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Oh my! What will they come up with next....

I don't think anyone has "come up" with anything here. This seems to be fact as he has admitted to it, just doesn't admit to having sex with her.

10 years and nothing happens, c'mon. ::)


wow...we all kind of decided that WE would do it, so he must have too?

I really do wonder who put this story out...can it be McNamee, who is counting on reactions such as yours of guilty until proven innocent?  Know what?  I'll give Roger the benefit if the doubt.  He says he knew her, didn't have sex with her, but had a platonic relationship with her.  His wife knew about her?  Come on, if anyone has a right to nail his butt to the wall, she does...but I don't see a great reaction from her...hmmmmmmmm


my point exactly.....gee, there must be some law against a pro ballplayer being friends with a performer of any sort.....so she was female and admittly good looking.....his wife knew of the friendship and never questioned it....I'm sure they were even friends.

And yes, McNamee's camp put this story out.....


let's look at some situations where 15 year old girls might be close friends with a 28 year old man:

1.  they're relatives

2.  he's her pastor

3.  he's her teacher

4.  he's a close family friend

5.  he's a professional baseball player, and she's an attractive, but not yet famous singer? 

as this friendship started when she was 15, saying it was between two performers is a bit of a stretch.  she released her debut album in 1996, at the age of 21.  at the time they met, she was a freshman/sophomore in high school singing in a karaoke bar. i'm not saying that he slept with her, as i haven't heard all the facts, but a 28 year old megastar befriends a random 15 year old girl, and they proceed to have a completely normal and close friendship.  I'm 24 years old, and i don't have a close friend under the age of 18, and that's a guy.  my sister just turned 16 years old, and the thought of speaking to one of her friends for more than 10 minutes is daunting, as the immaturity of a 15/16 year old girl is staggering.  i don't care what anyone says, there's something off with this whole scenario.  even if no definitive proof ever comes out that he slept with her, the friendship at their ages is just creepy.  i also think that it's a bit ironic that one of clemen's "close family friends" has spent more time on pills and in jail than on tour over the past several years.  if anything, his character should be called into question for letting a woman with her background near his family. 


let's look at some situations where 15 year old girls might be close friends with a 28 year old man:

1.  they're relatives

2.  he's her pastor

3.  he's her teacher

4.  he's a close family friend

5.  he's a professional baseball player, and she's an attractive, but not yet famous singer? 

as this friendship started when she was 15, saying it was between two performers is a bit of a stretch.  she released her debut album in 1996, at the age of 21.  at the time they met, she was a freshman/sophomore in high school singing in a karaoke bar. i'm not saying that he slept with her, as i haven't heard all the facts, but a 28 year old megastar befriends a random 15 year old girl, and they proceed to have a completely normal and close friendship.  I'm 24 years old, and i don't have a close friend under the age of 18, and that's a guy.  my sister just turned 16 years old, and the thought of speaking to one of her friends for more than 10 minutes is daunting, as the immaturity of a 15/16 year old girl is staggering.  i don't care what anyone says, there's something off with this whole scenario.  even if no definitive proof ever comes out that he slept with her, the friendship at their ages is just creepy.  i also think that it's a bit ironic that one of clemen's "close family friends" has spent more time on pills and in jail than on tour over the past several years.  if anything, his character should be called into question for letting a woman with her background near his family. 

in your scenario, there are a lot of assumptions, but you cover yourself well by saying that even if the story is false, his character should be "called into question anyway".  Congratulations.  You have done exactly what the McNamee camp hoped.  Their strategy is not the truth, it is the power of innuendo.  McNamee has pretty much been called a liar, and he has nothing to lose by making it "seem" like Clemens is "doing" McReady.  So now, we focus on Clemens?McReady, and not on McNamee being a liar, who is throwing out names right and left to save his rear.


i don't see any assumptions in my post.  he's admitted to the friendship, and i said i don't know if he slept with her.  her mother confirmed that they met when she was 15.  should i assume you'd be ok with your 15 year old daughter hanging out with a 28 year old pro baseball player?  can i also assume that you would let a "family friend" with arrests for DUI, assault, and fraudulently obtaining oxycontin be around your children?  is McNamee trying to drag Clemens through the mud at this point?  Of course!  Even still, does that make Roger's relationship with her when she was 15 appropriate? 


i don't see any assumptions in my post.  he's admitted to the friendship, and i said i don't know if he slept with her.  her mother confirmed that they met when she was 15.  should i assume you'd be ok with your 15 year old daughter hanging out with a 28 year old pro baseball player?  can i also assume that you would let a "family friend" with arrests for DUI, assault, and fraudulently obtaining oxycontin be around your children?  is McNamee trying to drag Clemens through the mud at this point?  Of course!  Even still, does that make Roger's relationship with her when she was 15 appropriate? 

Granted, it was not "appropriate".  But McNamee is hoping people make the jump from "inappropriate friendship" to "he was doing her", even if that isn't the case.  Additionally, Clemens doesn't deny the relationship, just the status of it.  Would I be okay with my 15 year old in that situation?  No...but then again, I'm not Mindy McReady's mother.  As to the problems McReady has...look at this...supposedly, this was a 10 year relationship.  McReady is 32 now.  They met when she was 15.  So that takes us up to 25/26.  Does that mean that Clemens saw the problems McReady had, helped her financially, but didn't allow her around his kids anymore?  The math tells a story too.   


i don't see any assumptions in my post.  he's admitted to the friendship, and i said i don't know if he slept with her.  her mother confirmed that they met when she was 15.  should i assume you'd be ok with your 15 year old daughter hanging out with a 28 year old pro baseball player?  can i also assume that you would let a "family friend" with arrests for DUI, assault, and fraudulently obtaining oxycontin be around your children?  is McNamee trying to drag Clemens through the mud at this point?  Of course!  Even still, does that make Roger's relationship with her when she was 15 appropriate? 

Granted, it was not "appropriate".  But McNamee is hoping people make the jump from "inappropriate friendship" to "he was doing her", even if that isn't the case.  Additionally, Clemens doesn't deny the relationship, just the status of it.  Would I be okay with my 15 year old in that situation?  No...but then again, I'm not Mindy McReady's mother.  As to the problems McReady has...look at this...supposedly, this was a 10 year relationship.  McReady is 32 now.  They met when she was 15.  So that takes us up to 25/26.  Does that mean that Clemens saw the problems McReady had, helped her financially, but didn't allow her around his kids anymore?  The math tells a story too.   

Now Hector - you're making assumptions.  You're making the assumption that McNamee or his lawyers authored this story or leaked it or whatever.  There is no evidence of that.  Just because Rusty Hardin says it, doesn't make it so.  McCready has said that there is nothing in the story that she could deny.  The NY Daily News has plenty of sources for anything Roger Clemens related other than Brian McNamee. 


So you think HIS character should be called into question because SHE made bad personal decisions in her life? Also based on that, if you had a family friend that made bad personal decisions, you would just cut them out of your life? Bit harsh, wouldn't you say?

As far as McCready's mother letting her have a personal relationship with her, she was probably thinking that Clemen's influence would help her daughter. I'm not saying it's right, I'm not saying that was the case...only making an assumption.

Would I let my 15 yr old daughter hang with a pro ball player, even one of Clemen's status.....not alone...I can assure you of that. However, as Hector put it, I'm not McCready's mother.

McNamee's camp succeeded at what they were trying to accomplish.


Well, McNamee's lawyer is spouting off about "anything is fair game". I wouldn't be surprised that they leaked the story.

As far as Clemen's sleeping with her at 15, the story says that he MET her when she was 15 and the relationship turned sexual once she moved to Nashville and became a country star......which according to another poster, she was 21.


McNamee and his defense is not the issue here.  Is McNamee a good guy?  Of course not.  The question is whether Roger is a good guy.  The problem is that Clemens has always sold himself as a hard worker and a family man, the type of all american guy who plays the game hard and fair, and when he's done goes home to his wonderful family.  Now we find out he used HGH (sure he denies it, but his wife and best friend used it, and Petitte sure wasn't testifying on Clemen's behalf during the hearings), and that he's had an affair (it started when she was a little older, so i guess it's ok).  All things aside, I really wouldn't criticize the guy for cheating at baseball or in his marriage, as many people do those things.  The problem that i have is that even though it's pretty apparent he's done these things, he'll still stare straight into the camera and deny them.  He'll go to the lengths of filing defamation suits against McNamee, even though circumstancial and physical evidence would lead us to believe he's taken steroids (the mitchell report was shockingly accurate, as only two major leaguers on the list denied using steroids, the other being David Justice).  He's also flat out denied he ever slept with McCready, although it's looking more and more likely that he did, as McCready said she could not deny anything in the initial report.  People would not be so hostile towards him if he'd just own up to the things he's done.  I really don't hate the guy.  If you read back in some other threads, I'm not really a fan at all of the Mitchell report and congress being involved with baseball.  I just have a lot more sympathy for someone who will own up to their mistakes.


We all want Clemens to be the good guy, but I think with steroids, possible affair, this is just the tip of the ice berg.  The majority of pro athletes aren't your perfect people like everybody thinks they are.  Most of the time it's kept private. Now everybody is ooing and awing over this stuff. It happens all of the time, it's just newspapers trying to make money at someones else expense. Some of this stuff is probably true and some is not. Athletes are regular people too, it's just thier held to a higher standard in the public's eye. Be your own kids role model and this stuff wouldn't appeal to so many people.


Ok, well if you go to tmz.com....Mindy McCready has admitted to having an affair

with Clemens and then saying he helped her out with her legal trouble in the last

few years....hhmmmmmm


Ok.....IF he used HGH, so what? Apparently everyone else was also so it only leveled the playing field. Not to mention that during the time he was allegedly using them, they weren't a banned substance....I might be wrong.

As far as the alleged affair....10 years ago....name one guy who WOULDN'T have had a relationship with Mindy McCready. Keep in mind that she's also trying to resurrect her music career so she might be looking for whatever publicity she can get....cause up until this story came out....I hadn't heard of her music comeback....last I heard she was in the middle of her legal/domestic trouble.

Now why she would want to attach herself to the trainwreck  that is the Clemen's saga is beyond me.....


Ok.....IF he used HGH, so what? Apparently everyone else was also so it only leveled the playing field. Not to mention that during the time he was allegedly using them, they weren't a banned substance....I might be wrong.

As far as the alleged affair....10 years ago....name one guy who WOULDN'T have had a relationship with Mindy McCready. Keep in mind that she's also trying to resurrect her music career so she might be looking for whatever publicity she can get....cause up until this story came out....I hadn't heard of her music comeback....last I heard she was in the middle of her legal/domestic trouble.

Now why she would want to attach herself to the trainwreck  that is the Clemen's saga is beyond me.....

dude, seriously, i couldn't agree with you more.  the ONLY thing that pisses me off is how he's handled it... if he would just own up to it, say he's sorry, and that he made a mistake, i honestly believe that 90% of the clemens haters would pretty much immediately consider it a non-issue.  the longer he denies all of this, and the more information and evidence that comes out which shows he's lying, the more people are going to hate him.


I think his only concern right now is getting elected into the HOF and he probably feels that if he admits to it, he won't get in. Of course, with his present course of action, he's going to sit out like McGwire is.....

I personally don't care either way....just kinda tired of hearing about it already.

I own 3 baseball jerseys.....Clemens ( Astros ) Bonds ( Giants ) and Will Clark ( Giants )....so I obviously like the "alleged" cheaters lol


I think his only concern right now is getting elected into the HOF and he probably feels that if he admits to it, he won't get in. Of course, with his present course of action, he's going to sit out like McGwire is.....

I personally don't care either way....just kinda tired of hearing about it already.

I own 3 baseball jerseys.....Clemens ( Astros ) Bonds ( Giants ) and Will Clark ( Giants )....so I obviously like the "alleged" cheaters lol

you need a rafael palmero jersey


LOL...probably a Sosa and McGwire one too

Clark is the only one not linked to something. He was a player....I loved watching him play. The Giants used to come to town every year right aaround my birthday so I would always get tickets to the game. I was never a Giants fan, just a Clark fan.

I haven't liked Palmeiro since he blasted Clark for signing with the Orioles and took his job away from him....

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