gas with nice outing…..Pirates Stephen McDonaugh (LUM) double and triple in a game……Yankees Ray Hanks (PNG) pitching and hitting …..D’Backs Chaz Bruce (Vid) doing it with glove and bat


Dodgers 8 Red Sox 4

Dodgers Pitching- Zeke Pedraza (Home), Sammy Sparrow (PNG)

Jacob Lynch (PNG) 2-4

Red Sox Pitching- Josh Dean (Ned), Zach Celeste (Kelly)

Pirates 6 Diamondbacks 2

Pirates Pitching- Aaron McFarlane (Ned), Trae Hester(Vid)

Diamondbacks Pitching- Justin Richard (Ned), Chase Smith (PNG)


Yankees 4 Braves 1

Yanks Pitching-Larry Williams (Vid), Dallas Brown (LCM), Blake Reyenga (PNG)

Larry Williams (Vid) 2-3

Braves Pitching- Jordan Sofer (WB), Ryan Sampere (Ned)

Angels 9 Athletics 2

Angels Pitching- Blake Snyder (BC), Dylan Mulholan (BC), Shane Waddel (LCM)

Randall Courville(HF) 2-2, Mitch Todd (PNG) 2-3, Travis Moore (HF) 2-3

A's Pitching- Taylor Robichau (Vid), Tim Barry (LCM)


Braves 8 Angels 1

Braves Pitching- Jaden Dillon (BC), Jason Clark (BC) 1 hitter for staff

Ryan Sampere (Ned) 2-3, Jon Carnahan (PNG) 2-4, 2b(2), Blake Hubbard (BC) 2-2

Angels Pitching- Mitch Todd (PNG), Travis Moore (HF), Blake Snyder (BC)

Randall Courville (HF) HR

Diamondbacks 6 Yankees 0

D'backs Pitching- Jackson Broussard (Ned), Logan Johnson (HF), Aaron Bender (WB) combined no-hitter

Chaz Bruce (Vid) 2b

Yankees Pitching- Ryan Brady (Ned), Marcus Louivere (Ned), Matt Hicks (BC), Alex Gaspard (PNG)


League is in full mode. Thanks to all the local coaches who trust the program for the kids and to George Coit and his umpires. Bigger thanks to all the kids who come to play the game as it's supposed to be played.

Michael Carl...Home School

Zeke Pedraza...Home School

Tommy Gillespie...Ned

Ryan Brady…Ned

Reagen Stanley...Ned

Cameron Bass...Ned

Adam Broussard...Ned

Brandon Butler....Ned

Aaron McFarland...Ned

Jackson Broussard…Ned

Kaleb Faul…Ned

Justin Richard...Ned

Neil Higgs..Ned

Marcus Louivere…Ned

Jacob Williamson..Ned

Taylor Williams…Ned

Conrad Roberts....Ned

Jordan Pitts...Ned

Brent Richard....Ned

Dillon Ford...Ned

Shae Campbell...Ned

Josh Dean…Ned

Alex Dias…Ned

Jude Vidrine.......Ned

Ryan Sampere...Ned

Cody Laird…Ned

Kevin Faulk…Ned

Zach Atterberry...Ned

Cameron Collins....Ned

Cory Pontiff…Ned

Clinton Pitts...Ned

Trey Terracino....Ned

Tyler Vidrine.....Ned

Adam Zahradnic…Ned[/table]

Wade Estes....LCM

Ben Jones..LCM

Stephan Leger....LCM

Josh Garza...LCM

Gary Hooker…LCM

Dallas Brown...LCM

Shane Wadell….LCM

Brandon Landry…LCM

Tyler Derouren…LCM

Matt Johnson...LCM

Tim Barry....LCM

Taylor Thompson...LCM

Joey Tutt…LCM

Todd Glaze...Vidor

Michael Hester...Vidor

Taylor Robichau...Vidor

Will Fontnow...Vidor

Trae Hester....Vidor

Chad Sims....Vidor

Chaz Bruce...Vidor

Jacob Peevy…Vid

Larry Williams...Vidor

Jesse Griffin.....Vidor

VJ Bunner...Vidor

Jacob Lynch…PNG

Sammy Sparrow…PNG

Jerin Spikes....PNG

Chris Sweetingham…PNG

Matt Woods...PNG

Mitch Todd......PNG

Spencer DeRon…PNG

Kane Benoit…PNG

Cody Jordan...PNG

Zach Rhame....PNG

Payton Faseler...PNG

Chase Smith…PNG

Aaron Brandon…PNG

Alex Gaspard…PNG

Ray Hanks…PNG

Nathan Minshew...PNG

Blake Reyenga…PNG

Dalton Varnado…PNG

Austin Sangster...PNG

Daniel Higgins....PNG

Jon Carnahan....PNG

Travis Weathersbee...PNG

JJ Garcia…PNG

Eric Harrington...PNG

Stephen McDonough..Lum

Corey LeMaire...Lum

Tyler Wilson…Lum

Skylar Stampley…Lum

Wes Bingham…Lum

Tyler Erickson…Lum

Zach Celeste...Kelly

Sean Oâ€Connell…Kelly

Kelvin Thomas...Cen

Kenny Vallery...Cen

Blake Rose....HF

Eric Ding.....HF

Brett Koening....HF

Ryan Bearden...HF

Logan Johnson…HF

Michael Billiot…HF

Derek LeLonde..HF

Cory Adams….HF

Ricky Clark…HF

Randall Courville......HF

Jake Minaldi…HF

Garrett Minaldi....HF

Travis Moore...HF

Jeremy Pinder…HF

Taylor Eaves...HF

Eric Bender.....Westbrook

Hunter Davidson....Westbrook

Lane Helveston....Westbrook

Ross Foret…WB

Jordan Soper…WB

Matt Serna…WB

Austin Huff..WB

Logan Hughes..Kirbyville

Matt Hicks... BC

Luke Rhodes..BC

Grant Enclade.......BC

Blake Snyder......BC

Dylan Mulhollan.....BC

Jaden Dillon...BC

Jared Raggio...BC

Jason Clark...BC

Blake Hubbard....BC

Anthony Cessac…BC

Sean Gross…BC

Eric Matthews..BC

Nick Robertson…BC

Taylor Day…BC

Josh Lemoine...BC

Kendall Veitch...WOS

Ryan Edwards...WOS

Andrew Edgerly....EC

Cale Kennamer...EC

Kevin Roebuck....Hardin-Jefferson


Athletics 2  Dodgers 1

A[s Pitching- Taylor Thompson (LCM), Eric Harrington (PNG)

JJ Garcia (PNG) 2-2 (2B), Tim Barry (LCM) 2-3 (2b)

Dodgers Pitching- Chris Sweetingham (PNG), Jerin Spikes (PNG)

Pirates 8 Red Sox 5

Pirates Pitching- Chad Sims (Vid), Ben Jones (LCM)

Will Fontnow (Vid) 1-3 (2b), Ben Jones (LCM) 1-3 (2b)

Red Sox Pitching- Conrad Roberts (Ned), Alex Dias (Ned), Jordan Pitts (Ned)

Andrew Edgerly (EC) 2-3, Jordan Pitts (Ned) 2-3 (2b), Conrad Roberts (Ned) 3B 


A's 7 Pirates 1

A's Pitching- Taylor Robichau (Vid), Eric Harrington (PNG), Taylor Thompson (LCM)

JJ Garcia (PNG) 2-3 HR, 2B

Pirates-Pitching- Aaron McFarland (Ned), Cody Jordan (PNG)

Braves 4 D'Backs 2

Braves Pitching- Cody Laird (Ned), Jason Clark (BC), Jesse Griffin (Vid), Jordan Soper (WB)

Cody Laird (Ned) 2B, Ryan Sampere (Ned) 2B

D'Backs Pitching- Chase Smith (PNG), Tyler Wilson (Lum), Justin Richard (Ned)


Dodgers 10 Yankees 0

Dodgers Pitching-Zeke Pedraza (Home), Sammy Sparrow (PNG)

Adam Zahradnic (Ned) 3-3, VJ Bunner (Vid) 2-3,2B, Trey Terracino (Ned) 2-5 2B (2)

Yankees Pitching- Dallas Brown (LCM), Alex Gaspard (PNG), Jacob Williamson (Ned), Ryan Brady (Ned)

Angels 5 Red Sox 1

Angels Pitching- Blake Snyder (BC), Jake Minaldi (HF)

Randall Courville (HF) 3-3, (2)2B

Red Sox Pitching- Spencer Deron (PNG), Conrad Roberts (Ned)

Shea Campbell (Ned) 2-3


Braves 6 Pirates 3

Brav Pitching- Ryan Sampere (Ned), Jordan Sofer (WB), Cody Laird (Ned)

Adam Broussard (Ned) 2-3, Cody Laird (Ned) 2-3, 2B

Pirate Pitching- Chad Sims (Vid), Ben Jones (LCM), Stephen McDonaugh (Lum)

Red Sox 3 D' Backs 2

RS Pitching- Zach Celeste (Kelly)

D'Backs Pitching- Justin Richard (Ned), Aaron Bender (WB)

Tyler Wilson (Lum) 2-3


Angels 5 Dodgers 3

Angels Pitching- Travis Moore (HF), Blake Snyder (BC)

Dodgers Pitching- Chris Sweetingham (PNG), Sammy Sparrow (PNG)

Sammy Sparrow (PNG) 2B, Adam Zharanic (Ned) 2B

Yankees 4 A's 2

Yanks Pitching- Matt Hicks (BC),Ryan Brady (Ned), Alex Gaspard (PNG), Hunter Davidson (WB)

Matt Hicks (BC) 2-2

A's Pitching- Tim Barry (LCM), Tyler Erickson (Lum), Austin Huff (WB)

Todd Glaze (Vid) 2B, Tim Barry (LCM)2-3


Pirates 2 Dodgers 0

Pirates Pitching- Aaron McFarland (Ned)

Chad Sims (Vid) 2-3

Dodgers Pitching- Zeke Pedraza (Home), Chris Sweetingham (PNG)

Babe Ruth (St Mary's) 3-4, 3 (2B)

Braves 11 Red Sox 3

Braves Pitching- Matt Woods (PNG), Jason Clark (BC), Jaden Dillon (BC), Cody Laird (Ned), Jorden Sofer (WB)

Matt Woods (PNG) 2-4, Skylar Stampley (Lum) 2-4, Jon Carnahan (PNG) 2-3, 2B, Jordan Sofer (WB) 2B, Ryan Edwards (WOS) 2-3

Red Sox Pitching- Josh Dean (Ned), Conrad Roberts (Ned), Jordan Pitts (Ned)

Austin Sangster (PNG) 3B


Always good to see this info.

I need to get back over there here soon.

If anyone has not been, go check this games out. Admin and the guys do a wonderful job! They are to be applauded


Angels 10 Yankees 6

Angels Pitching- Travis Moore (HF), Blake Snyder (BC)

Sean O'Connell (Kelly) 2-4 2B, Mitch Todd (PNG) 2-3 2B, Travis Moore (HF) 2-3 2B

Yankees Pitching- Ray Hanks(PNG), Dallas Brown (LCM), Larry Williams(Vid), Matt Hicks(BC)

Ray Hanks(PNG) 2-3 2B, Alex Gaspard(PNG) 2-3 

A's 3 D'Backs 2

A's Pitching- Taylor robichau (Vid), Eric Harrington (PNG)

Matt Serna (WB) 2b, JJ Garcia (PNG) 2B

D'Backs Pitching- Dalton Varnado(PNG), Logan Johnson (HF), Justin Richard (Ned)

Hank Aaron (Central High) 3-4 2B


Dodgers 3 Braves 1

Dodgers Pitching-Sammy Sparrow (PNG), Jerin Spikes (PNG)

VJ Bunner (Vid) 3-3 2B, Jacob Lynch (PNG) 2-3

Braves Pitching- Cody Laird (Ned)

Ross Foret (WB) 2B, Lou Gehrig (Commerce) 4-4, 3B

Red Sox 6 A's 1

Red Sox Pitching- Spencer DeRon (PNG)

More details later


are there really kids with names like hank aaron babe ruth and lou gehrig out there?

Yeah, but it's the real guys. Cobb sign up early but no one like the smart aleck and we banned him from the league.

haha. good quote from field of dreams


Pirates 7 Yankees 6

Pirates Pitching- Cody Jordan (PNG) Stephen McDonaugh (LUM), Ben Jones (LCM)

Stephen McDonaugh (Lum) 3-3 2B, Aaron McFarland (Ned) 3-4 2B

Yankees Pitching- Jacob Williamson (Ned), Ryan Brady (Ned), Matt Hicks (BC)

Alex Gaspard (Ned) 2-3, Logan Hughes (Kirby) 2-4, Ryan Brady (Ned) 2B, Lane Helveston (WB) 2B

D'backs 3 Angels 2

D'Backs Pitching- Chase Smith (PNG), Aaron Bender (WB)

Dalton Varnado (PNG), Reagan Standley (Ned) 2-3

Angels Pitching- Jake Minaldi (HF), Mitch Todd (PNG)

Blake Snyder (BC) 2B, Shoeless Joe (Greenville) 3-4


Braves 7 Yankees3

Braves Pitching- Jaden Dillon(BC),Jordan Soper(WB), Jon Carnahan(PNG),Cody Laird(Ned)

Ross Foret(WB) 2-2

Yankees Pitching- Blake Reyenga(PNG), Ryan Brady(Ned), Jacob Williamson(Ned)

Blake Reyenga(PNG)2-3

Angels 8 A's 7

Angels Pitching- Travis Moore(HF), Dylan Mulholan(BC), Blake Snyder(BC)

Randall Courville(HF) 2-4, Dylan Mulholan(BC) 2-4,2B, Travis Moore(HF) 2-4, 2B, Jake Minaldi(HF)3B

A's Pitching- Taylor Thompson(LCM),Taylor Robichau(Vid), Eric Harrington(PNG)

Taylor Robichau(Vid) 2B, JJ Garcia(PNG) 2-3, Eric Harrington(PNG)1-4,HR, Austin Huff(WB)2-4,2B,Todd Glaize(Vid)2B

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